"I don't care for that kind of thing!

Now I just hope that there will be fewer scumbag pirates in my hometown..."

"Hey! Everyone has their own ambitions, Sephiroth, where are you going?"

Kake sighed softly, and turned to look at the silver-haired boy on the right.

"Chambord Islands Naval Base."

Kake gently rubbed his chin with his right hand, muttering to himself:

"Oh! You are still staying in the headquarters...but the situation there is more complicated!"

Sephiroth shrugged, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"It doesn't matter if it's not complicated anymore, the main thing is that it's exciting enough and has what I want..."

"Makes sense! Makes sense!

Looking at all the naval bases, Chambord Islands is indeed the most exciting and fun place. "

As if thinking of something, the smile on Jia Ji's face became more and more wretched.

"Ah heh heh heh...!" ×2


Sitting on the right side of Sephiroth, Gion, she glanced at the two men with arms crossed, smiling knowingly, with a slightly disdainful gaze.

"Gion, where are you going to apply for?" Kake asked casually.

"Navy G1 branch."

"It's a great place!

The g1 branch is at the entrance of the new world, and the pirates who can reach there are all capable... and can quickly accumulate meritorious service!

Huh!In this way, if you go to the g1 branch, you will only be separated from Sephiroth by a piece of red earth... the distance is quite close! "

"Hmph! So what if it's near? So what if it's far away?"

Gion glared at Kake viciously, signaling the latter to shut up quickly.


Her gaze, pretending to be inadvertent, swept across Sephiroth's face, as if she wanted to see something from the change in the other's expression...

"Among this year's military academy students, there are three who have performed outstandingly and made military exploits...

Kake, Gion, Sephiroth, come out on stage!"

Amid Zefa's thick shouting, the three people below the podium immediately stood up and walked quickly to the podium.

"Jia Ji, you performed well during the military academy and made outstanding achievements.

Now, I confer on you the rank of Major!"


"Gion, you performed well during your military academy and made outstanding achievements.

Now, I confer on you the rank of Major!"


"Sephiroth, you performed well during the military academy, and you made great achievements in the Battle of Dressrosa, and saved the royal family of Dressrosa.

For your bravery!

Now, I confer on you the rank of Colonel!"

While speaking, Zefa put a white cloak of justice with the rank of colonel on the silver-haired boy from the red awarding tray held by the naval soldiers next to him.


After the three people on the podium were conferred, there was a burst of applause in the auditorium.

The performance of the three during the military academy is obvious to all. Not only are they far superior in strength, but so are their feats, so no one feels jealous.

The military students below the podium, relying on their performance and meritorious service during the military academy, except for a few who have the rank of warrant officer, the ranks of others are basically in the range from second lieutenant to captain.

"Next, I invite the chief graduate of this year's military academy, Sephiroth, to speak!"

At the signal of the host, the silver-haired boy in a white cloak of justice walked to the podium and took out a speech from his trouser pocket.

"Hmm!... Originally, I planned to follow the script and give an impassioned speech..."

"However, it seems that everyone has become a little impatient, so I am only going to say a few words now..."

"Everyone, when you graduate, it's a pity!

What awaits you is not an infinitely bright future, but a road full of bumps and bumps.

Someone will die, someone will stand still.

Of course, there are also people who will go to the end of the road and become the existence admired by thousands of people.

Here, I just want to tell you that no matter when, don't forget your original intention and the justice on your shoulders.

Only in this way, you will not lose yourself on this road full of bumps and bumps!"

After Sephiroth quickly finished his speech, everyone was stunned for a moment, but they quickly applauded subconsciously...

In fact, as long as Sephiroth speaks normally, there will be applause if nothing happens.

Therefore, even though he just said some words without beginning or end, they still responded with applause.

As for the content of the speech...

The left ear goes in and the right ear goes out, isn't that fundamental?

No matter how strong the chicken soup for the soul is, once the taste is over, people will become less interested.

The driving force that can always drive them forward is always their own needs...



A class of more than 20 military cadets went to a bar in the town of Marin Vanduo and held a graduation celebration.

They have long been used to seeing life and death, and they don't have so much affection and sentimentality. They just drank and chatted about the interesting things in the past. At about ten o'clock in the evening, they happily returned to the military academy together. sleep.

The next morning, they packed their luggage, boarded warships heading to different islands, and went their separate ways...

Chapter 104 Warning

Chambord Islands, Island 60, Naval Base.

Sephiroth in a blue suit with a white cloak of justice draped over his shoulders.

He carried a box in his left hand, walked to the gate of the naval base, took his right hand into his arms, and showed his officer's ID to the two soldiers standing guard.

"Colonel Sephiroth!" ×2

After confirming his identity, the two soldiers standing guard immediately opened the gate of the base and saluted him.

Sephiroth nodded slightly, and walked in.

The two soldiers muttered softly when they saw him walking away.

"By the way... do you think this colonel looks familiar?"

"Eh!? When you say that, I feel like I've seen it somewhere...

But I heard that he graduated from the military academy, so he applied for the post, we haven't met before, right...?"

After passing by the spacious playground, Sephiroth walked into the office building familiarly, and went to the second office on the left hand side on the fifth floor.

He stood at the door, reached out and knocked lightly on the door.

Boom boom boom!

"Come in!"

A young man's voice came from the office.

As soon as Sephiroth pushed open the door, he saw a handsome young man with sunglasses on his face, a scar on his left eye, and blond hair combed back... Brigadier General Keisha!

With a cigar in his mouth, he leaned back on the chair behind his desk.

On the wall behind him hangs a plaque that reads [Ambiguous Justice].

"Commander Kesha!

I'm the colonel, Sephiroth, who was just assigned by this department. "

The silver-haired boy stood upright and saluted Kesha who was sitting on the chair.

"Hahaha! Don't be so polite, we will be colleagues from now on.

Please sit down! Please sit down! ...do you smoke cigars? "

The blond young man had a bright smile on his face, and he pushed the cigar box on the desk forward.

"Then thank you, Brigadier General Kesha!

I also smoke cigars..."

Saying that, Sephiroth stretched out his hand and pulled away the chair in front of the desk, sat down, and skillfully picked up a cigar to light it, and put it in his mouth.

By the way, he also opened the suitcase, took out the official appointment and dismissal document of the Navy Headquarters, handed it to Kesha, and began to go through the normal entry procedures...

"Colonel Sephiroth, I was actually a little surprised to learn that you applied to be transferred to the Chambord Islands...

After all, the situation here is a bit complicated...

I think you should also understand something, right? " Kesha pointed out.

"Yes, I understand."

Sephiroth nodded noncommittally, but he didn't elaborate or show off anything.

The dark side of the Chambord Islands, but anyone with some experience can perceive the tricks.

If he is still self-righteous and showing off in front of the other party, he will appear a bit brain-dead...

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