The atmosphere around him was a little frozen, as if even the surrounding air had dropped several degrees.

half an hour.

Vodka said: "Brother, do you want to eat a bowl of ramen here? You see, the business here is very good, and there are many beauties. I think eating here must have a good appetite."


Qin Jiu was suddenly brought back to his senses by his younger brother's words, and gave him a cold look, but subconsciously glanced at the ramen shop next to him.

Looking at it, he did see several beauties.

It's a pity that Qin Jiu is not that kind of lustful person, the beautiful woman is like a dead person in his eyes, and he didn't make any waves, but the man in the middle of the beautiful woman made him take a little extra look.

After all, among so many beauties, a man appeared a little bit eye-catching.

But that's it.

He retracted his gaze and said without emotion:

"Vodka, don't say such nonsense next time."

"I see." Vodka nodded hurriedly, touched his somewhat deflated stomach, and showed a trace of grievance on his fierce face.



at the same time.

Inside the ramen shop.

The only man among the beauties narrowed his eyes when he saw the two of them.

"Gin... tsk tsk, this is the first time I've seen him in a long time." The man muttered to himself, with a funny smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

"Bai Ze, what are you laughing at?"

"No." Hanyu Baisawa came back to his senses, and said to Fei Yingri next to him, "I just saw an interesting person and couldn't help laughing."

"Interesting people?"

Fei Yingli looked up at the glass door of the ramen shop, only seeing vehicles coming and going, and pedestrians passing by from time to time.

It's a pity that the gin and vodka have already left, otherwise she would still be able to see these two fierce guys.

"Don't look at it." Hanyu Baisawa said with a smile: "I told you that you don't know him, so let's eat quickly, so we can leave after eating."

Fei Yingli said unhappily: "Although it's good to eat ramen for breakfast, it's better to eat it at home. You should feel at ease when you make it yourself."

"Ha ha……"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled awkwardly, looked at Yukiko who was opposite, and gave her his eyes.

For the rest of his life, he will never forget what happened last time, it was the food that Fei Yingli made, and when she ate it by herself, there was nothing wrong with it.

But as soon as he ate it, he almost flew up in place, and his memory was still fresh.

Yukiko looked at Hanyu Shirasawa's eyes, and said with a smile, "Eri, I think you can make some lunches if you have time. You don't need to prepare ones for us, just make Shirasawa's by yourself."

"Hey, it seems possible." Fei Yingli thought this proposal was very good.


Hanyu Shirasawa's entire face had already turned dark, he never expected that a woman like Yukiko would be so tricky, she would use such a trick.

After thinking about it, he hurriedly said:

"Eri, no need, you work hard enough, there is no need to prepare a bento for me. If you want to prepare a bento, I will prepare it for you."

As soon as these words came out, Ruoyouruowu's eyes came from all directions, and he was shocked in his heart, and continued to say:

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

"Of course, everyone prepares together."


The sight in all directions disappeared, and then returned to the previous appearance.

Hanyu Baisawa breathed a sigh of relief, he just felt that having too many women is not good, and if he accidentally said a wrong sentence, it might cause public outrage.

for the rest of the time.

Nothing happened.


Breakfast is over.

Fei Yingli left. After all, she has her own law firm, so it is impossible to play every day.

Chiba Jinghua also left, recently bought a house in Mihua Town, and is still decorating the house, Chikage and Yukiko followed to help.

As for Xiaolan, because of Sonoko's presence, Hanyu Baisawa couldn't get along with Xiaolan alone, and could only watch them leave.

...... 0

that's it.

Obviously there was a large group of people just now.

As a result, as soon as the breakfast was finished, Hanyu Shirasawa was left alone standing in front of the ramen shop, looking lonely.


Hanyu Shirasawa sighed softly, walked aimlessly on the street, and muttered:

"Where should I go now?"

Many things appeared in his mind one by one, but they were all eliminated by him in the end.

In the end, he thought of Belmode. The other women didn't have time, but the other woman must have time.

Just as he was about to go to the "Fallen Angel Bar", his cell phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone, and when he saw the phone number, he raised his eyebrows and said, "It's interesting, you even took the initiative to call me."

After thinking about it, Hanyu Shirasawa connected the phone.

"Mr. Hanyu, good morning."

"Well, you are the same. Why, are you going to spend it with me?"


"Well, I have something to do, so hang up first."

After Hanyu Baisawa finished speaking, he was about to hang up the phone, but the person on the other side quickly said:

"Mr. Hanyu, don't worry. This time we are going to send money, 500 million."

"Oh?" Hanyu Shirasawa was a little surprised, he didn't expect the other party to be so willing, he gave 500 million last time, and this time he planned to give 500 million again.

For the sake of money, he said lightly: "Tell me, what is it?"

"Mr. Hanyu, it's not convenient to talk on the phone, why don't we find a place to meet."

"Okay, come to the gazebo in Mihua Park."

Chapter 0241: Judy's Seduction

After half an hour.

The gazebo in Mihua Park.

A woman came here, and immediately saw Hanyu Shirasawa playing with his mobile phone in the gazebo.

She stepped forward and apologized:

"Mr. Hanyu, I'm really sorry for the delay on the way."

"I'm not in a hurry."

Hanyu Baisawa put the phone away, looked at the woman, and asked quietly: "Miss Judy, what's the matter now?"

Judy came to the stone chair and sat down, gently pushed the glasses she was wearing, and said:

"Mr. Hanyu, I heard from Conan that you know something about the Black Organization?"


"Then do you know a person whose code name is Brandy?" Judy asked earnestly.

Hanyu Shirasawa narrowed his eyes.

It never occurred to him that this woman came to ask about himself.

And "500" was on the phone before, but he said he was willing to pay [-] million, which means that the matter may not be as simple as just asking, there must be other things.

There was silence for a while.

He said calmly: "I know, a very legendary person. Why, do you want to know information about him?"

Judy nodded: "I want to know some information about him, can Mr. Hanyu tell me?"

"No problem, let's talk about intelligence from 20 years ago. By the way, I remember that a big event happened in New York at that time. During that period of time, many of your FBI agents died. In this way, Miss Judy should know better than me, why did you ask me specifically?"

"not like this."

Judy shook her head lightly: "It was the time when Mr. Hanyu informed us that there was a black organization in the Kushito City Hotel. A person code-named Brandy appeared. Now I want to know if he is 20 years old. The one before? If so, how did he survive the bombing?"

"What happened that time..."

Hanyu Baisawa showed a suddenly realized expression on his face, and lied: "I want to disappoint you. I haven't investigated that incident until now. Whether that brandy is real or not, I can't judge yet."

"I understand."

Although Judy didn't give any hope at first, but when she really heard the result, she was still a little bit disappointed.

After all, although her father's death was not directly related to "Brandy", there were still some indirect reasons.

Hanyu Baisawa said: "Miss Judy, I don't think these questions are worth 500 million, right? Why don't you tell me your real reason for being here, so that I can collect the money conveniently."

Judy was silent, hesitated for a while, and said: "Mr. Hanyu, I wonder if you can contact the people from the Black Organization?"

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