at the same time.

Fatty shouted, "Master Can, look what this is."

In front of the fat man was a picture of a sixty elephant pushing back.

The Tuibei map is a map deduced by Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang in the Tang Dynasty, which includes a prophecy of important historical events in China more than two thousand years later.

The reason why it is called this name.

It is named after the eulogy in the 60th image (the last hexagram) that says "thousands and thousands of words are endless, it is better to push back and go back to rest".

The image of Tuibei is arranged according to the names of the 64 hexagrams in "Book of Changes", matched according to the heavenly stems and earthly branches, and cycled for a week in the order of Jiazi and Yichou.

And because this "Tui Bei Tu" predicts the rise and fall of dynasties, etc., it is too accurate, so this "Tui Bei Tu" has almost been banned books since the Song Dynasty. The picture is basically lost and scattered.

Among Li Chunfeng's tombs, this picture of pushing the back is the most complete picture of sixty images. If it is spread, I'm afraid it will drop my jaw.

Shirley Yang also came over with a flashlight at this time.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at the Tuibei map in front of him and said, "The Tuibei map is actually the most complete version."

"What's a push back picture?" The fat man asked suspiciously, "Is it worth money, Master Can, Lao Hu."

"It can't be said that 160 is worth money. It should be the same as the ghost cave essay that Professor Chen studied before. In the eyes of some people, it is a priceless treasure." Li Wenjie said beside him.

"Yes." Shirley Yang also nodded.

Li Wenjie looked at the push back picture in front of him. This thing is not very useful to him, not to mention that he can't take it away now. If he can take it away, it will be of great collection value. If Professor Chen and others are here, It must be a huge discovery.

It's a pity that Professor Chen and others have gone crazy as early as in the ancient city of Jingjue.

Shirley Yang took a few photos and left here.

Li Wenjie walked to the relief next to it, and then took off the writing brush clamped on the relief. Knowing the original work, he knew that the writing brush was a mechanism that could lead to the back room of the Hades.

In the back room of the Hades, there is also a mercury coffin.

It was Li Chunfeng who specially set up this apse to house the quicksilver mechanism for the tomb robbers.


After asking Li Wenjie to take off the brush.

I saw one of the stone walls in front of me slowly rise up, leaking out of an apse behind it.

In this apse, it can be noticed that there is a huge stone coffin in the middle. In this stone coffin, what is buried is not a corpse or a funeral object, but a large amount of mercury. This is specially set by Li Chunfeng. An agency here.

I saw a few flashlight lights gathered on the stone coffin.

"I said why I couldn't find this coffin. It turns out that Li Chunfeng hid this coffin in the apse." The fat man was overjoyed when he saw this, and he planned to enter the apse to open the coffin with his engineering shovel on his back. Open the coffin and look for funerary objects.

But let Li Wenjie hold it down.

"There are strange things everywhere in this tomb, so be careful," Li Wenjie said.

"Don't worry, Lord Can!" Fatty said, and greeted Old Hu. The two of them carried mountaineering bags and engineering shovels, took out a candle, and lit it in the southeast corner of the tomb.

Li Wenjie also stepped into the apse.

If he wanted to find the Hanging Soul Ladder, he had to break open the quicksilver coffin in front of him, otherwise Li Wenjie wouldn't bother to bother.

In this apse, there are also quite a few murals painted in it. Apart from these murals, the entire apse is also empty, except for the mercury organ coffin, there is almost nothing else.

After the two lit the candles.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the engineering shovel, black zhezi, penetrating claws and other equipment, and was ready to open the coffin.

Li Wenjie and Shirley Yang stood aside to prevent possible traps.

"Old Hu!" The fat man greeted, and the two of them simultaneously removed the mortise and tenon on the coffin with their claws, and then used the black folds to pry it violently, only to see that the coffin cover had already been pried open by the two of them. .

Before the two were excited.


I only heard a series of sounds from the organs in the apse.


I saw a series of arrows shot out from all directions in the apse in an instant, converging towards Li Wenjie and others.

"Clang clang clang!"

Shirley Yang on the side opened the vajra umbrella, and these arrows hit the vajra umbrella. With the defense of the vajra umbrella, not even a single white mark was left.


Although the two Hu Fat brothers didn't have a vajra umbrella, they were already nimble. With a quick roll, all the arrows shot into the wall, and some of the arrows that hit them were blocked by the black jacket Li Wenjie gave them. .

"The things Master Can gave us are useful, grandma's. I almost lost my life this trip." The fat man wiped off a cold sweat, and then pulled out the arrows stuck on the jacket and threw them on the ground.

As for Li Wenjie here.

Not to mention.

These arrows are basically harmless to him.

So I don't even bother to dodge.

"Gu dong dong!"

At the same time, a large amount of mercury quickly diffused out of the mercury coffin, and quickly devoured towards several people.

