In their minds, Hanyu Shirasawa is already comparable to the horror of the parents at home. It's too scary to actually have the heart to beat a child.

"What's going on?" Police Officer Meguro asked.

Hanyu Baisawa glanced at the aggrieved Conan, and said quietly, "Boy, please explain what happened, I don't want to say more."


Conan hesitated for a moment, then told what happened.

No superfluous nonsense.

Facts are what they are.

After listening.

Police officer Mu Mu was shocked first, then happy, then angry, and finally came to the four little devils and roared loudly:

"Hey! You guys are too courageous, right? If brother Hanyu hadn't come one step ahead of our policemen tonight, what would you do today? I'm really pissed off!"

As he spoke, he raised the iron rod in his hand, wanting to educate the four little devils in front of him.

But after holding it for a long time, it didn't fall down. Instead, it looked at the subordinates and Hanyu Shirasawa who brought it over, and said speechlessly:

"Well, don't you all stop me? Are you afraid that I will destroy the four children?"


The policemen and Hanyu Shirasawa nodded together in tacit understanding, that means they are really not afraid of breaking the child.


Officer Mu Mu looked at this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he glanced at the trembling brats, put down the iron rod in his hand, and ordered:

"Forget it, send Tsugawa Hideji to the hospital first, and don't let him die. Also, get out the corpse on the elevator, act immediately, don't delay."


The police immediately set to work.

"If it's okay, I'll go back first." Hanyu Shirasawa said.

"Brother Hanyu, why don't I drive you back and take these children back with me by the way."


Hanyu Shirasawa thinks this proposal is good, since he can take a car, he doesn't need to take a taxi by himself.



Everyone came downstairs.

Together, they got into Officer Megure's car.

The four little ghosts sat in the back seat without saying a word, which is called a well-behaved one.

However, their small eyes looked at Hanyu Baisawa from time to time, and then quickly retracted them. It is estimated that what happened today may become a psychological shadow that they will never be able to erase in their entire lives.


The police car arrived at the apartment building where Hanyu Shirasawa lived, and he was the first to get off.

Back upstairs to the home.

Hanyu Shirasawa lay on the sofa, thinking about what happened before, and nodded in satisfaction.

Especially the bullet time, the effect is better than imagined, the slowing down that almost pauses, no matter what dangers you encounter, you have enough time to counterattack and dodge, it is not too comfortable.

"Huh..." Breathing out, Hanyu Shirasawa said flatly, "System, open the panel."

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Ability: Bullet Time]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F Unlimited Bullet Version, Smoke Bomb Unlimited Version, High Explosive Grenade Unlimited Version]

Looking at the copy column, the two-thirds displayed behind Fei Yingli, Hanyu Shirasawa thought for a while, stretched out his finger and chose to go up.

He really wanted to know what the last mission was like.

However, something unexpected happened.

"what's the situation?"

"Why am I still here? Haven't you crossed over?"

Just when Hanyu Baisawa was very puzzled as to why he was still where he was, this mission appeared.

[Dungeon: Fei Yingli (3/3)]

[Customs Clearance Condition: A Hundred Years of Good Cooperation]

[Task Reward: Eye of Reincarnation]

Hanyu Shirasawa fell into deep thought as he watched Fei Yingli's last mission.

First of all.

The first point is that he did not travel this time, which means that the third mission is in this time period.

The second point, it seems that it is not a difficult thing to live in the world of Conan for a hundred years. After all, when the plot begins, the timeline will remain unchanged for 20 years, and the timeline will remain unchanged for a hundred years. It seems that it is not impossible.

"Hundreds of years together..."

"Samsara eyes... 637"

Hanyu Shirasawa was in a particularly complicated mood, thinking about when he should see Fei Eri, and now the time to meet has come.

But this task may not be completed in a short period of time. As for the eyes of reincarnation, just think about it, a hundred years is really very long, very long.


Letting out a long breath, Hanyu Baisawa looked at the names of other people in the column of the system copy. If Fei Yingli's third small task is in this time period, it is also possible that the last small task of other people is this period.

Therefore, after getting this situation, the next step is to go to other people's copies, and you must complete it well, and try not to fail.

Otherwise, when you wait for the last small task of the dungeon, change it to the current time period, and if you don't trust yourself, you may not be able to complete the last task, and you will not get the generous reward.


"all will be good."

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't think about these things for the time being, and went back to the bedroom to lie down.

Fei Yingli's last mission cannot be completed at the moment. He has already decided to choose one of Belmode and Yukiko for the next mission. After all, both of them have completed the mission once, and the reward for the second mission is very generous, probably at least It's no worse than bullet time.

Chapter 0068: Will there be a Shura field?

The next day.

Hanyu Shirasawa woke up very early.

He was going to have breakfast nearby downstairs today, and just got off the first floor in the elevator, the elevator stopped and opened again, and a familiar person came in.

"Hey, Mr. Hanyu, good morning." Kobayashi Chengko greeted with a smile.

"Ms. Kobayashi, good morning." Hanyu Baisawa responded with a smile, "Are you going to Didan Elementary School so early?"

"Yes." Xiaolin Chengzi lifted the bag in his hand and said happily: "Today is the children's exam day, but I have prepared very good exam papers for them, and I want to see how they have learned in the past six months. What about it?"


Hanyu Shirasawa looked at Kobayashi Chengko's happy face, and felt a moment of silence for the group of first-year brats.

This is still a good test paper, I'm afraid I don't know how difficult it is, of course this kind of difficulty is for elementary school students.

"Mr. Hanyu, this is the first time I see you getting up so early."

"I don't want to make breakfast today, so I came out to eat."

"Just like me."

"Then together?" Hanyu Shirasawa sent out an invitation.

"Okay." Xiaolin Chengzi nodded.

5 minute later.

They came to the door of a ramen shop.

When I walked in, I was surprised to find that there are a lot of children today.

But soon, they understood what was going on.

I saw a little inside the entrance of the store, a Superman mask hung on the wall for a long time, and a cardboard box was placed in front of it, with the rules of the lottery written on it.

As long as you eat a bowl of noodles here, you can draw a lottery once. The prize is also very simple, that is, the Masked Superman mask on the wall.

"Tsk tsk." Hanyu Shirasawa exclaimed, "The boss knows how to do business, and the probability of winning is as high as one-third. It's really amazing."

You must know that the current Kamen Rider is very popular in the circle of children.

For example, the group of brats in the store at this time pulled their parents over for a mask, and even asked their mother to eat more ramen because they didn't win the lottery.

Fortunately, the boss here is more conscientious. Generally, a family of three can basically win one, and some children who come alone can win the first time.

It can only be said that children's money is easy to earn, and it is even easier to earn with a little conscience.

"Hee hee, I came up with a good idea." Kobayashi Chengzi looked at this scene, his eyes lit up: "When we take the exam, I will definitely tell the children that if anyone does well in the exam, I will Reward them with a Kamen Rider mask. What do you think?"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled: "I think you will go bankrupt."

Xiao Lin Chengzi said gently: "It doesn't matter, as long as they can learn it, they will go bankrupt if they go bankrupt."

"Okay, as expected of a teacher, awareness is high."

"Of course, hehe."

"You are really not humble."


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