"I really didn't expect that even those Hufflepuffs who are usually only interested in eating can work so hard to compete for the House Cup."

"After winning the Quidditch Cup, Hufflepuff's score surpassed that of Slytherin House for a short period of time, and then those little badgers went crazy, resisting Snape's targeted deductions, fighting Desperately trying to earn points..."

"Really, it felt like Snape didn't deduct points from Gryffindor for a few days, and just picked Hufflepuff to deduct points, but in the end they still didn't earn as fast... Haha, just let Sprow Professor Te got the Academy Cup, which she hasn't seen for a long time!"

"Indeed." Harry nodded approvingly, "I've never discovered that Hufflepuffs are so powerful before."

In fact, Hufflepuff

This is a seriously underrated college.

Usually, the little wizards of Hufflepuff are more Buddhist, and they don't value the honor of the Academy Cup very much, and they don't fight for it.

In addition, the Hufflepuff common room is very close to the Hogwarts kitchen, and the little badgers will go to the kitchen to add food from time to time, so the proud purebloods of Slytherin often look down on the people of this college, thinking that they They are all rice buckets.

But on this day, when the little wizards of Hufflepuff saw their chance to win the house cup, the house with the largest number of them among the four houses finally showed their fangs.

The large number of little Hufflepuff wizards tried their best to add points to the college in various aspects. Even though the course of this semester was over, they still didn't miss any chance to add points, and even knocked on the doors of the professors' offices to give Professors volunteer.

Of course, this is also due to our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Dracula was happy to see Snape deflated, so he called together a large group of little Hufflepuff wizards who came to do volunteer work, and asked them to sort out the grades of the test papers that Riddle had corrected for him, and then fill them in on a sheet. The parchment is sent to Professor McGonagall, who will make the final version of the transcript.

After finishing this uncomplicated job, Dracula generously gave ten points to every little wizard who came to work, and immediately made up for the points deducted by Snape's hard work all day. back.

In the end, with Dracula's happy attitude and the tacit understanding of several other deans, Sprout led Hufflepuff to win the very rare house cup after many years!

"Harry, do you still remember that when Snape shook hands with Professor Sprout to congratulate, the embarrassment on his face almost killed me from laughing!" Ron laughed excitedly.

Harry thought back to Snape's expression at the end-of-term dinner, and smiled cheerfully.

At this moment, a sound of flapping wings came from the window position high up in Gryffindor Tower.

The laughing expressions of Harry and Ron instantly calmed down as if a basin of cold water had been poured on them, and they suddenly looked up.

Several public owls of Hogwarts Castle carried a thick stack of parchment, and flew into the Gryffindor common room from a high window, and these little wizards looked forward to and hated the report card. Throw it on the edge of the fireplace in the living room.

"Why can't the fireplace be lit in summer? Then there might be a chance to burn these damned report cards." Ron complained secretly.

However, no one cared about what Ron said at this time. All the little wizards focused their eyes on the stacks of parchment, with expectations, longing, hatred, shrinking, and escape in their eyes.

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As the prefect of Gryffindor, Percy volunteered to untie the parchment rope for the little wizards, and distributed the report card to each corresponding little wizard.

Hermione rushed over early and quickly snatched her report card.

She unfolded the exquisite parchment, glanced nervously at her grades, saw the entire row of "O (Outstanding)", and showed a satisfied look.

But when she proudly shifted her eyes to the remarks behind the grades of a subject, the satisfied expression on her face immediately collapsed.

"What's wrong with you, Hermione?" Ron didn't know when he came to Hermione's side, and asked curiously, "I think you're about to cry, what's going on?"

He glanced at the long row of "O"s on Hermione's report card and raised his eyebrows, "Isn't this pretty good? All are excellent!"

However, Hermione didn't appreciate it at all. She gave him a hard look, put away her report card, and went back to the dormitory angrily.

