Immediately afterwards, Sephiroth controlled the bloody bat and let it fly into the iron cage in the room.

Immediately, he picked up two high-quality imitation long knives on the desk and threw them into the portable space to prevent any openings.

After finishing all this, Sephiroth left the office calmly and walked to the deck of the warship.

The island was more than 20 kilometers away, and he couldn't see it from the deck.

Therefore, he immediately spread his black wings from his back, flapped them vigorously a few times, and flew to the watchtower of the mast, took the watchman's binoculars and looked into the distance.

As the distance between the warship gradually narrowed, Sephiroth also gradually saw the outline of the island clearly.

In addition to a light yellow beam of light that goes straight to the sky, there are also towering stone towers surrounding the island.

Finally found it...Valfrod!

This island is not an island that has been stranded in the sea.

200 years ago, Valfrod fell from an empty island and crashed into the sea.

Due to the special structure of this island, it did not sink into the bottom of the sea, but floated on the sea surface. It was pushed by the current to move slowly all the year round, and had no fixed position.

Sephiroth went out to sea to look for it, but in fact, he only relied on some memory information from his previous life to determine its approximate location in the sea.


It still took him more than a year to find this island in the vast sea!

The reason why Sephiroth went to great lengths to find Vavrod was because an ancient weapon was buried on this island...the breath of the gods!

In this world, there are actually many ancient weapons, but the most famous ancient weapons with the title of gods are Pluto, the king of the underworld, Poseidon, the king of the sea, and Uranus, the king of heaven.

Legend has it that these three ancient weapons have the power to destroy the world!

The ancient weapon "Breath of the Gods" that Sephiroth has worked so hard to find, although it does not have the ability to destroy the world, but it is not a problem to destroy islands and countries!

The breath of the gods is a scientific and technological creation used by ancient empty islands to study weather. It can freely manipulate thunder, fire, wind, and water, the four natural forces, to form various terrifying natural disasters!

Such a terrifying weapon, the World Government would naturally want to keep it in its hands.


200 years ago, the World Government launched an attack on Vavrod, which was still on the empty island, and wanted to snatch this weapon.


After the World Government launched countless attacks, they were all stopped by the breath of the gods and suffered heavy losses!

After failing again and again, the World Government launched a devastating attack on the entire Vavrod with the idea that they could not have it and others could not have it!

However, the world government never expected that Vavrod, who possessed the "breath of the gods", resisted the attack, and just fell from a height of [-] meters and landed on the sea.

Just when Sephiroth was about to put down the binoculars, he accidentally saw a large sailing ship more than 20 kilometers away, flying the blue cross five-star flag of the World Government.

Using the binoculars, he gradually scanned around the sea.

He found that besides the one galley, there were two galleons near Vavrod.

Looking at their trajectory, they seem to be cruising around the island...! ?

Sephiroth watched the world government ship appear in the telescope, and he couldn't help muttering in his heart:

Judging from the current situation, the world government should have given up on capturing the breath of the gods after experiencing the tragic loss 200 years ago.

However, in order to prevent others from getting the breath of the gods, they have been monitoring the situation of Valfrod.


When the warship of the g5 branch where Sephiroth was located was [-] kilometers away from Vavrod Island, a dark thundercloud suddenly appeared in the sky, strong winds roared on the sea, and the waves began to surge violently. A sea current vortex appeared on the ground.

Seeing this situation, Sephiroth quickly lowered his head and shouted downward:

"Stop advancing, turn around and return!"

Following his order, the helmsman immediately began to turn the rudder quickly, and other people on the deck began to adjust the ropes on the sails to adjust to the ship's change of course.

Sephiroth jumped, jumped directly from the watchtower to the deck of the warship, and he was about to enter the cabin again.

Seeing this situation, Frank hurriedly trotted up and followed him. He wondered:

"Brigadier General Sephiroth, don't we have to go to that island?"

Hearing this, Sephiroth's footsteps paused slightly, and he thought quickly in his heart.

really!The order he gave Frank just now was to go to the island, and he also saw the World Government ship on the watchtower...

