Harry gave his captain a deep look, and nodded slowly.

The start whistle blew, and all the Quaffles and Bludgers went up into the sky, and the Snitch was long gone.

Hearing the whistle, Harry flew to a very high position in an instant, overlooking the entire Quidditch field from afar.

"Damn it, didn't I ask Harry to pester the opposite Seeker?" Wood cursed secretly when he saw Harry's actions, "Forget it, leave him alone, and leave the rest to us. Fred , George, cover Angelina!"

"Got it, Captain!"

"No problem, Captain!"

Even in the face of this kind of game with no chance of winning and no future, Fred and George still maintained a playful smile and replied funny.

The game was on the verge of breaking out like a war, and the players of the two teams quickly became entangled together!

High in the sky, Harry didn't care about his captain's questioning mood. He squinted his eyes and carefully scanned the entire field with a serious attitude that he hadn't had in the whole semester, just like an eagle flying in the air looking for prey ...

He sees Fred and George probing each other with "Transylvanian feints" with Slytherin's Marcus Flint; Angelina carries the Quaffle through a Another defense, another stop by a burly Slytherin; Wood stood nervously in front of three Gryffindor round gates, watching the Quaffle pass back and forth from a distance...

He also saw two exquisite chairs placed alone on an audience stand dedicated to professors outside the arena, and two professors who were rarely encountered in this arena appeared on the seats at the same time.

Dumbledore sat comfortably on one of the chairs, admiring the fierce competition; while Dracula was holding a black parasol, leaning on the railing around the auditorium, looking at the audience with interest. The ever-changing Quidditch situation on the field.

All the sights came to Harry's eyes.

Under the bright sunlight, he completely discarded distracting thoughts, squinted his eyes, and looked at every suspicious place through the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

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Suddenly, an abnormal golden reflection quietly emerged from the corner of the eye.

Harry turned his head sharply, turned his broom and flew towards the golden reflection.

Slytherin's Seeker Malfoy saw Harry's move, and flew towards his position with crazy speed.

The speed of Nimbus 2001 is obviously improved compared to the old version of Nimbus 2000. Whether it is the acceleration efficiency of linear acceleration or the limit speed, Malfoy is much faster than Harry.

But Harry naturally had his own way.

Harry made several light turns in the air, easily throwing Malfoy behind him, who was only good at sprinting with speed, and almost crashed him into a goal post.

When Malfoy was played dizzily, Harry suddenly accelerated and swooped towards the place where the golden light appeared!

"My God, I saw it, Harry really found the Snitch!" On the Quidditch commentary stand, the commentator Lee Jordan watched this scene in disbelief, and shouted excitedly, "After a game of silence The best Seeker of the year, is he finally going to return to his original level?!"

The entire Quidditch pitch seemed to be silent for a moment, and all eyes were on Harry.

And there was no obstacle in front of Harry, only a small golden ball stuck in the air.


Ms. Hooch blew the whistle that signaled the end of the game.

Harry raised the golden snitch in his hand high, showing a long-lost happy smile.

In the end, the score on the scoreboard was fixed at 160:10, directly opening up a huge gap of 150 points for Slytherin.

From this point of view, the whimsical idea he proposed with the Hufflepuff players before the game has actually come true!

The entire Quidditch pitch was boiling!

The little wizards of Gryffindor, who hadn't had any passion for watching the game for a long time, were desperately shaking the red flag representing the academy.

flag, shouting Harry's name.

Professor McGonagall no longer had a serious look on his face, but instead wiped the corners of his eyes with emotion; Dumbledore showed a relaxed smile, nodded to Dracula, and happily stuffed another sizzling honey into his mouth sugar.

Dracula also hooked the corners of his mouth, as if he was quite satisfied with Harry's performance, and he didn't let him come to watch the game with Dumbledore on such a sunny day.

The commentator Lee Jordan, who was sitting in the commentary seat, was reluctant to leave the seat for a long time, still analyzing the meaning of the game with endless interest——

"Let us congratulate Gryffindor in advance, for winning the No.3 Quidditch Cup this year!"

