"It was my father who told me. My father said that grandpa had seen it, and many elderly people in the village had seen it. He said that the demon dragon was at least a hundred meters long, and it would only appear once every hundreds of years. It was overwhelming. , the momentum is overwhelming."

Shi Feng said, with a look of fear on his face: "Masters, you can only take a look at it from a distance, and you must never go to the Nine Dragon Cave."

"During the period of the Republic of China, people in the village heard that someone planned to build the Jiulong Cave, and they all died in it in the end, without even bones."

"I heard from the elderly in the village that there are not only black monster dragons in the Nine Dragon Cave, but also graves that can eat people. As long as you covet the burial objects in the cave, those graves will be eaten. "

Li Wenjie raised his eyebrows and looked at Brother Hu Fat behind him.

Will eat people's graves.

black dragon

This is kind of interesting.

"Shi Feng, take us to have a look." Monk Hua said beside him.

"Yeah!" Shi Feng nodded.

Early in the morning, a group of people had a simple breakfast at the home of the local Miao people in the Diaojiaolou, and then headed to the Jiulong Cave.

The Jiulong Cave, which is widely rumored locally, is not very far from the village.

About noon, he had already arrived at the outskirts of the village. He saw towering trees, vines all over the place, and many poisonous insects in the grass.

There are many poisonous insects and witchcraft in Hunan.

There is a cliff in front of you, and the forest-lined mountain peaks look like thousands of bamboo shoots supporting the sky, stretching endlessly.

"Where is Nine Dragon Cave." Shi Feng said.

Looking upwards along the direction pointed by the stone peak, on top of the cliff, there are only a few obvious caves in the center of the precipitous cliff.

These caves are large and small, all over them, a total of nine, as if dotted with stars, among them, some hanging coffins can be seen standing on the cliff.

Similar to the form of burials such as hanging coffins.

Not uncommon in nature.

In addition to the burial forms of the Han people in Central China, there are still many burial forms. For example, the Tibetan area pays attention to sky burials, and some places use sea burials.

And the hanging coffin.

It is a burial method in which the coffin is placed on the cliff.

The most famous one is the Wuxia Coffin Mountain in the land of Bashu, which was also the birthplace of the Great Ming Guanshan Taibao.

Most of these exposed hanging coffins are already outdated. It is not known whether the tomb robbers have already patronized them, or it is a matter of time.

Hanging coffins like this are actually easy to find.

At least it doesn't look like the huge tomb of the imperial tomb, and it still needs to search for dragons and acupuncture points.

"Is there a way to the Nine Dragon Cave?" Li Wenjie looked at the cliffs in front of him, the road covered with vines and thorns, and asked Shi Feng beside him.

"Masters, you can't go here." Shi Feng said hastily.

"Hey, that's up to you." Behind Monk Hua, he pulled out the shotgun from under his clothes and pointed it at Shi Feng's waist.

This is the suburbs at the moment.

The wilderness, and the fact that this place is isolated from the outside world, no one will know who died for several years.

Shi Feng's face turned pale with fright.

After all, he was still a child, seeing these people at this time, the old blind man was as sinister as a poisonous snake, and the monk Hua was even more ferocious.

The young man in the Chinese tunic suit looked a bit refined and easy-going, but it also made people shudder.

Immediately said quickly: "Masters, if you want to go to the Nine Dragon Cave, you have to climb up the Nine Dragon Peak, climb up from here, and then go down from the top."

"Lead the way honestly!" Monk Hua said bluntly.

Shi Feng didn't dare to say a word at this time, knowing that this was a bunch of ruthless people.

A walking stick was broken from the ground. In order to prevent poisonous snakes in the grass, they opened a road all the way in front. Several people were already climbing towards the Nine Dragon Peak.

Li Wenjie was looking at the Jiulong Peak at this time.

I saw that the extremely dangerous part of this mountain peak is as smooth as a mirror, and there is no grass growing, but it is really standing on a wall.

At the moment, he also praised: "Look at the situation with a thousand feet, and check the shape with a hundred feet."

After climbing all the way up this mountain, the mountain is steep and surrounded by people all the way. When the night is dark on the way, they take advantage of the opportunity to set up camp on the mountainside.

Li Wenjie has a red dragon suit.

The dragon is the head of a hundred scales and the ancestor of all monsters.

Ordinary snakes, insects, rats and ants dare not approach at all, so these vines and poisonous insects and poisons in the grass did not cause much trouble.

Wait until the next morning.

