So, for the remaining two weeks of the summer, Harry spent the last two weeks at the Leaky Cauldron with his

Corner Lane gained unprecedented freedom.

Before, he had never been able to sleep when he wanted and eat when he wanted.Now he could even go anywhere he wanted, as long as it was inside Diagon Alley, the long cobbled street lined with the most fascinating magic shops in the world.

Even when he boarded the Hogwarts Express on platform nine and three quarters, he still felt a little unsatisfied with this kind of freedom.

Finally, the train whistled "Woo-woo".

The third year of school is about to begin!

Chapter 190 The Dementors Invade Hogwarts

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The sky is pale, and the sky in the distance is a white mist of lavender, with a few clouds floating, and gradually a thin twilight rises.

The majestic castle stood tall under the lavender sky, and at the highest point of the main tower was a row of small towers extending from the middle of the high-rise spire of the main tower, which was the headmaster's office of Hogwarts.

The window of the principal's office was open, and the breeze blowing into the room made the candles on the candlesticks shake slightly.

At some point, a figure suddenly appeared by the window, with silver hair fluttering in the breeze like the flame on a candle.

"You seem to know that I'm coming, and you even left a window on purpose?" Dracula looked at Dumbledore who was sitting behind the desk looking through the documents, and chuckled.

This sounds strange, after all, when others want to receive guests, they always leave a door for them, but for Dracula, it is enough to leave a window for him.

Of course, Dumbledore was used to this rather weird dialogue.

"It's not, it's just that the weather is good today, and the windows are open to let in some air." He put down the document in his hand, raised his head and joked to Dracula, "Speaking of which, I really left it for you two weeks ago. The windows all day long, until I caught a cold from the cool night wind and I didn’t see you, Professor Dracula, come to visit you.”

Dumbledore shook his head, "So I didn't bother to leave the window for you later. It happened that today I saw the weather was fine, so I suddenly thought of opening the window for a while, but I didn't expect you to come at the right time."

Only then did Dracula realize that it was already two weeks ago that he went to "visit" Azkaban.

After he left Azkaban, he wandered along the path from the island of Azkaban to the mainland of England, hoping to see if he could find some traces of Sirius Black by chance. You can take him back to Blake's house and give it to Regulus, and then you can watch an emotional drama between brothers by the way.

It's a pity that Sirius didn't seem to use magic at all along the way, as if he just swam back to England with his physical body, and he didn't find any traces of magic.

Dracula was very depressed, so he went to Azkaban to torture the dementors for a while, and he didn't return to Hogwarts until the day when the start-of-term dinner was about to start.

"Professor Dracula, tell me the truth, did you go to Azkaban two weeks ago?" Dumbledore asked with his hands folded, staring closely into Dracula's eyes.

"Hey, you know all of this?" Dracula raised his eyebrows casually, "The news came pretty quickly."

While speaking, he opened a drawer of Dumbledore casually, and took out a handful of blood-scented lollipops and blood pudding from it.

His movements are extremely skilled, and he is not embarrassed to take other people's things at all, just like returning to his own home.

"It's been two weeks since this happened, Professor Dracula..." Dumbledore watched his treasured candy being slammed by Dracula, the corners of his eyes twitched a little, "Also, you don't seem to be hiding your intentions at all. "

"Two weeks ago, there was a collective protest on the seventh floor of Azkaban prison, accusing the Ministry of Magic of lax supervision and allowing strangers to enter the cage to torture prisoners. The Death Eaters there seem to be tortured by dementors. light."

"Not only that, they also gave an accurate description of the person who came - long silver hair, handsome face, wine red eyes... If I can't deduce it is you based on this information, then I, the principal, don't do it either. "

Dumbledore rubbed his eyebrows, and looked at Dracula helplessly.

"I thought they were tough people who would rather die than surrender. I didn't expect that even a few dementors couldn't handle it. Fortunately, I was thinking about finding other tricks for them." Dracula curled his lips, Obviously very dissatisfied with the performance of those Death Eaters.

