"That's good! You will be here in the future, you need to be flexible when you encounter problems, and you can't be impulsive, otherwise you will cause some unnecessary troubles..."

"According to the arrangement of the headquarters, Sephiroth, you will serve as the commander of the special mobile force of this base, and you will be responsible for dealing with emergencies, such as pirates making trouble on the island, and carrying out some special tasks..."

"Speaking of which, the former commander of this department, Lieutenant Colonel Nick, was quite unlucky...

He obeyed the orders of Major General Doro...Ah!No, it should be Second Lieutenant Dorothy now.

Due to the failure of the encirclement and suppression of Hawkeye and the embarrassment of the Navy, Nick is now directly demoted to a second-class soldier...

He has worked so hard for so many years, but in the end it all came to nothing..."

Brigadier General Keisha babbled at Sephiroth for a while and said a lot of things, but it can be summed up in two sentences:

Be smart in the future, don't cause trouble for me!

If you make trouble yourself, solve it yourself, don't implicate me!

It’s not exactly that in terms of words, but that’s roughly what it means…a ruthless workplace!

Sephiroth can also understand Brigadier General Kaisa's attitude.

The other party does not want to be implicated, but to be punished!

After all, the two are strangers to each other and have no friendship. No one wants to ruin their future because of a stranger!

After all, it is not easy for Kesha to become a brigadier general...

There are [-] navy officers in the navy headquarters, but there are thousands of school-level officers alone. If you want to compete to become an outstanding general, if you don't have outstanding strength or a strong background, you will probably be a school officer in this life. In the end, it is basically wishful thinking if you want to be among the top management at the admiral level!

For example, when the Demon Slaying Order is launched, five lieutenant generals, ten warships, and ten thousand soldiers need to be dispatched. Among those people, there are only 200 people with the rank of lieutenant colonel and colonel...

Colonel, in the Navy Headquarters, he is just a senior soldier!

If others don't give you a chance, then you can only hang around on other people's boats until you retire!

Even some of the poorer people can only be stuck in the rank of lieutenant until they are 50 or [-] years old...

Of course, if your background is strong enough, even if you hold meetings every day and use your words, you can still be promoted to the top general level.

The reality is so cruel, you can't count on the navy, a violent institution of stateless mercenaries, full of integrity and justice inside, that kind of thing can only exist in dreams...

Therefore, in a sense, Sephiroth's current rank of colonel is the end of others' hard work for a lifetime!

It took about half an hour. After Sephiroth accepted the warning from Brigadier General Kesha, he carried his suitcase and went to the first floor of the office building.

As soon as Sephiroth walked into his office, he saw a bearded young man in his 20s with black shattered hair, who was mopping the floor with a mop in his hand.

"Hello! Colonel Sephiroth, I am Private Frank, attached to the special mobile unit."

The black-haired young man gave him a military salute after seeing him push the door and walk in.

"Well! You don't need to clean up now, go inform everyone in the department, and go to the playground to gather!"


Frank responded, picked up the mop and bucket with his hands, and ran out of the office quickly.

Sephiroth reached out and took off the cloak of justice on himself, took off the blue suit jacket, and hung the two clothes on the coat rack next to him.

Then, he took off the butcher knife at his waist, put it on the desk, opened the suitcase, took out a high-purity Hailou stone shackle, and put it on his left hand.

After finishing all this, the silver-haired boy walked out of the office calmly.


Naval base, playground.

With his hands behind his back, Sephiroth looked at the more than 200 naval soldiers standing in front of him.

There is not even a single girl, all of them are muscular brothers...!?

But when he thought about it again, it seemed that most of the female soldiers in the Navy Headquarters were under the command of Lieutenant General He, and the rest of the female soldiers were distributed to various departments, and they were all like military flowers...

It's normal that Sephiroth's men don't even have a female soldier!

It's really a boring workplace, not even a beautiful lady... Sephiroth sighed and muttered in his heart, while beckoning to his subordinates:

"Come one by one, let me see how much you weigh!"

More than 200 naval soldiers, they first looked at each other in dismay, but Sephiroth was their chief after all, and they had no way to disobey the order.

Soon, a strong bald man with a height of [-] meters stood up first and punched him.

With no expression on his face, Sephiroth dodged slightly sideways and punched the man in the stomach.

The bald man rolled his eyes, "Plop!", and fell to the ground.




After more than an hour...

Sephiroth beat all 220 soldiers under him.

Even though he had already put on the Hailou stone shackles, suppressed the ability of the devil fruit, and restricted most of the power, but still no one could receive his three punches...

220 naval soldiers, or lying, or sitting, very few people standing.

Sephiroth looked at the soldiers on the playground who had been beaten by him, he couldn't help showing a disappointed expression on his face, and sighed:

"Alas!... There is no one who can fight!"

Originally, he wanted to dig out a few talents to cultivate, but unfortunately the result disappointed him greatly.

