It has almost turned into a huge spider's lair. Before simply coming to the underworld leading to the main tomb, Li Wenjie and others encountered no less than a hundred spiders in the previous cave.

Some of these giant spiders.

It was even bigger than the spider in the bronze sacrificial cauldron before.

Its toxicity, including aggressiveness, etc., must be stronger.

However, Li Wenjie has a red dragon tattoo, so he has no setbacks against these giant spiders.

The simple red dragon tattoo along the way has already devoured hundreds of big spiders to fill up its energy. Before coming to the Hades, this red dragon tattoo was entrenched on Li Wenjie's back.

Obviously, from the looks of it, the body size has become larger, and the ferocity has also increased a bit.

As for Li Wenjie himself, his control over the flames also began to improve further.

Although these big spiders with faces couldn't do any harm to Li Wenjie, Li Wenjie didn't dare to take it lightly.

He knows.

In the deepest part of this tomb.

There is also a huge ancestor giant spider hidden. The size of this ancestor giant spider is even bigger than a building. It is very likely that it is a monster that has spanned more than a thousand years. It is definitely an existence that cannot be underestimated.

As the saying goes: If you don't die for a hundred years, you become a spirit, and if you don't die for a thousand years, you become a demon.

Whether it is a human or an animal, there is such a saying. In the Jin Dynasty, and in the book "Yi Yao", it was recorded: Dogs do not live for eight years, and chickens do not last for six years.

On the one hand, Li Wenjie was exploring these ancient tombs, looking for various magical artifacts, including some inheritances that had been lost in ancient times, or some mysterious artifacts, etc. At the same time.

I also want to explore the snake god under the bottomless ghost cave.

According to Li Wenjie's current understanding, including when he was still in the ancient city of Jingjue.

The Snake God is one of the Twelve Ancestral Witches in ancient times, and is known as the ancient god. There have been rumors of gods since ancient times in Chinese history, but gods are different from gods.

God is formed between heaven and earth when the chaos of heaven and earth first opened.

Immortals are acquired through cultivation.

Shenke is in charge of the most mysterious and ancient power in the world. For example, among the six abilities of the snake god, he can control the power of time and space. The power of bugs exists.

But problems also arise.

As an ancient god, the snake god Zhu Jiuyin, one of the twelve ancestral witches, can control the power of time and space, and even has the ability to predict everything thousands of years later, including Iron Triangle's trip to the ancient city of Jingjue , and Audio-Technica went to Xianwang's tomb to find Muchen Bead, the Eye of the Snake God.

In the end, the Eye of the Snake God was sent back to the bottomless ghost cave under Daheitian Thunder Mountain, making people think of the huge cold corpse of the Snake God who only had a shape aperture and lost one eye.

Among the six great abilities of Lenovo Snake God, there is also the ancient immortality.

The sky and the earth are at the end of time and space, and the snake god will be reborn from nirvana in the eyes of the snake god.

Perhaps this line was arranged by the Snake God back then, so that Audio-Technica traveled thousands of miles to bring the Muchen Bead from the tomb of the King Xian back to the Snake God's ghost cave. Here, perhaps the Snake God can get it. Rebirth.

of course.

This matter is currently only Li Wenjie's guess.

If you want to get a confirmation, you still need to wait for the chick Jingjue Queen to wake up from the jade eyeballs before asking.

And this trip after leaving the Longling Misty Cave.

Maybe I can look for Aning. Although it has not yet reached the millennium, according to the timeline, Aning should still be a little girl.

However, this kind of mercenary who is devoted to Jude Kao should be cultivated from an early age, otherwise, he must always beware of this beautiful snake accidentally biting himself, which is not a good thing.

And this trip after returning to Kyoto.

Maybe it's time to develop your own sphere of influence, although at present your own influence has already taken shape, including the big golden tooth of Jianbao, the Iron Triangle of Mojin, Zhang Qiling of the Zhang family, etc.

But compared to these giants in Kyoto.

At least not even close.

I still need to expand further.

However, whether it is Panjiayuan or Liulichang, the forces are intertwined, Xie, Huo, and the Crescent Hotel, the Appreciation Association, etc. have already gradually eroded a large area of ​​​​the territory, and if they want to fight against each other, at present, they are still too far behind .

It is better to go to Changsha.

Changsha is the birthplace of the Nine Schools of the Southern School. A large number of Tufuzi were born that year. It should still be in a state of chaos, or a state of complete disorder. It’s not like there is order and rules in the capital. If it is, it must be backlashed.

Gossip less.

"Hey, I finally saw the tomb. Old Hu, Master Can, and Staff Officer Yang, let's go〃!" Fatty said, carrying an engineering shovel and a large mountaineering bag, he took the initiative to clear the way towards the tomb. go in the middle.

As soon as Hu Ba put on his equipment and held up a flashlight, seeing that the fat man was impatient, he also followed.

Li Wenjie walked in the middle.

Apart from these mysterious and ancient stone men on both sides of the tomb passage, there are no sacrificial objects and so on, which is extremely rare among tombs. There are no ear chambers on both sides, only the tomb in the middle.

This may have something to do with the fact that Li Chunfeng is only a Taishi Ling from the fifth rank.


The level of this tomb, if the factor of King Wen of Zhou is not included in it, I am afraid that it is not much different from the tomb of the general of the Jin Kingdom in Ganggang Yingzi before.

Soon into the tomb.