"What's wrong with Hermione?" Harry also came over at this time, and asked Ron with some puzzlement, "Did you fail the exam? This doesn't look like her."

"But I think she did very well in the exam. There is an "O" after every subject." Ron scratched his head, "It can't be that the exam is too good, so there is no novelty..."

Having said that, he suddenly froze for a moment, and then took a deep breath.

"Wait, I might know why Hermione is upset!" Ron said loudly, patting Harry on the shoulder heavily at the same time, "Quick, Harry, get your report card!"

Harry was startled, and then understood what possibility Ron had thought of.

"Can't it?" He opened his mouth in disbelief.

Coincidentally, just as the two of them thought of this too whimsical possibility, Percy walked over with two pieces of parchment.

"Harry, Ron, your report card." He handed over two pieces of parchment.

Not caring about looking at his own grades, Ron snatched Harry's grades, pointed his fingers down the row of grades, and finally stopped behind the subject of Defense Against the Dark Arts——

Defense Against the Dark Arts: O (Note: Grade No.1)

Although a scoring system is not adopted, the top scores of Hogwarts are often marked out specifically, so as to give young wizards the motivation to compete for the top spots.

"Harry, you really got No.1 again!" Ron jumped up suddenly, "I knew you could do it!"

Even though he guessed part of it from Hermione's performance, Harry still widened his eyes when he really learned about his results.

"I... I'm not dreaming, Ron?" he asked in disbelief.

Ron immediately slapped Harry on the shoulder, "Do you still think it's a dream?"

"Hiss...it's not a dream, but you're too harsh." Harry grinned and rubbed his painful shoulder, grinning.

In addition to the unexpected joy of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Harry and Ron also passed all other exams, but most of them just reached the passing line with "A (eptable pass)".

The two young wizards who thought they would fail were quite satisfied with this.

Harry finally breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the few days when he finally asked Riddle's assistant to make a surprise attack were still of great use.

What surprised Harry the most was that he passed Snape's Potions exam.

Potions, a course with long-term accumulation of experience, cannot be successfully learned by a day or two of sudden preparation for the exam. If Harry does not pay attention to the lectures in this class like other subjects, coupled with Snape's hatred , I'm afraid it's unreasonable not to fail the subject.

Fortunately, it was precisely because Snape had to criticize Harry every class, so he couldn't be distracted in Potions class like in other classes.

Even so, Harry doubted very much that Dumbledore had intervened to prevent Snape from going out of his way to make things difficult for him.

Snape's attitude towards Harry this semester has been quite frightening—

Every time Snape saw Harry, a muscle next to his thin lips twitched unpleasantly, and he kept flexing his fingers, as if he wanted to strangle Harry's throat.

Little did they know, Snape was well aware of Harry's absence this term.

Ten years ago, Harry's father, James Potter, looked at Lily Invans exactly the same as Harry's expression during this time. Harry's performance reminded Snape of his lost youth and love ...

So he was even more disgusted with Harry, who was exactly the same as James Potter in every place except his eyes.


In a blink of an eye, it was time to take the Hogwarts Express home.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and Ginny occupied a separate compartment, and they made the most of the last few hours of magic they were allowed to use before the holidays, playing "crack and explode" wizard cards, setting off Fred and George spent the last few days struggling to pull out fireworks, and practiced disarming each other's magic.

Up to now, among the young wizards present, no one is more proficient in using the Disarming Charm than Harry.

"Sometimes I really don't understand how you practice the Disarming Charm." George took his wand from Harry dejectedly, feeling that his two years older than him had been wasted.

"George, Harry just let you go!" Ginny looked

Watching Harry's every movement and expression, he said with a smile, "You don't know, the attack power of Harry's Disarming Charm is comparable to black magic!"

"This... is a lie, right?" George turned his head to look at Ginny, "Ginny, I know you have admired Harry since you were a child, but you can't worship him blindly."

Ginny didn't say anything more, just looked at Harry and smiled knowingly.

