Conan didn't interrupt at this moment, but just silently listened to the conversation between the two, remembering the code name "Brandy".

Chapter 0245: The left Bai Ze

two hours later.

The fight outside the pier is over.

Inside a bar.

With a cold face, Gin silently looked at these people in front of him.

"Brother, I can't get through the phone." Vodka put down the phone and spoke cautiously.

"Gin, you have to give an explanation!" Chianti said dissatisfied: "All the peripheral members I brought over died there. What happened tonight?"

It's not just her dissatisfaction.

The six code-named members of the organization who came here tonight all had the same expression on their faces.


Gin exhaled lightly, took out his mobile phone, and directly dialed Rum~.

Before he could ask, Rum's signature electronically synthesized voice came out:

"I already know things."

"Then how to solve it?" Qin Jiu- asked.

"That's it, the adult said, and I will compensate you in the future."

After Rum finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Qin Jiu looked at the phone and fell into silence, his cold eyes became even colder.

this moment.

Here fell into silence.

Because of the phone call just now, everyone present heard it.

"Ha!" Chianti laughed angrily: "This time, such a big thing is over like this? Sure enough, I have never liked that woman. She must have had an affair with that adult. Hehe...hehehe..."

Amid a burst of crazy laughter, she left here directly.

Cohen, her partner, just paused for a moment and followed silently.

The others were not as open-mouthed as Chianti, but all of them had strange lights in their eyes, glanced at the gin in front of them, and left the stronghold together.

Among the crowd.

Toru Amuro had the most thoughts in his mind at this moment.

He felt that Belmode was very unusual, and he was able to make the legendary boss of the organization show mercy, which was not something ordinary members could do.

Thinking of this, he even paid more attention to that woman than to gin, and decided that he must investigate carefully in the future to find out what secrets are hidden in it.


As people leave.

Only gin and vodka are left here.

half an hour.

Vodka said cautiously: "Brother, are you okay?"

Gin Jiu glanced at his little brother, didn't say anything, but dialed Rum again.

"Gin, is there anything else?"

"I need someone with great skills to help me."

"Well, let me think about it... Forget it, you should say it yourself, who do you want to help."

Hear this.

The code names of many people flashed through Qin Jiu's mind, and finally settled on one person, and said calmly: "Curaçao, she seems to have a good reputation in the organization recently."

"Okay, I will let her come to you as soon as possible." After Rum finished speaking, he paused and continued: "Gin, I have always been very optimistic about you in the past, and you have not let me down these years. Remember, no matter The killing intent in your heart is so strong, don't do anything to the absinthe, or I will definitely not be able to save you. I hope you will take care of yourself."

The words fall.

The phone was hung up.

Gin narrowed his eyes, and there was a flash of surprise in his eyes. He really didn't expect that Rum would warn himself in the end.

This involuntarily made him suppress the killing intent in his heart, it didn't disappear, but it was pressed deep in his heart, ready to erupt at any time.

It is impossible for him to just forget the shame Belmode gave him this time.

But he is not a fool. He knows what kind of person Rum is. The other party has warned him that he will not do impulsive things, but he will not just give up. He will only wait for the best fit in the future. Chances are reported in disgrace this evening.



the other side.

Chibo Jinghua's new home.

in the garden.

Hanyu Shirasawa watched Belmode turn off his mobile phone directly, and said amusedly:

"I told you not to die. Now I know it's turned off. Now I'm wondering if Gin and the others will arrest you as a traitor."

"It depends on their abilities."

Belmode didn't care about his situation at all, and continued:

"The FBI's side is really trash. The people of the three parties joined forces, and they only killed less than 100 people, and they were all peripheral members. And none of the core members of the organization had trouble. No wonder the organization has been so unscrupulous for so many years. Acting in various countries, it's just that they are so useless."

"Hey, this is not a battlefield. In fact, so many people died is already exaggerated. By the way, how many people died on their side?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

"FBI, police, public security, they killed more than 50 people in total. The main reason is that their equipment is too good, and they all wear body armor. I heard that the most dead are killed by grenades or bombs."


Hanyu Shirasawa thought about the incident in the building in New York. If there were no infinite high-explosive grenades at that time, he really had nothing to do with so many people.

"Okay, I'm leaving, you tell them."

"Let's go now?"

"Well, take care of something."

Belmode didn't have any nostalgia, and left as soon as he said he would leave.

Hanyu Shirasawa watched her disappear at the gate, shook his head helplessly, and returned to the room.

This small villa has two floors.

Anyway, it is much wider than Hanyu Shirasawa's house, a group of women can play here, it is not as crowded as last time in his house.

He comes in.

Just talked about Belmode's departure.

It's just that, as if some kind of switch was touched, they all left one by one.

First of all, the three of them, Miwako Sato, Yumi Miyamoto, and Sumiko Kobayashi, went back together.

Then there are Xiaolan and Yuanzi, who will be picked up by Yuanzi's driver.

Finally, there are five of them, Hieiri, Yukiko, Chikage, Miyano Shiho, and Miyano Akemi.

In just a few minutes, the walk was basically over, leaving only the owner of the small villa—Chibo Jinghua.

Of course, Hanyu Shirasawa is still there.

"What's all this..." Hanyu Baisawa felt a little helpless, he lay down on the sofa and stretched his waist.

While tidying up the house, Chi Bo Jinghua replied lightly: "You really don't know what's going on?"


Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, and quickly sat down on the sofa:

"Actually, I'm just a little surprised. Xiaolan and the others may really want to leave, but Yingli and the others make me feel abnormal. Is this what you discussed?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid." Chi Bo Jinghua turned around and glared at him with her beautiful eyes.

"Let me reason. It must be you who entered the new house. They didn't know what to give, so they pushed me out?"

"Do you want to sleep on the sofa tonight?"

"Cough, I'll clean it up for you." Hanyu Shirasawa got up and stopped teasing her

Chapter 0246: Mary: Do you know Qianying?

The next day.


In the small villa, Hanyu Shirasawa, who was in a daze, felt someone shaking his shoulders, and at the same time, a gentle voice sounded in his ears:

"Bai Ze, wake up, there's a call. Hurry up, wake up, your call is coming."


Hanyu Shirasawa muttered, slowly opened his eyes, and saw Shizuka Ikenami who was smiling at him with his hair coiled beside the bed.

"Good morning, Jinghua. Come and give me a hug..." After saying hello, he stretched out his arms and hugged the woman with a smile on his face.

"Get up, I have your call." Chi Bo Jinghua patted the man's head with a smile, and handed the mobile phone in the other hand to him.

"Leave it alone..."

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