Some wanted to take their lives, some fell in love with Dugu Yan like "Ghost Tiger", and some even fell in love with Davis.

But without exception, those people paid the price with their lives.

The next day, half an hour before the start of the killing match, Davis entered the hell killing field again.

On days when there are killing matches, the Hell Slaughtering Fields are always full of people, and some strong players with a high number of victories that are rarely seen on weekdays will always show up here.

As a participant in this killing contest, Davis will be guided by staff as soon as he enters the arena. Food, drinks, and beverages can be taken at will, and these can be determined to be non-toxic and harmless.

After all, the organizers do not want the quality of the competition to decline due to the poisoning of the contestants in the killing competition.

Under the guidance of the staff, Davis entered the waiting area of ​​the killing match.

He was the last one to arrive. As soon as he entered the arena, he found nine eyes looking at him, most of them were full of fear.

It seems that the news that Dugu Yan killed the "ghost tiger" yesterday has been spread by those present.

Through the pre-match introduction by the staff, Davis learned that among the other 9 people present, 8 people's victories were not as good as "Ghost Tiger".

[To tell the truth, I have been using @重量书阁 to read and follow up on updates recently. Jingjingshuge switches, and there are many timbres for reading aloud. Both Android and Apple are available. 】


It's no wonder they looked at him with such fearful eyes.

The remaining one, titled "Viper", has won 17 games in a row, and is recognized as the strongest and most famous existence in this game.

Of course, in Hell Slaughtering Fields, victory or defeat doesn't just depend on the comparison of strength on paper.

Intrigues, alliances, sneak attacks, and poison use are all included in the calculation. "Viper" is the strongest in the open, but it doesn't mean that he must be the one who survives in the end.

Because according to the normal game logic, he who is the "strongest" will definitely be opposed by the other nine people.

Even the "Viper" himself had expected this point in his heart.Of course, no one expected that in such an ordinary killing match, the highest win was only the 17-win match of "Viper", and a big shark would be mixed in.

After the game started, "Viper" jumped to the northwest corner of the arena, observed the movements of other people, and tried to find some weaknesses of the opponents.

And the eight people who teamed up didn't dare to act rashly, because their opponents besides "Viper" also had a newcomer who didn't know how deep they were, and everyone else.

On the killing field, there is no trust.

The two sides fell into a confrontation, and the audience had already begun to shout and curse.

Words such as "coward", "coward", and "softie" burst out of the audience's mouth one after another.

But those nine people did not respond.

Because they have been in the killing capital for a long time, they know one thing very well-fame is what others say, and only life is their own.

But Davis was too lazy to spend time with them. He wanted to solve the battle quickly and start today's practice.

Today he wanted to see if there was any fundamental difference between the killing intent activated by killing 9 people at once and the killing intent activated by killing only 1 person.

As a result, Davis unsheathed the golden sword in his hand, stepped on the method of "A Thousand Miles in a Flicker", and ejected towards the strongest "Poisonous Snake" on the field.

Huashan swordsmanship - Cangsong welcomes guests!

This is the starting move in Huashan swordsmanship. It was originally a ritual move before the duel, and its lethality is not strong.

But after Davis became more and more sophisticated in the art of swordsmanship, every sword move with his hand became more powerful, and even the etiquette move [Pine Welcomes Guests] contained infinite murderous intent.

Davis advanced so fast and swung his sword so fast that when he and "Viper" passed by, "Viper", known for its reaction speed, had just made a defensive posture.

A sword owl head.

Davis's "Pine Welcomes Guests" welcomes the leader of the six yangs of "Viper".

Davis squinted at the headless corpse on the ground, disdain written all over his face.

Just this, is it also worthy of being called a "poisonous snake"?

Ever since he made love to Dugu Yan, Davis has always had a different preference for poisonous snakes, just like he has for cats.If this vicious and wretched man dares to call himself a "poisonous snake", he will kill you first.

As the head of the "Viper" fell to the ground, there was a sudden silence in the hell killing field for several seconds, and then it boiled completely.

Those villains who watched the battle were terrified to death when facing a strong enemy. If they were not limited to the rules of the Slaughter City, they would have knelt down and begged for mercy.


But seeing the despair of other people when they encountered strong players in the arena made those scumbags excited enough to rise up.

When facing their cheers, Davis not only didn't feel excited, but felt noisy and disgusting.

As for the remaining eight people, they were already desperate.

Even the "Poisonous Snake" is a powerful enemy that requires the eight of them to deal with it carefully.So how strong is this rookie who can kill the "Viper" with a single sword?

However, the murderers in the Slaughter City, even if they are at the end of their way, often do not lack the courage to fight for their lives.

Because everyone knows very well that under the rules of the killing fields of hell, begging for mercy is bound to be useless, and there may be a chance of survival if you try your best.

