"Okay, let's get down to business."

Shiota Heihachiro said to Hanyu Shirasawa:

"Brother, since Ms. Sharon brought you here, she chose to believe in you, and we will believe in you. Next, I will talk about our affairs."

Hanyu Shirasawa narrowed his eyes, although he had already cleared their minds, he didn't mind listening to it again.

"Ever since we were trapped here, we have been trying to escape. But there are a lot of people in this annex. Except for those who came with us, the rest are people who are watching us. They have weapons in their hands. , we can't run away at all."

"Later, we inadvertently learned the news that the owner here actually wanted to take us all away. The time is ten o'clock tonight."

"Of course, this is also a chance for us to escape. But because there are no outsiders, the chance is very slim. But your arrival, brother, can be said to increase the chances of success for our plan, because at this moment you are The only outsiders here. And our plan is to..."

Hanyu Shirasawa knew very well that the reason Belmode made such a big sacrifice was because he wanted to take a gamble and treat himself as a tool man.

Their purpose is very simple, they must want to do something to attract the attention of the people in the other hall, so that they can easily escape.

"Hehe." With a sneer in his heart, just when he was about to continue listening to what the other party wanted to say, he spoke alone.

It was Belmode:

"Well, cancel this plan. I have decided not to let him take this risk."

"Huh?" Hanyu Shirasawa was surprised, looking at this chick in disbelief.

The other four people also looked at her in shock. They probably didn't expect to give up at such an important time.

Belmode said lightly: "Just use the original plan, he has nothing else to do, he just needs to be by my side."

Shinidesan looked at her, then at Hanyu Shirasawa, thought of the medicine he gave, seemed to understand something, couldn't help sighing, but didn't say anything.

There was silence for a while.

Shiota Heihachiro said: "Okay, let's use the plan we discussed at the beginning."

at this time.

Hanyu Shirasawa's mind was racing with thoughts.

He didn't understand why Belmode repented temporarily.

Although he didn't say anything clearly, one thing is certain, he is a role of cannon fodder, but this chick gave up first, maybe it's really a love for a long time.

But there was one thing that made him take a high look at this chick and met her for the first time.


There was a little movement in his mouth, and Hanyu Baisawa spoke: "I have a question, do you just need to make noise at night to attract their attention?"

"Yes." Gao Jianda nodded.

"Okay." Hanyu Baisawa said lightly, "If that's the case, leave this matter to me."

"Brother, don't be joking." Shiota Heihachiro really thought he was just joking.

After all, if he wants to complete this task, the chance of being caught is too high, almost 100%, it is no different from courting death, he does not believe that Hanyu Shirasawa will not want his life.

Hanyu Baisawa said quietly: "I have my solution. By the way, I'm just informing you, because I'm not for you, I'm just for Sharon."

"Let's go." After speaking, he took Belmode's hand and left the four of them.

They looked at each other directly.

Shiota Heihachiro scratched his head: "Have we been hated?"

Xinchu San said angrily: "You just saw it. Think about what you just said. This is obviously using other people as cannon fodder. Although Sharon stopped it, as long as normal people can hear it Come out."

Kyosuke Chienma was thoughtful: "It seems that Miss Sharon didn't make it clear to him. But it's right to think about it. In such a short period of time, it is impossible to convince a person who has not known for a long time."

Gao Jianda said seriously: "Now we can only use the original plan. And the behavior of the little brother just now, I don't think he is lying. Maybe there is a way. You say, bet Don't bet?"

Xinchu San curled his lips: "Didn't you hear clearly just now? She was only for Miss Sharon, and we were just incidental."



the other side.

Hanyu Shirasawa and Belmode are here.

"You shouldn't have said those words just now. There are more people and more strength, and the chance of escaping will also increase."

"Don't worry, just trust me."

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't intend to do this at first, but Belmode gave up in the end, so he chose to take the initiative to help.

Moreover, he felt that this was an excellent opportunity, maybe he could complete the task tonight, so he couldn't just miss it.

