"What else can I eat? It must be your favorite dumpling."

"What are you stuffing?"

Qin Huairu said it was stuffed with mushrooms and fungus.

After Qin Jingru finished speaking, she went to use a bowl to hold the stuffed dumplings.

After bringing the dumplings over, Qin Huairu began to ask her if she wanted seasonings like soy sauce and vinegar.

"Why don't you put some on?" Qin Jingru said.

The two of them talked while eating, and after the meal, Qin Huairu asked her if she could tell what was on her mind now?Because we have eaten now.

"Actually, it's not a big deal, just something happened with colleagues in the company?"

"What kind of thing is it? You said it. Otherwise, I don't know. You can't let me keep guessing like this? Even if I guess for a long time, why don't you say something?"

What Qin Huairu said was not wrong, so her younger sister Qin Jingru also said what was in her heart.

"It turned out to be such a thing. Since you said it like this, then as a sister, I will say a few words to you. You are doing these things in the company. If the employees in your company say it, I I believe it must be earlier than when you went to the company, so even if they are not leaders, if they are right and helpful to you, you might as well listen to them, it’s nothing, you don’t need to quarrel with them face to face Get up, if this happens, it's not good for either of you."

"I know that what you said is not good for both of us, but what about her older employees, doesn't he know about this? If this is the case, then why? She is still working in the company She won't know that I'm not a child anymore after getting so many people to talk about me, so don't you want to lose face?"

"She must have regretted it now, but she didn't explain the situation to you for the sake of face."

"Is it? Is it because he didn't explain the situation to me? I don't know why he wants to save face. Anyway, I think what he said about me is wrong. She shouldn't say me in front of so many people, even if If she has any opinion on me, why didn't he ask me to explain it to me in private? "

Qin Huairu knew that her sister, the benefactor, was a little concerned about saving face, so she told her at this time that this matter is over now.There's no need to take what I said to heart. When I go to work tomorrow, if I run into her, there's no need for the two of us to keep silent. It would be embarrassing, after all, we are in the same unit.

If she doesn't want to talk to you, you are younger than her age after all, and she can't say anything about you. If she is older than you, you can find a step for her to go down. This is nothing.

After hearing what her sister said, Qin Jingru felt very right.However, if I want to do what my sister said tomorrow, I think it will not be an easy task. After all, people live in this world and regard face as a very important thing.

Chapter 299 Don't You Have Long Hands?

The next day, Qin Jingru came to the company, and after a short time, he reconciled with the other party about what happened yesterday.

On the other side was Yu Haitang, who was busy with the children.

So Dabao asked her why she was so kind to him.

"It's not because of anything else, mainly because I'm your mother."

After Qin Jingru finished speaking, her son was so moved that he was about to cry.

Xiaobao went to school, and when she came back from school, Yu Haitang saw her child come back crying.So she asked what was going on.

"Dahai in our class is bullying me again today."

"What is it because of? Why did you let him bully you? Don't you have long hands?" Yu Haitang said.

"No, the main reason is that I saw that all the teachers in our class were there. I was afraid of being criticized by the teacher, so I didn't fight him."

"You can't let him like this, if you let him like this, then he will have another time, so speaking of now, I will go to his house with you now, and tell his family about this matter and let his family know about it.”

Yu Haitang said, and then went.

"Who's at home?" Yu Haitang asked.

"Who is it?" Big Mom.

Yu Haitang knew that there was someone in their family, so she went straight over.

"Mother Dahai? Look at your sea, it beat our big treasure."

Yu Haitang dragged Dabao to Dabao's mother.

After hearing what Yu Haitang said, Dabao's mother said that she had called her child Haihai.

"I said Dahai, did you give him the gash on his face? Tell the truth."

"He hit me first." Dahai said.

"No, he hit me first." Dabao said.

"Okay, let's not talk about who hits who first, but do you know that he is probably younger than you, and if there are some things, you should let her go, don't you know about this? You don't Let her go, and you still say she hit you first, that's not acceptable."

Yu Haitang didn't expect Dahai's mother to say such a thing, which made her look a little different, but she didn't expect that she didn't have much education.I often educate children in this way, no matter whether she is pretending or sincere in front of her, but through this, it can be seen that she is a wise person.

"I know, I won't fight with him again in the future. If I fight with him again in the future, then you can hit me as I punch in? Do you think it's okay?"

After hearing what Dahai said, Yu Haitang couldn't believe it. How could such a young child say such things?Could it be that his mother has been teaching her how to speak behind her back?Otherwise, if he said something like this, even if his child did something wrong, the adults on the other side would forgive him.

After thinking about this, Yu Haitang said: "Well, if this is the case, then what else can I say? From now on, you two can't fight anymore, you see we all live in the same place , not too far away, and I have a good relationship with ***, how can you fight over such a trivial matter? If you fight again, I will tell you two when you come back. Neither of you can Go to school, understand? I said these words today."

"I see, I will listen to what you said in the future, and I will never fight with Dabao again."

After Dahai finished speaking these words, he said that if there was nothing else, he would go back first.

"Where are you going? You didn't see that Dabao's mother is still here, so you just went out to play. Why is your business so important?" Dahai said.

After Dahai's mother said these words, Dahai came back again.

"Well, if that's the case, then I won't go, I'll do whatever you tell me to do."

