Although state-owned enterprises have successively tried systems such as incentive funds, profit processes, and withdrawal of corporate bonuses, none of the above systems have produced substantive results under tremendous financial pressure.

Due to the lack of funds needed for development, state-owned enterprises generally lack enthusiasm for operation.

The mode of overall contracting and overall planning is in line with the national conditions of the planned economy period, and it helps state-owned enterprises to lay a system foundation in a relatively short period of time, but it cannot take into account the differences among state-owned enterprises.

The state directly intervenes in the operation of state-owned enterprises, and the management of enterprises is too much, too detailed, and too strict, which leads to the prevalence of egalitarianism within enterprises, a serious lack of enthusiasm for production in enterprises, and the creativity of employees is inhibited.

Exploring reasonable system design, endowing state-owned enterprises with more independent management rights, and stimulating the internal vitality of enterprises have become the goals of the next stage of state-owned enterprise system construction.

Of course, the current top leaders will naturally not notice these.

Even if it has been noticed, however, there will be no thought of wanting to change.

The construction of the third front is in full swing.

At this time, the whole country is playing a game of chess, and no one will raise any objections to prevent the development and construction progress of the whole 990 countries.

So, even if someone is worried.

It will only make suggestions for the reference of the leaders above.

Therefore, this year-end assessment of the rolling mill.

Basically, it is to investigate in these directions.

In the appointment and removal of personnel cadres, is there any illegal operation, is there any act of bending the law for personal gain and using power for personal gain?

In terms of revenue and profit distribution, is there any deficit corruption, misappropriation, and behavior of using public wealth for personal gain?

Above the production task, today's task indicators are completed!

And the last point, that is democratic evaluation, survey and evaluation of the main factory leaders, among the employees of the whole factory.

At the end of the day, the results of the year-end assessment were obtained through a comprehensive summary.

This time, he is responsible for the year-end assessment leadership of the rolling mill.

Killing Su Ye didn't even occur to him.

It turned out to be Zhong Dinglin, the big boss, who ended up in person.

That's right.

The persons in charge of the assessment of other units are all selected from the Organization Department and the Industry Department.

But this time in charge of the rolling mill.

It turned out that the big leader took charge of it himself.

This made the people in the whole factory treat everyone with 120 points of spirit.

Raise again.

Reached two hundred percent treatment.

No one dared to be ridiculous, Yang Aiguo was personally responsible for the reception and arrangements throughout the whole process.

No one else dared to move forward.

Don't even dare to say a word.

Even Li Renyi, at this time, is shrinking his neck like a bastard.

Don't dare to move.

Follow the arrangement of the assessment team and Yang Aiguo's orders.

Do your own thing.

"Director Yang, first call the chief of the personnel department, we will inspect all personnel appointments in your rolling mill this year!"

"Second, call your chief financial officer, we're going to investigate this year's revenue and profit distribution!"

"Third, call all the directors of the production workshops, as well as the section chiefs of your sales department, and inspect the completion of this year's production tasks!"

"The last thing is to gather all the workers in the factory tomorrow morning to conduct a democratic evaluation of your factory leaders!"

"It's mainly these four things that need your help to coordinate!"

"It is expected to take three days to complete the year-end assessment of your rolling mill, and related work, please cooperate with our assessment team!"

Although Zhong Dinglin is in charge.

However, he did not participate in specific things.

It is completely handed over to the people below to connect with Yang Aiguo, and he is at this time.

It's in Yang Aiguo's office.

Drinking tea, smoking and chatting with Su Ye!

Enter (bbcb) first time to rolling mills.

He assigned the work to his deputy, and at the same time asked Yang Aiguo to call Su Ye over.

Let them start the assessment work.


Li Guoqing is in charge of the security department.

To cooperate with the examination team.

There is no need for Su Ye to come forward.

Moreover, his job is also very simple, he just wants to ensure that no one needs to disturb the work of the assessment team during the last three days.

Don't make any trouble.

Therefore, he has ordered Wang Qiang, Li Ming and the others to do this for three days.

Anyone who might cause trouble must be watched.

Xu Damao, Yi Zhonghai and others are the focus of attention.

For this reason, Su Ye also distributed the newcomer Jiang Daren and the others to Wang Qiang and the others.

cooperate with their work.

I heard Zhong Dinglin chatting with him.

Settle down to work.

He also hurried over.

After meeting each other, we sat down and greeted each other.

Su Ye looked at each other.

said with a smile:

"Leader, I really didn't expect that you would come here in person for this assessment!"

"It was beyond our expectations, what a surprise!"

hear him.

Zhong Dinglin glanced at him and scolded with a smile:

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"I don't think it's a surprise, but a fright!"

"The annual year-end assessment is the most frightening day for the managers of various factories!"

"I still don't understand your little thoughts!"

"However, this year is also because of you here, so I stopped by!"

"This time, the assessment is just passing by. I mainly want to tell you about the results of our seminar with the leaders after you submitted the report last time!"

Hearing Zhong Dinglin's words.

Su Ye straightened his body immediately.

The report submitted by oneself is definitely of great benefit to the domestic industrial development.

If it is really possible to plan in advance.

In the future, it will become a world leader, and even break through the patent barriers of Western countries, and have more independent and controllable core key technologies.

Not impossible.

Now I heard the results of the seminar.

He was shocked, and a look of anticipation appeared in his eyes involuntarily.

The country can take off earlier, which is what he hopes to see.

If you help the country take off because of your own reasons, you will have a stronger sense of accomplishment and pride.

"what's the result?"

Su Ye asked in a deep voice.

"The seminar was very enthusiastic. Experts from all walks of life also listened to your report and expressed their agreement. Some people were even very excited, thinking that the direction you mentioned must be the correct direction for future industrial development!"

"However, there are also some people who don't agree with your ideas and think that these are fantasies. We must proceed from reality. After all, everything we have now is the support we get from Big Brother. Therefore, they think that as long as It is following in the footsteps of Big Brother unswervingly, and in the future, it will also be able to reach the forefront of the world, even surpassing those developed countries in the West!"

Zhong Dinglin looked at Su Ye and said.

Hear this.

Su Ye was taken aback.

He forgot.

Many things in our country are learned from Big Brother.

Even the composition and structure of the administrative agencies of various countries are copied from Big Brother.

Whatever bureau there is, we have whatever bureau here.

We have where we are.

We have whatever subjects we have!

Moreover, important technical talents were either taught by them, or returned from studying there.

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