Chapter 0257: The girls besieged Shiliang Mary

late at night.

two hours later.

In Ekota Town, in the living room of Qianying's villa, the place has been cleaned up at this time, but many women have also come.

You Xizi, Chibo Jinghua, Xiaolan, all three of them came.

Adding Chikage, Sera Marie, and Belmode before, there are seven women in total.

Why seven, because there is another one who has already gone to the upstairs room to check on Hanyu Shirasawa's situation, and it is——Heiri.

"Why hasn't Eri come down yet?" Yukiko sat on the sofa, looking at the stairs from time to time, her eyes were very anxious.

At the same time, from time to time, he would take a look at Sera Marie who was sitting on the sofa on the other side with her arms around her cold face.

"Aunt Youxizi, don't worry, you will be fine." Xiaolan comforted beside her.

The words just fell.

There was a sound from the stairs.

Seeing Fei Yingli come down with her mouth covered, she immediately ran to the bathroom, rinsed her mouth vigorously, and then returned to the sofa and sat down.

Seeing that the Lord has finally arrived, You Xizi hurriedly asked, "Eri, how is the situation?"

"This..." Fei Yingli wiped the corners of her mouth, pushed her glasses, and shook her head lightly.

Watch the action.

The complexions of the women present all changed, each and every one of them became extremely ugly, and even You Xizi showed fear.

"Is it... waste... waste..." Qianying tried hard to finish the sentence, but she couldn't say anything, and even lowered her head at the end of the sentence, clenched her fist tightly.

Although she didn't finish speaking, all the girls understood what she meant.

For an instant.

Many people looked at Sera Marie one after another, and their eyes were full of killing intent.

Sera Marie was also a little panicked at this time: "Impossible... I obviously didn't use much force, how could it be impossible...I...I..."


Even the kindest and understanding Xiaolan couldn't say anything to comfort her, instead her eyes were red and she looked like she was about to cry at any moment.

Chi Bo Jinghua said coldly: "Do you usually have experience? How do you know that your strength is just right? Will it hurt it?"

"I...I..." Sera Marie's face turned pale. It was obvious that she had taken things for granted. She was inexperienced, and relying on her own judgment, she might have caused a catastrophe this time.

"Crack" sound.

Belmode had already pulled out his pistol, pointed it at Sera Marie's head, and said indifferently: "There is nothing to say, just kill her."

"Ah!" This sudden scene startled Feiyingli, Youxizi, Xiaolan and the others.

Chi Bo Jinghua has experienced many things, and she doesn't care about such things in the slightest.

Chikage is different, because Sera Mari is her good friend, even if this kind of thing happens, she still can't bear to kill each other, and immediately stands up to block the gun:

"Sharon, calm down first, let's see if there is any cure."

"Do you believe this?" Belmode didn't have any violent words, but just asked calmly.


Qianying was speechless because she didn't believe what she said.

Just when the atmosphere was tense.

"That..." Fei Yingli said with some embarrassment: "Actually, there is no problem. I mainly wanted to scare this woman. I didn't expect you to react so strongly."


Sera Marie breathed a sigh of relief, feeling half relieved, and leaned back weakly on the sofa, gasping for breath.

As for the others.

They all gave Fei Yingli a vicious look, and Lian Xiaolan showed a bit of resentment and helplessness in her eyes.

The corner of Yukiko's mouth twitched and said, "Eri, can this kind of thing be joked? Also, how are you sure it's okay?"

Fei Yingli blushed, and hesitated to speak, but found that everyone was staring at her, so she endured her death and said:

"Didn't you see the way I just came down?"

"You just...uh..." Yukiko recalled the previous scene while talking, but just thinking about it, she couldn't speak, and looked at Fei Yingli with very surprised eyes.

Not only her, but everyone understood and stared at Fei Yingli, looking at her like looking at a monster.

Fei Yingli was so ashamed that she almost found a crack in the ground to hide, and shouted at the girls, "I'm just checking if there's anything wrong. Isn't my method the best?"

Belmode said quietly: "How does it taste... No, compared with usual, is there any difference?"

"Yes, but a little bit." Fei Yingli didn't know what to say, and said helplessly, "Oh, go up and see for yourself."

All the girls looked at each other, nodded in unison, and then went upstairs together.

They didn't make fun of Fei Yingli, after all, if it wasn't for true love, who would be able to do this with so many people.

If it was them at that time, they would probably have done the same thing as Fei Yingli, after all, this is the most convenient way to see the difference from before.