"That's not "several" dementors, Professor Dracula." The corner of Dumbledore's mouth twitched, "On other floors, at most three or four dementors can enter at the same time to eat, while the seventh floor can be entered at once. 27 of them! Who can stand up to this?"

Dracula shrugged, noncommittal.

In fact, he didn't expect that his random order to let the dementors take care of the seventh floor was obeyed so conscientiously, and the task was overfulfilled!


What does the Ministry of Magic think? Dracula asked casually. "Can they guess that I did this?" "

In fact, Dracula doesn't care much about the Ministry of Magic's opinion now.Because he had never appeared in the Ministry of Magic's field of vision, few officials knew him as a professor of defense against the dark arts.

In addition, the oral testimony of the prisoners in Azkaban is useless, so even if they are really suspected, there are very few people who really have nothing to do to trouble him.

"Fudge refuses to admit that Azkaban was secretly infiltrated." Dumbledore briefly introduced, "He thinks that under the influence of dementors, those prisoners have mental problems at the same time."

"Sure enough," Dracula sneered, "it really fits the style of the current Minister of Magic."

Dumbledore smiled silently.

After Fudge's "efforts" to get rid of Dumbledore's influence in the past two years, even a wise old headmaster can hardly find any reason to whitewash the Minister of Magic...

"Let's not mention the boring stuff, I'm here mainly to ask you something." Dracula stuffed a piece of blood pudding into his mouth, and sat down on the soft sofa in the principal's office.

"What do you think... Sirius Black escaped this time for?" he asked softly.

"How would I know such a thing?" Dumbledore shook his head slightly, "The outside world speculates that he attacked Harry in order to bring Voldemort back."

"But there is a big doubt here," Dracula said, "he has been in Azkaban for more than ten years, why did he escape from prison during this time? The exact motive?"

"Maybe Sirius just couldn't bear the torment of the dementors after a long period of time?" Dumbledore shrugged, with a faint smile on his face.

"Principal Dumbledore!" Dracula emphasized, "I'm seriously discussing with you, but you're here to tease me? Do you think I'm an idiot like Fudge?"

The smile on Dumbledore's face faded, and his face gradually became a little dull.

"Professor Dracula, I don't know where you got the information about Sirius Black, and I don't know where you got doubts about his deeds..." He sighed and said softly, " But from the information I know, he is indeed a sinner who betrayed his friends and joined the Death Eaters."

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"Let's hear it?" Dracula's expression also became calm, and he said softly.

"This matter starts with a prophecy," Dumbledore took off his half-moon-shaped glasses from the bridge of his nose and wiped them slowly, "because of that prophecy, Voldemort chose Harry as his destined enemy, so He came up with the idea of ​​killing Harry's family ahead of time..."

Dumbledore's voice was very soft, mixed with a faint sadness, and told the story.

"...In the end, the Potter family chose to let Sirius act as their secret keeper, and settled in Godric's Hollow, hoping to escape Voldemort's pursuit."

"You should already know the following things. On the day they established the secret keeper, even without any preparation, the address of the safe house was exposed, and Voldemort came to the door that night."

"The end of the story is that James and Lily were killed, Voldemort turned into a ghost, and Harry survived... After that, Sirius killed one of his best friends, Peter Pedilou and twelve Muggles, then held in Azkaban for 12 years, until breaking out of Azkaban just over two weeks ago."

After the story was told, Dumbledore finally cleaned his glasses, put them on the bridge of his nose again, and looked at Dracula in front of him with deep blue eyes.

"Is Sirius Black such a worthless person? It shouldn't be..." Dracula frowned.

He couldn't help but think of Sirius' own brother, Regulus Black.

Regulus even went astray under the influence of his parents

, Joined the team of Death Eaters, but later he was able to clearly realize his mistake and parted ways with Voldemort.