As a result, the eight people who were on guard against each other suddenly let go of their guard and started working together.

Because they know that when facing such a strong person, if they dare to guard against each other, they are looking for death.

"Go together!"

"Kill him before we have a chance to live!"

The eight people were divided into left and right sides and surrounded Davis.


"Up, up, up!"

"Kill him!"

The villains in the auditorium boiled up again.

These villains not only like to watch the strong ravage the weak, but also like to watch the weak team up to kill the strong, because most of them belong to the weak in the Slaughter City.

They linger in the inner city, and there are only these two favorite sideshows: one is to torture and kill the weak, and the other is to watch people who are stronger than themselves being tortured and killed.

This is the inherent inferiority of human beings.It's just that in the disorderly killing capital, this inferiority is infinitely magnified.

Grass Cricket Frozen Hands reminds you: After reading, remember to bookmark [Essence Book Pavilion], next time I will update it so that you can continue reading, looking forward to the exciting continuation!You can also use the mobile version:, you can read it anytime, anywhere....

Chapter 83 Peerless Sword Demon, Immortal Poison Demon

The battle of sweeping the miscellaneous soldiers is not very good.

After Davis made a move of "Seven Stars Falling into the Sky", seven of the eight opponents who rushed up around him fell down in an instant.

Only the one who ran the slowest was left standing there dumbfounded, not knowing whether to advance or retreat.

Davis flashed a sword light, saving him the trouble of making a choice.

The entire Killing Fields of Hell was silent. This time, the noise did not erupt after a few seconds, but remained silent.

After the referee finished announcing the winner, the original noise in the auditorium still did not resume.

Because those scumbags knew that there was another ruthless character that they could not afford to provoke in this small killing city, and the probability of encountering strong people when they participated in the killing competition also increased again.

How can this make those scumbags so noisy?

Davis liked this atmosphere very much. He raised his head, closed his eyes, and opened his arms, as if embracing the silence created by himself.

In fact, the "Lu Zu Visualization Map" was quietly running in the dark, relying on the turbulent killing intent in the killing field of hell at this time, to temper his soul.

Davis has proved by practice that compared with killing 9 people and killing [-] person, there is a big difference in the level of killing intent in the killing field of hell.

Even the soul of the second stage of his "Lv Zu's Visualization Map" cannot help being shaken by that powerful and active murderous intent.

But fortunately, "Lv Zu's Visualization Picture" is not only a spiritual cultivation method, but also a treasure to suppress the soul. Since the picture was absorbed by Davis, it is like a sea-fixing magic weapon, which is suppressed by him. The core area of ​​the sea of ​​consciousness.

Even if the murderous intent invaded occasionally, under the suppression of the original picture of "Lv Zu's Visualization", it could not pollute Davis' core will.

And Davis's own soul, under the infestation of this wave of murderous intentions, has become stronger and stronger, and the cultivation of the soul of the second realm is improving at a speed visible to the naked eye as time goes by .

This time, it took about 2 hours before Davis woke up from the meditation.

The Killing Fields crew made no attempt to drive Davis away.

Anyway, this field is usually used once a day. As the winner of this killing match, Davis already has the right to control this field after the game in the eyes of the staff of Hell Slaughtering Field.

Even though his standing posture with open arms was a little weird, the way he enjoyed killing looked a little perverted.

But in the capital of killing, how many normal people are there, and who doesn't have any eccentricities?Others only care about who the winner is, but they don't care what he is doing after the game.

You say Davis was praying for the dead nine, no one would mind, or even believe it.

Because the strong have the right to enjoy everything.

After finishing training, the first thing Davis did was to directly sign up for the next killing match, then left the hell killing field and returned to the hotel.

On the way back, he obviously noticed that passers-by looked at him differently.

After Dugu Yan killed the "Ghost Tiger" before, the two of them were at best rookies with good strength in the eyes of others.

But after one kill and nine wins this time, Davis's level of danger in the eyes of others has been raised by two to three levels.


Passers-by looked at him with dodge, and they didn't even dare to look more, for fear of attracting Davis' malice.

In the inner city, you don't need a reason to kill.In many cases, just "eyes" are enough to kill together.

After returning to the hotel this time, the dregs that personally attacked Davis were much less than before, and most of them were poisonous.

The food was poisoned, the wine was poisoned, the room was lit with poisonous incense, and even the bath tub was poisoned...

[The chasing book recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, @重量书阁!It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here.]

If it weren't for Davis being accompanied by Dugu Yan, there would even be a woman poisoning her body to plot against him.

Only you can't think of it, there is nothing that gang of scum can't do.

If there is no Tongxi Diling Pill, Davis will really be annoyed by them.

But now, all he can say is——

The refreshing effect of some poisons is really good.


Three months later, Davis has played 25 kills.

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