And accompanied by the sound of the cow mooing.

as if.

In the cave below, some kind of creature is about to come out.


[ps: The purely original Tomb Raider plot line has an outline, I hope everyone will like it, thank you very much. 】evening.

Chapter 120 The [-]-meter demon dragon appears, the ancient mysterious legend, is it true? [Seek full order, please customize! 】

"Don't yell, if you yell again, I'll throw you down!" Monk Hua sternly said from the side.

Immediately, Shi Feng did not dare to continue crying.

To know.

In the business of tomb robbery, there are many strange and chaotic things in the tombs. The most taboo thing in this business is to scare yourself by talking about what is there and what is not.

above the cliff.

About 50 meters away, this is where the Jiulong Cave is located.

In the early morning, the fog was lingering, and after the sound of the cow lowing like thunder fell, only a black thing roared out of the cave.

"Is there really a black demon dragon?" Li Wenjie frowned, looking at the scene below.

Many people had the same idea as him at this time, and most of them were shocked.

But this black monster dragon came out quickly and disappeared even faster, and returned to the cave in less than a few breaths.

Looking at the scene below.

Li Wenjie couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Originally, he thought that the so-called monster dragon theory was a local rumor, and that there might be dragon-shaped stone carvings with similar shapes in the Nine Dragon Cave.

But for now it looks like.

It seems not so simple.

...This old blind man really found himself a tricky job.

Li Wenjie looked at the old Chen Pi on the opposite side and thought of "one six three".

"Master Can, there seems to be something in this cave, I'm afraid it's not simple, what should I do?" Hu Bayi asked from the side.

"Go down and have a look first." Now that we have reached the halfway up the mountain, there is no reason to retreat.


It was just surrounded by clouds and mist, and the distance was also far away. Who knows if it is a real monster dragon, what if it is just a big black python.

Wearing a red dragon suit and bringing two Mojin captains with him, he flinched before reaching the entrance of the tomb. It was not embarrassing in front of this old blind man.

How to build forces.

Pulling the climbing rope, he quickly went all the way down.

The two Hu fat brothers also nodded and followed beside them.

Although the old Chen Pi couldn't see it, the cow Moo passed by just now, nodded thoughtfully, and then dragged the hanging ladder, and quickly went down.

Neither side is slow.

After touching a cup of tea, it was already in front of the nearest Jiulong Cave, standing on the decayed plank road.

The bottom is still as smooth as a mirror, and the precipitous cliffs are extremely steep. Thin clouds and mist float in the mid-air, stepping on this decayed plank road, creaking.

This is the case.

If the endurance is a little weaker, I'm afraid they will feel dizzy.

In this cave, there were dozens of huge coffins, and the one in the middle was made of thousand-year-old golden nanmu, which was obviously extremely noble.

There are many corpses beside it.

The death was extremely tragic, and the whole body had turned into skin and bones, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying before he died.

There is also luminous sand in the cave, which is the droppings of bats.

After Monk Hua came down, looking at the corpses in front of him, his face changed slightly, and he said, "Fourth Master, these are all the people we sent out before."

"En." Chen Pi'asi nodded, still frowning, squatted down and said: "It is said that the graves here can eat people, it seems that it is not simple."

"What do you think?" Chen Pi Asi turned his head and looked at Li Wenjie blankly and blindly.

Li Wenjie was speechless.

Instead, seven or eight desert marching ants crawled out of the Qiankun bag, and then slowly crawled on the grave of the cave, and crawled in to test it.

"Insect control?" Old Chen Pi said to himself.

Immediately, he took a deep look at Li Wenjie.

After the seven or eight desert army ants crawled on the grave, Li Wenjie noticed that they were obviously not used to it.

"There is a problem with the graveyard." Li Wenjie frowned.

But definitely not cannibalism.

Originally, Li Wenjie thought that there should be some kind of creature hidden under this kind of grave, so the local people rumored that the grave could eat people.

But for now it looks like.