If the world government investigates and inquires, Sephiroth does not have a suitable reason, and it seems a bit difficult to fool.

He may even be labeled as plotting the breath of the gods!

This caused him all kinds of troubles...

"Suddenly I don't have much interest in that island anymore!

I thought of something more interesting..."

Facing Frank's puzzled gaze, Sephiroth couldn't help but smile and said:

"Give me the chart!"


As he spoke, Frank quickly took out a nautical chart from his pocket, spread it out, and handed it to him.

Sephiroth's gaze first glanced roughly on the chart, and then he raised his right index finger and placed it on an island.

"Our goal is changed to here!"

"This is……?"

Frank looked intently, and when he saw the horned skull logo on the island clearly, he suddenly turned pale with shock.

"Commander Sephiroth, that's the territory of the Beasts Pirates.

Do you want to...?

no!This is not possible...

Without the order of the Navy Headquarters, we cannot launch an attack on Kaido's territory without authorization! "

"Afraid of what?

If the boss blames me, I will take it and go full speed towards the goal! "


Frank's face fluctuated for a while, and he even hesitated to speak.

"Major Frank, obey orders!"

Sephiroth snorted, and handed back the nautical chart to the other party.


In desperation, Frank could only salute obediently, turned around and walked towards the helmsman, conveying Sephiroth's order to change the course.

The place Sephiroth just pointed to is called Hanas Island, which is rich in iron ore and is the main iron ore supply point of the Beast Pirates. It is not far from the current location of the warship. If he is investigated and questioned in the future , there are also reasons to be confused...

After Sephiroth returned to the cabin, he first sensed it in the direction of Vavrod with his knowledge and arrogance, and locked on a certain position twelve kilometers away.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the iron cage in the room, released a blood-colored bat, pulled out the butcher knife on his waist, opened a space door, and gave the blood-colored bat an order to fly to Valfrod. The command.


The bloody bat chirped a few times, then flapped its wings and flew into the space door.

In the short term, Sephiroth isn't planning to claim the Breath of the Gods.

If the ancient weapon disappeared not long after he appeared near Vavrod, everyone would suspect him...

Above the turbulent sea, the blood-colored bat flapped its wings and flew towards Vavrod ten kilometers away.



A blue-white thunderbolt with a diameter of one meter accurately landed on the blood-colored bat, scorching it black all over. "Plop!" It fell into the sea and died beyond death!

After closing the space door, Sephiroth, who was still in the cabin of the warship, suddenly realized that he had lost his sense of the bloody bat.

Just when he was doubtful, the voice of Luo Lei came to his ears belatedly.

Combining the cause and effect, Sephiroth understood the reason just after thinking about it for a while.

No wonder the world government has not received the breath of the gods since 200 years ago!

The defense and early warning mechanism of this ancient weapon is too outrageous, right?

Even a bat can't fly in...

Could it be that my use of space teleportation seemed too abrupt, so I attracted the suspicion of the intelligent judgment mechanism of the breath of the gods...?

Some unbelieving Sephiroth immediately used his ability to create a black bat.

Immediately, he opened the window of the cabin, let the bat out, and he himself closed his eyes, and began to personally control the bat, making it fly towards Vavrod, [-] kilometers away.

After a while...


Accompanied by bursts of thunder in the distance, the black bat completely lost contact with him.

grass, a plant.

While cursing in his heart, Sephiroth opened his eyes and leaned back on the office chair.

Just now, when he personally controlled the black bat to fly into the sea area [-] kilometers away from Wavrod, thunderclouds began to brew in the sky, ready to chop the bat down.

Seeing this situation, Sephiroth immediately controlled the bat, and started the extreme dodge at a super high speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour!


He never expected that besides the successive thunderstorms in the sky, there was also a soaring current on the sea!

After Sephiroth controlled the black bat to dodge more than a dozen thunderbolts, it was finally wiped out by a soaring ocean current when it turned around a bend...

After all, I thought things were too simple!

If you have the ability to fly, you can forcibly break into Vavrod. With the ability and means of the world government, how could it be possible to be helpless all the time...?

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