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The interior of the Hogwarts Express train has been plunged into darkness, even all the lights have been extinguished, and there is nothing in sight except the blackness everywhere.

The little wizards suddenly became chaotic, and a feeling called panic rose in everyone's heart.

"What's the matter?" Ron's nervous voice came from behind Harry in a compartment.

"Ouch!" Hermione screamed in pain, "Ron, you stepped on my foot!"

Harry leaned on the wall next to him, and groped his way back to his seat, "You the train broken?"

"do not know……"

There was a creaking, short and piercing sound in his ears, and Harry vaguely saw the indistinct black outline of Ronmo Lake in the darkness.

Ron lay his face on the windowpane, trying his best to wipe out a clean place, trying to find some light from the window.

"There seems to be something moving in there," said Ron. "Did someone get off the train? They might be going out..."

The door of the carriage opened suddenly, and someone fell painfully onto Harry's lap.

"Ah, I'm sorry!" said a familiar voice, "Do you know what happened? Ouch! I'm sorry—"

He knocked on the corner of the table again.

"Slow down, Neville, you sit down first." Harry said as he touched Neville's coat in the dark and pulled him up, letting him sit on the empty seat next to him.

"Harry? Is that you? Do you know what happened?" Neville finally found a seat and sat down.

"I don't know..." Before Harry could finish, he was interrupted by another harsh cry.


There was a loud meow and a cry of pain at the same time. It turned out that Neville had sat on a cat by mistake and was bitten by the cat.

"Crookshanks, how are you? Come to me!" Hermione's voice also came from the darkness.

The cat was a ginger mulatto named Crookshanks, which she had bought with the money she would have spent on an owl.

Ron is unhappy that Hermione has bought a cat, which he feels is a danger to his pet mouse, Scabbers.Banban has been shivering all day long recently, as if her physical condition is getting worse.

"Crookshanks, come up." Hermione touched the fluffy cat in the dark and picked it up. "I'm going to ask the driver what's going on, but it's too dark here..."

"Unfortunately my wand is in the trunk and I can't find it now, otherwise I could use the Wand Lighting Charm. Doesn't anyone have a wand around?" she asked.

In fact, most little wizards may not have their wands by their side, but they were caught off guard by the sudden sudden situation, forgetting that they still have magic to rely on.

Harry reached out his hand to feel in his pocket, his face sank slightly.He had left his wand on the table while eating a snack, and it was hard to find in the darkness now.

Hermione walked past Harry with the cat in her arms, and he heard the carriage door open again.Hermione should have gone to the cab to ask the driver for details as she said.

After the noise, the cabin gradually became quiet again.

In this weird atmosphere, no one was willing to be the first to break the silence.

After a while, there was a dull sound, followed by two weird creaking sounds.

"What's that noise?" Ron asked in a low voice, turning his face away from the window.

But it was still dark all around, and he couldn't see anything.

"Is Ginny coming?" Harry asked.

"Is Hermione back?" Ron asked too.

No one answered, only a gust of cold wind blowing in slowly, carrying some rotten smell.

The ominous premonition in Harry's heart was getting heavier and heavier.

He suddenly turned his head to Ron and asked, "Ron, where is your wand?"

He remembered that the reason why Ron used a year-old wand in the Dueling Club before was because the family had no extra money to replace the wand, but in Mr. Wesley

After winning the "Daily Prophet" award, this problem has been solved.

Ron's old wand had been replaced, and now he had a brand new one at Ollivander's wand shop, which he treasured so much that he carried it with him all the time.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot about it." Ron said angrily.

He took out his wand from his pocket, and whispered the incantation of the Wand Illumination Charm:

"Flashing fluorescent light (Lu]

"Nobody screaming," said Ron blankly, patting Harry's forehead to see if he had a fever.

Harry looked around the brightly lit carriage and saw Ginny and Neville looking at him too, both very pale.

"But I did hear the screaming..."

"You may be hallucinating, Harry," said Hermione. "It is said that dementors can suck the happiness in people's hearts, and in more serious cases, they will cause mental problems."

"Was that a dementor just now?" he asked in surprise.

"Yes, dementors are those monsters guarding Azkaban." Hermione said, handing him a piece of chocolate, "Eat some chocolate, you may feel better."

Harry took the chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth, rubbing the back of his head blankly, always feeling as if the hallucination he had just appeared had appeared somewhere before.

