Enterprise also nodded quite unexpectedly, "Indeed, there are more than expected. I thought there were only Kashino, Kaohsiung sisters and Shiranui."

Huang Chen shook his head, "Shiranui, Shiranui, in fact, she should have thought of it a long time ago, she will be with her sister."

Then he put the documents on his body, turned over and went back to the room, "Enterprise, you came just in time, this is the Children's Day event I planned before."

The company's eyes lit up, "Commander's plan? I'll arrange it immediately!"

But was interrupted by Huang Chen, "I can go by myself, please rest assured to leave this matter to me."

After all, the Children's Day event was proposed by myself, so I have to be responsible for it myself, so how can I just blame it?

Chapter 227 The Problem with the Secretary Ship

The enterprise seemed a little surprised, looked at Huang Chen, with a hesitant look on his face, "Can the commander really do it?"

"Of course!" Huang Chen raised his brows and stared at the enterprise, "Don't trust me in everything, I can still do something."

"Sorry! Sorry! It's just..." the enterprise waved his hand and said.

But was suddenly interrupted by Huang Chen, "There's nothing wrong with it, trust me."

Then put this topic aside, and the two went to the first floor of the guest area to start lunch.

After eating and taking a lunch break, Yingfeng has almost arrived at the ship's mother headquarters, but the company did not go down.

I only asked Essex and Bumblebee to go to the headquarters of the ship to send a message to Jean Barr and the others by fax. After all, the time is quite tight.

Those girls who were forgotten by Akashi might have been waiting anxiously.

Huang Chen also sorted out a note, on which he guessed the gifts that the children might like. They were just some ordinary things, such as toys, snacks and so on.

I still don't feel very good now, because of time constraints, I haven't had time to know what the children like. The prizes on the watch are all Huang Chen's personal guesses. If there is a chance in the future, he must explore carefully.

Instead of stopping at the pier of Yongyang City, it drove directly to the pier of Jianniang's headquarters. Although Yingfeng is a small cruise ship, it is a giant compared to some commanders' private yachts near the headquarters pier.

In order to prevent all kinds of troubles, the cruise ship did not enter the pier, but slowed down slightly near the pier, and then Bumblebee and Essex jumped off the ship and sailed past.

The Windward continued to head towards its destination.

Huang Chen leaned on a corner of the cab, watching the small shadows of Bumblebee and Essex cutting through the waves in the distance, feeling a little emotional, "The ship is so convenient!"

"Commander?" Enterprise sitting behind the console raised his head.

"Ah, no, I was just talking to myself." Huang Chen shook his head, walked over, and looked at the company working on the operating table, which was piled with thick documents and various materials.

Suddenly asked, "Enterprise, hasn't Tiancheng come over?"

"About Tiancheng..." Enterprise seemed a little hesitant, "I already told her, but she seemed a little unwilling."

"Don't want to?" Huang Chen was very surprised, but then he realized something, "That's right, who wants to go to work if it's okay, it's because I didn't think it through..."

"No, that's not what it means." The enterprise interrupted Huang Chen's speech and shook his head, "I told Tiancheng before, but her idea is that she wants the commander to notify everyone personally."

"Notify her?"

"No, I'm notifying everyone!"

"Notify everyone?" Huang Chen frowned, realizing something was wrong. It stands to reason that the secretary's added question really needs to be informed to everyone.

But now that he made this suggestion so deliberately, at that time he deliberately asked himself to notify everyone, but Huang Chen keenly discovered that there was something wrong.

He looked at the somewhat hesitant expression of the enterprise, and said slowly, "You mean, there are other people who have objections to Tiancheng being a secretary ship."

"I don't mean to say that I have an opinion. I just want to say that as long as the commander personally informs everyone, there will be no problem." The enterprise explained.

Huang Chen nodded slowly, "I understand."

As a commander, he naturally speaks for himself in the port area. If he informs everyone as a commander, Tiancheng will be a secretary ship in the future. Everyone applauds and welcomes, and naturally no one will raise opinions.

Just like in the past games, you only need to lightly set it as a secretary ship, and you don't need to consider anyone's opinion.

But reality is not a game after all, the girls have different ideas in their hearts, so don't you really care about it?As if it does not exist?

"Enterprise, tell me, what do you think?" Huang Chen asked directly.

The company was a little hesitant at first, but seeing Huang Chen's insistence, he said it carefully, "Actually, many people want to be secretary ships."

Then he explained in detail, and Huang Chen finally understood.

Although it is a job, even if you become a secretary ship, you have to deal with various documents and work arrangements day after day, just like the current enterprise.

But for most ship girls, being a secretary ship means staying with the commander all day long. How can such a condition keep everyone from flocking to it?

There are several reasons for the company's current secretary ship. First of all, she used to be a member of the secretary team and has this historical experience.

Secondly, when she returned to the port area, it was in the early stage. There were not many people in the port area, and there were not many who could be the leader at that time. The company naturally became a secretary ship, and no one objected.

But the situation is different now. First of all, there are already a lot of people in the port area, and now there are more than 90 shipwives on the Yingfeng, close to a hundred.

