"I didn't eat." Hanyu Shirasawa said helplessly.

"Well, you didn't eat." Belmode replied perfunctorily: "Anyway, you just remember what I said."


Hanyu Shirasawa was speechless, and scratched his hair.

It seems that it is not clear for the time being, after all, this woman suspects that he has taken medicine, and if there is no proof, she may not change the target of this suspicion.

Not wanting to talk about it anymore, he changed the subject directly:

"Sharon, do you know why I came to you?"

"Experimental medicinal properties." Belmode replied without looking back, and had already taken out the lipstick and painted it on his lips.

"I said no."

Hanyu Shirasawa was really going crazy, so he didn't want to keep his secrets anymore, and said directly: "Hey, what are you doing, why are you meeting with that FBI Judy all of a sudden?"

Belmode paused his lipstick-painted hands and turned to look at him: "How do you know?"

"Of course she told me."

Hanyu Shirasawa explained what happened in the morning.

That's why Judy came to him.

He even talked about the seduction.

Of course, there is also the matter of notifying the black organization.

After listening.

Belmode smiled:

"Just right, I've already informed Gin and the others, so I don't need to trouble you to say it again."

"Hey, that's not the important thing, okay? The important thing is that so many people gather, aren't you afraid that you'll mess it up?"

"Isn't it because of you?"

Belmode raised his hand, put his arms around Hanyu Baisawa's neck, and said in a provocative tone: "You are going to let me face such a big matter alone?"

"You also know that the matter is serious." Hanyu Baisawa pinched her nose angrily: "Are you going to watch them dog bite dog?"

"Of course, monitoring the identity I pretend to be every day is really annoying."

"You just die."

"Hehe." Belmode smiled: "I'm just putting an end to the grievances 20 years ago. By the way, just now you said that she seduced you, do you want me to help you catch her tonight?"

"Don't don't."

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head 437 times.

He is not a fool, to mention another woman in front of his own woman is really challenging the bottom line of his own woman.

Not to mention that his own woman mentions another woman, this is a trap, he is not so stupid just waiting for himself to be hooked.

Hanyu Shirasawa said lightly:

"I have no feelings for that woman, and now that I have you, I won't take the initiative to provoke you."

"is it?"

"of course."

"Then here comes the problem, this time you didn't take the initiative to provoke, but someone else took the initiative to send it to your door, so what should you do?"

"Just refuse." Hanyu Shirasawa replied decisively.

"Hehe..." Belmode showed a half-smile expression, left his embrace, and left the room.

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged, sat for a while, and also left the room.

Instead of going up, he came to the laboratory.

Looking at the busy Miyano Shiho, he said helplessly, "Xiao Ai, combine work and rest, don't stay here all day long."


Miyano Shiho responded softly and continued with his own business.

Hanyu Baisawa couldn't stand it anymore, stepped forward and hugged her into his arms, turned and walked outside: "Okay, now let's go for a walk."

Miyano Shiho struggled a bit, found that there was nothing he could do, and directly resigned to his fate, but a touch of pink appeared on his cute little face.

Chapter 0243: Meeting Judy and Sharon

Time comes to night.

A pier.

Containers are piled up here and there, and at a glance, you can tell that the usual ships come and go very closely.

But for some reason, there was no one here tonight.

Or it shouldn't be said that there is no one, but that the usual security guards and staff didn't see any of them tonight.


Two lights appeared on the pier, and a small car approached from a distance, and finally stopped here.

A person got out of the car, a doctor from the new hospital, Zhiming Xinde.

He looked at the dark surroundings, a car parked on the edge of the pier, and a woman looking at the sea in front of the car, and asked in confusion:

"Miss Judy, may I ask you to meet me here this morning and late at night, what's the matter?"

Judy, who was standing on the edge of the pier looking at the sea, slowly turned around to look at him after hearing the voice, and said indifferently:

"Don't pretend, I think you should know that the two of us can meet here tonight. You are the murderer of my father, Chris Wynyard, or Sharon Wynyard, or should I Calling you the code name in the black organization - absinthe."

