"Sweet words." You Xizi curled her lips, but still hugged him and arched in his arms.

"Cough." Hanyu Baisawa coughed lightly, leaned close to her ear, and whispered a few words.

After listening.

You Xizi blushed, raised her head, and said speechlessly, "Why are you so dirty all day long, thinking about these messy things all the time. Isn't the lesson Mary taught you deep enough?"

Hanyu Baisawa raised his eyebrows: "It seems that you get along well, and you've already called her by her first name."

"I'm not a stingy person, and I don't care about anything."

"Yes, yes, the big star is the most powerful."

"It's weird, isn't it?"

"No, no, just get along well. When you have time, you can get in touch more."

Chapter 0261: He Ye is here too

in the afternoon.

Kyoto Station.

A group of people came out from here.

Hanyu Shirasawa, Yukiko, Ran, Sonoko, Mori Kogoro... a total of five people.

As for Yuanzi, it was Xiaolan who called her.

Mori Kogoro didn't care about where it was at the moment, but a pair of eyes, looking at Yukiko from time to time.

at last.

You Xizi couldn't take it anymore, and said viciously: "Moori Kogoro, why are you staring at me all the time?"

"Uh, no." Mori Kogoro shook his head hurriedly, struggled for a while, and finally said: "The relationship between you and Mr. Hanyu is..."

"Ha ha."

Yukiko smiled lightly, shaking Hanyu Shirasawa's arm, "Why, can't you see such an obvious thing?"

"Oh my God!" Mori Kogoro yelled directly, and said in disbelief: "I always thought you were single in "520", but I didn't expect you to have a boyfriend. If this news is announced If you don't, I don't know how many of your former fans will be heartbroken."

"See." Yukiko stretched out her finger and tapped Hanyu Shirasawa's forehead, and said triumphantly, "This is my charm, and it's really cheap for you. Remember, you must cherish me."

"Yes yes yes." Hanyu Baisawa smiled dotingly at her.

"Wow~" Yuanzi clasped his hands together, and said full of longing: "It's really great to have a boyfriend. Xiaolan, are you right?"

"Cough, yes." Xiaolan blushed in embarrassment, secretly glanced at Hanyu Shirasawa, and decisively turned her head away.

Talk and laugh.

They left the station.

As soon as I came outside, a pleasant voice came:

"Aunt Xizi, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, here, here."

They turned their heads and saw He Ye was waving his hand not far away, with smiles on his face.

"He Ye." Xiaolan and Yuanzi shouted together, and came in front of her.

Mori Kogoro glanced around and found that he was alone, so he said helplessly, "You guys should talk about that first, and I'll go to the place commissioned this time to take a look first."

After speaking, regardless of whether everyone heard it or not, he directly hailed a taxi by the side of the road and left.

He Ye and the two girls held hands and said with a smile: "I heard that you are coming to Kyoto, but I came directly from Osaka."

Yuanzi smiled and said, "It's really great. We met again not long after you left."

"Hee hee, that's right." He Ye said happily.

Hanyu Shirasawa brought Yukiko to the front of the three girls, and said, "Kazuba, you are so serious, you have come all this way."

You Xizi smiled and said, "You guys are really good now. It's not like when I was in school, it was so troublesome to go out. It's not like you are now happy to come here and wait for a phone call."

The three girls smiled embarrassedly when they heard the words.

Hanyu Shirasawa asked, "Kazuha, have you had lunch?"

He Ye nodded: "I have eaten."

"That's it, so now, where are you going to play?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked them.

You Xizi said lightly: "Let's go to Sanneng Temple first. I haven't been there for 17 years. I want to see if there is any difference between this place and before."


Hanyu Shirasawa agreed, and so did the three girls.



After half an hour.

Hanyu Shirasawa and the others got off the taxi and walked slowly towards the Sannoji Temple in front of them.

"It's still the same as 17 years ago." Yukiko's tone was full of emotion.

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded: "That's right, even the streets outside haven't changed."

The three girls listened silently and did not choose to interrupt.


They came to the courtyard.

But as soon as I came here, I found that several acquaintances were there.

Xiaolan was surprised: "Dad, why are you here?"

"Xiaolan?" Kogoro Maori was quite surprised when he saw his daughter coming in, and he was stunned for a moment before explaining, "I forgot to tell you, this is the place I entrusted this time."

"This is quite a coincidence." Hanyu Shirasawa said, looking at the two people next to Mori Kogoro, it was Hattori Heiji and Conan.

At this time.

A man in monk clothes in front of Kogoro Mori and the others came to Hanyu Shirasawa and the others, bowed first, and then asked, "Everyone, why are you here at this temple?"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and said, "We are here to visit."

"I'm sorry, because there was a little unexpected situation in this temple, so..."

"Long Yuan, don't be rude..." At this moment, an old voice interrupted his words.

I saw an old man wearing a monk's robe, slowly approaching, and said with a smile: "Mr. Hanyu, Miss Yukiko, I haven't seen you for many years. You are really a rare visitor."

You Xizi said in surprise, "Abbot Yuanhai, I didn't expect you to remember us."

"Of course." The old man Yuan Hai smiled kindly: "Men and women in love are always very attractive. Back then, you two were particularly eye-catching even if you stood at the back of the crowd. You can still see For the two of you, it should be a fruitful cultivation, and I sincerely wish you all here."

"Haha, then I would like to thank Abbot Yuanhai for his blessing." You Xizi was in a very good mood.

Yuan Hai clasped his hands together, and said slowly: "I'm really sorry, I still have something to do here, so I might not be able to accompany you. It's really rude."

"It's okay, we can go shopping by ourselves." Hanyu Shirasawa said with a smile.


After taking a deep look at Conan and the others, he left the courtyard with Yukiko and the others, and went inside.

And so away from a certain distance.

You Xizi sighed, "Abbot Yuanhai is already so old. When we came here, he looked quite tough."

"Yes." Hanyu Shirasawa nodded unknowingly, but he was thinking about another thing in his heart.

Originally, he thought he was just accompanying Yukiko to recall the past, but unexpectedly, he encountered the story in the theatrical version.

Yes, the situation just now is very similar to a theatrical version in Conan.

But these are none of his business, after all, there is no benefit for him, not even the simplest money, he is not prepared to intervene.


You Xizi suddenly sighed and said, "I remember it was very lively when I came here, but now it's really deserted."

He Ye said at this time: "Aunt Xizi, I heard that there is a secret treasure in this temple that is only displayed once every 12 years. It seems that the day after tomorrow is open for viewing. There must be many people on that day, and it will be very lively."

"Really?" Yukiko's eyes lit up.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi also had beautiful eyes, obviously interested in such a big event.

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head and didn't say anything, it's really hard to hit them.

Chapter 0262: Brother Bai Ze Lend Me

Shanneng Temple.

Hanyu Shirasawa and the others wandered around for half an hour, saw everything they needed to see, and prepared to leave here.

Once at the gate.

I saw Yuan Hai taking Long Yuan and sending them off to Kogoro Moori.

Yuan Hai also saw Hanyu Baisawa and the others, and said with a smile, "It's still the same as before."

You Xizi nodded: "Yes, there is no change. I just don't know how long it will take for the lively scene from before to appear."


Yuan Hai clasped his hands together and lowered his head, bowing slightly to the crowd.

Hanyu Shirasawa and the others didn't say anything, they returned the gift, and then left together.

On the road.

Hanyu Shirasawa asked Conan and Hattori Heiji who were following Mori Kogoro, "You were also invited by that old man?"

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