"Godchome, Showa Apartment." Hanyu Shirasawa opened his mouth to lie.


The car came under the Showa apartment.

"Miss Yukiko, Miss Hieiri, thank you so much today, I have time to treat you to dinner." After getting off the car, Hanyu Shirasawa waved to the two, turned and entered the apartment.

inside the car.

The two women were a little quiet.

Just silently watching him go upstairs.

Suddenly, Fei Yingli said: "Okay, Yuxizi, I'll get off here. I just happen to have a lawsuit to deal with nearby, so I won't go back."

"Yes, yes, you are a busy person." You Xizi didn't suspect anything, but sighed: "Oh, it seems that we didn't help much when we went yesterday, and it feels like a waste of time."

"Just treat it as a relaxation."

Fei Yingli got out of the car as she spoke, and waved to her.

"¨‖I'm leaving." You Xizi replied, and then slammed on the accelerator, the car flew straight away, and disappeared from sight after a while.

Fei Yingli shook her head, glanced at the apartment behind her, turned around and left slowly.



After half an hour.

Showa apartment stairs.

Hanyu Shirasawa felt that it was almost done, took off the mask on his face, and walked out of the apartment slowly.


He let out a long breath, looked up at the sky, and headed in the direction of [-]-chome.

In order to lie to those two women, and for the sake of insurance, he hid here, otherwise he would not have been able to come out for so long.

Just when he thought the day would end in such a peaceful way, and when he was thinking about preparing for the dungeon at night, he froze in place after walking a few steps, staring at the woman in front of him with wide eyes.

The woman was squatting on the side of the road, keeping her eyes on this direction. Of course she saw Hanyu Baisawa approaching, and she stood up slowly.

This woman (Wang Wang Zhao) is—Concubine Yingli.

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't know what kind of expression to show on his face, whether it was sadness, joy, or what.

But at the moment he had a lot of words in his mind, but when it came to his mouth, he couldn't say a word.

He could only stand here blankly, staring blankly at the person across from him.

Fei Yingli walked over slowly, looking at this haunted face, she felt a lot of grievances in her heart, her red lips moved a few times, but she was like a mute, unable to make a sound.

The two just looked at each other.

Looking at their own reflections in each other's eyes.

for a long time.

Fei Yingli stretched out her hand tremblingly, caressing the face in front of her eyes carefully, and murmured: "Am I dreaming... I often dream of this kind of dream in the past, but today's dream is clearer. Is it you?" ?White Pond."

"Sorry~" Hanyu Bai Ze gently hugged her into his arms, and whispered in his ear: "I'm late.".

Chapter 0074: Happy Concubine Yingli


late at night.

Four chome.

Hanyu Shirasawa's house.

in the bedroom.

A man and a woman are lying on the bed.

This scene seemed to go back in time, returning to the small shelter under the waterfall in the virgin forest. Of course, the two embraced each other like this, leaning tightly together, which was incomparably warm.

Fei Yingli leaned quietly in the man's arms, drawing circles on his heart with one hand, with a sweet smile all over her face.

"Does it still hurt? Is it better?"

Hanyu Shirasawa asked the same question.

Fei Yingli is a clean woman, except for the one in the virgin forest, it has never happened again.

During these nearly 20 years, she spent it as if she was a girl. Except that she knew that she had a man, there was no second man.

"It hurts, but I'm happy."

Fei Yingli's voice was gentle, wishing she could put herself into this man's body.

"It's all my fault." Hanyu Shirasawa's eyes were full of pity, and he gently stroked her embarrassing hair.


She struggled to sit up, stared straight into 667's eyes, and asked seriously:

"This time, you won't leave my side again, will you?"

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at her beautiful blue eyes, untied hair, and that face that would make an emperor stupid, smiled slightly, and nodded:

"Yes, I won't leave. We want to live together forever, forever. I still have to wait for you to give me two children, a boy and a girl."


Fei Yingli took a deep breath, listening to these past words, her eyes gradually turned red.

