
The three of them had awkward expressions on their faces.

Black explained: "It was originally in our hands, but it was accidentally blown away by the wind, and finally picked up by four elementary school students. But it doesn't matter, they are only elementary school students. They don't understand what these are at all, and they don't think about it. It's a treasure map."


Hanyu Shirasawa suddenly wanted to laugh, but looking at the three guys opposite, he decided to show them some face.

But I don't know why, I always feel that these three people and what happened here are a bit familiar, so I asked:

"The last question, answer me honestly. How do you know that there is a treasure hidden in this picture? I want to hear the truth, otherwise it will be difficult for us to cooperate."

"Is that so..."

Blake's tone was a bit tangled, but his eyes were cold.

He originally wanted to use Hanyu Shirasawa to find those things, and then kill them to silence them at the end. Now that he asked in advance, there is no problem, anyway, he will kill people to silence him in the end:

"Mr. Hanyu, you've said that, so I won't hide it from you. About a year ago, we robbed [-] maple leaf gold coins from a foreign bank, but these gold coins were taken away by our leader Kabana at that time. He betrayed us and ran to Neon alone. We chased him here to get back our share of the gold coins. When we found him, he had already hidden the gold coins, leaving only The paper with the code was taken away by the police. Mr. Hanyu, you can rest assured that as long as you find these gold coins, we will definitely give you a share."

"So that's how it is, that's how it is."

Hanyu Shirasawa showed an expression of enlightenment, but in fact, he was really enlightened in his heart.

No wonder he just felt more familiar in front of him.

It turns out that this is the character in the original book.

And the four elementary school students they were talking about were probably the three little ghosts of the Detective Boys, plus the shrunken Kudo Shinichi.


"So the plot has begun?"

Hanyu Baisawa thought to himself, and suddenly thought of what Sonoko said when he saw Xiaolan in the morning:

"By the way, I only paid attention to Xiaolan at the time. Thinking about it now, Sonoko seemed to be saying that Kudo Shinichi hadn't come to school for a long time. That is to say, he really became smaller, and now the plot really begins. when."

"Hehe, this is really an impermanent world."

Hanyu Shirasawa never expected that the guy in the original book would come to him.

He remembered that in the original book, the three guys in front of him followed the four little devils, and he didn't have the photocopies of those codes in his hand.

It seems that when he traveled to this world, he still created quite a butterfly effect, otherwise it wouldn't be like this in the end.

"Mr. Hanyu, I leave these codes to you." After Black finished speaking, he bowed deeply, which seemed to be the case.

Hanyu Shirasawa came back to his senses, and said with a smile: "Mr. Black, what you said is a little difficult. However, it will be easy to solve."

"Ah? Mr. Hanyu, what do you mean by that? I don't understand."

"it means……"

Hanyu Shirasawa's voice dragged on, and the next second he raised his arm, a Beretta M92F pistol appeared in his hand, aimed at the three guys in front of him, and said faintly:

"It means that I have unlocked the password, and I know the location of the gold coin. But I don't want to share it with you. In order not to get me into trouble, I decided to solve you."


The expressions of the three of them froze, especially looking at the pistol pointed at them. They often deal with guns and they know very well that this is a real gun, not a toy gun.

Although they all had guns on them, they were now being aimed at close range by the opponent, and they dared not make any movements at all. They were afraid that if they moved around, a bullet would hit them.

Black gritted his teeth: "Mr. Hanyu! We came here with sincerity. Are you not afraid of ruining your own brand by treating us like this?"

Hanyu Bai Ze laughed and said: "Don't be naive, as long as you are dead, no one will know that you have come to look for me. Also, don't you plan to let me go? We just happen to be even.".

Chapter 0011: Belmode

"How did you know?"

Blake scowled.

The current situation is really a bit difficult to ride a tiger, but he is not very worried.

Although there are very few people in this old street, it doesn't mean that there are no people. As long as someone passes by and sees their current situation, they will call the police.

So, now he only needs to appease the guy in front of him and wait for that chance, everything will turn around.

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Mr. Black, you don't want to think about your own career. You are the kind of person who will give money to others with good intentions? So, everyone understands, there is no need to fight. Alright, Raise your hands, I hope you can cooperate a little."


The three were silent, but their bodies immediately tensed up, as if they were about to strike at any time.

Of course they understood what Hanyu Baisawa meant by asking them to raise their hands, to take away the pistols hidden in their waists.

But if they really do this, they really can't help themselves.