Shinde Tomoaki smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to pull on his face, and pulled off a mask, revealing the face of the superstar Chrissy Wynyard.

Looking at this young and beautiful face, Judy continued:

"The fire you had at the beginning not only burned down the house and my father's body, but also my mother who was sleeping at home because she was not feeling well. The reason I escaped was because I went out to buy juice and was not at home. Later because I The identity of my father, the FBI used the witness system to protect me and concealed my identity, so that I could grow up safely."

Belmode didn't say anything, just pressed it in the collar, and the originally burly man's figure began to shrink slowly like a deflated balloon, and his figure became slender.

She stretched her neck and said lightly: "It's very good, it reminds me of some bad memories..."

Judy laughed mockingly: "Did you think of your man's death? That's right, it's normal for a woman to have a man. Unfortunately, your man's body was left in the explosion 20 years ago, so he must be very painful Bar."

Belmode countered: "Oh, everyone is mutual. After all, you also lost your parents. The feeling of being an orphan is not good."


Judy took a deep breath, clenched her fists uncontrollably, then let them go slowly, staring at Belmode's face, and asked:

"This shouldn't be your real face, right? After all, you are known as a witch with thousands of faces. I don't believe that you will reveal your true face after being exposed."

"You guessed it right."

Belmod pulled the skin on his face, and immediately pulled it long, his fingers loosened and returned to their original shape, sticking tightly to the skin inside:

"My fame is so great, and I am stared at by the forces of various countries. I always need to keep a hand. My real appearance is used to live the life of ordinary people, and I don't want to be discovered by you."

"It's cunning. But, tonight, you won't be able to escape."

"I know that you deliberately disclosed the news to lure us into ambush. I think outside the pier, people from the FBI, police, public security, and you have surrounded the place. Moreover, the number of people should be There are a lot of them, otherwise you wouldn’t dare to deal with our organization.”


Judy's beautiful eyes widened. She really didn't expect that Belmode could know the real plan.

The plan this time is actually very simple, just to make a message.

For example.

Let the number of black organizations be three in the future, and the number of people that may be brought by the ambush of the black organization is five or six. The actual number of them may be fifteen or twenty.

You only need to have more people than the black organization, surround them directly, and slowly arrest or kill them.

Belmode smiled and said: "Don't be shocked. Since I dared to come, it means that I brought people here. It's just that the people brought here this time may be more than you imagined. It depends on whether you can eat or not. "

Just finished speaking.

There was a series of explosions outside the pier.

The sound of "boom boom" seemed to make the whole pier tremble three times.

When the explosion was over, there were fierce gunshots, and after a while, the flames shot up into the sky again. Even though they were so far apart, they could clearly feel the excitement outside.


Judy recovered from the shock, but she had no way to stop the situation outside, she could only care about what was in front of her:

"Since you know this is the case, why do you bring your people here? This is at most a loss for both sides. What good is it for you?"

"Ha ha."

Belmode smiled and didn't say the reason.

In the final analysis, she just wanted to weaken the strength of the organization, so that one day in the future, she would be able to get rid of the control of her "¨‖ grandfather".

Although "Hanyu Shirasawa" and her "grandfather" secretly fear each other, she is very happy to actively weaken the strength of the organization.

Belmode glanced at the surrounding containers, those dark corners, and the vehicle next to her, and said calmly:

"Okay, let the person hiding in the dark come out, since you dare to meet me, you will definitely not be the only one."

Akai Shuichi hiding in secret.

Listening to the words coming from the headset, there was a moment of hesitation in my heart.

He felt that Belmode dared to come alone, there must be something to rely on, but he didn't find anything wrong, which made him dare not act rashly for the time being.

Also at this time.

He suddenly felt something strange on the top of his head, and suddenly looked up at the night sky above.

Faintly, I saw a black shadow falling slowly.

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