Suddenly, her expression changed, she looked like an angry tigress, and said viciously:

"Hanyu Shirasawa! You nasty bastard! The search and rescue team said you were missing, but I was terrified. But you lived well, but you didn't come to me. Do you want to be a scumbag? "

"No, no." Hanyu Shirasawa said hastily.

"You still say no? Then why haven't you come to me for so many years?" Fei Yingli punched him directly after finishing speaking.

"I have my reasons." Hanyu Shirasawa smiled wryly.

"Nonsense! Then why didn't you recognize me when you saw me yesterday? You also wore a mask (cjda). If you didn't expose your voice later, I heard it, and then I blocked you there in the afternoon , will you recognize me?"

The more Fei Yingli spoke, the angrier she became, as if raging flames were bursting out all around her, her beautiful eyes radiated a terrifying coldness, not as gentle as before.

"Gulu..." Hanyu Baisawa swallowed a mouthful of saliva, a little frightened.

I didn't expect this woman's resentment to be so great. It was obviously not like this at the beginning, so why did it suddenly get out of control.

"You, do you dislike me for being old?" Fei Yingli's tone suddenly became weak, she lowered her head, and turned around, leaving him with only a beautiful back.

Her story didn't end here, and she continued to say with negative emotions:

"Yes, I'm really old. You look younger than me, so it's normal to dislike me. Don't worry, I won't pester you. I'll leave later, and we'll never see each other again. "


At this moment, Hanyu Shirasawa finally realized what it means to be a woman's heart, a seabed needle.

They were obviously talking about having children together before, but it turned out that they only lasted for a few tens of seconds, and now they have reached the point where they have no contact with each other, which is really terrifying.

"Eri..." Hanyu Baisawa called softly, sat up, hugged her gently from behind, and said softly:

"First of all, you are not old at all. Also, it's not that I didn't want to meet you, it's just that the timing was wrong. You see, I told the truth about my address, but the last point is different. If I really If I want to lie to you, I can say that I lived in Gunma County at that time."

He used the experience summed up by countless male compatriots.

Coax first, then lie, if it is not possible, then there is only one last resort - to clean up severely.


Fei Yingli is still very coaxing, very easy to deceive, maybe just venting the grievances of these years, and it will be much better after talking about it.

It's just that.

It was also at this moment that the status of the family was determined.

Hanyu Shirasawa was successfully suppressed, and Fei Yingli gained the upper hand.

"Let's just trust you once." Fei Yingli chose to trust this man. Although there were many loopholes in her words, they were all ignored by her.

After all, this is the man she has been waiting for for nearly 20 years, and she will never give up just by saying give up anyway.

"Bai Ze, it's late at night, are you hungry? Let me cook for you."

After Fei Yingli finished speaking, she didn't give Hanyu Shirasawa a chance to refuse, put on his oversized shirt, and trotted out to prepare dinner.


Hanyu Baisawa opened his mouth, feeling inexplicably wrapped in a deep malice, his body felt cold and his scalp went numb.


He thought of a very terrible thing. If Fei Yingli was in charge of the family in the future, then three meals a day would be cooked in darkness.

At this moment, he really wanted to escape from this house, but he managed to coax Concubine Yingli well. If he ran away tonight, he would probably be in trouble.


Hanyu Baisawa resigned to his fate. Originally, he planned to go to Yukiko's second small dungeon at night, but because of the delay due to Fei Yingli's affairs, it turned out like this.


Half an hour passed.

There was the sound of Fei Yingli yelling for dinner.

Hanyu Shirasawa finally bit the bullet and sat down at the dining table in the living room.

Fei Yingli entangled him like a boneless snake, clung to him tightly, and introduced the three dishes and one soup she made.

"Come and eat." She picked up a piece of meat and handed it to his mouth.

Hanyu Shirasawa showed a reluctant smile, opened his mouth to let her feed, just after chewing, a taste that cannot be expressed in words filled his whole taste buds.

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