Dracula pointed his thumb at the big photo on the front page of the newspaper, and asked Regulus who was still practicing magic not far away.

The large photo on the front page showed a man with a sunken face and long, matted hair, blinking slowly at someone reading a newspaper, looking in a state of distress.

"Sirius?" Regulus was taken aback for a moment, then slowly withdrew his wand, his expression became a little indifferent, "I thought he was dead."

"If the information in the newspaper is correct, then he should not have died in time." Dracula glanced at the photo with interest, then turned to Regulus, "You didn't order this newspaper Well, you don't know?"

Because Regulus was worried that his physique would be exposed, he had almost never left the gate of Black's house in the past year, and he could only rely on Kreacher to buy newspapers to learn about the magic world.

"You came here before you had time to read today's newspaper." Regulus said, "And the "Daily Prophet" is going back and forth, and it will only publish some meaningless content all day long. Sometimes I’m not even interested in watching…”

"I still remember that there was a newspaper a few days ago, which actually listed a staff member of the Ministry of Magic winning a lottery on a fairly front page. It was extremely boring."

Regulus pursed his lips indifferently, and looked away.

"Oh?" Dracula became interested again, and looked at Kreacher, "Kreacher, help me get all the newspapers you subscribed to a few days ago, I want to see how the "Daily Prophet" describes winning such a lottery. One simple thing."

Kreacher bowed and disappeared with a bang


When he came back again, he already held a thick stack of "Daily Prophet" in his hand.

"I'm looking for it... um, is it this?" Dracula flipped through a few newspapers casually and found the content about the lottery described by Regulus.

When he saw this page, his expression suddenly became a little playful——

Title: Ministry of Magic Staff Wins Grand Prize

Content: Arthur Weiss, director of the Department of Misuse of Muggle Artifacts at the Ministry of Magic, received the Galleon Award for the Daily Prophet's annual award.An elated Mr Weasley told the Daily Prophet: "We're going to spend the money on a summer trip to Egypt, where our eldest son Bill is doing spellbreaking work for Gringotts Wizarding Bank." The Wesley family will be in Egypt for a month, returning before Hogwarts school starts.Five of Wesley's children currently go to school there.

The content is followed by a corresponding photo, which is a group photo of nine members of Wesley's family standing in front of the pyramid.

Everyone at Wes's house looked very excited, waving at the camera vigorously, with happy smiles on their faces.

In the picture, Mrs. Weasley is small and fat, while Mr. Weasley is tall and bald. Their six sons and one daughter all have fiery red hair.Ron was standing in the center of the picture, tall and thin, with his pet mouse, Scabbers, on his shoulders, his arm around his sister Ginny.

"Wes's family can't be free. They are already so poor, but they still want to go out for a while no matter what holiday." Dracula chuckled, "The little wizards in their family are so annoying. Don't worry, it might be inherited from their parents..."

He smiled playfully, and stuffed the newspaper that recorded Mr. Weasley's winning information back into Kreacher's hands, then picked up the newspaper with the big news of Sirius Black's escape from prison again, and looked up at Ray. Gulles.

"Mr. Dracula, I'll go to the library to find some spell-casting materials. Kreacher will take care of you." Before Dracula could say anything more, Regulus greeted him bluntly. Then he went straight to the door of the magic training room.

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"Then what are you in a hurry for?" Dracula raised his hand, and the door of the training room suddenly closed, "What are you running away from, Regulus?"

"...I didn't run away." Seeing that the door in front of him was closed, Regulus stopped in his footsteps, and forced himself to maintain an indifferent expression.

"No evasion?" Dracula slowly raised the corners of his mouth, "If there is really no evasion, then why did you just change the topic to the winning news?"

"Sirius Black is also the elder brother you haven't seen for many years. No matter how bad the relationship is, it won't be the first time you hear about him after many years, but you don't even have a little extra interest?"

"I guess...you've actually read the newspaper, haven't you?" he asked with a half-smile.

Regulus stood where he was, and took a deep breath.

"Sure enough, I still can't hide it from you, Mr. Dracula." He turned around and smiled helplessly at Dracula, "I have indeed read this newspaper...I didn't expect that after more than ten years After the resurrection, the first meeting with Sirius turned out to be in the newspaper."

