Just like what the black veil woman said, there is no order here.

Now Davis can understand why Tang San, the angry youth in the original book, couldn't help but destroy the entire Killing City with a snow-colored swan kiss when he left.

Even though he could understand the necessity of a place like the Killing City, he still had a faint urge to destroy it.

Because... this complete, utter disorder is really disgusting.

Chapter 81

Davis and Duguyan followed the black-veiled woman while listening to the explanation, and the three of them soon came to a special black building.

"This is the core of the Slaughter Capital - the Hell Slaughter Field."

The tone of the woman's introduction suddenly became a little fanatical, as if she saw her own belief.

Davis looked up to see the whole building clearly.

This building has an irregular conical shape, with a total height of 50 meters, which is higher than most of the big spirit arenas. In Davis's impression, only the big spirit arenas in Star Luo City and Tiandou City are taller. Built more grandly than this building.

The woman went on to introduce:

"Use your ID badge to register inside, and then wait for the number of people to register, and the game will begin."

"There are usually 10 people participating in each competition, but in the end, only one can walk out of the killing field of hell alive."

Hearing this, Davis suddenly asked a question that was very confusing in his previous life:

"The number on my identity plate is 9524, that is to say, the total number of people entering the killing capital does not exceed 1, and the death rate has reached 90%. The game has been going on for so many years, why do I think there are still so many people in the inner city?" How many people?"

The woman in black gauze was stunned, apparently not expecting Davis to ask this question.

But this is not a taboo topic in Killing Capital, she explained to Davis:

"The identity badges in the Slaughter City will be counted again every year, and the ID badges of those who died will naturally be taken back, and will be distributed to new members of the Slaughter City next year."

"And the last count was seven months ago."

"In other words, your ID plate number is 9524, which only means that the number of people who were still alive when the count was re-stated 7 months ago, plus the number of people who joined the Killing City in the past 7 months, you are the 9524th . "

This explanation is in place, but also cruel.

People who died in the killing city, apart from their own flesh and blood becoming the nourishment of the killing city, not even a single identity number can be recorded.

As for how many people entered the killing capital every 10 years, and how many died, no one cares about these issues, and no one will count them.

Davis walked to the inside of the Hell Killing Fields, and felt that the killing intent nearby was stronger than ever, far surpassing those places he had walked before.

Davis felt the invasion of this powerful murderous intent on his soul, and he found that this intensity of murderous intent had already significantly increased his soul refining.

But the limit has not been reached yet.It may be because no one is fighting in the hell killing field at present, so although these murderous intentions are strong, they are not active enough.

Once the killing field of hell is opened and everyone fights in it to their heart's content, the killing intent within a radius of a kilometer around the killing field of hell will be mobilized.

That was the best time for Davis to temper his soul.

In other words, this hell killing field, which everyone talks about in the killing capital, is actually the best place to practice for Davis.

If the other villains in Slaughter City knew about this, their jaws would drop in shock.

After discovering this situation, Davis became more and more looking forward to his first battle in the killing field of hell.

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He turned to the black veil woman and asked:

"Can I sign up now?"

The woman in black gauze gave Davis a surprised look.

She has been a messenger in the Killing City for so many years, and she has seen many people like Davis who are about to enter the inner city immediately.

But until today, it was the first time she saw someone who was about to sign up for the hell killing field on the first day of entering the inner city.

The black veil woman hesitated for a moment, but still replied:

"Yes, but you need a glass of Bloody Mary for the registration fee."

She paused, glanced at Davis, then at Dugu Yan beside him, and continued:

"Your own, or someone else's, it doesn't matter."

In fact, Davis already knew the requirements for signing up for the Hell Killing Fields, but in order not to make himself look different, he still waited for the Hell Messenger to finish speaking.

At this time, a strong man with a shirtless body and full of dragon and tiger tattoos just happened to walk over with a glass of Bloody Mary. He saw Davis who happened to be blocking his way, and saw Dugu Yan who was holding his hand, and suddenly With silver light in his eyes, he bumped towards Davis.

Although the messenger of hell was by the side, he couldn't deliberately attack the two little chicks, but a "light" bump wasn't killing or maiming them, so what could happen?When that man was knocked half to death by him, wouldn't that little girl be at his mercy?

The girl in black gauze saw the behavior of the tattooed brawny man, and was about to scold him——


A sharp hiss of sword qi rang out after cutting through the air.

The girl in black yarn felt a silver light flash in front of her eyes, and then what she saw was... Dugu Yan put his sword back into its sheath with a stern face, and the advancing body of the tattooed burly man suddenly froze.

Except for her relatives and Davis, Dugu Yan has never been a good-tempered girl. In this environment where soul skills are banned, she is not easy to mess with, who possesses many unique skills in "***".

