The door of the room was opened again.

"Excuse me, your dinner is here."

The proprietress of the homestay came to the low table in the room with a big tray and put the dishes on it one by one.

In fact, it’s nothing, first of all, there are five servings of rice with beef, and of course there are some other things, such as some fruit juice, ice cream, cake, and grilled fish.

In addition to these things, I also took a pack of playing cards very thoughtfully, probably for after-dinner entertainment.

"Is there anything else I need?"

"No, thank you." Yukiko said.

"Have a nice meal."

After the proprietress finished speaking, she took the tray and walked out.

Hanyu Baisawa said speechlessly: "I remember when you left Kiyomizu Temple, you all had vegetarian meals, right? Can you still eat?"

The three girls were embarrassed to speak, but You Xizi was different, and immediately said:

"Why, do you dislike me for eating too much?"

"No, I just want to say that it's easy to gain weight, but it's painful to lose weight. Don't regret it when the time comes."

"You forgot that we ate barbecue before. I told you that I won't gain weight."

After Yuxizi finished speaking with a smile, she picked up her portion of rice wrapped in beef, took a spoonful of it with a spoon, put it in her mouth, and began to chew happily.

After someone took the lead, the three girls looked at each other and immediately started eating with a smile.

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged, also picked up the spoon, and started to eat slowly, while eating, he commented: "¨‖ Hey, this tastes pretty good, which one of you chose?"

He Ye immediately swallowed the meal, and said, "I heard my classmate mentioned it here, so I ordered it. I didn't expect it to be really delicious."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Hanyu Shirasawa, and thought of a bold plan in his mind.

She felt that tonight was a very good opportunity, she only needed to wait for everyone to fall asleep, and she would quietly come over and kiss her to restore Hanyu Baisawa's "memory".

But she, who is no longer a child, always feels that this kind of thing is so shameful, which makes her heart beat faster.

"He Ye, He Ye..."

There was a voice in his ear, and even a palm dangling in front of his eyes, which brought He Ye back to his senses. After realizing that it was Xiaolan (Li Liaohao), he hurriedly said:

"What's the matter? I was thinking about something just now, but I didn't hear it."

"It's nothing, I just asked if you want some juice?"

"Thank you." He Ye thanked Xiao Lan and pushed his cup over.

"It's okay."

Xiaolan smiled and poured it for her, and at the same time filled it for Hanyu Shirasawa and the others.

Hanyu Baisawa asked at this time: "By the way, after you finish eating, are you going to go out for a stroll, or just play here?"

"It's right here." You Xizi poked the rice plate with a spoon: "To be honest, it was quite tiring to go to Qingshui Temple before, after all, it is on the mountain. Bai Ze, please help me massage my feet later, I feel so sore .”


The eyes of the three girls lit up, and they lowered their heads in embarrassment, their faces blushing involuntarily.

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't say anything, he just gave Yukiko a blank stare and let her experience it for herself.

Chapter 0264: Night attack?free and leaf

"Haha, it's itchy, it's itchy!"

"Can you be quiet? If you do this again, I won't press it for you."

Hanyu Shirasawa firmly held Yukiko's leg, glaring at her angrily.

By this time they had already had dinner.


Hanyu Shirasawa was still defeated by Yuxiko, and was about to massage her legs.

"Okay, okay, I promise I won't laugh."

You Xizi immediately put on a straight face, but there was still an obvious smile on her face, just looking at the man in front of her as she pressed her leg.

She feels very satisfied now. This man can put down his figure and massage her legs in front of other girls. It is conceivable that he cares about her a lot.

In fact, Hanyu Shirasawa didn't think much about it at all, and he didn't think it was a shameful thing. After all, he was just helping his wife's legs.

He is really pressing the leg now, but he has no other thoughts, he puts his hands on Yukiko's calf and gently pinches her, just relaxing her muscles like this.

next to.

When the three girls saw this scene, envy flashed in their eyes.

Because they also climbed Kiyomizu Temple today, they really wanted to find someone to massage their legs.

Xiaolan actually wanted to say it, but Sonoko and Kazuha were by her side, so she didn't express that meaning, nor did she reveal her relationship with Hanyu Shirasawa.

