While asking, the woman slowly retreated to the balcony, basically there was no way to retreat.

She is very confident in her disguise, and never believes that anyone will see her flaws at the first sight, which is also what puzzles her.


Hanyu Baisawa thought for a while, and said with some shame: "Actually, I have lived here for so long, and I still don't know anyone, and I haven't even mentioned their names. You say that a person like me, my neighbor downstairs How did you know my name?"

"I see." The woman was stunned, her expression became even uglier, she didn't expect it to be such a low-level mistake.

At the same time, she firmly remembered the lesson this time, and she must not be so careless next time.

Usually, she relied on her ability to be unscrupulous, but today she finally made a mistake. Fortunately, it can be recovered. If she makes a mistake in an important task, it will be troublesome.

"Okay." Hanyu Baisawa took out his phone: "You'd better stand still, or my bullets won't have eyes. Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, and leave everything to the police."

As for who this woman is, he probably already has a candidate in mind.

If nothing else, it must be the one—Bermode.

She didn't know what the other party was looking for in her house, anyway, she just called the police and handed her over to the police, and the rest was none of his business.

"Hehe." Belmode smiled: "Why, do you think you can catch me?"

Hanyu Baisawa raised his eyebrows: "I'm guarding the door now, and the floor I live on is so high, what else can you do? Unless you can fly, the only thing left is to jump off the building."

"Hehe... Congratulations, you guessed right." Belmode gave him a deep look, and then jumped from the balcony without hesitation.

"Damn it!" Hanyu Baisawa swears out of the shock of this scene, he came to the balcony with a few strides, and saw a scene that shocked him but was familiar to him.

Chapter 0028: Belmode Shocked

Hanyu Shirasawa's eyes at this time.

Belmode put one hand on the drainage pipe next to the apartment, and slid down from it like a ski. When he was about to hit the ground, he kicked against the wall and made a rolling motion directly, and then he was so light fell to the ground.

No shit.

Looking at this Mu, he thought of a scene in the Conan movie version he had seen before, that is, the "Curacao" of the black organization was found when he went to the Metropolitan Police Department to steal information, and he went downstairs in the same way of.

Only then did he remember.

Belmode is not weak, conservative is also a master of "pistol realm".

You must know that in the original book, this woman was surrounded by Shuichi Akai of the FBI and a bunch of people.

Want to know who Akai Shuichi is?

That's the guy called the Silver Bullet by the Black Organization, the organization's number one assassination target, and even Gin finds this kind of person tricky.

But in such a situation, with a group of people besieging him, Belmode escaped with only a little injury.

Thinking about it now, this woman is still very fierce.

As for the later stage, it may be that the work is not done at all, and there is nothing to do, so it gives people a feeling of not being very strong.

But fortunately, Belmode may have been too confident in his ability, so he didn't prepare escape tools downstairs, and could only escape with his own legs.


Hanyu Shirasawa turned his head and rushed out of the house.

Today he must teach this woman a lesson, so that she will not be too unscrupulous, otherwise he will be stared at by this kind of woman all day long, and he is afraid that he will not be able to sleep well.

Come downstairs.

Seeing Belmode's back that was about to disappear, he desperately chased after him.

This pursuit is still effective. Although it is impossible to catch up quickly, it still hangs the opponent from a distance, and the distance is getting closer.

However, because there were people on the road, he did not choose to use a pistol.

The two ran away.

Just ran for 10 minutes.

The results were good, the distance between the two was successfully pulled to less than ten meters.

But well...

Both of them were almost tired like dogs.

Hanyu Shirasawa panted heavily, feeling a burning pain in his lungs.

And Belmode is not much better, gasping for breath, and at the same time feeling very regretful.

Regret why you didn't bring a weapon?

Regret why you didn't prepare a tool to escape?

It was because of my own carelessness that finally led to the current result.

When the two of them ran across a street, the "childish" voice of reading came from their ears.

It was only then that Hanyu Baisawa realized that he had unknowingly chased him to Didan Elementary School.

Also at this time.

He saw two familiar figures appearing in front of him again.