"My God, this grandson of this mother's Li Chunfeng is really hurt, this coffin is full of mercury!" The fat man said, he got up, and then ran away.

"Fatty, Lao Hu, Shirley, get the gas mask!" Li Wenjie threw the gas mask he had prepared to the three of them.

Absorbing mercury for a long time can lead to mercury poisoning.

Li Wenjie already knew the contents of the coffin of the quicksilver "Chihiro First", so he was not surprised.

He led a few people to put on gas masks, and quickly retreated to the main tomb. At this time, mercury had already permeated the main tomb. At the same time, the huge armillary sphere above the altar turned into a voluntary rotation at this time.

And with the rotation of the armillary sphere.

The tomb door through which several people entered the tomb chamber disappeared, and turned into a huge wall.

Li Wenjie knew.

The current tomb, like the huge armillary sphere on the altar in front of me, rotates on its own. As long as you continue to rotate the armillary sphere, use the heavenly stems and earthly branches on it to find the cracking code.

You will be able to find the Hanging Soul Ladder.

With the Hanging Soul Ladder, you can reach the real Western Zhou Hades, which is the place where Li Chunfeng's real bones are buried.

I saw the armillary sphere in front of me, engraved with celestial stems and earthly branches, rotating on the altar, and at the same time, a large number of mercury organs in the apse activated automatically, and gradually filled the main tomb.

There is no way for a few people to retreat.

Wearing a gas mask, he could only retreat on the altar where the armillary sphere was placed.

"What should we do now, Master Can, the mercury is spreading over." The fat man shouted from the side.

"The armillary sphere is the mechanism." Li Wenjie said: "Find the corresponding heavenly stems and earthly branches on the armillary sphere, and you can break through the mercury mechanism in front of you. The owner of this tomb is Li Chunfeng, and we need to find it from him."

Hu Bayi said from the side: "Master Can, for Li Chunfeng, the most important day in his life should be the year when he was promoted to Taishi Ling."

"22 years of Zhenguan?" Shirley Yang asked from the side.

"It's the 22nd year of Zhenguan!" Li Wenjie nodded, and then quickly turned the armillary sphere in front of him. This armillary sphere is so huge that it takes at least three people to turn it, but with Li Wenjie's strength, one person can completely twist it.

Put this armillary sphere.

Turn to Zhenguan 22 years later.


Then came a series of mechanism sounds, accompanied by the sound of the mechanism, it would inevitably make everyone a little scared, if they guessed right, it would be okay.

If you didn't guess right.

I'm afraid it's a real death situation.

Thinking about the scene where thousands of arrows are fired, the top is covered by quicksand, and the mercury is swallowed up, it makes people feel chills all over.

But luckily.

Accompanied by the transmission of the sound of the mechanism, the mercury quickly followed the grooves on the ground from the tomb, and was quickly sucked back by the pillars around the Hades.


Seeing a large amount of mercury, it has been sucked back into the dome.

The fat man heaved a sigh of relief, sat down on the ground, took off his gas mask and gasped for air.

At the same time, after the mercury was sucked back to the dome, on the altar in front of him, a small entrance was gradually cracked, and a staircase extending downward appeared in front of several people.

"This is..." Hu Bayi held the flashlight, looked at the stairs below, and then glanced at Li Wenjie.

"Master Can, can't you come down?"

Li Wenjie stepped up to the Hanging Soul Ladder, and shone his flashlight down. Below was a staircase that could only accommodate one person. On both sides of the staircase were bottomless abysses, pitch black.

The most terrifying thing is.

On this kind of stairs, it seems to be coated with special light-absorbing secret material. Even the extremely powerful wolf smoke flashlight can only illuminate a place of more than one meter.


"Old Hu, there are special light-absorbing materials painted on the stairs. I guess it may be the Hanging Soul Ladder recorded in the Book of Changes, and the bottom is probably the real tomb of Li Chunfeng. Be careful!" Li Wenjie patted Hu Bayi said over his shoulder.

...Hanging Soul Ladder, Hu Ba was stunned for a moment after hearing the words.

Xuanhun Stairs has also been recorded in his "Sixteen-Character Yin-Yang Fengshui Secret Art". This special staircase is covered with special light-absorbing secret materials, and the staircase is made into 380 six steps, each symbolizing the Eight Diagrams. Among them, there are 380 six lines.

Use a method of Bagua array.

If it is difficult to understand the mechanism of this hanging soul ladder, ordinary people may not be able to walk out of this hanging soul ladder for a lifetime, and will be completely trapped to death on this staircase.

Really did not expect.

A simple Li Chunfeng was able to design this unimaginable hanging soul ladder in his own tomb.


Chapter 110 The Giant Demon Spider, Vulcan Red Dragon, Help Me Exterminate the Demon! [Seek full order, please customize! 】

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