After finishing speaking, he let go of the arms around Hanyu Shirasawa's neck, jumped down all of a sudden, and made a cute sound of "hey".

But then, the little girl fell silent, and sat down on the grass under the big tree with a rather disappointed expression on her face.

"What's the matter..." Hanyu Baisawa sat down next to her, and said with a smile, "How can you show the same expression as an adult at such a young age?"

"I just... thought of something sad." Xiao Heye raised his little head, fixed his gaze on Hanyu Shirasawa, and pouted his little mouth, looking pitiful and sad.

"Hey, don't let (cjdb) guess, just say it yourself."

"That's right, I heard from my father that I seem to be going to school soon."

"Isn't that nice?"

"But...but..." When he said this, Xiaohe Ye Dada's eyes turned red, as if he would cry in the next second, and finally said what he was worried about:

"But after I go to school, I don't have time to help Brother Bai Ze recover his memory. You will definitely forget me in the future..."

"Ha ha……"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled slightly, squatted down in front of this little girl, stretched out his hands to pinch her cute face, and just teased her up and down, left and right.

this short time.

Two figures, one big and one small, just looked at each other.

Children's emotions come and go quickly.

Not for a while.

Xiao Heye let out a "woo woo" sound, and pushed away Hanyu Shirasawa's hand that was pinching her own face, and then rubbed his cheeks, and said angrily:

"Brother Bai Ze, you can't bully children like this, you will be hated."

"Is Xiaohe Ye going to hate me? I'm really sad." Hanyu Shirasawa really made a very sad expression.

Just a pity.

Although children are sometimes stupid, they are sometimes quite sensitive.

Xiaohe Ye immediately saw that something was wrong, and shouted loudly:

"Brother Bai Ze, your pretense is too fake, I can tell right away."

"Really?" Hanyu Baisawa rubbed his chin, and said thoughtfully: "It seems that my acting skills are not good enough, I have to practice hard."

"By the way, Brother Bai Ze, do you know what will happen tomorrow?"

"whats the matter?"

"Summer festival, it's summer festival." Xiao Heye waved his small fist excitedly: "Tomorrow the shrine will hold a summer festival, but it's very lively."

"is it?"

Hanyu Baisawa couldn't help but take a look at the main hall of the shrine. He really didn't know, and the old host didn't remind him, but he didn't know if it was on purpose or if he had forgotten him.

In fact, it seems that it is nothing to say, after all, he is not from here, and he will definitely not help or anything, at most watching the fun.

Thinking about it this way, he understood.

"Ha ha……"

Shaking his head with a chuckle, looking at Kowaha with an excited face, Hanyu Shirasawa said softly:

"Since you're looking forward to it so much, then you must have fun tomorrow and don't leave any regrets."

"Of course, I'm going to start school soon, I have to have fun, I'm sure I won't miss that."

The tone of Xiaohe Ye's speech was so bold and imposing, like a little general about to go to war.

It can be seen from this that she is really looking forward to the summer festival in the shrine tomorrow.

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and said, "Okay, Heye, it's almost time today, go home quickly. I remember the last time you came too early and were dragged back by your father."


Xiaohe Ye's cheeks turned red, and he said in disbelief: "Brother Bai Ze, you don't understand anything. It was just that I came too early last time, but it's fine if I go back later."

Even though she said so, she still got up from the grass, quickly patted her pants, and patted off some dust that could be shaken off.

After finishing all this, she waved to Hanyu Bai Ze: "Brother Bai Ze, then I'll go back."

"Well, let's go." Hanyu Shirasawa stretched out his finger and nodded her little head.

"Brother Bai Ze, remember to wear a kimono tomorrow. My mother has prepared a very beautiful kimono for me, and now I can finally wear it."

"Okay, okay, let's go back."

"Then I'm leaving, see you tomorrow."

This time, Xiao Heye really left, without any further chatter, he ran out of the courtyard at a trot, turning his head and waving while running, with a very bright smile on his face.

Hanyu Baisawa looked at her frivolous appearance, still somewhat uneasy, and followed directly behind.

