He was talking, but as if he suddenly thought of something, he pointed to the Rubik's Cube and supplies in front of him, as well as the outside of the room, and swallowed, "Akashi carried these things with him?"

Enterprise nodded, but Akashi raised his hips, "Akashi is very powerful."

"Forget it, it's unnecessary." Huang Chen shook his head, but once again felt the mighty power of the ship's mother in his heart.

She looks like a short ship girl, but the materials and equipment she carries can fill a large warehouse.

"The Kitchen Goddess is also a maintenance ship, right? Can she do this too?" Huang Chen asked curiously.

"No." Enterprise shook his head, "This may be Akashi's characteristic, but I

"It's Kashino, right? I have an impression." Huang Chen nodded, but suddenly saw that Akashi's expression became a little unnatural, and he had some guesses and doubts in his heart.

"By the way, Shi, I wanted to ask you before, why are you alone? Is there no one else with you?"

Akashi couldn't hold back any longer, and suddenly cried out, "I didn't mean to meow! I didn't mean to forget everyone!"

Chapter 225 Have you heard of Children's Day?

In a small coastal city that is dozens of kilometers away from the sea area of ​​K area, there is a small building near the coast.

It is located on a cliff, less than [-] meters away is a steep cliff, under the cliff is the rough sea water, hitting the coastal reefs from time to time.

The cold sea breeze blows past, bringing bursts of chill, the surrounding terrain is relatively steep, there are some sparse green grass on the vast land, and a winding path, looking along the path, you can see it at the end of the line of sight Fragmentary buildings.

Obviously, this building is quite far away from the construction area in the center of the city. Few people will come to this place, and there are no farmland or pastures nearby, showing the atmosphere of a wilderness.

Looking at the past with a glance, this two-story building is still magnificent.The shape is simple and meaningful, the walls and floors paved with white marble are still neat, and the European-style Roman columns still show strength and dignity.

But if you look carefully, you can detect some traces of history. The old walls have already turned yellow, and the corners have been mottled and broken, and the marble floor tiles corroded by the sea wind have become pitted.

In the gaps between the stone blocks, there are tenacious weeds growing vigorously, flaunting their slender figure against the sea breeze.

Then she was grabbed by a slender catkin and pulled out. This is a plump girl. Even though she was squatting on the ground, her clothes were stretched tightly, showing her beautiful curves. .

She has dreamlike purple eyes, revealing a mysterious color, but she has weird little curved horns and cow-like ears on the top of her head.

She even carried a long samurai sword on her back, but the girl didn't seem to be good at this kind of thing, and she didn't care if the samurai sword was dragged on the ground.

He was just still squatting there, pulling the weeds on the ground, his movements were brisk, echoing an unknown rhythm.

"Kashino, Akashi hasn't come back yet? Could something unexpected happen?"

Suddenly a gentle voice came from the side, and the girl squatting on the ground pulling weeds, that is, Kashino turned her head, "Ah, I'm sorry, Chokai, I didn't notice this matter."

The girl called Chokai just shook her head, her long black hair fluttered, and her smooth lines flew in the air, "It's just strange, does it take so long to get to K area from here? It's been four or five days."

"It's because she's selling things there again. She's always like this, and she can't learn any lessons from history." Suddenly, a little girl with short white hair walked out from behind Chokai, wearing a black shirt and pleated skirt, holding hands Holding a long samurai sword.

The golden eyes reveal a plainness and an indescribable vigor, and there are small ears on the head.

"Maya, you are saying these strange words again." Chokai smiled, shook his head, and subconsciously looked towards the building behind him, "Probably not, she was the only one going out this time, Shiranui didn't go either. "

Maya did not answer, but silently looked at the distant coast.

Suddenly, her golden pupils shrank, "There is a ship girl sailing there!"

The two companions also looked in the direction of her eyes. On the distant sea surface, there were three small black spots sliding, leaving only a long white spray on the sea surface.

"There is no Akashi, it should be another ship girl passing by." Chokai stared at the three small black dots casually, and looked away after confirming that there was no Akashi.

The distance is not close, but it is almost as close as it is in front of the ship's eyes.

"It's not Akashi...but." Kashino also looked up, but he had a different opinion, "Looks like sisters from Minato?"

"Sisters in the port area?" Chokai looked over again, and this time he was prepared. He took a closer look at the appearance of the three ship girls, and then exclaimed, "That is, Cleveland, Montpellier or There is independence!"

