After all, it is not difficult for the world government to get a few devil fruits capable of flying...

The current situation is that if you want to break through forcefully, the breath of the gods will form soaring currents, storms, rain, and thunder in the low sky, and in the high sky, there will also be thunder, snow, rain and other weather changes.

If I go in person, the low altitude will be restrained by the sea water. As long as I hit it once, with the attack intensity of the breath of the gods, I will basically be on the street!

In the high altitude, the thunder and lightning are too dense, it is difficult to dodge, unless my armed color domineering is strong enough for me to withstand the continuous thunder, otherwise I will probably rush to the street.

Even Marigrud, who ate the Thunderbolt fruit, would not be able to force her to break through the sky with elementalization...

The breath of the gods can freely control wind, fire, thunder, and water. It can not only materialize thunder and lightning, but also freely condense water in the air to form ice.

In other words, if the natural department goes, it will also hit the street!

It seems that I still need to find another way to enter Vavrod... Sephiroth leaned back on the office chair, rubbing the center of his brows lightly, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Um! ?...Actually, there is no other way!

If the scope of my knowledge-colored domineering is farther than the warning range of the breath of the gods, then I can reach the place in one step and reach Vavrod!

As long as there is no fatal weakness of sea water, even if there are thunderbolts and agency guards on the island, those things can't stop me at all!

It seems that I have to work hard to improve the coverage of the domineering domineering, and strive to log in to Valfrod as soon as possible, and capture the breath of the gods! ... Sephiroth secretly decided in his heart.

Chapter 237 Monet and Sugar

New World, Hanas Island.

This island is one of the islands under the rule of the Hundred Beasts Pirates. It mainly excavates iron blocks and smelts steel to provide raw materials for the weapons factories in Wano Country.

At a mining site on Hanas Island, slave miners with numb eyes and shackled hands lined up and walked up to a little green-haired girl one after another.

These people are either pirates who failed to challenge the Hundred Beasts Pirates, or small and medium-sized pirates who have not been able to join any major forces.

Because their strength is too weak, all of them are at the level of miscellaneous soldiers, so Kaido doesn't like it at all, and he doesn't even have the slightest idea of ​​recruiting them.

So, they were thrown to the construction site to do hard work until they were forced to death!

This is the cruelty of the new world!

The power of their own pirate group is not strong enough, and they have not turned to other powerful forces, so their fate can only be swallowed up by other big pirate groups, or even completely destroyed!

The former Moonlight Moria and Crocodile are good examples. They couldn't gain a firm foothold in the New World, and refused to join other forces, so they could only roll back to the paradise to lick their wounds...

Those slave miners who lined up, they were just lightly touched by the little green-haired girl, and they turned into metal soldier toys, and all the memories related to those slaves will be erased, and no one will be able to do it again. think of them.

Knowing that they will be turned into toys, those slave miners will naturally not want to!


What frightened the slave miners was Quinn, the big sign of the Beasts Pirates, who was sitting on a big chair with a cigar in the corner of his mouth, watching them coldly.

Those who dare to resist will be shot to death!

Next to the queue of slave miners, there were three corpses lying in a pool of blood, warning them all the time...

After the little green-haired girl reached out again to turn a slave miner into a metal toy, her knees softened and she slumped on the ground, panting heavily.

"Sister, are you alright?"

Seeing this scene, standing next to the little girl, a beautiful woman with light green waist-length hair in Miaoman, stepped forward and helped the little girl up.

"Don't worry! Sister, I'm's just too much physical exertion..." The little girl shook her head and explained.

"Master Quinn, my sister has already transformed 600 people... Let her rest for a while?"

The green-haired woman turned her head to look at Quinn, her tone was full of begging.

Among the two daughters, the younger one is called Xiaotang, the older one is called Monet, they are sisters.

Not long after the two joined the Don Quixote family, Doflamingo was defeated by Kaido and was imprisoned in the Rabbit Well quarry.

Under the pressure of the situation, the two sisters could only follow Torrebol and others and switch to Kaido.

Since the Hundred Beasts Pirates follow the principle of supremacy of strength, the women in the Hundred Beasts Pirates either have good strength and can become combatants or even cadres, or they are weak and can only be seen in the verandah. reduced to a plaything...

Monet and Granose didn't show any strong combat power at first, so they were directly thrown into the veranda by Kaido to work.

Facing those men rushing towards her sisters like hungry tigers, and the sugar that had been hiding in Monet's arms tremblingly, she finally mustered up the courage to act angrily, turning all those people into toys, and manipulated the toys to carry out a series of activities. There was a counterattack, which caused quite a commotion.

The female cadre in charge of the veranda did not make things difficult for her after learning that Granose was a person with abilities, but only asked her to undo those people as toys, and assured her that since the two women did not want to receive customers, they only needed to be geisha singing and dancing works just fine.