Watching her running out of the courtyard, watching her bouncing down the access road, seeing her safely on the road, and walking slowly along the side of the road, I was relieved.

Hanyu Shirasawa raised his head, looked at the sun that was about to set, and said in a low voice:

"Summer festival, it's almost time to go back, tomorrow will be the last day.".

Chapter 0255: Copy of Yuanshan and Ye: 1/3

Day [-].

Summer Festival.

Unknowingly, the time came to night.

The Shutian Shrine at this time can be said to be very lively, but because the shrine is a bit small, the stalls are placed in the park below and on the side of the road.

"Brother Bai Ze, do you look good?"

Under the street lamp next to Shutian Park, Kowaha, who was wearing a fiery red kimono, raised his two little hands, stepped on the wooden clogs and walked around in place a few times, and then looked at Hanyu Shirasawa expectantly.

"Well, it's pretty good..."

Hanyu Shirasawa touched his cheek, and said quietly: "But Kazuha, you are so young now, why do you start using lipstick?"

Xiao Heye's face was flushed, and he said weakly: "Because I saw my mother using it, so I asked her to apply it for me."

"That's it." Hanyu Baisawa continued to touch his face, and then he took another look at the red on his palm, and then he breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, if others see it, they will probably call the police by now."

"Why did you call the police?" Xiaohe Ye - puzzled.


Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, not going to explain too much to her, after all, this is just a little girl, she doesn't need to know these things.

Anyway, when she grows up, she will gradually know it herself.

"Okay, let's go shopping now." Hanyu Baisawa stretched out his hand and looked at her with a smile.

Xiao Heye stretched out her hand to hold it, but unfortunately because her hand was too small, in the end she just held Hanyu Shirasawa's two fingers.

Two people were walking by the stall, one was wearing a black kimono and the other was wearing a red kimono, they looked like a pair of brother and sister, the elder brother was taking care of the younger sister.

"Wow, there are so many delicious foods." Xiao Heye looked at the stalls on the side of the road, her big eyes shone brightly, and she was a little overwhelmed by looking left and right.

"How about it, do you want to have a taste? Seeing that you are so obedient today, I can treat you."

"I do not want."

"Huh?" Hanyu Baisawa was a little surprised, this little girl actually refused, after all, the day before yesterday, she pestered him to eat ice cream, it was really surprising.

But what Xiao Heye said next made him feel that it was too early for him to be surprised:

"Brother Bai Ze, let's go shopping here first and then buy food slowly. I want to see which ones are more delicious, after all, I have a small stomach."

"You... It seems that I'm thinking too much." Hanyu Baisawa smiled angrily, and rubbed the little girl's head hard.

"Oh, the hairstyle is messed up." Xiao Heye complained dissatisfiedly, and then said stupidly: "Brother Bai Ze, we seem to be on a date now."

"Do you know what a date is?"

"I know!" Xiaohe Ye Li said confidently: "I watched a man and a woman go out to play on TV and they were dating, and we are exactly the same now."

"Little fool." Hanyu Baisawa didn't argue with her, but just led her out of the lively crowd, and sat down on a chair in the park.

Xiao Heye sat next to him.

The two fell silent.

Quietly watching the lively crowd not far away.

half an hour.

Hanyu Baisawa said softly: "Heye, I'm leaving here tomorrow."

"Ah?" Xiao Heye was taken aback, and said anxiously, "Brother Bai Ze, but your illness hasn't recovered yet?"

"It doesn't matter." Hanyu Baisawa shook his head: "We will still meet in the future, and when we meet next time, just wake up my memory again."


"Why, don't you want me to leave?"

"En." Xiao Heye nodded and responded in a low voice.

Hanyu Baisawa smiled and said: "But I don't belong here, I also have my own home, I want to go back too."

Xiaohe Ye was entangled, and it took a while before he spoke again: "Brother Bai Ze, go home, if you don't go home, the people in the family will definitely be worried..."

"Good boy, let's go and take you to play."

for the next few hours.

Hanyu Shirasawa took Kazuha to play with all the things in this small place, and tasted all the snacks at the stalls.

It was not until the end of the summer festival that I bid farewell to the reluctant Xiaoheye.



Time flickers.

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