It was obvious that Dahai who said this was a little angry. He must be angry with his mother. His mother asked him to stay at home today mainly because Dabao's mother came over because of his fight with his classmates.

"I'm not saying you won't be allowed to go. Dabao's mother is here, so where else do you go? You can go after the anger subsides. If you want to go now, then You just say a few words to Dabao's mother to make Dabao's mother happy, if Dabao's mother is happy, then I don't care about you, you can go wherever you want."

When Da Da's mother said this, Da Bao's mother didn't know what to say at this time.

"Auntie, it's really wrong. See if you can forgive me? If you can forgive me, I can go out to play now. If you don't forgive me, my mother will not let me go out. "

"Auntie doesn't want to forgive you, but, did you hear what your mother said just now? If you listen to what your mother said just now, then you should know what to do now .”

"Okay, Auntie, in this case, I'll show you a show now, see if it's okay, if it's okay, I'll start."

Yu Haitang didn't know what to say at this time, because if she was not allowed to perform, then maybe the child would go to play in a blink of an eye. That's the end of the matter?

But his child Dabao is still crying here, which shows that the child has suffered a lot.

"You told me not to cry, didn't you read it? Dahai must have apologized to you now, why are you still crying? Is it so painful? I can't say about this matter, it's all Dahai's fault, at least he must have For your part, after all, a slap can't be slapped, I think you should be clear about this."

"Are you my real mother? How can you say that about me? People's children are their own mothers, and they are partial to their own children's department. Why are you facing others? If you are like this, then today I will I won't come here with you, because if you come here, you still say such things, you think you say such things, right?"

Yu Haitang didn't expect the child to say such things to herself. She felt that it was too disrespectful for her child to say such things in front of Dahai's mother. She really didn't know how to manage the child.

Dahai's mother actually helped herself to speak at this time.

"Let me tell you, son, you can't say such things to your mother. If your mother doesn't turn to you, how can aunt come to my house all the way? Do you think what I said is right? You should do it now Acknowledge your mistake to your mother, because I just said something disrespectful to your mother."

Chapter 300

After Qin Jingru settled the matter here, she took her child back.

Back home, the child is doing homework next to him.

"Mom, how did you solve this problem? Why can't I do it?"

"You should look at the topic first, and if you still can't think of it, then think again." Qin Jingru said.

The child Dabao did as his mother said, but he still couldn't do it.

"How can you go on like this? Look at other people's children who do their homework by themselves. Why do you ask me to tutor you every day?"

"I don't want you to tutor me either, but if you don't tutor me, I can't do it."

After hearing what the child said, Qin Jingru felt that it was not unreasonable for the child to say these words.

But why are other people's children so smart, and why are their own children so stupid.Qin Jingru said in her heart.

She definitely didn't say these words, because she knew that if she said these words, it might hurt the child's heart.

Now she feels that she should think of a way, if the child's grades can be improved.But what kind of method do you think of?She thought for a long time but couldn't figure it out.

Finally, Qin Jingru thought for a long time and decided that she should tell the children's teachers to see if their teachers could give their children extra lessons.

One day, after she had eaten, she felt that there was nothing wrong, so she decided to take advantage of this time to find the child's teacher and talk about the child's studies.

When I arrived at the teacher's house, I saw her teacher was still eating at home.

"sit down!"

Qin Jingru sat down, and then she felt that their family was eating, and it was not the right time for her to come here.Just thinking of this, at this moment, she was ready to say, go out by herself and come back later.

"I said Jingru, where are you going?"

"I'll be fine now," said the teacher.

"I'm not going anywhere. I mainly stay in this place. I don't think it's a big deal, so I think it's better to go outside for a while."

After hearing Yu Haitang's words, the teacher smiled and said, there is no need.

"I'm going out for a while, and I will definitely come back."

The teacher is also a person who breaks the casserole and asks her what is going on.

"I want to go to the bathroom." Qin Jingru finally made up a lie.

She told this lie mainly because she didn't want the two of them to be suspicious.

But this teacher is not all good, how could she not be suspicious?So I said that the bathroom is in my own house.

"Ah, no way? Is your bathroom in the room? How could it be like this? If that's the case, forget it."

If you want to go to the toilet, how can you just forget it.

So at this time, the teacher's words were tested.

"It's okay, it's okay, I can hold back now, and it doesn't matter if I hold it in for a while." Qin Jingru said.

How could she say such a sentence?The teacher didn't think of it.

"But if she wants to hold back, let her hold back for a while."

Finally waited until the teacher and all the people in his family had eaten.At this time, Qin Jingru began to speak.

"I want to tell you about the learning situation of our eldest treasure. I don't know whether this child is stupid or because of other reasons. Why? After his homework arrives, he can't do it. It was also very badly done.”

Qin Jingru told her child's teacher about the pain in her heart.

"Really? But I saw that when he was in class, he listened quite seriously. Then what is the reason why he couldn't do it? Didn't you ask him? How would he know about these topics in his homework?" No? If not, then at night, you can tutor him."

"Teacher, you don't know. I tutor him until eleven or twelve o'clock every night. Do you think I haven't worked hard enough? I really don't know whether he is going to school or I am going to school. If If it continues like this, I think that if it gets older, it will definitely not be able to keep up with its academic performance. Because he is only in the third grade now, and in such a situation, if it is higher, I really don't know what to do."

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