Hanyu Baisawa raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean by that?"

"It's just that I have a piece of news that I want you to convey to the Black Organization."

"If that's the only way, wouldn't Mr. Amuro, who is cooperating with you, be able to pass it on to them directly?"

"No. This news is very important, and a series of things may happen afterwards, so he will be suspected."

"I see."

Hanyu Shirasawa had a serious expression on his face, but he was already happy in his heart.

No matter what the reason is, this matter is very simple for him, and the 500 million is just like giving away for nothing.

"Cough." With a slight cough, he said lightly, "Yes, I promise you about this, let's transfer the money first."

A smile appeared on Judy's face.

He hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called his boss, James Black.

in a short while.

Hanyu Shirasawa received the news of the transfer.

"Okay, Miss Judy, tell me the news you want me to reveal."

"The news is this..."

Judy lowered her voice and gave a brief message, but this simple message was enough to fool the black organization.

After listening.

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded.

But he couldn't help but slander, he never thought that this matter could have something to do with Belmode.

"Mr. Hanyu..." Judy asked, "Is there any detail that I don't understand?"

"No, I've figured it out."

"Then I will trouble you this time."

"It's nothing, after all, you spent money."

"Even if it costs money..." Judy stood up from the stone chair as she said that, just as she took a step forward, her foot wobbled.

The original words were gone, and only had time to utter an "oops", and the whole person had already flung himself into Hanyu Shirasawa's embrace.

Things seem to be a coincidence.

It's not just as simple as falling into the embrace, Judy seems to kiss her accidentally...

For an instant.

The two pairs of eyes stared at each other.

half an hour.

Judy's cheeks were visibly red, and she hurriedly stood back and said shyly, "Mr. Hanyu, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean it."

Hanyu Shirasawa had a strange expression and asked, "Miss Judy, do you have a boyfriend? Or have you ever had one?"


After Judy finished speaking, her face turned even redder, and then she didn't say a word, she nodded in embarrassment, turned around and left.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at his back and muttered:

"The sixth sense tells me that what I said is true. In other words, she really has never had a boyfriend, and it has nothing to do with Akai Shuichi."

"But it's right to think about it. After all, it's different from the original book now, and it's normal for different plots to appear."

"Tsk tsk, it's interesting, you still play this kind of seductive trick, are you planning to get close to me?"

"Forget it, leave her alone, I won't suffer no matter what. I'd better go to Sharon first and talk about what happened this time."



the other side.

Judy came out of Mihua Park.

Get into a car parked on the side of the road.

After the co-pilot sat down, the shy expression on her face disappeared, and she became calm and calm. At the same time, she took out the bugging device on her body.

next to.

Akai Hideichi started the car and left, and said at the same time: "I have listened to your conversation, did you really use the trick you said in the end?"

"Well. 3.1" Judy nodded calmly, took out the small makeup mirror, looked at the fading red on her lips, and reapplied the lipstick.

Akai Shuichi said indifferently: "Although I think it's up to you to use any means, is it really necessary to go to this extent?"

Judy looked out of the window and said in a low voice: "According to our recent investigation, he has many more beauties around him, and they seem to have unusual relationships. Judging from this, he is a lustful person. If sacrificed A look of beauty can achieve the goal, and I don't mind doing it."

"You used this trick often?"

"No, this is the first time. The previous kiss was also my first kiss."

"Then you really paid for it."

"It's hard to catch the murderer who killed my father. I can't give up, even if I give everything I have.".

Chapter 0242: Sharon who cheated her husband

Time flickers.


Fallen Angels Bar.

At this time, in the room on the basement floor, Hanyu Shirasawa was sitting on the sofa with a refreshed face, surfing the Internet with his mobile phone, browsing some news on the Internet.

"Crack" sound.

The bathroom door in the room opened, and Belmode, who had changed his clothes after taking a shower, came out wiping his wet hair with a white towel.

She didn't speak, and walked straight in front of Hanyu Baisawa. Under the latter's different eyes, she stretched out her tender hand, grabbed his cheek, and twisted and pulled it fiercely.


Hanyu Shirasawa gasped in pain, his eyes widened, he didn't know what expression to use to look at this woman, and asked blankly:

"What are you doing here?"


Belmode narrowed his eyes, silently withdrew his hand, and continued to wipe his hair, as if what happened just now had never happened.


Hanyu Shirasawa now only has question marks on his forehead, 29 really doesn't understand why this woman suddenly made a move.

Looking at the expression on her face without the slightest guilt, as if it should have been like this, she finally couldn't help it, and said viciously:

"If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, things can't be counted like this."

Belmode was not intimidated by this threat, but sat next to him naturally, directly stuffed the towel into his hand, and said lightly:

"Wipe my hair."


Hanyu Shirasawa's expression froze, his expression kept changing, he tightly clenched the towel in his hand, and his body trembled slightly in anger.

Belmod's beautiful water-green eyes flicked, and he said quietly: "Why, is this disgusting?"

"Cough." Hanyu Baisawa coughed lightly: "No, right now, what nonsense are you talking about?"


He was still defeated by this woman's lust, so he wiped her hair helplessly.

Besides, it's not something to be ashamed of wiping your wife's hair.

For the next ten minutes.

Hanyu Shirasawa wiped his hair obediently here.

After waiting for the wet long golden hair to become soft again, he put down the towel.


Hanyu Shirasawa slightly reminded himself of his existence, and then asked with a straight face:

"Sharon, continue with what you just did. Let me ask you, why did you suddenly pull my face?"

"It's nothing."

While brushing his hair, Belmode said calmly, "I just suddenly felt that your face was a bit disgusting, so I just wanted to pull it, can't I?"

"to be frank."

"That's the truth."


Hanyu Baisawa said in a bad mood: "Okay, tell me quickly, I will get angry if you don't tell the truth."

Belmode squinted at him with his beautiful eyes, couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and said indifferently:

"It's just that this time your time is relatively long. I suspect that you have taken medicine. Let's see if you are normal."


Hanyu Shirasawa was so choked that he really wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

In the end, he had nothing to say.

The reason for all this is also due to the ability "Iron Kidney". If you want to explain it, it is really difficult to explain it. After all, it is really suspicious to suddenly become stronger.

Belmode continued: "No matter what you ate, it's best not to eat it next time. As long as it's medicine, it will have side effects."

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