The two young wizards subconsciously recalled the situation when they faced the huge fire dragon in the ruins left by Slytherin.

At that time, Harry stood in front of Ginny without hesitation, and repelled the fire dragon's attack with a disarming spell that was as powerful as black magic... The power of the disarming spell was far more powerful than the one used on George during the practice in the carriage. The spell is much bigger!

Amid laughter and laughter, the Hogwarts Express gradually slowed down and finally stopped at King's Cross Station.

Before getting out of the car, Harry seemed to suddenly remember something, and pulled out his quill and a piece of parchment from the trunk.

"Here's the phone number," he said to everyone present, scribbling the number twice at the same time, then tore the parchment in two and handed them to Hermione and Ginny respectively.

"Ginny, I told your dad how to use the phone last summer and he'll understand. Call me at the Dursleys, will you? I can't stand talking to Dudley for two months... ..."

"If your aunt and uncle had heard of the act of bravery at the end of term," said Ginny, as they stepped off the train and joined the throng of people walking slowly towards the enchanted partition, "surely they would." Proud of you, aren't you?"

"Proud?" Harry curled his lips, "Could it be that you are smeared? If they hear that I almost died in the mouth of the fire dragon, but actually escaped from death, they will definitely be furious..."

"What are the two of them talking about?" Ron looked at Hermione beside him with a look of surprise, "I don't seem to understand, what bravery, what fire dragon, what narrow escape..."

"I didn't understand either." Hermione frowned, then turned to look at Ginny, "Ginny, what were you two talking about just now?"

"It's nothing!" Ginny made a face at Hermione, "Just pretend we're talking about something from a fairy tale!"

Then, together, they passed the entrance to Platform Nine and Three Quarters and returned to the Muggle world.

Chapter 180 The Prisoner of Azkaban

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Black is still at large!

Sirius Black, believed to be the most notorious prisoner in Castle Azkaban, is still at large, the Ministry of Magic confirmed today.

"We are working hard to recapture Black," Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge said this morning. "We ask the wizarding community to remain calm." Notify the Muggle Prime Minister.


A corner of the newspaper with a bold capitalized English title was gently blown by the breeze, revealing a strand of fluttering silver hair and a handsome and evil face.

"Huh, someone escaped from Azkaban?" Dracula took a sip of the bright red wine and read the newspaper in front of him with interest.

At this time, Dracula was staying in the house of the Black family that he had visited once before, reclining on the soft sofa, gently shaking a goblet full of red wine with one hand, and holding a glass with the other hand. A copy of the Daily Prophet.

It has been nearly a year since Dracula resurrected Regulus Black, who had been made into a corpse by Voldemort.

After nearly a year of tidying up, Regulus Black and the house elf Kreacher, who gradually adapted to the physique of the corpse, gradually took care of the house that had been abandoned for more than ten years. decent.

As an old house-elf whose mother was in Regulus, Walburga Black had already lived in this house when he was a child, Kreacher, even though his thinking had become rigid, but as an old house-elf in the so-called "28 pure House elves were born in the Black family, one of the blood saints, and their personal business ability is still very good.

The return of Regulus gave the old house-elf a new lease of life, and Kreacher, who was full of resentment and resentment all the year round, became full of energy and energy.

At this time, Dracula was leaning comfortably on the soft sofa, sipping the red wine in the goblet from time to time.Kreacher stood by respectfully, whenever the liquid in his glass was not enough, he would add it in time.

Today, their location is a magic training room of the Black family.

Regulus was holding a custom-made magic wand suitable for dark creatures, and was practicing casting spells at a target. He hoped that the vampire earl, who is very professional in dark creatures, could give him advice on how to better use the magic power in the yin corpse .

However, Dracula's attention was completely attracted by the newspaper in his hand, and he didn't look at Regulus' casting action at all.

"Sirius Black . . . is this escaped brother your brother?"

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