The burial soil is most likely to be similarly toxic.

"Beard, fat man, water and fire shoes, gas mask." Li Wenjie gave instructions to the two Hu fat brothers, and the two brothers quickly changed into water and fire shoes, and threw a pair to Li Wenjie by the way.

These water and fire shoes.

It is one of the special tools for Mojin Xiaowei.

It can isolate water, fire and sulfuric acid, which is equivalent to an insulator, which is just in handy now.

After Li Wenjie put on the water and fire shoes, after putting on the gas mask.

Let the rest of the people wait in place, then put on the wolf-eye flashlight and step into the cave, there is an indescribable rotten smell inside.

Crouch down.

Putting on rubber gloves, he immediately grabbed a handful of these graves, and Li Wenjie put them in front of his eyes to inspect them.

[Carrion: A piece of rotten meat infected with corpse poison. 】

"So that's how it is." Li Wenjie nodded. The grave soil is rotting corpses, that is, things contaminated with corpse poison. The reason why these guys died here is probably because they were contaminated with corpse poison.

It has something to do with this poisonous gas.

After finding out, he told the old Chen Pi about the corpse poison, and the other party put on heavy rubber-soled shoes, and then put on a gas mask before stepping into the cave.

This hanging coffin burial method is completely different from the common middle-earth burial form.

There is no distinction between the tomb passage and the Hades.

There are dozens of large coffins in the cave in front of you, and there should be funeral coffins beside them, and the golden nanmu coffin in the center should be the main coffin.

The top is covered with a layer of floating soil.

Right now, since he is showing his ability to the old blind man, he can simply and simply finish the job, and he is too lazy to follow the captain's cock crowing light to turn off the gold or not to touch the gold, take three things and not take three things.

Li Wenjie came up and split open the rest of the coffins with the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword. Inside these scattered coffins were some corpses buried with him.

The face is covered with a witchcraft mask thousands of years ago.

Inside the coffin were some things like gold and silver, but very little.

It seemed that the real good thing was still in the golden nanmu coffin, Li Wenjie kicked it open, and there lay a lifelike female corpse in the golden nanmu coffin, wearing a bright red dress with a mouth Contains a fixed corpse pill.

The face is covered with a golden witchcraft mask.

There were a lot of gold, silver and jade wares in the burial objects. Li Wenjie glanced at them with his golden eyes, and unexpectedly saw a magic weapon inside.

【Kui cowhide drum】

[The ancient magic weapon, the battle drum made of the skin of the thunder beast Kui ox, can make a thunderous sound when struck. 】

[Effects: 1. Thunder: knocking can make a thunderous sound; 2. Cheering: You can beat drums to cheer, and the morale of your own camp will increase by 10%. 】

I didn't expect to get a magic weapon here.

It can be regarded as a windfall.

Li Wenjie was about to reach out to grab it.


Suddenly there was a scream from the side, and I saw a few people brought by Old Chen Pi, including Na Langfeng and Ye Cheng, who were searching for some treasures among the scattered coffins... 0

Suddenly screamed.

On the faces of these guys, red spots and patterns appeared one after another, looking very evil.

And there was an expression of extreme pain on his face.

At this time, he scratched his flesh vigorously, as if he wanted to tear the flesh of his body.


One of the poisoned ones was screaming at this moment: "Fourth Master, save me", when he wanted to grab Chen Pi Ah Si.

Let monk Hua headshot directly, and died on the ground.

Seeing this, the fat man on the side couldn't help but said: "Damn it, do you have any humanity? Why did you kill your own people?"

Monk Hua sneered beside him and said, "He is poisoned, if we don't kill him, we will all die here."

the rest of the people.

Amidst the screams, he quickly died on the ground.

These dead corpses quickly emerged in the form of skin and bones, and then their stomachs began to squirm quickly, as if something was about to come out.

This scene is obviously a little frightening.

Li Wenjie also frowned and looked at the scene in front of him. Just now, these guys reached out to pick something from the coffin, and they became like this.

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