"Yuan Shan and Ye! You are really going to make me angry!"

"Huh?" Hearing this familiar voice, Xiao Heye immediately opened his eyes, and saw a man walking up the path angrily.

Seeing this man, she wasn't afraid at all, instead she shouted happily: "Father."

"Heba!" Toyama Ginshiro came to his daughter and looked down at her: "I don't do my homework, and I don't eat breakfast. What are you doing here so early?"

"I..." Xiao Heye said as he looked back, but only after he looked did he realize that Hanyu Shirasawa had disappeared.

"Hmph, let's go home with me." Toyama Ginshiro took his daughter's hand and strode down, saying as he walked:

"You go back and be careful, and be careful that your mother beats you. Also, there will be a summer festival here in a few days, and then come and have fun."

"Dad, I..."

"Don't bargain for me. If you want to come out to play, give me your homework first, or stay at home obediently."

"Hmph!" Xiao Heye snorted unhappily, and turned to look at Sando behind him again, but there was still no sign of Hanyu Shirasawa.

Immediately, she made up her mind in her heart that she must finish her homework quickly tomorrow, and come to play with Hanyu Shirasawa early.

Chapter 0253: Copy of Yuanshan and Ye: 1/3

Day three.

Today's Xiaoheye has learned the lesson of yesterday.

She finished everything at home, and after she couldn't find a reason to target her from her mother, she happily left home and went to Shutian Shrine.

Still the same as yesterday, she first came to the park opposite the road below the shrine, and after confirming that there was no Hanyu Shirasawa here, she decisively ran into the shrine.

Xiao Heye has been playing here for half a year, not to mention that he is familiar with every flower, plant and tree here, but basically he has a clear understanding.

She first searched around in a crowded place, but after not finding Hanyu Baisawa, she went directly to the room where she was staying.

at last.

With persistent efforts.

She saw Hanyu Shirasawa lying on the bed in a room.

"Brother Bai Ze, are you sleeping?"

Xiao Heye looked at Hanyu Shirasawa's eyes closed and breathing evenly. Although she was young and inexperienced, she was already sure that the person in front of her should be asleep.

She tiptoed to the bed, stretched out her finger and poked the cheek of the person lying on the bed, waited for a long while without any movement, just observed curiously.


"Brother Bai Ze sleeps in again, will he not know me like yesterday?"

"I definitely don't know each other anymore. When I met him on the first day, I said that my memory will disappear every day, so I have to kiss him."

Xiao Heye thought of what happened yesterday on the road, lowered his head decisively, and kissed Hanyu Shirasawa on the cheek.

Just finished a "baji" sip.

next second.

Hanyu Shirasawa opened his eyes, and met Kazuha who was staring wide-eyed.

"Oh!" Xiao Heye was startled, stretched out his hand in a hurry, slapped him on the face, and walked away from the bed screaming.


Hanyu Shirasawa twitched his face, stretched out his hand to rub it, and said quietly: "Kazuha, it's very impolite to break into other people's room without saying hello. Even hitting the master's house after he woke up A slap, this behavior is very dangerous々..."

"Brother Bai Ze, I didn't do it on purpose." Xiaohe Ye mixed his hands together uneasy, and asked with some doubts: "Brother Bai Ze, are you pretending to be asleep?"

"No, I'm just sleeping."

"But why didn't you wake up when I called you?"

"I slept more soundly then."

"Then why did I wake up after I kissed you?"


Hanyu Shirasawa was almost speechless when asked, this little girl really brought "one hundred thousand whys" to the extreme, if she kept asking, she might be able to ask until it was dark.

He shook his head and said helplessly:

"Okay, okay, I don't blame you, and don't ask why."

"Why is that?" Xiao Heye obviously didn't understand the meaning of the words, probably because he didn't think so much, so a ignorant expression appeared on his face.

"Really, don't you want to be so cute." Hanyu Baisawa stretched out his hand, gently pinched her cheek, pulled it to the left and right, and lifted it up, it turned into a funny smiling face.

"Woooo..." Xiao Heye opened his mouth with difficulty, and said something he didn't understand.

"Okay, let's go out."

Hanyu Shirasawa let go of her, took her out of the room, and wandered around the shrine.

Two figures, one big and one small, strolled on the stone steps, and after a while they came to a big tree, and sat down cross-legged in a tacit understanding.

In the distance, there was an old man who was sweeping the courtyard with a broom. After seeing them, he hurriedly lowered his head and left in despair.