On the other hand, Maya had already started to run, accelerated towards the coast, and then soared into the air, and deployed the ship equipment in the air, but there was no hideous fort emerging, just a change of style.

Then it fell heavily on the surface of the water, stirring up waves several meters high, and the white water column even submerged the traces of Maya for a while.

The next moment, the girl with short white hair broke through the water waves, sailed out of the water column, left a white mark on the sea surface, and sailed in the direction of the three of Cleveland.


"What? What did you say you forgot?" Huang Chen's eyes widened in disbelief.

Akashi, on the other hand, showed an ugly smile, crying, "Kashino, Shiranui, and Takao, many of them, I have forgotten meow."

As she spoke, her whole body also drooped down, almost sitting on the ground, with a look of guilt on her face.

"Don't be in a hurry, first explain clearly, what's going on?" Huang Chen stretched out his hand to stroke the girl's head, and said softly while comforting her.

"We were originally meows in Area A, but we came back here recently. About ten days ago, we went to a small city in Area S near Area K, Meow, and lived in a random house, Meow."

Akashi paused, and finally explained slowly, "I went shopping a few days ago, and I met the Empire on the way, who looked very hungry, and I wanted to sell her something, but she all bought it. I finished eating meow. I haven’t paid you yet, meow.”

"Then I wanted to sell some things at the ship's mother headquarters, but when I met the commander, I forgot a lot of things, meow."

Huang Chen heard it silently, and didn't even know what to say for a while.

Although I knew that you were unreliable, I never thought that you would be so unreliable, and you can forget this kind of thing?If it wasn't for the accidental mention of Kashino just now, when would you be able to remember this matter?

He shook his head, and asked with some doubts, "By the way, what are you shopping for? Do you still need to buy something?"

You carry more things than many port areas, why didn't I see that you need to buy something?

"It should be fuel, right?" the company said, "I read the things you handed in, and the amount of fuel is very small."

"Is there not much?" Huang Chen pointed to the door and asked, "Isn't that a lot?"

Enterprise, however, smiled helplessly, "Commander, many of those are ours."

"Uh." Huang Chen was a little embarrassed, and immediately changed the subject, "Then, that Akashi, don't be afraid, there's still time, we've just set sail, so there won't be a lot of delay, so it's not a big problem."

Enterprise nodded, "Then I will control the Windward to return to the voyage. I need to inform Jean Barr and the others about these matters. After all, it will take a day to prevent them from misunderstanding."

"Are you going to the headquarters of Jianniang?" Huang Chen asked, "I just had an idea. Have you heard of Children's Day?"

Chapter 226 How Can You Just Throw It Off?

"Children's Day?" The company was taken aback, not knowing why.

Akashi, on the other hand, shouted bouncingly, "Children's Day, is it a children's festival meow? Can Akashi also celebrate the festival meow? Is there any gift meow?"

Hearing what the two of them discovered, Huang Chen immediately realized that there is no such thing as Children's Day in this world.

After all, it is International Children's Day, and the concept of internationalization is almost absent in this world, so it is understandable that there is no Children's Day.

Huang Chen squatted down, eyes level with Akashi, rubbing the little girl's long green hair and ears, "It is indeed a children's festival, but Akashi is not allowed to participate."

"Why meow?" Akashi tilted his head.

"Because Akashi is not a child!" Huang Chen suddenly laughed viciously, you are already married, a woman!

But the green-haired girl didn't react, she just stared blankly at Huang Chen, not knowing why, but the company had some understanding, but she didn't say anything, she just said helplessly, "Commander, Akashi doesn't understand anything .”

Huang Chen made a joke, but didn't mean it seriously, seeing Akashi hesitated to ask to continue to participate in the so-called Children's Day, he didn't continue to tease the little girl, he just stood up and rubbed Akashi's head, "Okay, you can participate. "

Hearing this, Akashi finally calmed down, and looked at Huang Chen eagerly, "Will Akashi have a present?"

"Yes, there are." Huang Chen said with a smile.

Enterprise looked at it for a while, feeling that there was nothing else to do, looked at Akashi, and asked, "Akashi, where is the small city you just mentioned?"

Akashi shook his head, he was a bit speechless, of course it would not be a problem to ask her to sail there by herself, but now she was asked to tell where the city was so suddenly, but she couldn't do it.