This tomb is a Tang Dynasty tomb with obvious features. The entire tomb is square and square, with a semicircular dome above it, which conforms to the ancients' perception of a round sky and a place. On the dome, a map of 28 constellations is inlaid with beads.

After all, Li Chunfeng was a celestial observer during his lifetime.

In the middle is an altar.

There is no coffin on the altar, but a huge armillary sphere, which has the feeling of ancient black technology.

On the walls in all directions, there are many mural reliefs and other things. These murals are painted by officials of the Tang Dynasty, holding wat boards in their hands.

Shirley Yang illuminated the surrounding murals with the flashlight in her hand, and then said: "The official costumes painted on these murals should be the appearance of the Tang Dynasty Cong Wupin, but the outside is purely from the tomb passage, it should be like a Western Zhou tomb. , why this place has turned into a tomb of the Tang Dynasty, it's really weird."

"Staff Yang, why do you care so much, as long as it's a tomb." The fat man buckled around nonchalantly.

In the corner of the tomb, there are some altars and pots buried with him, some lifelike figurines fabricated by Tao Yong, and some colorful Tang Sancai. The fat man stuffed seven or eight Tang Sancai into the snakeskin pocket while Shirley Yang was not paying attention. go in.

When Shirley Young looks elsewhere.

Quietly took out the Tang Sancai from the snakeskin pocket, and immediately said: "々' Master Can, Laohu, look at it, how about it?"

As soon as Hu Ba took out the gold-touching talisman from his collar, he immediately gave the fat man a thumbs up.

Li Wenjie also looked at the few Tang Sancai stuffed in the fat man's Shekou pocket. This thing is gorgeous in color, and its price is even more expensive than the ordinary blue and white porcelain in the Song Dynasty. Now even if you take out an ordinary one, it can be worth tens of thousands, no matter how good it is. A little bit hundreds of thousands.

However, Li Chunfeng's tomb is still a bit poor.

In fact, there are so many dynasties in China.

Not to mention the dynasties before the pre-Qin period. On the one hand, the distance is too far, and on the other hand, any one unearthed here is a magic weapon, and no one dares to take it.

During the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The tombs of the Tang Dynasty are the most majestic.

Opening mountains for mausoleums and piercing mountains for burials, the great power of the Tang Dynasty, and even its tombs reveal a kind of demeanor everywhere, the spirit and mind are really admirable.

If this was the mausoleum of the Great Tang Emperor, I'm afraid that all kinds of gold, silver and jewels inside will be worrying for ten lifetimes.

"Good job!" Li Wenjie quietly picked a thumbs up for Fatty.

While the third brother was chatting.

Shirley Yang behind her suddenly sensed something was wrong, held up a flashlight and asked in confusion: "Old Li, what are you three doing secretly?"

"No reason!" The fat man quickly put away the snakeskin pocket and grinned.

Shirley Yang glanced suspiciously at Fatty's back, and then said: "As we said in advance, we are not here to touch gold, this trip is just to find the Dragon Bone Book in Li Chunfeng's tomb."

"Don't worry, Ms. Yang (for Li Zhao), it's absolutely fine if Lao Hu and I are watching Fatty." Li Wenjie said.

"It's because of you watching that I'm worried." Shirley Yang rolled her eyes.

Immediately after holding up the flashlight, I went to observe the murals above.


After seeing this, the fat boy was relieved.

"Master Can, why don't you think there is even a coffin in this tomb? Someone should have stepped in first, and even the coffin boards have been swept away." The fat man was next to clean up the pots and pans, and then he held up the searchlight and asked in doubt.

...whose tomb robber took away the coffin and the corpse, Li Wenjie complained.

Immediately afterwards, he said: "Fatty, don't be afraid of being late for a good meal, stay calm, this tomb must have a different world."

Li Wenjie knew that this Tang Dynasty tomb was just a cover-up arranged by Li Chunfeng. He transformed the entire Western Zhou tomb under Longling into a huge armillary sphere, and only through the hanging soul ladder can one step into the real Hades.

The old boy Jiu occupied the magpie's nest and took the tomb of King Wen of Zhou as his own.

Buried in the Hades of the Western Zhou Dynasty.

It's really shameful.

It is even more powerful than Yin Yang House.

However, the burial object of King Wen of Zhou was probably also in Li Chunfeng's coffin. The King Wen of Zhou in history was a strange person. It is rumored that he had many magical treasures in his hands, including the Tai Chi Banner, King Wen Seal and so on.

I have to take a look at it myself.


Chapter 110: The Secret of Pushing the Back Picture, Mercury Coffin, Stepping into the Hanging Soul Ladder 】

"Old Li, come quickly and see if this is the Dragon Bone Heavenly Book." Shirley Yang held a flashlight and shone on a mural in the Hades Hall in front of her.

Li Wenjie went over after hearing the words.

I saw a relief sculpture on the wall in front of Shirley Yang.

The relief is an official of the fifth rank in the Tang Dynasty, holding a stone tortoise shell in his hand, and a writing brush in the other hand. It seems to be Li Chunfeng himself.

This stone-carved tortoise shell.

It should refer to the Dragon Bone Book of Heaven.

"En!" Li Wenjie nodded beside him and said, "It seems that the Dragon Bone Book should be in Li Chunfeng's coffin."

"The coffin is not in the Hades." Shirley Yang frowned, thinking about the unusual thing in front of her.

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