With extremely strong perseverance and action, he stole Voldemort's Horcrux.He was willing to risk his life, just because Voldemort was only a mortal man of flesh and blood when he met his opponent.

Although Dracula didn't say anything, he actually admired Regulus' behavior in his heart.

Since Regulus, as the younger brother, can be so brave and have such great affection and righteousness towards the house elves, then Sirius Black, who has been reluctant to join hands with the decadent family since he was a child, should be more affectionate, right?

Why would such a person suddenly betray his friend and switch to Voldemort's camp?

"Actually, it's not just you who don't believe it. Many of us don't believe that Sirius will betray James." Dumbledore sighed softly and said a little lonely.

"At that time, the precious friendship between James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter was a unique landscape in Gryffindor. They were inseparable, attending classes, eating together, having fun together, and teasing Severus together , violated school rules together, and was imprisoned together..."

"Is there something strange mixed in here?" The corner of Dracula's mouth twitched.

Dumbledore went on to say, "None of us wants to believe that these four people will be separated one day, let alone believe that one of them will betray his best friend."

"But the fact is that we cannot help but believe it, because under the effect of the Fidelity Curse, only the secret keeper voluntarily reveals the location of the safe house, can the spell be invalidated!"

Dracula nodded slightly, and his curiosity towards that Sirius Black grew stronger in his heart.

And the curiosity this time is not only about his freshness as the first wizard to escape from Azkaban, but also his curiosity about the truth of that incident back then.

"Speaking of which, one of the four friends always feels familiar with a name." Dracula propped his chin with two fingers, and murmured thoughtfully, "Remus Lupine, what Where do you think you've seen this name before?"

"Remus?" Dumbledore looked at Dracula curiously. "It should be the same name, right? Remus is usually too low-key because of his status."

"I originally wanted to arrange a job for him at Hogwarts this year, so that he could take care of Harry more during the time after Sirius escaped from prison, but I didn't get in touch with him."

Dracula frowned, and was about to rummage through his memory when he suddenly felt the sky darken suddenly.

He turned around, frowned and looked at the sky in the distance.

The lavender sky had disappeared, and it began to rain outside at some point.

The sky outside the window showed a thick and sticky lake gray, and it gradually deepened. The distant sky at the end of the black lake was almost sticky and turned into a pure black like ink dye.

"It's reasonable to say that it's not dark yet, right?" Dracula asked, "And even if it's completely dark, how could such a thick cloud suddenly form, without even a single star left? "

Dumbledore also looked into the distance, opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

"Professor Dracula, actually there are... Well, there are some employees sent by the Ministry of Magic to check whether the train where the students are on has been infiltrated by Sirius." He explained.

"Employee?" Dracula raised a little interest, "What kind of employee is so powerful that it can cause changes in the celestial phenomena?"

As he said that, he looked towards the distant sky, and the light in his wine-red eyes was shining.

The next moment, Dracula's interested expression turned gloomy.

"Principal Dumbledore, is this the employee you are talking about?" He asked coldly, and he pronounced the word "Principal" emphatically.

"The order from the Ministry of Magic has been issued, and even as the headmaster, I have no reason to refute it." Dumbledore spread his hands helplessly, "Don't worry, Professor Dracula, Fudge promised me that those dementors will not disturb the students of."

"But this is my territory!" Dracula said heavily, "I'm not a good person like you who will be controlled by the Ministry of Magic, it is impossible to allow that group of disgusting species to invade near Hogwarts! "


Well, without waiting for Dumbledore's reaction, Dracula stepped on the window frame of the principal's office, leaped lightly into the air, spread his wings, and flew straight to the end of the black lake where the darkest atmosphere was the most intense.

There a train was plodding along, getting slower and slower.

Suddenly there was an earthquake, the Hogwarts Express train stopped, all the lights went out suddenly, and everything on the train fell into complete darkness.

Surrounded by countless monsters in tattered cloaks, they flew towards the train, carrying an extremely terrifying aura!

Chapter 190 The fifth is worthy of Professor Dracula

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