"It's almost ready, isn't it?"

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at Yukiko's comfortable and fast asleep expression, and reminded her.

heard. 523

You Xizi immediately cheered up, and hurriedly said:

"No, there is still some acid, press for a while."

"I'm afraid that if you press it for a while, you will fall asleep."

"Don't worry, I won't fall asleep."

Yukiko said it swearingly, and then I yawned in the next second, knowing that my lie had been exposed, I stuck out my tongue playfully, with a full girlish attitude.

"This is what you said you won't fall asleep? If you want to sleep, go to sleep, and I will call you later."

"You hug me to sleep, I want to sleep in your arms." You Xizi didn't care at all that there were three juniors beside her, and she personally demonstrated to them what auntie's acting like a baby is.

Hanyu Shirasawa said quietly: "Do you know how tiring it is to sleep with someone in your arms? You can't let me relax? Anyway, this is not okay. At most, you are allowed to sleep on my arm."

Yuxiko looked at the three girls, showing a very sad expression, and said desolately:

"Heye, Yuanzi, you must be careful when looking for a boyfriend in the future. Don't look for a scumbag like Bai Ze. When you don't catch up with you, you will be obedient. Once you catch up, you will not That’s so important (cjdb). Remember, you must see a person clearly, don’t be like me, now you have no chance to regret it.”

Here is another small detail, she did not say the name of "Xiaolan", but only the names of the other two girls.

"Hey, hello." Hanyu Baisawa said speechlessly: "It's obviously a normal thing, how come I become a scumbag when it comes to your mouth?"

You Xizi said angrily: "Tell me yourself, what's the difference between your behavior just now and that of a scumbag? You just asked you to hug me to sleep, and you still have to evade it. It's not about killing you."

listen to her.

Xiaolan and the others thought it made sense, and nodded slightly.

Hanyu Baisawa surrendered, and directly opened his arms: "Come on, come on, if you feel uncomfortable sleeping like this, come on."

"Look, look, now you're using words to confuse me, and you want me to back down, right?"


Hanyu Baisawa really convinced this woman, he simply hugged her into his arms, and said to the three girls next to him, "Okay, let's play poker, and leave her alone."

"Well, I don't think I want to sleep yet." After hearing that she was going to play poker, Yuxizi's energy immediately recovered, she quickly broke free from her arms, and came to the small table to sit down.

"What are we playing?" Yukiko asked the three girls.

He Ye suggested: "How about drawing a ghost card?"

To draw a joker card is to take a deck of cards, leaving only one joker card. After allocating a good hand of cards to everyone, draw the cards of the next player in turn to make a pair, and put the pair of cards in the discard pile. If there are only joker cards left in the game, you lose.

Generally speaking, the loser will be punished.

Xiaolan said lightly: "But there are five of us."

You Xizi said indifferently: "Don't worry, Bai Ze will definitely not know how to play, just the four of us can play, don't worry about him."


The corner of Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth twitched, he was not a stone man, everyone was playing, and he was bored by himself, how could he not want to play.

But he didn't say anything, he just fixed the tatami by himself, ignored the four women, and just lay down on it to sleep.

He Ye watched this scene.

The small eyes lit up, but with so many people in front of him, he suppressed his thoughts and waited for the end of the game.

Time flickers.

Two hours later.

They stopped playing cards, each of them yawned, and all of them felt sleepy.

Yukiko glanced at the sleeping Hanyu Shirasawa, shook her head, and then looked at the three girls: "Okay, it's almost time, let's go to bed too."

"Yeah." The three girls nodded.


The four girls left Hanyu Shirasawa's room lightly, and turned off the lights by the way.

The four of them live in one room tonight, but the distance is not too far, just next door.

It didn't matter when I got to the next room, I tidied up the tatami, then turned off the lights and went to sleep.



I don't know how long it took.

He Ye, who suppressed the drowsiness and stayed awake, felt that the time was almost up, and quietly opened his eyes.

What caught her eyes was a pitch-black room, and she didn't take any action, just quietly listening to the movements of the three people next to her.

After confirming that the sound of breathing was even, she slowly got up from the tatami and slipped out of the room little by little.

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