This time Fei Yingli ignored her at all, and carefully helped Hanyu Baisawa tidy up his clothes.

Xiaolan looked at it, and then took the initiative to go up to help.

Then Qianying and Yuxiko couldn't bear it anymore, and went up to help without saying a word.

Not even ten seconds.

Enduring the pain, Hanyu Shirasawa finally tidied up his clothes and heaved a long sigh of relief, at least it won't be as embarrassing as the exposed appearance before.

"Well, which one of you is going to see what's going on outside? Don't let anything happen to you." After all, Hanyu Shirasawa was still worried about the three women, and begged the four women in front of him.

He dare not say more.

However, if Belmod made a move, it is estimated that it is very likely that he will kill him.

Although Belmod and Sera Marie confronted each other in the original book, there were many accidents at that time, and it was impossible to judge who was the strongest.

But judging from the performance in the original work of the two, it is very likely that it is a [-]-[-] split.

Now add Shizuka Ikenami, Hanyu Shirasawa is really worried about Mari Sera.

"Don't worry." Fei Yingli reassured: "With Jinghua here, it should be fine."


As soon as Hanyu Shirasawa heard this, he knew that Fei Yingli definitely didn't understand Chiba Shizuka.

A woman who has learned kendo has already practiced to a very advanced level, her heart is not so easily shaken.

It is estimated that as long as it is something recognized by the other party, it will not end unless there is a result.


"Be obedient." Fei Yingli was a little angry: "Can't you be obedient? Are you trying to force me to lose my temper? I have accommodated you before, so can't you accommodate me?"

"Uh..." Hanyu Baisawa blinked, and finally became honest: "Ahem, okay, I'll listen to you. Just now you accommodated me, and now I accommodate you."

He knew that this time it was out of his hands.

After all, who told Fei Yingli to do some excessive things just now? If he hadn't said anything, he might have just used his hands instead.

"¨‖Pfft..." You Xizi smiled, a gloating smile that was not concealed at all.

Qianying pulled her arm quietly, and whispered: "You should pay attention, if you continue like this, be careful that he will retaliate against you after he recovers."

You Xizi's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said even more vigorously: "Am I still afraid of his revenge? If he is capable, he will revenge me every day after he recovers. See if I don't deal with him well."

The corners of Qianying's mouth twitched, not knowing what to say, but she couldn't help but have an idea in her heart, wondering if she should use this method to attract Hanyu Shirasawa.

But when she saw Hanyu Baisawa staring straight at them, she smiled embarrassedly, and gave up this idea, after all, she didn't have this kind of character and couldn't do such a thing.

"Xiao Ran." Hanyu Baisawa suddenly called out at this time.

"Well, Brother Bai Ze." Xiaolan trotted to the bedside (Li Dehao), her beautiful eyes flickering.

"Xiao Lan, you..."

As soon as Hanyu Baisawa uttered these words, his ability "sixth sense" reminded him frantically.

It probably means that after these words are finished, something terrible will definitely happen.

He swallowed lightly, suppressed the words that came to his lips, observed the bedroom silently, and found that Qianying hadn't changed much.

Only Feiyingli and Yuxizi, the eyes of these two women changed, became very sharp, so they just stared at him directly.

Hanyu Shirasawa understood that the two of them definitely wanted Sera Mari to learn a lesson.

"'s okay." He smiled and patted Xiaolan's head, finally he didn't care about this matter anymore, and let the group of women solve it by themselves.

Also at this time.

"Crack" sound.

The door opened and the expected scene unfolded.

Chapter 0259: Miserable Mary, the crow delivering medicine

The situation at the bedroom door.

Not beyond everyone's expectations.

After all, they all know that Belmode is an organization's killer, and Chi Bo Jinghua is also known as the legendary female swordsman.

Combining these two people, it is still very easy to deal with a Sera Marie who is just an agent.

But when he saw the real situation, he was still surprised.

"Oh my god!" Yukiko covered her mouth, although she knew that Sera Mari would be punished, she didn't expect it to be so miserable.

"You guys..."

Hanyu Shirasawa had a wry smile all over his face.