After all, having a pistol and not having a pistol are two completely different concepts.

Hanyu Shirasawa frowned: "Why, my request is very difficult?"

"Mr. Hanyu." Black put on an ugly smile: "This time we admit defeat. Why don't we all take a step back, what do you think?"

"Not much. I just told you that I unlocked the code and found out where the gold coins are hidden. If you take a step back, you probably won't be reconciled."

"So there's nothing to talk about?" Black's face immediately turned cold.

Hanyu Baisawa said quietly: "There's nothing to talk about. Originally, I didn't want to cause trouble in the city, but today you three took the initiative to seek death. Don't worry, my marksmanship is still good at such a short distance, I promise I won't let you feel it." to pain."

As for the guy who died on the bus and was shot twice before he died, he threw it out of his mind.

Anyway, he died in the end, which shows that his marksmanship is no problem.

"Ha ha."

Black suddenly smiled: "Mr. Hanyu, don't pretend any more. We did a special investigation when we were looking for you. Although you have done a lot of things in the past three months, I have never heard of you daring to kill people. I have never heard that you have killed anyone. Then...do you really dare to shoot? Do you have the heart to watch life disappear before your eyes?"

Hanyu Shirasawa also laughed, the supporting characters in the original novels are quite eloquent.

Unfortunately, I don't know him at all.

Just when he was about to hit the opponent hard, a faint voice came:

"Wrong, he really dared to shoot, and he didn't hesitate."

This is a young woman with long blond hair, water-green pupils, and a devil-like figure. She is wearing a black suit, which is still tight, and the perfect leg line is outlined below.

Her sudden arrival can be said to have firmly attracted the attention of the four men. Her slow pace made them feel like they were watching a feast of models.

The most amazing thing is her beauty. I don't know how to describe it anymore. Her facial features are profound, full of charm and vigor, and she looks like an angel, which makes people feel contradictory.

"Absinthe? Sharon? Belmode?"

As soon as Hanyu Shirasawa saw this woman, these three names appeared in his mind unconsciously, and he was basically sure that this woman must be, so he shouldn't have admitted his mistake.

But he was very puzzled as to why he met this woman here.

Are the three guys in front of her subordinates?

But he felt wrong again.

Who is the other party, the most mysterious woman in the black organization, it is impossible to want these little bums.

But no matter what, he immediately became vigilant. If the situation was wrong, even if it was an important character in the original book, he would not show mercy.

"Who are you?" Black didn't know Belmode, and asked suspiciously: "Listen to you, you know him well?"

"you guess."

The corners of Belmode's mouth, which was painted with purple lip gloss, rose slightly, and his pace still did not stop, and he slowly came in front of the four of them.

Under Hanyu Baisawa's vigilant eyes, this woman just passed by him, leaving behind a trail of fragrance.

next second.

Things changed abruptly.

Belmode's charming smile seemed to have turned into a devilish smile at this moment. His white and slender hand held a gleaming dagger and waved three icy rays of light.

Puff puff! ! !

The sound of sharp blades cutting through the flesh sounded, and then blood spurted out.

Blake and the others clutched their necks tightly, their eyes full of disbelief, a woman who was just a vase in their eyes, turned into a god of death at this moment, and reaped their lives in an instant.

In the midst of unwillingness and pain, they fell powerlessly to the ground, twitched slightly, and then there was no movement.

The atmosphere instantly froze.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at Belmode's alluring and cold back, turned around and left without thinking.

No, it should turn around and run.

He is not afraid of the other party.

The main reason is that this place is in the city. Three people died, but it won't end so simply.

If you don't leave quickly and let some witnesses see it, it will be very troublesome at that time, at least the police will pester you endlessly.

"Tsk tsk! As expected of a guy from the black organization, he really kills people without blinking an eye, and he doesn't care about the consequences at all."

"Fortunately, there are very few cameras in the city these days, otherwise it would definitely be exposed."

Hanyu Baisawa ran for several streets in a row, and when he came to a place with a lot of people, he gradually slowed down, and the expression on his face became calm, as if he had never experienced what happened just now. .

Just when he thought everything was okay.

Walked for about 2 minutes.

A crimson Harley motorcycle was parked next to him. The owner of the car was of course Belmode, and a faint voice came from the helmet she was wearing:

"Come up."


Hanyu Shirasawa lowered his head, pretending not to recognize him.

"If you don't want to attract too many people's attention, I advise you to come up."


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