"This is……"

(What?) Hideo Akai raised the sniper rifle in his hand, but in the next second he saw a black shadow in the sky throwing a cylindrical object towards him.

Instinctively, he rolled to the side.

"Om" sound.

The object exploded in the air, emitting a blinding light.

"Flash bomb." This was the last thought in Hideichi Akai's mind, he closed his eyes in pain, and tears flowed out unsatisfactorily.

Without any hesitation, relying on the memory in his mind, he jumped off the container and plunged headlong into the sea below.

Just when he just jumped off.

A figure fell to his position from the sky, it was So Hanyu Shirasawa who landed with a hang glider.

"Tsk tsk, quite decisive."

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, turned and looked at the two women below.


This look made him see an interesting scene, and he couldn't help laughing.

Chapter 0244: Chibo Jinghua enters the new home

The reason why Hanyu Shirasawa laughed.

He saw Judy glance in his direction, and then jumped into the sea decisively.

Even in her car, a little ghost popped up and jumped down with him. It was that guy Conan.

The reason for being so decisive.

It's probably because of the flash bomb he just threw.

Such a big movement, the following must have noticed it, and when they saw Chi Jingxiu jumping into the sea, they would definitely jump too.

"Tsk tsk, this is really..."

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't know what to say, originally he was helping, but this time he came and let the matter end, it was really helpless.

"Boom" sound.

Explosions from below.

Meeting Bellmode blew up the car he was driving.

It didn't take a few minutes.

She came to this tall container, looked at the flames outside the pier, and said in a low voice:

"Let's fight, it's best to kill them all."

"Do you want to take a look?" Hanyu Baisawa put his arms around her waist and asked with a smile.

Belmode nodded: "Go and have a look, it shouldn't be difficult for you."


Hanyu Shirasawa picked her up in a princess hug, then jumped down, opened the hang glider, and flew up in the air.

Without any hesitation.

Head straight outside Pier 443, which is ablaze with flames.

Originally, I might not be able to see anything on the container, but now I can see the excitement outside the pier when I look at it in the night sky.

First of all, many cars were blown up, and they were emitting thick black smoke.

Then there are two groups of people shooting at each other.

Even the machine guns came, and from time to time, a rocket bomb was seen flying towards the opposite side, the firepower was quite fierce.

Belmode looked at this scene, the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Tell me, how many people will die tonight?"

"I don't know."

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head: "I think that old guy won't believe you after tonight."

"Hehe." Belmode sneered: "Since what happened to you 20 years ago, I no longer trust him. Now he no longer trusts me, it's completely normal."


Hanyu Shirasawa didn't say anything, he hovered over their heads, and finally left under the darkness.

After a quick look at the fight between the two sides, there was nothing to see, and some bullets even flew overhead, although they were far away from them.

The night wind blows.

Hanyu Shirasawa said softly:

"At first, I thought you wouldn't let (cjdb) her go, but I didn't expect you to let her jump into the sea, and even blow up the car."

"The car bomber just didn't want to leave any other clues. As for Judy... To be honest, it wasn't that I didn't want to keep her, but she was guarding against me, and I didn't have a chance to make a move."

"Is it……"

Hanyu Shirasawa recalled the plot of the original work.

This memory brings up a picture.

In that scene, Judy and Belmode drew their pistols face to face at the same time, but in the end the gun in Belmode's hand was shot down by the opponent.

From that picture, it can be seen that Judy's marksmanship is still very good, regardless of her fighting ability, otherwise she would not have injured Belmode, but just knocked out her pistol.

So, Belmode really didn't lie, maybe he really didn't have a chance before.

"Okay, let's not talk about that."

Hanyu Baisawa stopped talking about this matter, and said with a smile: "Jinghua moved to a new house tonight, do you want to go and see it together?"

Belmode raised his eyebrows: "If that's the case, let's go and have a look."

"Hehe, they're here too, it's very lively tonight."

"That's just for you."

"it's the same."

Talk and laugh.

time flies.

Twenty minutes later.

Rice Flower Town, [-]-chome.

Hanyu Shirasawa took Belmode and landed in the garden of a small villa.

Here, the house that Chibo Jinghua bought.

"Crash" sounded.

The floor-to-ceiling windows of the small villa's living room opened, and Yukiko appeared there, curiously saying:

"Why did you fall from the sky at night? What did you do? By the way, remember to go to the gate and change your shoes there."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Hanyu Shirasawa agreed with a smile, and Belmode walked around to the gate again.

Change your shoes at the entrance.

They both walked into the living room.

Once you come in.

It's really lively.

Eri, Yukiko, Shizuka Ikeha, Chikage, Akemi Miyano, Shiho Miyano, Ran, Sonoko, Yumi Miyamoto, Sumiko Kobayashi, and the last one... Miwako Sato.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at Miwako Sato, and said strangely: "Miwako, why are you here? Don't you have any missions tonight?"


Miwako Sato replied in an even more strange tone: "Bai Ze, what do you mean, shouldn't I come here?"


Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head with a smile on his face.

In fact, after thinking about it for a while, he understood that it was probably because of Masayoshi Sato that he didn't let his daughter go to the pier.

But it's normal to think about it. Masayoshi Sato certainly couldn't let his daughter take risks in the crossfire organization in black, so she didn't inform her about what happened tonight.



the other side.

Under the night.

On the pier, three wet figures climbed up from the sea, looking a little embarrassed.

Akai Shuichi looked at the car that was blown up by Belmode, and said in a low voice: "What a cunning opponent, I didn't expect that Thousand Transformation Witch to have already discovered that we were watching him."

While wringing the water from his clothes, Conan said, "I don't think it should be. We haven't been exposed from the beginning to the end. How did she know that we were spying on her?"

Judy said quietly: "It must be the man who came out last. Xiuyi, I was too far away at that time, so I couldn't see clearly. Have you seen what he looks like?"

"No." Akai Shuichi shook his head: "I didn't expect that someone would come down from the sky and throw a flash bomb. I was flashed at the first time, and I jumped into the sea knowing that something was wrong."

"Who do you think he could be?"

Judy asked this question, her eyes flickered, and it was obvious that she had the answer.

Akai Shuichi was silent, rubbed his still dry eyes, looked up at the night sky, and said calmly: "If nothing else happens, it will be the brandy who reappeared before."

"Brandy..." Judy murmured, thinking of what happened 20 years ago.

She felt that the reason why her father was killed was because she said her name too carelessly when the building was bombed, and it was broadcast live on TV, otherwise Belmode would not have come to her.

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