But when you think about it, those officers of the special mobile unit who are more capable of fighting were all implicated in the embarrassing incident of the navy headquarters last time when they besieged Hawkeye, and were demoted and sent to the world.

He can't ask too much for the remaining big soldiers...

"That...Frank! You will be my adjutant from now on..."

Sephiroth pointed to the black-haired young man sitting cross-legged on the ground, rubbing his cheeks from time to time.

"Yes! I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

With a joyful expression on his face, Frank stood up and gave him a military salute.

You were punched twice by me and fell to the ground. I expect you to have a hammer. I just happen to know your name! …… Sephiroth secretly slandered in his heart.

"Okay! There's nothing wrong, so you can do what you should do!"

Sephiroth waved his hand, turned around smartly, left the playground, and returned to his office, ready to learn about related work matters...

Chapter 105 Workplace Trivia

Chambord Islands, Island 60, Naval Base.

In a gymnasium, thick steel plates are laid on the ground, and various "overweight" fitness equipment are placed inside.

Sephiroth is wearing a black tracksuit and has medium-length hair on his head. He holds an alloy iron rod in his right hand, and the transparent armed domineering is wrapped around it, so that it will not be deformed due to excessive weight. ...

On the alloy iron rod, there are five thick barbell plates made of steel with a diameter of 1.5 meters and a width of [-] centimeters!

Now Sephiroth feels like he is waving a light wooden sword, unhurriedly, very rhythmically waving up and down...

More than a month has passed by in a hurry.

Now Sephiroth is thoroughly familiar with his job, and has become acquainted with the officers in the base a lot.

Usually, apart from daily affairs, he only needs to deal with those pirates who dare to make trouble in Chambord Islands.

He chose to turn a blind eye to those pirates who did not make trouble and entered the new world honestly, as well as drug dealing, human trafficking... and other illegal incidents.

There are some things that Sephiroth can't do, but there are too many things involved, and he doesn't want to go into muddy water...

Of course, if he finds out that one of the pirates has devil fruit abilities, he will also hunt and kill them secretly, regardless of whether the other party is making trouble...

The Chambord Islands are where pirates from all over the world gather, and the probability of devil fruit ability users appearing is much higher than other places.

For more than a month, he discovered four pirates with devil fruit abilities through the bat monitoring network deployed on the coastline of the Chambord Islands.

Sonic Fruit, Vulture Fruit, Slippery Fruit, Mole Fruit.

Among the four fruits, he obtained two, which are vulture fruit and slippery fruit...

Sephiroth still doesn't understand it. To be on the safe side, he deliberately took the ability user to the basement to kill, and there were piles of fruits inside, but he still failed to make the devil fruit regenerate 100% in the pile of fruits ...

In this regard, he has no choice but to spare part of the time every day to conduct research on the theory of blood factors, hoping that he can understand it as soon as possible, so that he can independently create devil fruits!

After getting off work every day, apart from the occasional overtime work due to pirate troubles, he will also engage in some interpersonal entertainment.

Among the people he made friends with were people from the underground world, as well as high-level corrupt groups in the Navy...

Speaking of which, Sephiroth was able to get in touch with the corrupt high-level of the Navy so quickly, thanks to Commodore Kesha...

Originally, he thought that Brigadier General Kaisha was his boss anyway, and the two needed to establish a good relationship so that the other party would not come to make things difficult for him in the future.

So, Sephiroth invited Keisha to visit the joyous clubhouse on Joy Street a few times.

After drinking too much, Keisha revealed intentionally or unintentionally that he has a profitable business avenue, as long as Sephiroth is sensible, he will eat and drink spicy food with him in the future...

So, the next day, Sephiroth sent [-] million Bailey's banknotes on the pretext of the other party's "birthday" that had passed for several months.

After a few polite words, Keisha accepted the belated birthday red envelope with a smile.

A few days later, Keisha took him one after another, and met and made friends with some brigadier generals, major generals, and lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters, as well as senior officials of the world government.

Among them, he also met a hideous guy, official ndai, Spandain...

In any case, Sephiroth has always successfully mixed into the dark and corrupt forces of the world government now, and has become one of them. He has also roughly seen how corrupt those high-level people are...

Corruption, bribery, money and power trading, participation in illegal trade... All kinds of show operations are simply dumbfounding. Sephiroth directly shouted in his heart, "The world government will end sooner or later!"


He was not in a hurry to use the power of those people to develop the umbrella company's business.

Knowing people, knowing the face but not knowing the heart, especially a group of guys who are full of bad water, Sephiroth will not act rashly until he finds out the details and weight of the other party, lest he will be eaten to the bone...

At the entrance of the gym, Frank ran over panting, with an anxious expression on his face. He hurriedly reported to the silver-haired young man:

"Colonel Sephiroth, I just received a call from the phone bug. On the streets of Island 45, pirates robbed..."


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