Sure enough, there is no need for soldiers under the prestige.

It was even worse than imagined.

After exhausting all his efforts, Hanyu Baisawa finally swallowed it, and even boasted with tears in his eyes, "It's delicious."

"Eat more if it tastes good." Such a compliment is the best response for Fei Yingli.

Hanyu Shirasawa tonight, can be said to be both painful and happy.

But there was one thing that puzzled him.

Obviously the food made is so unpalatable, Fei Yingli doesn't seem to be able to feel it, the food is delicious.

He even wondered if Fei Yingli had a problem with his sense of taste, but after trying it out, he found that there was no problem, which made him puzzled.

In the end, it can only be blamed on the fact that this is the talent bestowed on Fei Yingli by God, which cannot be learned by others.

Chapter 0075: Yukiko: Hanyu Shirasawa?

The next day.

Concubine Yingli's house.

A "click" sound.

The door opened, and Fei Yingli walked in with a smile on her face.

But when he came to the sofa in the living room, he saw his best friend lying on it, and immediately suppressed his smile.

At this time, You Xizi was not asleep, she was playing with her mobile phone, and found that her best friend finally came home, she raised her head and asked:

"Eri, what did you do last night? You didn't come back all night."

"Well, because of some lawsuits, I have been busy in the office until now."

"Is that so..."

You Xizi nodded suddenly, and just when she lowered her head to continue playing with her mobile phone, she suddenly raised her head again, looking at her in shock~ my best friend:

"Eri, what's the matter with you?"

"What's the situation?"

"you you you……"

Yukiko stretched out her hand, got up and came to her, pulled her clothes - said:

"Eri, look for yourself, what are you wearing? Which man's shirt is this? And your shorts, it's clearly cut from a man's pants. You must not be in your office last night, are you? Went to a certain man's house to sleep?"

After finishing speaking, he leaned closer to the clothes and sniffed them, with a more affirmative expression on his face: "There is no feminine smell at all, it's all masculine. Eri, what do you have to argue about?"

After listening to these words.

Feiyingli's expression finally couldn't hold back anymore, her face turned red, and she tried her best not to show a shy expression.


You Xizi sighed, lay down on the sofa all at once, and said without love:

"Fei Yingli, you betrayed me. You agreed to be single together, but you actually found a man behind my back. My heart really hurts."


Fei Yingli couldn't bear the appearance of her best friend, so she sat next to her and said seriously:

"Youxizi, we women are always looking for a man. You see, now that I have everything to rely on, you should probably find one. There are so many people who pursue you, just pick the one you like."


Yukiko was silent.

A figure appeared in her mind, thinking of that man, a sweet smile suddenly appeared on her face.

At this moment, she was no longer as lively as before, but became calmer, and said:

"Eri, don't try to persuade me. I know my own reasons. I envy you so much. I am really envious of being able to find my other envious..."

"OK OK."

Fei Yingli hugged her arm, couldn't help shivering, not used to her serious appearance, so she immediately changed the subject:

"By the way, why don't you always go back to your own home? You run to me every time. I feel that this is not my home anymore, it's almost your home."


You Xizi regained her vitality: "The family is too big, and it's lonely to live alone. So, you must have someone to accompany you. If you don't have a man, then you have to find a woman. You are the best choice. You see, the usual I'll be with you all the time, isn't it lonely at all?"

"No need now, I have someone to accompany you, you can go home."


You Xizi clutched her chest, showing a cruel expression on your face.

But soon.

She was concerned with other things:

"Eri, can you tell me what kind of man he is, who can get you? How old is he? Is he handsome? What does he do?"

"He...he should be five or six years older than me, but he looks younger than me now, and he is also very handsome. As for work..."

Feiying dreamed of meeting Hanyu Shirasawa twice, so she shook her head and chose to lie: "I don't know about work, but it should be quite free."

"That's it, bring me to see it another day."


"By the way, what's his name?"

"Hanyu Shirasawa." When Fei Yingli mentioned him, her face was full of happiness and tenderness.

But when You Xizi heard this name, her whole body froze.

Looking at the happy expression of her best friend, she suppressed the messy thoughts that popped up in her heart, and tried her best to comfort herself in her heart:

"It's okay, it's probably just the same name and surname, the probability of this is very high. It's okay, it's okay..."



the other side.

Hanyu Shirasawa is here.

When he got up, he found that Feiyingli was not by his side, so he got dressed and went to the living room.

As soon as I got here, I saw the breakfast covered on the dining table with a post-it note on it.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????????????

Go over and have a look.

It was left by Fei Yingli.

She said it was for him to prepare breakfast, and she went home by herself, and then prepared for work, and told him to eat clean and not picky eaters.


Hanyu Shirasawa exhaled, looked at the prepared breakfast, and thought about whether to throw it away, but finally gave up the idea. After all, this was Fei Yingli's loving breakfast, so he had to bite the bullet and finish it.

It usually only takes 10 minutes to get things done.

He ate for more than half an hour in a daze today, until his face turned dark, and finally he finished the breakfast.


Hanyu Shirasawa sighed, feeling that his future life would be gloomy.

"Forget it, think about something happy, go and buy the car first."


Do it when you think of it.

Go downstairs quickly.

three hours later.

On the road of Mihua Town.

A black Mazda was driving aimlessly, and the driver in the car was Hanyu Shirasawa.

"It's so expensive, it actually cost me 280 million..."

Hanyu Shirasawa only felt a pain in his heart, he still had less than 100 million in his savings, and even spent hundreds of thousands on the license plate matter, otherwise the other party's efficiency would not have been so fast.

But now that I have a car, it will be much more convenient to travel in the future, which is good after all.

Just when he's happy.

next second.


A figure flew straight out and fell to the ground.


Hanyu Shirasawa stared at all this in astonishment, never thinking that he would be hit by someone just as soon as he picked up his new car.

Although he knew it wasn't his fault, it was the woman who suddenly ran out from the side of the road, but everyone had already hit him, so there was no way to deny it.

No nonsense, he called an ambulance while getting out of the car and came to the woman.

At this time, the woman was bleeding on her forehead, and she fell to the ground motionless.

"Fortunately, it shouldn't be very serious."

Hanyu Baisawa breathed a sigh of relief for this woman, thankfully he was driving relatively slowly at that time, if he had driven faster, it would not have been as simple as smashing his head a little and falling to the ground unconscious.

Thinking about it, he bent down and helped the woman up. When he saw the woman's face, he was surprised:

"Huh, it turned out to be her."

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