It was Xiaolan and Yuanzi.

As for the two of them, they also saw Hanyu Shirasawa.

Before she could be surprised why the other party was here, Yuanzi was pushed away by Belmode who ran in front, and Xiaolan was grabbed by her, and at the same time took out a knife and pressed it to her neck.

Panting heavily, she said viciously to Hanyu Shirasawa:

"Stand still for me, or I'll kill her with a knife."


Hanyu Shirasawa really stood still, propped his hands on his knees, and breathed quickly.

The scene became a little quieter.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi were at a loss.

Especially Yuanzi, seeing Xiaolan being held hostage with a knife, was so nervous that he almost cried out.

"Um... this sister, if you have something to say, can you put down the knife first?" Yuanzi tried to persuade the other party.

But it was ignored directly.

Belmode said coldly: "Hanyu Shirasawa, you step back a hundred meters away, and I will let this girl go, otherwise she will definitely die because of you today."

The current plot is different from the original one. Xiaolan has never been to New York, and has never had an intersection with Belmode, so it is really possible for her to do it.

At this moment, Xiaolan finally recovered from her confusion, looked at Hanyu Shirasawa who was sweating profusely, and then looked at the knife resting on her neck, hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth, and suppressed the fear in her heart.


She grabbed the hand of Belmod holding the knife, twisted it hard, and the knife flew out, and at the same time turned around and kicked fiercely.


Belmode blocked the kick with his arm. Although he was a little surprised, he still wanted to hold Xiaolan hostage.

But as soon as he grabbed the shoulder, he kicked with two legs again.

In an instant, the two of them went through a few tricks, and finally Belmode was forced to leave, and he couldn't help but stare wide.

No matter what, she never expected that what she thought was a docile little sheep would turn into a fierce beast in the blink of an eye.

"Xiaolan!" Yuanzi yelled happily, seeing Belmode's staring eyes, and said triumphantly: "Our Xiaolan is the champion of the National High School Karate Kanto Competition, now you know how good it is. "

"So, you took our Xiaolan hostage, but you found the wrong person."

As she spoke, she wrinkled her nose and waved her small fist.

"High school student...champion?"

Belmode was shocked, and he was indeed shocked at this moment.

She began to doubt her life a little bit. Has the current high school student level reached this point?

It is no exaggeration to say that this fighting ability is already comparable to many cadres in the organization. Although it is not much better, this is just a high school student, and she is still a female high school student.


Xiaolan exhaled lightly, clenched her hands into fists, and took a horse step, with an unusually serious expression.

Belmode looked at the girl in front of him, then at Hanyu Shirasawa who was staring at him beside him, and because he had no weapon on him, he turned around and ran away without thinking.

Xiaolan was taken aback, and was about to catch up when she was stopped:

"Xiaolan, forget it, just run away."

Hanyu Baisawa stopped this girl. This girl is very kind-hearted. To deal with such a ruthless woman, I dare not say too much, and I will definitely capsize in the gutter.

Besides, he felt that the lesson was almost over. Although he just ran after this woman for more than 20 minutes, it is estimated that this woman would never want to experience the feeling of being unable to stop running with all her strength again in her life.

And the most important point is that he can't run anymore, it's really tiring.

"Mr. Hanyu, what's going on?" Sonoko approached curiously, "Is that woman a criminal? And she even used a knife."

Thinking of the scene just now, she still has lingering fears. Fortunately, her best friend is very powerful, otherwise today would be troublesome.

"It's like this..."

Hanyu Shirasawa thought about what had happened for a while, felt that there was nothing to hide, and added the two of them were involved again, so he was ready to tell them.

Chapter 0029: Two Sato Police Officers

"I see."

After listening to Hanyu Shirasawa's narration, Sonoko nodded suddenly:

"I didn't expect that woman just now turned out to be a thief. This is really beyond people's expectations. And it's too rampant. It's too much to dare to take hostages on the side of the road. This kind of person should be arrested , Sentence her severely."

"It's probably because I chased him too fast, that's why I made such a move."

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