"Uh..." Conan originally thought that he would continue to pretend that he didn't know each other, but now that he was asked about things, he had no choice but to say:

"That's right. The abbot grandpa not only invited Uncle Mori, but also Brother Shinichi and Brother Hattori. Since Brother Shinichi couldn't come, I'll help him to see 29."

Because of the large number of people, Conan had to disguise himself like this.

But what he said.

Hattori Heiji next to him couldn't help shivering, and muttered: "It's so uncomfortable, my goose bumps are about to come out."


Conan was speechless for a moment, staring at a pair of dead fish, staring quietly at Hattori Heiji.

If it weren't for the crowd, he would really want to have a real PK with the other party.

"Father." Xiao Lan asked her father, "What is your commission this time?"

Mori Kogoro scratched his hair, hesitating for a moment, but he still managed to say:

"It's nothing, it's just that there is a secret treasure tour held every 12 years in the temple, but the secret treasure was stolen eight years ago."

"The secret treasure was stolen?" He Ye's tone was full of disbelief: "Eight years ago, didn't you call the police?"

Mention this matter.

Kogoro Maoli just twitched the corner of his mouth: "That Long Yuan wanted to call the police back then, but was stopped by the host. If there is a destiny, Mibao will come back by himself. I don't even know what to say about him. It was stolen, how could the thief return it..."

You Xizi asked curiously, "So, did he come to you this time to get back the secret?"

Mori Kogoro shook his head: "That's right, and it's not right. They said that they received a letter five days ago, which contained some codes and left a note saying that as long as the codes are unlocked, the secret treasure can be returned. return."

Yuanzi interrupted at this time: "What is the code, can I take a look?"

"Hey, let's see." Mori Kogoro didn't hide it, and took out the letter with the code.

Yuanzi took it, opened it, and felt that one head was two big, and he couldn't understand what it was.

It's just some inexplicable pictures, it is really hard for people to understand that this is a code.

You Xizi and the others all came over to take a look, and finally shook their heads together, without the slightest clue.

"Hey, Bai Ze, come over and take a look." You Xizi hurriedly greeted her husband.

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head and refused: "Forget it, I don't care about this kind of thing. Also, let's think about where to go next. It's only a few hours before dark."

"That's right." Yukiko nodded, and stopped paying attention to this matter.

He Ye smiled and said: "Why don't we go to Qingshui Temple, I heard that the cherry blossoms there are very beautiful."

"Hey, that's a good idea."



after an hour.

Kiyomizu Temple.

On the viewing platform here, Hanyu Shirasawa came here with his four daughters. As for Mori Kogoro and the others, of course they were concerned about the code, so they didn't come.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Yuanzi looked at the cherry blossoms blooming all over the mountains and fields below and in the distance, and shouted excitedly to his best friend next to him: "Xiaolan, hurry up and take a photo for me."

"Okay." Xiaolan took out her mobile phone.

"Wait a minute."

Yuanzi quickly stopped her, ran up to You Xizi, and said playfully, "Aunt You Xizi, Brother Bai Ze, lend me a loan."

You Xizi laughed and said, "Why, you still want to shoot with him?"

"Hey." Sonoko smiled sheepishly.

"Okay, then I'll lend you a loan, just for a while." Yukiko's answer was also very playful.

Hanyu Shirasawa curled his lips, wanting to say that he is not a commodity, and borrowing or borrowing something is too ugly.

Of course, he is not a person with low emotional intelligence. In the end, he didn't say this idea, and let Yuanzi pull him to the guardrail of the viewing platform.

Sonoko hugged Hanyu Shirasawa's arm, with a big smile on his face, and said, "Xiao Ran, you can start now."


Xiaolan said a word, and after confirming that it was correct, she tapped the phone screen lightly.

Immediately, the photo was taken.

Yuanzi didn't let go, and shouted again: "He Ye, you come too, let's take a picture with Brother Bai Ze."

"Hmm..." He Ye hesitated for a moment, then nodded and approached.

She wasn't as courageous as Sonoko, who dared to hug Hanyu Baisawa's arm, but just stood beside her pretty, with a little smile on her face, looking very shy.

"Xiaolan, you can go too." You Xizi walked over at this moment, looking at her with a smile.

"Is it okay?" Xiaolan's face flushed slightly.

"Well, let's go." 523 You Xizi rubbed the little girl's head lovingly, she was really a little idiot who couldn't fight, and even an aunt like her couldn't stand it anymore.


