Chapter 0066: Experimental Bullet Time


late at night.

Rice Flower Library.

There are almost no passers-by outside.

This place is not very far from Mihua Park, which is why Conan and the others come here after playing during the day.

But the real reason why they are still here so late is that in the afternoon, Police Officer Megure came here to look for a missing employee.

Under such circumstances, Conan's curiosity was out of control, and the three little ghosts found something wrong in the library, and it dragged on until night.

In the end they found the missing employee, but the murderer who also killed the employee, the library curator Hideji Tsugawa, was chasing and running around.

at this time.

Fourth floor.

In the dark corridor, the four little devils were panting heavily, while looking at the figure slowly walking across.

Tsugawa Hideo "Six Three Seven" held an iron rod in his hand, and said with a gentle face:

"Kids, don't be afraid. It's not good to play here at night. Come downstairs with me."

However, what he didn't know was that his gentle appearance looked extraordinarily eerie and terrifying, making the scalps of the four little ghosts tingle and their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

"Conan~" Ayumi said with tears in her voice, "Brother Bai Ze hasn't come yet?"

Conan judged the time, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't panic, I have already called the police when you informed Bai, I believe they will come soon."


His eyes lit up, and he looked at the lights on the elevator door behind Hideji Tsugawa who were going up one by one, indicating that someone was coming.

"Hey." Conan immediately attracted the attention of the old guy in front of him: "Curator Jin Chuan, I advise you to surrender yourself, I have already called the police."

Hideji Tsugawa smiled cruelly: "Little devil, I really don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth. After I clean up you, there is still time to run."

The voice fell.

There was a "ding" sound from behind.

The elevator door opened, and the light inside shone out, making light appear in the dark corridor.

"Who?" Tsugawa Hideji was startled, and suddenly turned to look at the people in the elevator.

"Brother Bai Ze!!!" Ayumi and the other three brats shouted happily when they saw the person coming.

Hearing the shout, Jin Chuanxiuzhi immediately understood: "It turns out they are the rescuers they are looking for."

Hanyu Baisawa looked at the old guy in front of him, and felt uncomfortable no matter how he looked at it, he frowned and said, "Your temperament is a bit strange, how did you develop it?"

"That's how it was cultivated!" After Tsugawa Hideji finished speaking, he violently swung the iron rod in his hand, and slammed it down hard on the top of Hanyu Shirasawa's head.

"Bullet time..."

Hanyu Shirasawa murmured.


The world seemed to stand still.

He watched the iron rod stop in mid-air, the madness in Tsugawa Hideji's eyes, and the worry in the eyes of the four little ghosts behind him, and he felt that everything was very strange now.

Hanyu Baisawa moved slightly to the side, at a very slow speed, taking advantage of the momentum and slowly clenched his right hand and lifted it up.

next second.


The world is back to normal.

"Death to me!"

The iron rod slammed down, but Hanyu Shirasawa avoided the blow with a slight sideways movement, and at the same time punched Tsugawa Hideji on the chin.


Tsugawa Hideji screamed and fell back, spitting out a mouthful of blood and a few teeth.

"It's so handsome!" The three little ghosts cheered without thinking too much: "Brother Bai Ze is amazing, kick him with Masked Rider."


Conan on the side, the corners of his mouth twitched as he listened. He was so scared to death just now, but he forgot about it in a blink of an eye.

"Bastard... bastard!" Tsugawa Hideji struggled to get up from the ground, staring at Hanyu Shirasawa.

He has already understood one thing, the guy in front of him is not easy to deal with, he must be cautious.

If he can't pass this test tonight, he can already imagine his life in prison.


Hanyu Shirasawa waved at him, his expression was relaxed and comfortable, he wanted to test his bullet time more now, and there was a sandbag in front of him, which was just right.

"Stop looking down on people!" Tsugawa Hideji rushed over, raised the iron bar and swung it again.

In Hanyu Shirasawa's eyes.

The world seemed to pause again, slowly making dodge and counterattack movements.

But in the eyes of Conan and the others, just as Tsugawa Hideji swung a blow, Hanyu Shirasawa quickly dodged it, and at the same time made a very handsome turn and kick.

This kind of ostentatious movement exploded with huge lethality at this moment, it was simply too pleasing to the eye.


Hideji Tsugawa was kicked in the chest, and then there was a "crack" fracture, and the whole person flew upside down again...

This time he couldn't get up, and just lay on the ground moaning, his face full of pain.


"It's great, great!"

"Our Boys' Detective Team has won another big victory this time."

Conan felt helpless when he heard the noise of the three brats.

But he soon discovered something was wrong.

Because Hanyu Shirasawa didn't have a smile on his face, instead he picked up the iron bar that fell on the ground, and walked towards them with a cold face.

"Gulu..." Conan was instinctively afraid, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, always feeling that something was wrong.

Ayumi and the others seemed to sense something was wrong, and they immediately closed their mouths, with a flattering smile on their faces.

Hanyu Baisawa said indifferently: "Kneel down to me."


Conan knelt down on the ground reflexively, his face flushed red when he came back to his senses.

"Ah?" This scene stunned the three kid next to him, but they quickly knelt down, trembling with fear.

"You guys can really do it."

Hanyu Baisawa looked at them, slowly raised the iron rod in his hand, but stopped shortly, and said lightly:

"Give it all to me. If you don't give you some strength today, you won't learn your lesson."

"That..." Conan wanted to say something, but it was too late.

Hanyu Shirasawa was the first to make an example of him 3.0.

It was just a beating, of course it was all on his ass.

But even so, Conan couldn't help but let out a scream, and the three little ghosts beside him were sweating profusely.

Soon, the punishment is over.

It was Ayumi's second turn.

Ayumi immediately showed a pitiful expression, and began to act like a baby: "Brother Bai Ze, don't hit me, okay?"

Hanyu Baisawa looked at this cute little girl, thought for a while, and finally reached out and flicked her forehead.


The little girl covered her head in pain, tears were already rolling in her eyes.

Looking at this scene, Yuantai and Mitsuhiko acted like a baby in a hurry: "Brother Bai Ze..."

Before they could finish speaking, the two of them were beaten up so badly that they were so miserable that Ayumi was so scared that she didn't dare to pretend to be pitiful anymore, and she silently lowered her sense of existence.

Chapter 0067: Concubine Yingli Copy: 3/3

the other side.

After receiving Conan's call to the police, Police Officer Mumu rushed to the Mihua Library as well, calling for his staff.

When he brought a group of people to the fourth floor.

I saw Hanyu Shirasawa beating... uh, three brats. As for the little girl Ayumi, she was exempted from this punishment because she was a girl.

Of course, he also saw Tsugawa Hideji who was moaning beside him.

"Brother Hanyu, what's going on?" Officer Megure hurriedly came to Hanyu Shirasawa, and stopped him from continuing to fight.

"Officer Megure, help! Brother Bai Ze is going to kill us!" Genta and Mitsuhiko looked at Police Officer Megure, as if seeing Masked Superman, and immediately asked for help.

"Brother Hanyu, calm down first, calm down first, although I don't know how these children provoked you, but you must not fight again."

Officer Mumu looked at the iron rod in his hand, and at the three brats covering their buttocks, couldn't help shivering, feeling a moment of silence for them.

Hanyu Shirasawa let go, and said calmly: "Officer Megure 29, you don't have to worry, they didn't mess with me. It's just that I was resting at home and received a call for help from them, so I came here out of nowhere. What a bunch of mischievous brats." , we must give them a longer memory.”

The little ghosts drooped their heads when they heard the words.

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