"Why, you want to do it yourself? I can take a picture for you if necessary."

"Forget it, it's just a small role, it doesn't affect us at all." After finishing speaking, Gin Jiu hung up the phone.

"such a pity……"

Amuro looked at his mobile phone and shook his head helplessly.

It can only be said that Hanyu Baisawa's reputation is really dispensable for the black organization.



Hanyu Shirasawa is here.

After Amuro left, he left.

But accidents always come by such a coincidence, another man appeared in front of him, needless to say, he also came to look for him.

Tall figure, stern face, wearing a knitted hat, and long black hair, giving people a very strong aura.

"Mr. Hanyu, hello." Although the man looked like he didn't talk much, he took the initiative to speak.


Hanyu Shirasawa felt that if he hadn't admitted his mistake, the one in front of him should be the one called the Silver Bullet—Shuichi Akai.

He really felt that his luck in the past two days was not very good, maybe it was because of his contact with the heroine.

Yesterday, I first met three guys who didn't know how to live or die, and then I met Belmode.

Today is even more outrageous, the neon police officer Jiang Gu Ling, and the FBI ace Shuichi Akai in front of him.


Letting out a breath, Hanyu Baisawa said flatly: "I won't ask your name. Tell me, what are you looking for me for?"

Akai Hideichi narrowed his eyes, and said slowly: "Mr. Hanyu, I heard that yesterday you discovered the hiding place of the maple leaf gold coins that were robbed more than a year ago, but you arrived a little later than the police."

"If you're here to ask this, I can answer you."

"Do not."

Akai Shuichi shook his head lightly: "I just want to express the great ability of Mr. Hanyu. I came today just to entrust you to find someone for me."

"Who?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked concisely.

Akai Hideichi took out a photo from his pocket and handed it over directly.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at the person in the photo, raised his eyebrows and said, "Kudo Shinichi? Why are you looking for him?"

Akai Shuichi didn't wonder why Hanyu Shirasawa knew Kudo Shinichi. After all, Kudo Shinichi's name has been very popular in this place this year, and it's normal to know each other.

So he just said:

"It's not convenient to say. Mr. Hanyu, I wonder if you will accept this commission?"

"Yes, but the cost may be..."

"This is 50, and my contact information." Akai Shuichi didn't talk nonsense at all, and took out an envelope and a piece of paper.

Hanyu Baisawa took it, and only uttered two words: "Not enough."

"Okay, as long as you can find him, I will pay another 50." After Akai Shuichi finished speaking, he turned around and left. He was so chic, and he was not afraid of him running away with the money.

Hanyu Baisawa touched his chin, watched his back go away, and murmured: "Oops... I don't think I'm going to lose money? You know, this is money for nothing. It's a loss, it's a loss." .”

"Also, why is this guy looking for Shinichi Kudo?"

Thoughts were racing through his mind, but in the end he couldn't figure out why.

Now Kudo Shinichi has become smaller and has become Edogawa Conan. If he tells it, he doesn't know whether the other party believes it or not. After all, he has no substantive evidence.


"It's really interesting, tsk tsk..."


[Today's three chapters, Calvin, let me think about it.It must be delivered at five o'clock tomorrow, or it will be a dog. 】.

Chapter 0027: Two identical women

"Do you want to continue the dungeon tonight?"

"Now that the Black Organization, the Neon Police, and the FBI have all appeared, we must increase our strength."

"If I was right before, the first dungeon of each character is just equipment, and the second dungeon might be abilities."

"It seems that we have to go to the copy of Feiyingli as soon as possible, or the copy of Xizi."

On the way home, Hanyu Baizawa thought about what happened in the past two days, and at the same time thought about the plan to become stronger.

When he returned to the apartment downstairs.

A figure hurriedly ran out of the building, wearing thick clothes, a hat and a mask, somewhat discordant.

His eyes were flustered, and he walked straight towards Hanyu Baisawa, without any intention of avoiding it.

Just when the two were about to collide.

Hanyu Baisawa slightly turned his lower body, put a hand on his shoulder, and said quietly: "Brother, don't you look at the road?"

"I'm sorry..." The man apologized hurriedly, looking like a bully.

"Be careful next time."

Hanyu Shirasawa frowned, but still let him go, not paying attention to such a trivial matter.

The man continued to lower his head and strode forward.

Also at this time.

A woman's voice yelled from above the apartment:

"Mr. Hanyu! Hurry up and catch that guy. He seems to be a thief. He has been wandering around your door for a long time before."


Hanyu Shirasawa raised his head and looked upstairs.

I saw a woman with short hair and glasses standing on the balcony of the house below the one I lived in, looking at him anxiously.

Thinking about what she just said, she couldn't help turning her head to look at the man just now.

The woman's voice was still loud, and the man happened to hear it too, and when he turned around, he met Hanyu Baisawa's eyes.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little frozen.

next second.

The man let go of his feet and ran, his speed was called fast, and his figure was called anxious.


Hanyu Shirasawa laughed, he didn't know what he was laughing at, the way he laughed was incomprehensible, but he still chased after him with big strides.


The woman on the balcony watched the figures of the two of them drift away, and slowly retreated into the house.

As soon as she came in, she closed the curtains and looked at a woman on the sofa whose hands and feet were bound and her mouth was covered, her eyes were terrified.

What is strange is that these two women actually look exactly the same, maybe they are twins, but the scene at the scene is definitely not as simple as twins.

"I'll give you a piece of advice. I'm going to go out for about an hour. Within an hour, I hope you don't move around and make any noise."

"You heard it clearly just now. I use your identity to lure your upstairs neighbor away. There is something important. If you destroy my business within this hour, I will cut it open with a knife. Your meat, and then kill you..."

There was a smile on the woman's face when she spoke, but that smile made people shudder, and those eyes didn't fluctuate from beginning to end.

The bound woman trembled in fear and nodded in fear.

"Remember, don't make trouble."

"Anyway, you haven't seen my face. I won't retaliate against you after I leave."

After finishing speaking, the woman left the house directly.


She came to the door of Hanyu Baizawa's house, put on her gloves, took out a wire and a small rectangular piece of iron, and began to fiddle with the keyhole.

30 seconds later.

A "click" sound.

The door in front of her opened, and she walked in slowly, as if she was very familiar with this place, directly ignoring the drawers in the living room, and headed into the bedroom.

She looked at the tidy bedroom, said nothing, and immediately started to turn around.

She searched the bedside table next to the bed, under the bed, in the quilt, and even the closet, but she didn't seem to find what she was looking for, and her face was very ugly.

"How could there be only clothes?"

"It's not right, normal people certainly wouldn't just put such a little thing."

"Is it in a drawer in the living room? The most dangerous place is the safest place?"

Thinking of this possibility, she went straight out of the bedroom, but stopped here as soon as she came to the living room.

She fixed her eyes on the gate, and said with a gloomy face, "You caught that guy?"

"No, he ran away."

A man's voice sounded from the door.

It was none other than Hanyu Shirasawa.

He held a Beretta M92F pistol in his hand, and the safety was on, so he aimed at this woman, looked at her with a smile and said:

"Or, I didn't intend to chase him at all, I just came back after running a certain distance."

"So, I was exposed from the beginning? How did you find out?"

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