"How's the relationship between your two brothers?" Dracula asked with great interest, shaking his glass lightly, "I think you care a lot about your brother, otherwise you wouldn't avoid talking about him like this .”

"No, you did guess wrong this time." Regulus shook his head, "The relationship between the two of us is extremely bad... Let's put it this way, the relationship between the two of us is no longer a bad relationship, maybe It would be more appropriate to describe us as being like fire and water.”

"Our Black family have always been students of Slytherin, until Sirius appeared. He couldn't understand the style of pure-blood families since he was a child, and he often complained about those poor twin-blood wizards and half-bloods. Later he Sure enough, he was assigned to Gryffindor."

Regulus slowed down, and Yoyo narrated the past of the two of them.

"Mother was so pissed off that she was about to kick Sirius out of the house on the spot.

However, she later decided to give Sirius a chance and planned to use Professor Slughorn's relationship to transfer him back to Slytherin. "

"But Sirius seems to be very satisfied with Gryffindor, he doesn't want to transfer at all. And after returning home every holiday, he will hang all the honors he earned in Gryffindor on the wall of his room, Even permanently sticking Gryffindor banners, pictures of Muggle girls in bikinis, pictures of motorcycles, pictures of myself with friends, etc. on the wall to anger our parents..."

"The mother and father were completely disappointed in him, so they pinned their hopes on their second son, which is me."

"I've always known what they expect of me, and I can't bear to live up to their wishes, so I've been following their orders since I was a child, which is exactly the opposite of Sirius."

"Later, I became the only pride of my parents, and Sirius became the one they completely ignored, as if they had never had such a son."

Regulus sat on another sofa, took a sip of the water Kreacher handed over, and continued talking.

"After graduation, he joined the Order of the Phoenix, and I joined the Death Eaters. Among these two opposing camps, it is conceivable that our relationship has become more tense."

"But my parents both endorsed the idea of ​​the Dark Lord, and regarded Sirius' actions as a pure-blood traitor. So they completely removed him from the family list. You may have the impression that some of the genealogical tapestry were Burnt holes..."

"One of them is where Sirius used to be."

Dracula gently put down the cup and newspaper in his hand, and looked at Regulus thoughtfully.

"The Order of the Phoenix?" he asked. "Are you talking about the Order of the Phoenix that Dumbledore founded to fight the Death Eaters?"

"Of course, there is no other Order of the Phoenix." Regulus said.

"In other words, Sirius Black is a member of the Order of the Phoenix and a subordinate of Dumbledore." Dracula rubbed his eyebrows, feeling that this matter has become a little strange, "But the newspaper said, Sirius was a Death Eater who went out of his way to support Voldemort."

"Let me see the reason why he was arrested and taken to Azkaban back then...well, he killed thirteen people with just one spell. And he did it in broad daylight in front of witnesses." It probably caused a lot of trouble at the time, so the degree of danger of Sirius was judged very high by the Ministry of Magic."

"So he later betrayed Dumbledore and turned to the arms of the Death Eaters?" Dracula asked, "If this is the case, the biggest gap between the two of you will naturally disappear. .”

"No." Regulus hesitated, shaking his head lightly, "No matter how much I usually dislike Sirius, and his arrogance, recklessness, rashness, pushy and other habits, but I I still want to say..."

"It's possible for anyone to join the Death Eaters' camp, but it's impossible for Sirius!" Regulus said, "And with his sympathetic attitude with those bitch wizards, I don't think he Going to blow up a dozen Muggles with one spell!"

"I have always known that Sirius has a very good relationship with several of his friends. After he was kicked out of the house, he often went to James Potter's house to have dinner. The old Potter treated him like a godson."

"Heh, the Potter family was killed by the Dark Lord. How could it be possible for Sirius to switch to the Death Eaters' camp after the Dark Lord lost power and do those outrageous things?"

"There is indeed something wrong." Dracula raised an eyebrow, "Besides, you just said... Potter? Why did it have something to do with the name Potter again? It's a family with Harry Potter Is it?"

"James Potter is indeed Harry Potter's father." Regulus nodded.

Dracula frowned slightly, quietly combining all the clues in his heart, trying to deduce the most complete story line.

What he knows is that Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow 12 years ago to kill the Potter family, but he was in Harry's mother, Lily Potter, a blood demon who had a strong affection.