And many of the ship ladies are both civil and military. It would be better to say that even a small destroyer can be competent for the position of secretary ship.

So now I want to choose a secretary ship, and the commander will directly appoint it. Of course, everyone will agree, but it is understandable that there is some dissatisfaction in their hearts.

Why does it have to be Tiancheng?Cleveland is almost done with the shipping company, can't she?Shouldn't it be independent?

Isn't Sister Xianghe Ruihe not good at this?Wouldn't Dafeng want this opportunity?

Isn't Dunkirk up to the job?Veneto... Can't Abruzzi or Aquila do well?

Of course, these girls will have doubts and a little dissatisfaction in their hearts.

Huang Chen nodded, "I understand."

However, the company explained, "The commander doesn't need to be so concerned, just notify everyone directly."

Huang Chen shook his head, "I didn't notice this issue before, but now that you've said it like this, it's true that this issue needs to be discussed carefully."

"Then, in this way, the company, you find some less important work and stop first." He walked to the company and looked at the thick documents, "For example, this, the work plan for the lecture hall, find some similar ones. Work."

Enterprise nodded, "Does the commander have any ideas?"

"My idea..." Huang Chen smiled slightly, "My idea, I just heard you say that so many ship girls want to be this secretary ship, so let everyone compete and use these items. "

The enterprise blinked and nodded, but suddenly heard a burst of prompts from the operating console beside it.

"What's the matter?" Huang Chen was startled, thinking that there was something wrong with the Yingfeng, only to see the enterprise shaking his head, showing a hint of a smile, standing up and looking around, "We're here."

Chapter 228 Kuroshio and Atago

"Here?" Huang Chen also stood and followed the line of sight of the company.

First of all, I noticed the steep coast not far away, rising from the ground, standing like a mountain wall, standing like a wall at a corner of the sea.

"There's nothing." He was a little puzzled, but it looked like an ordinary coastline anyway.

I was a little surprised when I first saw it, but now that I have more contact with it, that's it.

"In this direction, the commander will probably have to drive for a while before he can see it." The enterprise just smiled slightly and pointed to a place on the coastline.

At the same time, he raised his head slightly, signaling the bald eagle hovering in the sky.

Huang Chen suddenly realized that as an aircraft carrier, reconnaissance is the same basic skill.

As the windward continued to drive, the cliff-like coast was getting closer and closer, and people gradually saw the scene on it, "It doesn't look like there is a city... oh, I saw a building, Is it there?"

Huang Chen raised his brows, a little elated, but still a little puzzled, "But it doesn't look good here..."

The cliffs by the sea rose about ten meters high, and now Huang Chen was standing in the cab of the Yingfeng, barely level with the coast.

There is no way to go up nearby, so how should everyone get there?

Just as he was wondering, he felt that Yingfeng started to slow down, and finally stopped a few hundred meters away from the coast.

Huang Chen looked at the enterprise suspiciously, and the latter explained, "There are many hidden reefs near the shore, and the Windward cannot sail through it."

Huang Chen's eyes widened immediately. He knew little about sea navigation, and now he was a little confused when he heard what the company said about reefs, and he just thought about how to get there.

Yingfeng originally had lifeboats and the like, but a malfunction was discovered during the construction and it was no longer usable.

But between a ship of ships, the only human can be considered a superhuman.Even if something unexpected happens, just come and pick up Huang Chen by a random ship lady.

Therefore, the maintenance of the lifeboat was arranged at the back, but unexpectedly, it encountered a problem now.

"I heard from Akashi before that there is a small road here." The company seemed to be looking for it, but it was suddenly taken aback, and then smiled, "They have already noticed the god of death, eh...?"

She was a little confused about her language.

"what happened?"

"I seem to have seen them in Cleveland." Enterprise said with some surprise.

But Huang Chen was just surprised when he saw a few small black spots jumping out from the cliff in the distance, falling in the air, summoning the ship suit, cutting through the waves, and driving towards here.

Although it was a little far away, with Huang Chen's current eyesight, it was extremely easy to see the figures clearly. There were three people sailing at the front.

Of the three, the first to notice was Cleveland.

And beside her was a girl in a white navy uniform, with long black hair casually draped behind her.

Then followed closely by a little girl with braids, her clothes reminded Huang Chen of Xiao, and she also looked like a ninja.

Huang Chen blinked, recalling the work he had memorized all afternoon, "That's Atago and... Kuroshio?"

"That's right." Enterprise nodded, "It seems that Cleveland told them about the commander's situation."

And the girl on the Windward also seemed to know the current situation, and after a while, she saw several figures also running on the surface of the sea, sailing there.

Huang Chen took a closer look, first noticed Columbia's figure, and then saw some little girls also sailing out, seeming to be having fun.

It's just that he didn't see Akashi's figure. He felt that this was the time for her to appear on the stage.

"Then Commander, we have to go too." Enterprise also nodded.

Huang Chen's eyes widened, and he scratched his head in doubt, "Let's go there?? How can I get there? I can swim by myself?"

"Commander now..." Enterprise thought for a while, "Commander can go to the deck on the first floor and wait for everyone. If the commander wants to go there later, I can take the commander there."

"You took me there? How did you take me there?"

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