The few people continued on their way, and soon reached the peak of the mountain.

Now standing on the top of the peak, the field of vision is even wider. Below you can only see the Jiulong Mountain surrounding the Jiulongzhai, winding up and down, circling the stream, like a huge black python.

Finish the finishing touch.

The place of its dragon head is right above the current peak.

It's really a place of extreme feng shui.

It is indeed not easy here.

Standing on the top of this thousand-foot peak and looking down, it is unavoidable to make people dizzy. The whole bottom is at least a thousand feet high, and looking at it at this time is like an abyss.

Below it is about 200 meters.

It is this protruding hanging coffin, the land of cliffs.

It's hard to imagine how these ancient people buried such a heavy coffin in the middle of the cliff in the ancient times thousands of years ago.

It is not difficult to get down to the top of the peak now.

Several people were on the boulder, after driving down the piton, buckled the safety buckle on their bodies, added the climbing rope, and then went down.

"I said, old man, is your body good enough? You are almost 80 years old when you climb such a high rock."


The fat man buckled the safety buckle beside him, and said with a smile at the same time: "If you can't, just wait for us on the top, in case there is any accident, and ask our third brother to save you."

"Hmph." Chen Pi'a laughed three times: "How can I bother you young people to do it, the old man has not reached that level yet."

"Monk Hua, do it." Old Chen Pi said beside him.

"Yes, Fourth Master." Monk Hua was at the side, and quickly took out sections of black hanging ladders, and after quickly assembling them, they hung down on the cliff.

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In shape.

It's a bit like a centipede hanging from a mountain ladder.

But it is much lighter, and its shape is a bit like the kind of equipment that walks on stilts. It quickly hangs down to the Jiulong Cave section by section.

Don't look at Old Chen Pi.

He looked like a blind old man, but he moved very fast. He was wearing a black cloth coat, and he was holding on to each section of the ladder. He was like a big gecko, clinging to the cliff, and quickly moved towards him. Follow this Jiulong Cave and go down.

"I'll go, why is this old man acting like a big gecko so fast?" the fat man couldn't help but said.

"This should be the Gecko Swimming Wall Skill." Li Wenjie said from the side.

In the period of the Republic of China, there were four unique green forests on the Green Forest Road. Among them, Zhang Sanlian and Zhang Sanye's scorpion climbed upside down the city, and it was like a scorpion with bare hands, and it was absorbed on the cliff like a flat ground.

This gecko-like agility has the same effect.

"It really opened my eyes." The fat man said.

After buckling the safety buckle, he said immediately, "Master Can, Lao Hu, let's go down quickly too, lest this old blind man take the lead, and we'll lose the face of Captain Jin."


"Okay!" Hu Bayi nodded beside him.

Pull the climbing rope and go down quickly.

Beside Monk Hua, Ye Cheng, Lang Feng, and the guide Shi Feng, quickly grabbed the hanging ladder and headed towards the Nine Dragon Cave.

Li Wenjie also buckled the climbing rope and quickly headed towards Jiulong Cave.

Climbing on this precipice made people with a fear of heights feel a little terrified. For example, a fat man next to him also swallowed his saliva, and after forcibly dispelling his fear, he went down.

Li Wenjie is faster.

Three times, five times and two times, he has already walked half the distance, and caught up with the old Chen Pi.

Not far below is the first cave of Jiulong Cave. This cave shows the shape of stalactites hanging upside down. The entire cave space should be quite large, and there are some man-made wooden railings outside.

Just as time goes by.

It has long been decayed.

Inside the huge cave, there are sharp stalactites hanging, which makes the cave look like a giant monster, with a big fishy mouth open, and the stalactites hanging upside down inside are somewhat like fangs and sharp teeth.


Just when several people were planning to go down to the nearest Jiulong Cave in one go.


From the cave in the Nine Dragon Cave, there was a sound of a cow mooing suddenly, as dull as the sound of thunder, hitting everyone's hearts.

It is unavoidable to be shocked.

There is a folk proverb: The dragon chant is like the lowing of an old cow, and its sound is like thunder.

The sound of the cow mooing from the cave made people feel chilly, like a demon dragon entrenched in the depths of the Nine Dragon Cave.

At this time, Li Wenjie and these unexpected guests were discovered.

A warning came out of it.

It makes people feel uneasy.

"Demon dragon, Dad said, there are monster dragons in the cave, and if the monster dragons are about to come out, we will all die here!" The child couldn't help crying at this moment.

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