"I believe everyone knows that as the defending champion of last season, the Gryffindor team performed very poorly this season. As the youngest and most potential Seeker ever, Harry Potter take primary responsibility.”

"But today's Harry gave me a different feeling, as if the confident best player from last year walked back from the moment he won the Quidditch Cup!"

"It's a pity that if he could get back to his current state earlier and win a few more games, maybe Gryffindor could get a ticket to the final again... Unlike now, he can only win a few games with The ranking of No.3 in a competition year will come to an end."

Lee Jordan spoke passionately and regretfully at times, occupying the microphone and unwilling to leave. It was not until Ms. Hooch was about to clean the arena that she reluctantly gave up her commentator seat.

At this time, Harry also had no time and energy to care about Lee Jordan's commentary. He was surrounded by his team members, and everyone was asking him what he had figured out. It's as powerful as medicine.

Harry smiled and responded to the jokes and inquiries from his teammates, and finally felt the atmosphere that he hadn't felt in this team for half a year...

Talking and laughing, they flew down from the sky, passing the stands where the Hufflepuff and Quidditch players were.

Harry took the time to give a thumbs up to Cedric's direction.

Cedric smiled knowingly and gave Harry a thumbs up back.

Next, they can finally face the final exam with confidence!

Chapter 180 VII Summer Vacation Arrives

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Soon, the last day of the semester came.

In the common room of Gryffindor, the little wizards looked anxiously at the window in the Gryffindor tower for owls to enter and exit, anxiously waiting for the announcement of the final exam results.

At Hogwarts, final exam results are announced each year on the last day of term.

The day after the announcement of the results was the day when the little wizards took the Hogwarts Express to go home.

It is obvious that after receiving the report card, some little wizards will have a very happy summer vacation, while others will be beaten by their parents in tears.

Each college has a different method of issuing transcripts.

Professor McGonagall, the dean of Gryffindor College, in order to let the little wizards experience the tension of the ordinary wizard level exam in advance, usually after sorting out the results of the little wizards, he will give the report card to the owl and send it to every little wizard. in the hands of the wizard.

Although Harry was also a little worried about his grades, among the young wizards, he was already considered to be very open-minded.

After all, he didn't listen to the required courses this entire semester, and most of the homework was done, so he wouldn't be surprised even if he failed several subjects.

In addition, as the so-called parents, the Dursleys obviously don't care about Harry's grades in the magic school, so unlike other little wizards who fail the exams and need to worry about their parents' punishment, he has no other worries at all.

Compared to Harry, Ron was obviously much more nervous.

Not only because he had to face Mrs. Weasley's stern eyes when he got home, but he was also worried that his younger sister, Ginny, who had just come to Hogwarts to study, would laugh at him because of her grades.

To relieve Ron's stress, Harry decided to distract him by talking to him for a while.

"Ron, how do you think you did this time?" he asked in a low voice.

"Don't mention it, I think my history of magic must fail." Ron covered his face and said with a painful expression, "Except for a pervert like Hermione, who would remember what was written in the "1289 International Convention of Wizards" The specific content..."

Having said that, Harry nodded empathetically.

He didn't know the content of this part at all, so he completely left this question on the test paper.

Seeing that Ron didn't answer this question now, while Harry felt sorry for him, he also felt relieved.

"Don't be too nervous, Ron, at least you must have done well in other subjects, right?" Harry felt that his schadenfreude was a bit inappropriate, and hurriedly continued to comfort him, "I remember you spent the whole day with Hermione before the exam." Go to the library to review!"

"It's all so-so." Ron had an unlovely expression on his face. "You must not know what I did with the expansion spell and contraction spell in the spell test..."

"My wand is so bad, I must ask my mother to buy me another one when I get home...Of course, the premise is that my final exam results are not too bad, otherwise a spanking would be fine."

Harry glanced at the wand in Ron's hand that was glued around with magic tape and was almost broken in two, and he couldn't help showing sympathy in his eyes.