The company didn't care, "Then you and I go to the cab, there is a nautical map in the cab."

As she spoke, she looked at the commander again, "Now we are almost still in the waters of Area K, and we will be able to return to the ship's headquarters in about an hour after lunch. If the small city that Akashi mentioned is closer, we may be able to arrive before evening. "

Huang Chen nodded to express his understanding, and then he heard the company continue to ask, "What exactly is the Children's Day event that the commander mentioned? Do you want to hold an event? When will it be held?"

"Children's Day is naturally on June [-]st." Huang Chen said, then scratched his head, "The specific form has not yet been decided, it is probably just for everyone to take a rest together. Hold some performances? Then there will be certain prizes. "

"Performance?" The company was a little puzzled and hesitant. "Today is already the 30th, and it may be too late for any performance."

"That's it..." Huang Chen nodded, he thought for a while, and then said, "Indeed, time is pressing now, and on the ship, it's enough to think about it a little bit. Hmm... Let me think about it again, it's ok Let’s buy some gifts first, to be prepared.”

The company expressed understanding, and Akashi said excitedly, "Gifts, does Akashi have gifts too? Akashi wants new clothes, meow!"

"You have forgotten so many companions, and you still have the nerve to ask for a gift!" Huang Chen stared at her, but Akashi seemed to have discovered his commander's sharp mouth and bean curd heart.

No matter what you say at the beginning, nothing will happen in the end, and you suddenly became arrogant, and continued to hold your head up and say, "Akashi has handed over everything to the port area, the commander must give Akashi Buy a lot of presents, meow."

Huang Chen couldn't refute for a while, indeed, the Rubik's cube and supplies in front of him were all handed in by Akashi, and more than half of the things in the warehouse outside were also handed in by Akashi.

Now the girl only wants a little gift, can such a wish not satisfy her?

It's just that this guy was so arrogant for a while, it really made people feel a little sulking, and in the end, he had no choice but to be out of sight and out of mind, so he simply quickened his pace, "Then I'll go back to my room first."

Then he thought about leaving quickly, and halfway through, he seemed to suddenly remember it, and turned his head to look at the enterprise, "Well, you and Akashi will count which ship girls are there."

After speaking, he left the warehouse, climbed the stairs to the first floor of the guest area, and took the elevator back to his room.

After sitting quietly for a while, Huang Chen relieved his depressed mood, took out his notebook and began to think about how to carry out the Children's Day activities.

In fact, this idea did not appear suddenly. The initial thought was that the departure of the Windward could be regarded as a milestone event. I wanted to celebrate and have a big meal, but I never found a suitable opportunity.

At the same time, I have always felt that many ship girls are a little idle and depressed after returning to the port area.

For example, Tiancheng and others used to have a hot spring, and their daily schedules were full. Now, apart from Tiancheng, they often help manage the port area, and the other ship girls don't know what to do.

First, he was held in the small place of the nursing home for so long, and now he has to be held in the windward ship for several months. Who knows if there will be any problems?

Then I thought of Children's Day unconsciously, and it felt like an opportunity.Children can take the opportunity to be active and adults can relax.

But as the company said, according to the memories of elementary and middle school, it is naturally unrealistic to hold any performances, and some interesting activities can still be considered.

But we must also pay attention to the lack of space on the Windward and the current time constraints.

At this time, Huang Chen realized that his imagination was really lacking, and he couldn't think of any fun and interesting activities.

Hold a piece of paper and list one item after another, such as the bean pinching competition, the balloon blowing competition, what you draw and I guess.

At the beginning, I thought about more, such as teamwork, two people and three-legged points to fight in the ring, but I thought this event was held for the first time. Just put it down first.

In the end, I made a list. The three activities above are blowing out candles, shooting baskets and pinching beans. They are quite challenging competitions. They are all single-player competitions, and the top five in each competition will be rewarded.

After thinking about the process of these competitions and the scoring rules in detail, I finally plan to adjust it in the afternoon and notify everyone of this event during dinner in the evening.

After finishing all these, it was almost time for lunch. Huang Chen was just about to go out when he saw the company walking towards this side, and then handed over the documents in his hand.

Huang Chen took it with one hand, opened it and looked, but his eyes widened, "There are so many people? Somewhat beyond expectation!"

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