If you want to say who is the most distressed person, it can only be his husband. After all, they are all wives. No matter who they hurt, he will feel distressed.

"Give me in."

Belmod's cold voice sounded, and Sera Marie came in, pressing down her hands.

How would you describe the three people in front of you?

First of all, Chi Bo Jinghua's clothes were a little messy, and she was even caught with a hole, and there was a clear footprint on her waist.

The second Belmode, she looks much more glamorous, but some skin is broken at the corner of her mouth, and there are traces of blood.

The third Sera Marie, this woman is really miserable, her hair is already messed up, her body is covered with mud, the corner of her mouth is unsurprisingly torn and bleeding, and the most surprising thing is a 517cm wound on her arm. It's bleeding out.

"Bastard!" Sera Marie struggled unconvinced: "What kind of skill is two-on-one? If you have the ability, you can fight one-on-one."

Belmode didn't say anything, just let go of her counter-hands, kicked her ass, and threw herself forward.

Fortunately, she has relatively good skills. After staggering two steps forward, she stabilized her figure.

Looking at the girls in the room, Sera Marie felt a little aggrieved, but still raised her head proudly, not admitting defeat at all.

"Let's go." Belmode said, turned and left the bedroom.

She takes the lead.

The others followed suit.

Although they didn't say anything, they all understood that they wanted to leave space for Hanyu Shirasawa and Sera Mari.

This is really similar to that trick, hitting a sweet date with a stick, I don't know if it should make people angry or lucky.

that's it.

Only a man and a woman remained in the bedroom.

half an hour.

Hanyu Baisawa said helplessly: "Well, is the corner of your mouth okay?"

"Don't worry about it." Shiliang Mary replied coldly, even though she was dirty and embarrassed, she still made a proud gesture: "Aren't you very happy to see me being beaten by your woman? Someone avenged you .”

"Come here." Hanyu Baisawa said softly.


"Come here, don't you think I'm a wounded person, can't you be considerate?" Hanyu Shirasawa spread his hands helplessly, indicating his state.

Sera Marie gritted her teeth, but still came to the bedside.

Hanyu Baisawa took her hand, pulled her down abruptly and sat down, touched the corner of her injured mouth lightly, looked at her bleeding shoulder, and breathed a sigh of relief:

"Fortunately, I didn't hurt my face, otherwise it would be disfigured."

"Kick me away if you disfigure me, right?" Sera Marie said coldly.

"Don't make up your mind, I'm just rejoicing."

"Hmph, if the two of them hadn't hit me, I would have dealt with that woman long ago."

"Yes, yes, yes." Hanyu Baisawa looked at this stubborn woman with a smile, he felt that they were at most [-]-[-], and there was no winner or loser.

a time.

The atmosphere is very harmonious.

But while chatting, the room couldn't be quiet.

For a while.

Sera Marie lowered her head and said anxiously, "Is it really that serious? I want to take a look."

"Didn't you see it when you came in before, there is no problem."

"I'm worried, I want to feel it myself. Do you want to be the same way as that woman with glasses? Seeing how serious you are, I reluctantly promise you."

"I'm a little scared..." Hanyu Baisawa shook his head, he was really afraid of being hit again, and there would be no place to cry when he wanted to cry.

Sera Marie frowned: "Don't worry, I will be gentle."

"But the corner of your mouth is broken, I'm afraid you will be in pain then."

(cjdb) "It's okay, I'll bear it." Sera Marie has a particularly stubborn temper.

Also at this time.

The bedroom door opened with a "click".

A group of women came back again, and Shiliang Mary immediately became arrogant again, disdaining to look at them.

Hanyu Shirasawa asked curiously, "Did something happen again?"

Obviously they all went out so cooperatively just now, and now they come in collectively, there must be something wrong, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

Fei Yingli came to the bedside, glanced at Sera Marie, and handed over something wrapped in paper in her hand:

"This was brought over by a crow just now. It is the crow outside my room window last time. I think there is something wrong, so I brought it here for you."

"The crow from last time?"

Hanyu Shirasawa thought of the last time the crow sent a letter to remind Chikage of something dangerous, so he knew it must be sent by Koizumi Hongko.

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