By the way, the female cadre also asked Granu to turn some people from Wano into toys, doing odd jobs in the corridor to ease the work of her subordinates.

Things will develop like this, it is purely because the Hundred Beasts Pirates adhere to the principle of supremacy of strength, the strong can directly override the weak!

Granose is a capable person, and his ability is too buggy, so in a certain sense, he is also a strong person.

If this matter goes to Kaido, they will also suffer in the end.

Therefore, after experiencing that incident, Granose and Monet received geisha training in the veranda, singing and dancing to the members of the Beasts Pirates who were still drinking for entertainment from time to time, and their days were considered comforting.


Some time ago, Doflamingo walked out of the Rabbit Well quarry, which made Granose break away from a peaceful and comfortable life, and started to use his abilities to make toys every day!

"Tch! It's really useless... Hurry up and go to rest!

There are more than 1000 people on this island waiting to be transformed into toys! "

Hearing this, Quinn raised his right hand first, took down the cigar from his mouth, then spit on the ground and cursed a few words in a low voice.

His tone was full of disdain.

The reason why he looks at Granu like this is because on the one hand, although Grano's ability is very buggy, it doesn't work at all for him. He can rely on his super domineering to be immune to the power of Tongqu Fruit.

On the other hand, it is hate house and black!

Recently, Doflamingo gained Kaido's trust by virtue of his rhetoric and various means, and let him preside over the overall work of the weapon factory!

This aspect of the work was originally in charge of Quinn, but now he has been directly seized power, so he hates Doflamingo, he hates it so much!

Therefore, Quinn even dislikes sugar now!

After all, in his eyes, the girl was promoted by Doflamingo, and she also came from the Don Quixote family...



On the coast of Hanas Island, a warship let go of the artillery on the side and fired towards the island. The shells fell into the construction site and exploded, turning the buildings into ruins.

The sudden change frightened all the slave miners and fled in all directions, while the members of the Beasts Pirates picked up their weapons, and what's more, they quickly took out their binoculars and looked towards the distant sea.

"Damn it! It's that bastard!

How dare you make trouble in the territory of our Hundred Beasts Pirates? "

Quinn threw away the cigar in his right hand. He jumped up and stood up from the chair. His face instantly became extremely gloomy.

Subconsciously, he guessed that it was the pirate supernova who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and wanted to grab territory in the new world, so he came to provoke the Beasts Pirates...

This kind of thing happens often, at least ten or twenty times a year, but those people were either beaten to death by the Hundred Beasts Pirates, or they were subdued and obediently surrendered!

In addition, those who are capable, refused to surrender, and were not killed, will be thrown into the Rabbit Well quarry to be labored to death!

The lookout standing on a high place observed, after seeing the situation on the sea clearly, he hurriedly reported aloud:

"Master Quinn is a navy! A warship appeared on the sea...

Looking at the sign on the sail, it should be the warship of the g5 force that attacked us! "


Hearing this, Quinn couldn't help being stunned for a moment, his brain couldn't react!

In his heart, he was even prepared for the attack of the Whitebeard Pirates or the Big Mom Pirates.


He never expected that the person who attacked them turned out to be the navy! ?

You must know that whether it is the cp organization or the navy, they all pursue the purpose of not easily going to war with Kaido, Big Mom, and Whitebeard, the three emperors of the sea, and they have adopted a policy of turning a blind eye to their actions. eye attitude.

Even, the world government is still secretly cooperating with them in some shady ways...

etc! ...Navy g5 branch! ?

Isn't that the notoriously wanton, unruly rogue naval force?

Could it be that those guys have lost their minds today and want to find fault...! ?

Thinking that he had already figured out the reason, Quinn sneered suddenly:

"Oh! This group of rogue marines are so courageous!

Little ones, come with me!

Today, I will let them go and never return!

Quickly ask someone to contact the ships docked at the port and ask them to provide fire support at sea..."

After speaking, his whole body began to swell, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into an orange-skinned brachiosaurus!

He is an animal-type dragon fruit-ancient species-brachiosaurus form ability user, and among the ancient species, he can be regarded as one of the best.

In addition, on his tail, hair, and left arm, there are very obvious traces of mechanized transformation, in which he installed lasers, flame-throwing devices, machine guns, high-voltage power generation devices, endoskeletons, stealth devices, etc. Mechanical instruments far ahead of this era...

Quinn is a cyborg!

While strengthening his physical defense, he also increased his attack methods and comprehensive combat power through various instruments.

Soon, when Quinn arrived at the shore of Hanas Island, he saw the warship appearing on the sea...

Chapter 238 Landing on the Island

New World, Hanas Island waters.

On the deck of the warship, Sephiroth held a telescope in his right hand. While looking towards the coast of the island, he said to Frank beside him:

"Hit me hard!

Especially those buildings... Don't be afraid of wasting shells, they don't need your money to buy them anyway. "


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