Hanyu Shirasawa was convinced, he really didn't want to have anything to do with this woman, but he also knew that this woman must mean what she said.

After thinking about it, I still got on the back seat of the motorcycle.

"Hold my waist."

"Uh... that's not good."

"You want to be thrown out, I don't mind."


Hanyu Baisawa had no choice but to gently wrap his arms around the waist of the woman in front of him.

The first feeling I got, I couldn't help but secretly said in my heart: "It's so soft~".

Chapter 0012: Hello, my name is Sharon

15 minute later.

On the bank of the Tiwujin River.

"Okay, you can come down now."

With a slender and beautiful leg propped on the ground, Belmode took off the helmet he was wearing, flicked his long and smooth hair, and said in a cold tone:

"Also, if you don't want your hands anymore, you can continue to put them on my waist. I don't mind if you lose a hand, or a pair of hands."


Hanyu Shirasawa didn't say anything, it wasn't that he didn't want to talk, it was just that he was so dizzy that he couldn't speak.

It's unbelievable to say it, after all, it's the first time I heard that someone gets motion sickness while riding a motorcycle, but the fact is like this, there is no fraud at all.

During the fast speed along the road, especially when he was speeding up and cornering, he was very afraid that he would get into a car accident and leave like this, and he would die too unjustly.


After resting for a while, letting out a breath, Hanyu Shirasawa slowly got off the Harley motorcycle, away from this terrifying woman.

Driving is really a life-threatening thing, it’s not called flying anymore, it’s almost like flying.

But one thing is undeniable, the woman in front of him is the most beautiful and charming woman he has seen in more than 20 years of his life. Unfortunately, this woman is a rose with thorns, and the thorns are poisonous. It really can only be respected and kept at a distance. Don't dare to touch it easily.

Belmode stepped on the height-enhancing boots and came face to face with Hanyu Shirasawa. Standing here so casually is a charming gesture, and he said calmly:

"Hanyu Shirasawa, 25 years old, suddenly became famous in the underground world three months ago. Your appearance was very sudden, and your reputation came very suddenly. It's like... It's like there are countless people at the same time It's like promoting it to you."

"Hehe." Hanyu Shirasawa smiled awkwardly: "Actually, I don't know what happened, maybe it's just luck. After all, there are not just people who suddenly became popular, right?"

"Whether it's luck or not, I'm interested in you, and I really want to know you."

You want to know me, I don't want to know you, besides, I know you too, one of the most popular female characters in the world of Conan, and a senior member of the Black Organization.

"Hi, my name is Sharon."

After finishing speaking, Belmode stretched out his hand, and the exposed skin was fair and flawless, crystal clear, as beautiful as coming out of a painting.

For a while.

Hanyu Shirasawa remained silent.

"What, are you afraid of me?"

There was a smile on Belmode's face, maybe she didn't know why she was smiling, she just gently raised her finger, put it on Hanyu Shirasawa's heart and slowly twirled it.

"As a man, you are indifferent to women, can't you?"

Killing hearts.

A murderous sentence.

This sentence is impossible for any man, including Hanyu Shirasawa.

Therefore, Hanyu Shirasawa successfully spoke:

"Miss Sharon, right? You brought me here, you didn't just want to get to know me, did you? Let's talk directly if we have anything to say, there's no need to be so secretive."

He thinks it's better to deal with this woman first, and he doesn't want to provoke the black organization at the moment, after all, they don't have any conflict of interest, and it's best for everyone to live in peace.

As for whether there will be in the future, I don't know.

this time.

Instead, Belmode stopped talking.

She stared at Hanyu Baisawa, and the words "Miss Sharon" kept echoing in her mind. This familiar tone really made her feel very nostalgic.

"Ha ha."

With a slight smile, Belmode calmed down his mood, then his expression restrained, and he turned into that cold look again:

"I heard you tell them before that you have unlocked the password on the photo and found out where the gold coins are hidden. Is this true?"