He suffered a disadvantage in the law, and was rebounded by his own killing curse, so that he became a humble remnant soul.

After this incident happened, Sirius Black broke out suddenly, killing twelve Muggles and a wizard, and was finally imprisoned in Azkaban by the Ministry of Magic and imprisoned for life.

Under the analysis of Sirius' younger brother, many illogical things naturally surfaced.

"It seems that we will find another opportunity to go to the principal's office to torture Dumbledore." Dracula's eyes were full of interest.

Chapter 180 The Prison of Azkaban

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Before going to Dumbledore to interrogate Sirius about the prison escape, Dracula decided to go to Azkaban first.

In order to snipe Voldemort, Dracula had already gone around the island where Azkaban was located. This time, he walked into a dark moon with ease, and came to the lonely island standing between the high walls. Outside the fort.

The fortress of Azkaban is made of marble full of vicissitudes of history. Because the island is in storms all year round, the marble that is connected together has been eroded by the rain and has countless patterns, imprinting lines from high to low. White lines of varying widths drawn downwards.

There is not a single window on the outside of this fortress, only an entrance specially designed for dementors. It is narrow and slender, and it is difficult for even a thin wizard to pass through the entrance.

Only a disembodied species like the dementors can come in and out freely, to feast on the little happiness left in the hearts of the prisoners.

Seeing Dracula's arrival, a few dementors patrolling around excitedly flew over.

It is difficult for a few outsiders to come to this island all year round, and there are few opportunities to give them new happiness, and those prisoners have already been almost squeezed dry, and the occasional positive emotions are not enough to bite their teeth.

Therefore, these evil creatures are constantly in a state similar to starvation.

Dracula's arrival made them very excited. The first batch of dementors who discovered Dracula rushed over, opened their black hole-like lips, and made an excited and weird "creaking" sound.

"Oh? How long has it been since there are so many dementors?"

Dracula squinted his eyes and looked at the dementors swooping down in the air, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

After the first dementor approached, it seemed to have sensed the all-too-familiar and too-scary dark aura on Dracula, and its swooping momentum froze abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, the dementor retreated faster than when it came, and flew to the edge of the island almost instantly, trembling all over.

Although the other nearby dementors had no eyes, they couldn't witness the antics of their own kind, but they also had their own unique perception, and could feel that the first dementor that rushed up quickly retreated.

Those few dementors were dumbfounded.

They are very puzzling. It took a lot of effort for a fresh food to appear here. Why didn't they go to eat, but just left so hastily?

The other dementors couldn't resist the temptation of food after all, ignored the abnormal behavior of the same kind, but continued to fly towards Dracula.

At this moment, the figure suddenly took out a wand, and a silver-white bat flew out from the tip of the wand, circling around him, illuminating a dark land shrouded in clouds.

The dementors suddenly felt a great threat from the body of the not-so-big silver-white bat.

More importantly, although they are newly born dementors, they have not seen the spectacular scene of the bat patron saint sweeping the entire island last Halloween, but they seem to have an innate sense of this guardian spirit in their minds. The deep fear of God.

That is the shadow engraved in the hearts of all dementors!

As a result, these dementors retreated faster than the first one, and flew to the outskirts of the island as if escaping, for fear that the patron saint would suddenly become larger and more numerous, and there would be another cleansing of Az. Horrible events on the island of Caban.

"You guys have a pretty good memory." Dracula sneered, and took back the wand in his hand.

Although species like dementors really disgusted him, he had no plans to clean the island of Azkaban again.

In the secret realm on the top of Mount Olympus, Haierbo used some method to absorb part of the dissipated dementor energy into the secret realm to increase his strength.

Dracula didn't want to trouble the already hard-working Andros, so he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​destroying the dementors.

What's more, dementors, a species whose vitality is more difficult to destroy than cockroaches, will not lose their energy after one is eliminated, but will continue to be condensed by the next successor dementor.

Therefore, a widely circulated saying in the wizarding world is that dementors cannot be destroyed, only

was dispersed.

Even if Dracula's high-strength Patronus Charm can really wipe it out, it won't take long for the new dementors to condense again. This is only half a year later, and Azka, who was almost wiped out before, Ban Island has enough dementors for daily patrols and guards.

Ignoring these annoying dementors, Dracula went straight to the narrow and slender passage in the Azkaban Fortress.

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