Davis unhurriedly walked towards the tattooed burly man, took the Bloody Mary in his hand, and turned to leave.

Three seconds after Davis left, a thin line of blood began to appear on the tattooed burly man's neck, and then...

A huge head fell to the ground, and scarlet blood shot up into the sky, rushing to a height of more than 1 meter before falling, staining the surrounding ground red.

There was a chilling silence in the entire killing field of hell.

The burly man with the tattoo just now is not an unknown person, but a master who has won 9 consecutive victories in the hell killing field, known as "Ghost Tiger".

Don't underestimate the number of 9 consecutive victories. In a game with a survival rate of 10%, being able to win 9 consecutive victories is definitely considered a strong player.

But what just happened?

Most of the people didn't even realize when Dugu Yan drew his sword. When everyone realized it, "Ghost Tiger" was killed by her.

After just a light sword strike, Davis and Dugu Yan were given the title of "not to be easily provoked" by the people present.

Even if Dugu Yan didn't make a move by himself, Davis planned to do so.He needs to use an absolutely strong shot to show the wolves that he is not easy to provoke.

Otherwise, newcomers who have just entered the inner city will inevitably encounter sneak attacks and calculations day and night.


It's just that now it seems that the object they selected is not appropriate, and the effect of killing chickens and monkeys seems to be a little too good.

After the killing occurred, the murderous intentions that existed in the killing fields of hell were immediately activated, and the murderous intentions became more active and pervasive in infecting the soul.

Davis tried to visualize "Lu Zu's Visualization Map" in the sea of ​​consciousness, and found that in this environment, his practice of visualization reached 20 times that of ordinary environments.

This hell killing field is really a good place.

After discovering the mystery of the murderous intent, Davis ignored the Hell Envoy beside him, and sat down cross-legged against the wall, with an expression of enjoyment on his face, and took a deep breath.

As for the Hell Envoy, she was too scared to speak when she dared to speak up.

What kind of person is "Ghost Tiger"?

He knew it from the fact that he dared not give the hell messenger face and hit the new entrant with his body.

Even in the inner city of this dark and disorderly killing capital, this one is well-known.

But this man's female companion actually chopped off his head with a wave of her hand.

Even if there is the king of hell as the master of this kind of peerless murderer, she absolutely does not want to offend, so she can only stand aside obediently, waiting for Davis to open his eyes.

As for the others in the killing fields of hell?

The eyes of everyone in the hell killing field communicate with each other, and the meaning is roughly as follows:

Does this newcomer take us for fools?

This idiot must not know that this trick of pretending to have a breakthrough in the level of soul power to seduce people was completely outdated 20 years ago, right?

Such a perverted smile, I even feel perverted when I see it.

Also say a hammer, don't you hurry up and wait for him to attack us again?

Yes, yes, slip, slip...

Grass Cricket Frozen Hands reminds you: After reading, remember to bookmark [Essence Book Pavilion] www.jhssd.com, next time I will update it so that you can continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version: wap.jhssd.com, you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 82 How dare you fucking call a poisonous snake?

After about an hour or so, Davis opened his eyes contentedly.

At this time, in the killing field of hell, there was no one else except the trembling hell messenger and himself.

This hell killing field is indeed the best place to temper the soul. Just this hour of visualization practice has gained a lot.

Davis can be sure that as long as he participates in a certain number of hell killing fields, his soul cultivation will definitely be promoted to the third level in the shortest possible time.

He stood up, picked up the long-aged bloody mary from the ground, went to the registration office of the killing field in hell, and signed up for the next killing battle.

Then, looking at the weak Hell Envoy behind him, Davis smiled and said:

"Thank you for your guidance and introduction, your Killing Capital is really a good place."

The messenger of hell was still buzzing when he left.

After leaving the Killing Fields of Hell, Davis checked into a hotel closest to the Killing Fields of Hell.

In terms of food, of course, I will not wrong myself, let them bring up any special dishes in the hotel.

As for poisoning?

Since Davis entered the Slaughter City, he has always had the psychic pill under his tongue. As the owner of the Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor Wuhun, Duguyan has an extremely high resistance to poison.

If it was Scarlet Swan Kiss, they probably wouldn't be able to withstand the strange poison of the fairy grass, but with these rags in the Slaughter City, they probably wouldn't be able to break their poison resistance.

For the next two days, Davis went to the killing field of hell to temper his soul during the day, and returned to the hotel to practice innate skills at night. Until 2 days later, the killing field of hell sent someone to inform him:

The 10-participant race is full and will start tomorrow morning.

Although they used the life of the "ghost tiger" to make a name for themselves on the first day, but the past two days have not been peaceful for them.In addition to encountering 7 poisonings, a total of 13 people shot directly at the hotel.

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