Hanyu Baisawa returned the mobile phone in front of him, and asked, "You woke up so early, don't you want to sleep a little longer?"

"Four four three" Chi Bo Jinghua said in a bad mood, "I'm not like you, I just like to sleep late."

"Hehe, I need to rest more."

"what do you mean?"

"What do you think?" Hanyu Shirasawa shook his eyebrows, his face full of complacency.


Chi Bo Jinghua broke away from his embrace, stared straight into his eyes, and said seriously:

"I think you were fine before. Although I don't know what you did, I think your body is the most important thing. And..."

At this point, a blush flashed across her face, she twitched a little, and continued: "Actually, we have not disliked you, and you are normal and have no problems. So, some other methods should not be used. You have to be your true self.”


Hanyu Shirasawa was dumbfounded.

But when you think about it, these women are very clear about what he was like before, but now he is suddenly different, and he can obviously feel something is wrong.

It seems that not only Belmode was wrong before, but now even Chi Bo Jinghua is wrong. This is really dumbfounding.

After thinking about it, he decided to reveal some news:

"Jinghua, actually you misunderstood, it's not what you think."

"What's that like?" Chi Bo Jinghua looked at him calmly, waiting for his explanation.

Hanyu Shirasawa sat up and said while arranging his clothes, "As I told you, there will be side effects when I go back to the past. But after I cancel the auxiliary use with you, my body will still get a little strengthening."

Chi Bo Jinghua was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Strengthening... no wonder. No wonder I couldn't beat you in the way of swordsmanship before, and I always felt that your reaction was very wrong. Could it be that you have transformed the reaction force at the beginning?"


Hanyu Baisawa smiled and said: "So, you have been unable to beat me in the back, it's not your fault, it's my fault."

"This is really..."

Chiba Jinghua didn't know what to say, but she didn't care about anything in her heart. After all, only Hanyu Shirasawa became stronger and stronger, so that they could be well protected.

No longer thinking about the past, she thought of what happened just now, and asked:

"So this time, you have been strengthened in that aspect, right?"

"Yes, the kidneys have been strengthened." Hanyu Baisawa put his hands on both sides of his waist, and said proudly: "From now on, you can just wait and enjoy your blessings."

The words fall.

"Clap" sound.

Chi Bo Jinghua slapped him on the forehead, handed over the phone, and said angrily:

"Don't talk about these messes, let's see who called you just now, and the phone is hung up."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, took the phone, glanced at the missed call, found that it was an unfamiliar number, paused for a moment, and dialed back directly.

For a while.

When the phone was connected, he asked:

"Hello, did you call just now?"

"it's me."

The voice that opened was cool, but calm, and it was a woman's voice.

A picture suddenly appeared in Hanyu Shirasawa's mind, he scratched his cheek, and said with a smile:

"It's Mary, what's wrong?"

"It's true, let's come out and meet."

"Okay, address."

"You come."

"Uh..." Hanyu Baisawa was helpless, he didn't know which location was good for a while, and finally he had a flash of inspiration and said:

"My side, 39-chome, [-] Fandi No. [-]... It's a small three-story building, let's meet at the coffee shop on the first floor. I remember the name seems to be—Poirot Coffee Shop."

"Well, I remember." After Sera Marie finished speaking, she hung up the phone directly.

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged and put the phone away.

Chi Bo Jinghua asked: "Is this Mary the one Qianying mentioned yesterday?"

"Yes, do you want to meet?"

"Forget it, this is a matter between the two of you, it's not good for me to go..."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, we will meet often in the future."

"That's for the future." Chi Bo Jinghua firmly disagreed, and finally left the room.

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, and went out to the bathroom to wash up.



Time flickers.

After half an hour.

39-chome, [-] Fandi No. [-].

Hanyu Shirasawa parked the car on the side of the road, got down and walked into the Poirot coffee shop on the first floor.

In fact, upstairs is the Maori Detective Agency, which is the address of Xiaolan's family.

"Hello, welcome." Upon entering, a beautiful waitress in her 20s came up to say hello.

And the waitress is not an unknown person, she is a supporting role that has appeared many times in the original book——槺乡阿?/p>

As for this coffee shop, Toru Amuro will come to work here later.

Donate 魑⑿ΦCollapse and postscript Ren?

"No need, I'm here to find someone." Hanyu Baisawa looked around the store, and saw a short blonde woman with a hat on the glass wall, who was Sera Marie.

"The person I'm looking for is there."

Donate to the pirate ship spring  blows and stirs up the lazy palpitations and slaps the scorpion  mega-urgent cylinder   pokes the phoenix throws the coffin × pardon?/p>

Sera Marie pointed to the front, and said flatly, "Don't sit next to me in 3.1, sit opposite me."


Hanyu Shirasawa curled his lips, he didn't expect this woman to turn her face and deny anyone, she didn't say such heartless words when she was in love before.

However, he is a person who can bend and stretch, so he directly came to sit opposite her and said quietly:

"You think I like to sit next to you? It's the same when I sit here."

Sera Mary ignored him, and looked at the target in the distance. ?/p>



Steaming coffee was served.

Hanyu Baisawa was helpless, picked up the sugar on the table, put some in it, took a sip, and asked, "Is there anything you want to say?"

Sera Mari narrowed her eyes, and said in a low voice, "Do you know Qianying?".

Chapter 0247: Xiaolan's Rescue

"Thousand shadows..."

Hanyu Shirasawa muttered in his heart, basically he knew what was going on, and at the same time he was a little dumbfounded.

Originally, he wanted Qiankage to remind him side by side, but now it seems that Qiankage was exposed directly, otherwise Sera Marie would not have come alone.

"It's hard to answer this question?" Sera Marie's expression was unfriendly, and her beautiful eyes were also narrowed, with a dangerous gleam in her eyes.

"Cough cough..."

Hanyu Shirasawa coughed twice, this situation made him understand that it is best not to admit the matter, otherwise unexpected consequences may occur.

Just when he was about to think of an excuse, the door of the coffee shop opened, and then he donated money. /p>

"Xiaolan, are you here to eat?"

"Yes, Miss Zi."

Xiaolan said something with a smile, and then she saw a familiar figure not far away from the corner of her eyes, she was slightly taken aback for a moment, and then she reacted.

She strode to the table of the 29 back figures, tilted her head to look at the front faces of the back figures, and immediately laughed:

"Brother Bai Ze, why are you here? You didn't even tell me."

"Haha, I met a friend, so I didn't tell you."

Hanyu Baisawa responded with a smile, he was really grateful to Xiaolan for coming in time, otherwise he didn't even have an excuse just now.

"By the way, Xiaolan, let me introduce you. This is Sera Mary, you can call her Aunt Mary."

"Aunt Mary, hello, my name is Mao Lilan." Xiaolan greeted Shiliang Mary obediently.

Shiliang Marie frowned, but looking at Xiaolan's pure eyes, her heart suddenly relaxed, showing a smile: "I and Bai Ze are friends, he called you Xiao, then I will call you Xiaolan too."

"It's okay, everyone calls me that."

for the next few minutes.

Sera Marie and Xiaolan chatted like this, it seemed like they hit each other very well, and they got acquainted after a while.

Hanyu Baisawa watched in amazement, and suddenly found that Xiaolan seemed to be very good, and every woman had a good sense of her.

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