Xiaolan still didn't resist the temptation, and came to Hanyu Shirasawa's side, ready to take pictures together.

You Xizi held the mobile phone, pointed it at the same time and directed: "Bai Ze, you are closer to He Ye, what are you doing so far away?"


The corner of Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth twitched, and he could only say that Yukiko deserved to have a high EQ, and she was far away from him, but in the end, she said that she was far away from him.

In order to take care of this shy girl, he could only suffer from this dark loss, and took the initiative to move to the girl's side.

He Ye is not an idiot, when he heard Yu Xizi talking, his face was already flushed with embarrassment.

"Okay, one, two, three...eggplant."

After taking the photo, You Xizi looked at the photo on the phone and nodded with satisfaction: "That's right, my hand is still so steady."

Having said that, he raised his head and smiled slightly at the three girls: "Okay, now it's time for Bai Ze and I, you guys need to help take pictures."

the next period of time.

Until near evening.

Hanyu Shirasawa and the others were all playing in Kiyomizu Temple, and even had a vegetarian meal here, and they left after almost a while.

I didn't want to go anywhere, I just went to meet Kogoro Mori, after all, we came together.

Chapter 0263: He Ye's night attack plan


eight o'clock.

In Pontocho, in a B&B near "Kamogawa", Hanyu Shirasawa and the others were in a room, next to the open window, admiring the night view of Kamogawa outside.

On the opposite side are rows of blooming cherry blossoms and colorful neon lights. Under the brilliant light, not only the cherry blossoms are particularly beautiful, but even the Kamogawa river is very beautiful.

"Crash" sounded.

The door of the room was opened, and Xiaolan strode in, her cheeks puffed up.

Yuanzi asked curiously, "What's wrong with you, who made you angry?"

Xiaolan sighed: "Isn't it my father? He was drinking with a group of people he met today in the nearby tea house. I really can't persuade him."

Yuanzi smiled and said, "So it's like this. It's a normal thing for Uncle Mao Li. Besides, don't you think this is his advantage?"

"Is drinking considered an advantage?" He Ye asked a question in a timely manner.

Yuanzi stretched out a finger and shook it: "He Ye, things can't just be seen on the surface. For example, Uncle Mao Li came here for the first time today, but he has already met several friends who are drinking, which shows his excellent communication skills It's still very strong. This is an advantage, and ordinary people can't do this kind of thing."

"Well..." Xiaolan pondered for a moment, the anger on her face subsided, and she nodded: "It seems so, my dad's communication skills are really strong, and he can become a friend of many people who meet for the first time in a short while. friend."

next to.

The location by the window.

Yukiko rested on Hanyu Shirasawa's shoulder, admiring the night view outside, and at the same time heard the conversation between Ran and the others.


She stretched out her fair hand, touched Hanyu Shirasawa's cheek, and whispered:

"You guy, don't you have many friends?"

"Nonsense." Hanyu Baisawa slapped her hands away, and said angrily, "I still have friends, what do you mean I don't have many friends?"

"Look." Youxizi opened her palms and counted one by one: "Miwako counts as one, Yumi counts as one, and Teacher Chengzi counts as one. It seems that there are only three people, and they are all women, don't you?" Is it too miserable?"

Hanyu Baisawa's expression was a little tense, and he said quietly: "I also know Miwako's father, and I have a very good relationship with him."

You Xizi nodded: "That's fine, let's count it as one. But if you calculate it like this, there are only four people. You are really a bad guy."


Hanyu Shirasawa couldn't refute now.

In the final analysis, he is not from this world. It is normal for him to appear here suddenly without many friends.

I didn't work in the same work unit, and I didn't meet the same group of people all day long, so it was even more difficult to make friends.

"It's so pitiful." You Xizi murmured with a smile, and continued to say in a low voice: "If we weren't with you, you would be even more pitiful."

"If you laugh at me again, be careful that I teach you a lesson."

"This kind of thing is up to you."

"You, your skin is getting thicker." Hanyu Baisawa pinched her tender face angrily, and if there were no other people around, they would have already kissed her directly.

"You still have the nerve to say it." You Xizi said aggrievedly: "There are more and more people now, if I don't have a thicker skin, I will have no chance."

"Oh, you know, I can't do anything about it." Hanyu Baisawa will not let go of this matter now, how serious it is, how helpless it is.

"Crash" sounded.

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