"Aren't you used to this wand?" Harry asked. "When you were training at the Dueling Club, I remember you were already able to use this broken wand proficiently?"

"I think about what you told me... Oh yes, you told me that as long as you can control the amount of magic power, you can successfully duel with this shabby wand!"

Having said that, Harry couldn't help admiring Ron's perseverance.

I don't know if they were randomly grouped or deliberately assigned for fun, anyway, Harry thinks it's the latter. Professor Dracula often puts Ron and Seamus Finnigan in the same team.

Seamus is a blasting ghost, in his hands, any kind of spell can become an amazingly powerful blasting spell; while Ron is a master of self-destruction, as long as he is a little careless when using this broken wand, he will be killed. Will cast a spell on himself.

But under the high pressure given by Professor Dracula in the dueling club, these two people actually researched a

Set of dueling methods suitable for themselves.

Seamus took advantage of the fact that any spell he used could explode. In duels where opponents were randomly assigned, people who were not familiar with him often underestimated his innocuous spells, but in the end they were often thrown in the face In front of him, the wand that seemed to be carrying a powerful blasting spell made him extremely embarrassed.

Ron has learned the method of controlling the amount of magic power that Professor Dracula said. The magic spells he usually uses deliberately limit his magic power output, but during the duel, he often increases the amount of magic power by surprise, and then Turn the wand upside down, so that a large amount of accumulated magic power bursts out from the tail of the wand, instantly defeating the opponent on the opposite side!

In this way, these two people formed a dueling style that is difficult for anyone to copy, and they can be called the two wonderful flowers of the dueling club.

However, it was such a strange flower of the Dueling Club that turned over again in the final exam of the Charms class.

"During the exam, I was really nervous." Ron said sadly. "As a result, I accidentally didn't control the amount of magic power, and let a shrinking curse hit myself from the tail of the wand..."

"Harry, you don't know how embarrassing I was at that time. The wizard robe on my body shrunk down to the point that it was smaller than the clothes worn by children, and it almost suffocated me!"

"Fortunately, Professor Flitwick saw that something was wrong and helped me resolve the spell in time. Otherwise, I might become the first wizard to be strangled to death by my own spell during the exam..."

"Then you are really... ill-fated." Harry covered his mouth, trying not to let himself laugh out loud, and on the surface he wanted to put on a sympathetic expression.

"By the way, Harry, do you think you can still get No.1 in Defense Against the Dark Arts this time?"

Ron didn't care if Harry was holding back his laughter, he suddenly thought of something, and asked with great interest, "I don't know where you went by yourself before, you may not know, during that time He Min's hardest work is Defense Against the Dark Arts!"

"Look at Hermione's reconciled look. She is afraid that you will get No. 1 in Defense Against the Dark Arts again, and once again break her monopoly position in all homework!"

"It's impossible for me to get the first place this time." Harry shook his head with a wry smile, "I didn't pay attention to my lectures this semester."

"Have you forgotten the punishment Professor Dracula gave me this semester? Every time I have to fight four duels before I can leave the dueling club... This is the result of my distraction in class."

"It's true, your mental state this semester is really not right, whether it's in class or in the Quidditch match." Ron said while pinching his chin, "But didn't you fully adjust in the end?"

"I still remember the game before the exam, you caught the Snitch in 5 minutes! Didn't you see Malfoy's expression at that time, it was like eating a fly!"

Ron held his belly and laughed loudly.

Thinking of Malfoy's funny expression at that time, Ron was not nervous at all, but Harry became a little lonely.

"But I figured it out too late..." Harry sighed, "Gryffindor had a great chance to win the second championship this year, but because of my performance, I didn't even win the finals. None of them went in."

"Don't blame yourself too much, Harry, everyone is out of shape." Ron now began to comfort Harry in turn, "and the Quidditch Cup was won by Hufflepuff in the end, for us It's not unacceptable. As long as it's not Slytherin!"

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