In addition, in the original book later, the three guys Takami Tatsuto, Shinidezo and Shiota Heihachiro are still alive, which shows that their escape plan this time was successful.

Of course, Kyosuke Sengen was more unlucky. In the original book, it seemed that he was really dead, and there was no shadow at all.


Belmode sighed.

Anyway, she must try to escape tonight.

Anyway, even if Hanyu Shirasawa doesn't do anything at that time, Shinchusan and the others will also act, in fact, it's the same.

"By the way." Hanyu Baisawa asked: "Do you know the specific situation tonight? Tell me about it."

"It's nothing, but my grandfather will send a convoy tonight to escort all these people away. At that time, we will gather in the hall, surrounded by people. Of course, I will also leave tonight. It seems that from now on I can’t live anymore, and I don’t know where to move to.”

"That's it."

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, and began to recall how the original plot described what happened 40 years ago.

Soon he thought of a detail, and said to himself: "If there are no accidents, it should rain heavily tonight. It is indeed a good time to escape."

"Will it rain tonight?" Belmode looked up at the clear sky, it didn't look like it was going to rain at all.

"Don't worry, you just need to follow me when the time comes. You don't need to worry about the four of them, you are not on the same road anyway."

The time that followed seemed very peaceful.

Belmode sat by the window all afternoon, just staring at the sky above his head to see if it was going to rain.

In this way, the time came to night unconsciously, and darkness enveloped the whole world.

Tonight, there is a black cloud overhead, covering the stars and moonlight, it seems that it is really going to rain.

Also at this time.

Someone has come to invite Belmode, let her gather in the hall downstairs.

Chapter 0042: Belmode Copy: 1/3

As Belmode's personal servant, Hanyu Shirasawa was by her side from afternoon to night.

Just like that, he followed her all the way out of the room and slowly walked downstairs to the hall.

There are a lot of people tonight.

If you can't walk ten steps, you will meet a servant, so you can almost say that you came to the downstairs hall in ten steps.

There are more people here.

First of all, there are nearly a hundred top talents in various industries gathered together, among them are three newcomers and the four of them are staring at Hanyu Shirasawa who is slowly coming.

Under the wall of the hall, there stood men in black with weapons, staring at them with cold eyes.

And right in front of him was the smiling Masuyama Kenzo.



Suddenly, there was rumbling thunder outside, and the sound of lightning breaking through the air.

After a while, the sound of the majestic heavy rain "crashed" came in, making everyone in the hall a little restless.

"It's really raining~" Belmode murmured softly, and subconsciously glanced at Hanyu Shirasawa next to him, unexpectedly being hit.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet."

Kenzo Masuyama yelled loudly, then bowed to Belmode, and continued:

"Half a year ago, everyone..."

Just as he was speaking, there was a "da da da" sound in the field.

Kenzo Masuyama subconsciously followed the direction of the sound, and saw a small cylinder-like thing rolling out slowly.

He was taken aback for a moment, then his expression changed:

"not good!"

As if cooperating with him, as soon as his voice came out, the cylinder made a "squeaky" sound and quickly emitted smoke.

At the same time, the sound of many objects falling to the ground sounded at the same time, and smoke began to fill the entire hall.

Suddenly, the scene became chaotic, and then I remembered the sound of coughing.

"Hmm~" Belmode covered his mouth tightly, watching all this uneasily.

"Follow me." Suddenly, a familiar voice came from beside her ear, and she was led by a big hand and walked quickly through the smoke.

Although Belmode couldn't see the figure pulling her, she knew it must be Hanyu Shirasawa.

bang bang bang! ! !

Gunshots rang out suddenly, followed by several screams.

Belmode staggered suddenly and stepped on something soft, but before he could think about it, his face felt wet.

When she looked up, she realized that she had already left the hall and came outside. The dark night and the cold rain hitting her face could not quench her fiery and excited heart at this moment.

Hanyu Shirasawa ran with her all the way, throwing smoke bombs on the ground all the way, but he didn't expect that the reward he got from the last mission would come in handy here.


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