There is no road ahead.

Belmode glanced forward, feeling very flustered.

What appeared was a seventy-degree slope, and the extremely dark forest was below, because this villa was built deep in a rolling mountain.

"Why don't we..."

"As long as you dare to run the road, you will be overtaken soon." Hanyu Bai Ze knew what she wanted to say, and immediately interrupted her.

"Let's go." Without any time to think, he hugged the chick, hugged her tightly, and slid down from here, but he couldn't help losing his center of gravity in the middle, and he just rolled down.


With a dull impact, Hanyu Shirasawa slammed hard to the bottom of the slope, but it didn't spare Belmode from any damage.

"Ahem, hiss~" Hanyu Shirasawa gasped, grinning his teeth and getting up from the dirt.

"You... are you all right?"

A timely flash of lightning flashed across the air, causing Belmode to see the blood stains left on the head of the man in front of him, which stained most of his face red, and he couldn't help feeling worried for a while.

"It's okay, it must have been hit by a rock on the slope." Hanyu Baisawa took her hand, and plunged into the forest in front of him decisively.

For the system mission, he spent a lot of money this time. He really hit a rock just now and almost killed him. Now he still feels dizzy.


In the big forest at night, especially in this kind of heavy rain, there is no moonlight, and the road can only be illuminated by lightning. It is really difficult to walk.

And Hanyu Shirasawa opened the way ahead, and was scratched by sharp branches from time to time, and his face and hands were covered with small wounds not long after he had walked.

Of course, even so, Belmode was still well protected, but his body was very dirty and wet.

I ran for half an hour.

After confirming that no one was catching up behind him, he came to rest under a big tree.

As soon as he stopped, the big raindrops fell from the sky that day, making Belmode feel a chill in his body, and hugged Hanyu Shirasawa tightly.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent.

Neither of them spoke.

for a long time.

Hanyu Shirasawa said quietly: "Miss Sharon, do you regret it? This is just the beginning, there are still countless difficulties to come, and there is still time to go back now."

"I don't want it." Belmode replied firmly, looked up at Hanyu Shirasawa, and wiped the blood on his face with his hand.

But as soon as it was wiped clean, hot blood would stay from the top of the head again, and with the large drops of rain, the whole face would be dyed red again.

But she stubbornly continued to wipe it, again and again.

"Okay." Hanyu Baisawa grabbed her cold little hand and said with a smile, "It's okay, it's just scary to look at."

After finishing speaking, he took the initiative to take care of the girl's hair, and gently removed the leaves and grass roots on her head, as well as the dirt on her face.

"very beautiful."

He sincerely sighed that even though she was very embarrassed now, she still couldn't conceal her charm.

"Let's go." Hanyu Shirasawa led her by the hand and continued to move forward.

Although he doesn't have any hope for this escape, but this is the girl's wish, and he doesn't mind going crazy with her.

Thinking of the Belmode he met in reality, the indifference of killing three people like a chicken, compared with the girl at this time, is simply a world of difference.

Time is really an incredible thing, it can completely change a person.

"Hayu, you won't abandon me, will you?"

"I even ran out with you, what stupid things are you still asking?"

"I understand."

Belmode smiled. Of course, she either fell in love with Hanyu Shirasawa, or she felt that she would not be alone with someone to rely on.

I feel much better and speak more:

"Well, do you think the new doctor will take advantage of the chaos and run away together?"

"It's very likely, I just don't know if they can escape."

As soon as Hanyu Baisawa finished speaking, he stood on the spot, staring at the front.

Although he already knew that this escape would not be successful, but looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but feel sympathy for the girl.

Chapter 0043: Belmode Copy: 1/3

dark night.


heavy rain.

Lightning flashes, and the wind howls.

Hanyu Baisawa wiped the blood and rainwater off his face, and said calmly: "We can't get through, we have to walk along the edge to see if there is any place we can get through."

As he spoke, he took Belmode's hand and walked along the edge while paying attention to his feet.

As for Belmode, he just stared at the canyon in front of him.

Yes, the canyon is in front of you.

The width is at least ten meters, and the depth is more than 30 meters. Below is the sound of rumbling water. As long as you go down, you can't climb up.

for the rest of the time.

The two walked along the edge of the canyon.

Hanyu Shirasawa remembered that there was a flashing scene in the original book, as if there was a stone arch bridge on the road leading to the outside world.

If there is no accident, the canyon in front of me should be a circle, and the Twilight Villa is in the middle of this circled area, and the only road leading to the outside world may be the stone arch bridge.


Another half hour passed.

They haven't found the way to the canyon yet, but they have come not far from the stone arch bridge.

At this time, there were many cars parked there, and Kenzo Masuyama and his men were guarding them.

It is estimated that they also understand that the only place to leave here is this bridge, so as long as this place is guarded, it is basically impossible to fly.

Belmode was not stupid, he quickly understood this, sat down on the ground limply, and said in a low voice: "Hayu...we failed, it really doesn't work at all."

"Yes." Hanyu Shirasawa replied calmly.

"I'm sorry, I hurt you." The light in Belmode's eyes has disappeared, and the water green eyes look very hollow.

half an hour.

She got up from the ground and walked towards that side slowly, the meaning was self-evident.


Hanyu Shirasawa grabbed her hand, and said quietly: "There is still a chance, I will guide them away for you, you can run from here."

After speaking, without waiting for her to react, she quickly disappeared here.

Belmode opened his lips and his body trembled for a while, but in the end he didn't say anything.

10 minutes.

There were "bang bang" gunshots in the distance, and Kenzo Masuyama's exasperated voice.

Belmode clearly saw that the group of people guarding the bridge all chased in one direction.

In just a split second, there is no one left.

"Yu..." Belmode uttered a word, and rushed forward even rolling and crawling, exerting all his strength, as if he wanted to die with the stone bridge in the distance.

at last.

She stepped on the bridge with one foot, looked back at the forest in the distance, heard the faint gunshots over there, and ran to the other side of the bridge without looking back.

She just kept running.

keep running.

When I ran to my eyes, my vision was already blurred. I didn't know if it was the rain in the night sky or my own tears.


With a stagger, she fell on the muddy road and couldn't get up even now.


In good time, there was the sound of a car driving behind him. Belmode wanted to hide, but unfortunately he had no strength left.

She could only watch a car parked in front of her, the door open, and the old man in the car staring at her quietly.

for a long time.

"Good boy, come up." The old man in the car spoke with an extremely hoarse voice, and at the same time stretched out his old hand.

Belmod held his arms on the ground, and said with trembling lips: "Grand...grandfather...I...I..."

The old man waved: "Come on, I won't blame you."

"Yu... Hanyu... grandpa...can you... let him go..."


No one answered.

Seeing that the old man didn't respond to him, Belmode just stretched out his hand, his eyes were calm, and tears welled up in an instant.

While sobbing, she stretched out her hand tremblingly, and held the old palm in front of her eyes.

"Good boy." The old man smiled, touched Belmod's wet and dirty face without any distaste, and pulled her to sit beside him.

The door is closed.

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