Xiao Heye happened to see this scene and asked, "Brother Bai Ze, why did the host grandpa run away when he saw us?"

"He..." Hanyu Baisawa looked at the back of the old man, thought of the scene of discussing accommodation with the other party the night before, and smiled slightly: "It's nothing, maybe there is something to be busy."

Fortunately, the other party was very sensible at the time, otherwise the guy sweeping the floor would probably have to be replaced by someone else.

"Oh." Xiao Heye nodded, and asked again: "Brother Bai Ze, do you remember me now because of my contribution just now?"

"Yeah." Hanyu Shirasawa stroked her little head, "If it weren't for Kazuha, I still can't remember the past."

"That's it..." Xiao Heye just said softly, and then lowered his head.

Hanyu Baisawa asked curiously: "What's the matter, why did you suddenly become listless?"

"Because I think Brother Bai Ze is so pitiful."

"Really? But I saw that you smiled very happily yesterday."

"Oh..." Xiaohe Ye blushed with embarrassment at what was said, and hurriedly raised his head to argue: "Brother Bai Ze, I don't know, otherwise it would definitely not be like this."

"Yes, yes, we and Ye don't know." Hanyu Baisawa comforted with a smile, if he makes the little girl cry later, I don't know how long it will take.

"¨‖That's what it was." Xiao Heye arched his little Qiong's nose, and soon became depressed again: "Brother Bai Ze, how did you live in the past?"

"It's just a normal life."

"What if you can't remember?"

"Then you can't remember it all the time, it doesn't matter."

"But... But if this is the case, many people will be forgotten."

"Hehe." Hanyu Baisawa smiled, teasingly said: "You are still young, maybe you don't understand it very well, after a few years you will understand what is going on."

He thought of He Ye ten years later.

That girl probably wanted to kiss him when they first met, but she held back in the end.

Maybe that girl thought that what happened in the past was a lie, but seeing that he really didn't know her at that time, she became a little suspicious again.

But it was okay in the end, I still held back, showing that He Ye (Hao Zhao) ten years later is not too stupid.

"In a few years..."

Xiao Heye muttered for a while, clenched his fists and waved his arms, and said in a high-spirited manner: "Don't worry, Brother Bai Ze, a few years will pass quickly, and I will definitely understand when the time comes. In the future, let Let me help you restore your memory."

"Pass off."

Hanyu Baisawa did not reject the little girl's kindness, and felt that the task this time should not be completed in a long time.

When this little girl understands what happened during this period of time, she will probably scold herself in her heart for being stupid, for being fooled by a bad brother.

"He Ye, let's go, I invite you to eat something good."

"Can I eat ice cream?" Xiaohe Ye Meng jumped up: "I can't even eat ice cream at home, I really want to taste ice cream, I have never eaten it in my life."

"Hehe, how old are you? Where did you come from in this life?".

Chapter 0254: Copy of Yuanshan and Ye: 1/3

Fourth day.

The weather is nice, hot and warm.

"He Ye, where did you go? He Ye, I give up and I can't find you."

In the Shutian Shrine, Hanyu Baisawa shouted loudly in the courtyard.

And on a big tree next to him, Xiaohe Ye was riding on a branch, looking down at Hanyu Shirasawa who couldn't find himself in a hurry, he was so happy in his heart, he tightly covered his mouth, not letting himself Laugh out.

"He Ye, it's really time to lose, come out quickly."

Hanyu Baisawa continued to shout, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he came under the big tree, and slightly bent his waist.

on the tree.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Heye's big water green eyes immediately lit up, flickering.

She adjusted the angle, let out a loud "ah", jumped down from the tree playfully, landed on Hanyu Shirasawa's back, and hugged his neck tightly.

"Heye?!" Hanyu Shirasawa seemed to be taken aback, turned his head to look at the smiling face lying on his shoulder, and gently taught: "What are you doing? How can such a dangerous thing be done from a tree?" What about falling?"

"Ahaha..." Xiaoheye was not at all afraid of this kind of reprimand, but said triumphantly: "Brother Bai Ze, I am very good. I jumped off after aiming at it."

"Okay, get off my back quickly."

"No, you're carrying me behind your back."

"In this weather, don't you feel hot if they stick together?" Hanyu Shirasawa patted her little head angrily.

"Hmm..." Xiao Heye felt the temperature around him and nodded, "It seems to be really hot, so I'd better come down."

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