"Fake, lied to them."

"It seems to be true. That's right, if it's not true, you don't need to turn against them."


The corner of Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth twitched, and the woman knew it and even made a point of asking.

Shaking his head, he said speechlessly:

"Miss Sharon, don't you want to take a share of my business?"

"of course."

Belmode admitted it directly, without any concealment:

"I heard it very clearly. They are all gold coins, [-] pieces. With your current contacts, I don't think you can change these gold coins into money. So those things are in your hands, and they are just some toys at present. It will be different if you give it to me, I will be responsible for changing it into money, and then we will share it equally, what do you think?"

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't think this woman had such kindness, of course he wouldn't say it.

But he thought about it seriously.

At present, he has only traveled a hundred days, and his contacts are really very small, and he really can't find anyone to exchange these gold coins into money.

As for Masayoshi Sato, it would be great if this guy found out and didn't arrest him, let alone helping him in exchange for money.

and so.

If you look at it this way.

The woman in front of him is really his only partner right now.

Of course, the other party is not an ordinary person, maybe he will play black and eat black in the end, this is very possible.

Also at this time.

The sound of "beep beep" sounded.

Hanyu Shirasawa froze for a moment, took out his mobile phone, glanced at the phone number on it, then at Belmode, and asked after connecting:

"Hi, I'm Hanyu Shirasawa, what can I do?"

Masayoshi Sato's face on the opposite side changed. They had negotiated. As long as there is such a formal address in the phone, it is inconvenient to talk about things. Be careful.

Ever since, he also changed his tone and said slowly:

"Mr. Hanyu, the [-] Maple Leaf Gold Coins that have been making a lot of noise recently were found by the police. I will give you the address, and you go there quickly. I will take a photo secretly and publicize it. Say that you actually found it too, It’s just that you’re one step late, and your reputation will rise to the next level. The address is…”

"Okay, thank you, happy cooperation."

After Hanyu Shirasawa finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He looked at Belmode on the opposite side, shrugged, and said helplessly:

"Miss Sharon, did you hear what was said on the phone? It's such a pity. We were a step too late. We ran out of gold coins, so we can't cooperate with you. Also, my secret is that someone cooperates in publicity, and there is nothing magical about it. "

"Really, that would be such a pity."

Belmode took a deep look at him, turned around and rode on his Harley, put on his helmet, and left gracefully.

Hanyu Shirasawa watched her go away quickly, and then realized that he was still here.


"Sure enough, women are narrow-minded, and they left me here."

Chapter 0013: Here comes the heroine

Two 10 minutes later.

Hanyu Shirasawa finally arrived at the scene of the incident and came downstairs where the gold coins were hidden.

It seems that Masayoshi Sato is not lying. These maple leaf gold coins were really found by their police, because there are several police cars parked here, and many policemen are still wandering around.

As soon as he got closer, he saw a fat man waiting here, and he smiled and said hello:

"Officer Mu Mu, you guys are really amazing, you have made great achievements."

"Haha! Not at all!"

Police Officer Mu Mu's mouth was almost grinning behind his ears, but he still maintained a humble and hard-working look. It's a pity that he couldn't hide his bright smile.

How did the two of them meet?

It was Masayoshi Sato who met through matchmaking.

After all, Police Officer Megure is a subordinate of Sato Masayoshi, and of course he should listen carefully to the greetings from his superiors, so the relationship with Hanyu Shirasawa is quite good.

"Ahem." Hanyu Baisawa looked around, and whispered, "Why didn't I see the person taking the picture, are you the one who took the picture for me today?"

Not bad.

What Masayoshi Sato said to him before is true.

He really came here to take pictures, in order to increase his reputation in the underground world. Of course, there is no evidence for his words, and the convincing power will be much stronger if there are pictures.

"Brother Hanyu, don't worry, the filming is already underway, and it will be ready soon."

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