They went upstairs to the bedroom.

When he opened the door, he saw Hanyu Shirasawa lying on the bed, they subconsciously moved their eyes away, and couldn't help looking at Fei Yingli.

Fei Yingli blushed, and quickly explained: "He said not to move, he said it was very painful, and in the end I had no choice but to put it on."

"You..." Hanyu Baisawa is a little numb now, he didn't expect such a large group of people to come in, but after seeing that it was his own people, he didn't care about anything, closed his eyes decisively, and directly 513 pretended to be dead .

Sera Marie glanced at it twice, and now she breathed a sigh of relief: "I'll just say it's okay, look at it like this, doesn't it look like something's wrong?"

Belmod said coldly: "Do you have a share here?"

"You..." Sera Marie felt aggrieved in her heart, but she didn't know what to say.

Chi Bo Jinghua came to the bed and sat down, patted its head, and said in a low voice: "Be careful in the future, I hope the lesson this time can make you remember it long."

You Xizi came over and wanted to slap it, but in the end she held back and just slapped it lightly: "You deserve it, who made you so bad."

Hanyu Shirasawa's expression changed, and he glared at the woman with bared teeth, but Yukiko glared back directly.

"Hmph, since it's all right, let's talk about what happened this time." Belmode said, looking at Sera Marie: "Do you dare to come out with me?"

"I'm afraid of you?" Sera Marie knew it was her fault, but she refused to admit defeat.

Belmode looked at the others: "Do any of you want to be with me?"

"Me." Chi Bo Jinghua stood up with an indifferent face.

Hanyu Baisawa hurriedly said, "Hey, what do you want to do?"

for his words.

The three women didn't pay attention and walked out of the room.

Chapter 0258: The fight between the three women is over

Following Chibo Jinghua, Belmode, Sera Mary and their three daughters left.

There was silence in the bedroom.

Hanyu Baisawa's expression kept changing, he looked at the remaining women, and asked, "Did they fight?"

You Xizi said angrily, "Isn't it natural? This woman has caused you so much misery and almost ruined our happiness. She really should be taught a lesson."

Fei Yingli nodded accordingly.

Xiaolan and Qianying did not express their opinions.

Xiaolan mainly feels that she is the youngest here and can't control these aunts at all, so she keeps silent.

As for Chikage, she has been helping to persuade the fight from the very beginning, but now they go out to solve it by themselves, and they are more or less unhappy that their good friend hurt Hanyu Shirasawa, so they didn't stand up this time Persuade a fight.

"You guys..." Hanyu Baisawa was speechless, he wanted to bend over, but continued to lie down in pain, there was really no good way.

Fei Yingli came to the bedside and sat down, and said angrily: "You look like this, it's better not to be brave. If I didn't check it myself before, I would have sent you to the hospital."


Xiaolan, Youxizi, Qianying and the other three girls glanced at "it" lying on the bed, averted their eyes with reddish cheeks, and even swallowed a mouthful of saliva among the three of them, thinking about something bad things.

After Fei Yingli finished speaking, she turned her head and glanced at her best friend behind her, and said quietly: "Didn't you care so much downstairs before? Now you can check it yourself, so that you can feel at ease."

You Xizi pretended to be disdainful and said, "I don't have a habit like yours, and I can do such disgusting things."

Feiyingli has already broken the jar now, and said with a sneer, "What nonsense are you talking about... You won't forget what happened last time, right? I remember it clearly."

Seeing that the two of them seemed about to quarrel, Qianying and Xiaolan stepped back one after another, trying to reduce their sense of existence.

After all, they have actually done this kind of thing before, and I am afraid that the two of them will be involved.


Hanyu Baisawa interrupted the two of them, rubbing his eyebrows: "I'm a little cold, please help me tidy up my clothes first, otherwise I feel like I might catch a cold."

"Are you okay?" Fei Yingli immediately asked with concern: "When I helped you tidy up your clothes before, you were still in pain. What if you get hurt?"

"It really hurts." Hanyu Baisawa told the truth, stretched out his hand to gently stroke her face, and said softly, "But with you here, I am both painful and happy."

"Huh..." Hearing the words, the three girls behind couldn't help clasping their arms and shivering.

After all, one person may be really satisfied with this kind of words, but when there are too many people, goose bumps will appear.

You Xizi pursed her lips and said, "Disgusting, disgusting, can you pay attention, there are people behind you."


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