"Are you really all right, Harry?" Hermione asked anxiously again seeing Harry's absent-minded expression.

"I'm fine...what happened just now?" Harry wiped the cold sweat from his brow, and wrung his drenched clothes again, "uh...that dementor, what did he do in our carriage just now?" What? Also, why did I fall to the ground?"

"I think you were startled or something," said Ron, who still looked a bit terrified. "You were so frightening just now, your whole body froze, you fell off your seat, and started to twitch..."

"Fortunately, Professor Dracula came over suddenly and blocked the dementor." Hermione took over the conversation and said, "Look at the top of our heads, well, it's quite obvious..."

Harry raised his head in confusion, and then saw a large hole in the ceiling, through which the dim sky and a few stars dotted the sky were clearly visible.

"Eh...Professor Dracula broke through the ceiling and came in?" Harry's eyes twitched uncontrollably, "It really... fits his style."

"That's not all!" Ginny added beside him, "Harry, you can't guess where all the dementors who blocked the train went..."

"Professor Dracula used a spell to string all the dementors around here with a large piece of silver thread, twist them into a big ball, and cast a spell on a trash can in our car. cast the No Trace Stretching Curse."

"Those dementors should still be doing well in the trash can now!"

Harry: "..."

Really worthy of Professor Dracula.

Chapter 190 The Favor Owed by Dumbledore

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The Hogwarts Great Hall was brightly lit, with thousands of candles floating in mid-air.

The ceiling was enchanted, reflecting the twilight sky.Half of it is a little bit of starlight that is slightly bright, and the other half is a rain cloud that has not yet dispersed.

Occasionally, raindrops fell on the seemingly transparent roof, forming strips of crystal water ripples, sliding down the sloping ceiling of the auditorium to both ends, and finally dripping on the ground, ticking.

The decoration and furnishings of the school opening dinner have been completed. Four long tables are arranged in parallel in the auditorium, extending from the table of the faculty seats in the front to the gate at the rear.

Numerous gold and silver exquisite tableware are neatly displayed on the long table, and the plates are all empty. When the principal announces the official start of the dinner, the house elf in the kitchen will magically deliver all the meals to the auditorium inside.

The little wizards hadn't arrived yet, and the seniors who came in the Thestral carriage were walking from the main entrance on the north side of the castle to the auditorium at the southernmost end.

The first-year freshmen had just boarded the boat, and under Hagrid's leadership, they felt the inevitable journey of the Big Four to the highland where Hogwarts was located.

However, two abrupt voices suddenly came from the empty auditorium.

"The dementors are trying to attack the students. Is there any problem as a professor taking the lead in rebelling?" A few phantoms of bats drifted away, and Dracula's figure appeared in front of the auditorium, and he sat in his seat.

Almost indistinguishable from the phantom of the bat, a group of golden-red flames burned out of thin air.

"There is no problem in theory." Dumbledore walked out of the flames, pulled away Professor Flitwick's chair next to Dracula and sat down, "Professor Dracula, those dementors did make mistakes, but They're still employees of the Ministry of Magic..."

"Indeed, I should go to the Ministry of Magic to ask for some hard work for teaching rebellious employees for them." Dracula pinched his chin, and raised the corners of his mouth maliciously, "Let me think about how much I should charge..."

"Professor Dracula, that's not what I'm talking about." Dumbledore said helplessly, "It's really inappropriate to wantonly capture the employees of the Ministry of Magic, and Fudge wrote to me saying that these dementors still have Hoggers stationed there." Watts' mission."

"You see, if you let these dementors out first, at least let them deal with the Ministry of Magic's inspection of Sirius first."

In fact, Dumbledore was quite helpless, Fudge was so outrageous that he wanted to arrange for the dementors to set up a card at Hogwarts to find Sirius...

I don't know how worried he is that such a wanted criminal will affect his career prospects, so he doesn't even want his reputation among the students.

"Let it out? Why can't I understand what you are talking about, Principal Dumbledore?" Dracula looked bored, folded his hands behind his head, and leaned lightly on the back of the chair, "Dementor The monster attacked the students, and under my hard-working resistance, I accidentally killed all those dementors, is there any problem?"

According to Dracula's distaste for dementors, of course he was unwilling to put this dark and evil species in Hogwarts.

"Ahem...Professor Dracula, I don't only know the news on the train by seeing it with my own eyes." Dumbledore seemed to be choked, and coughed twice, "I have already asked the students, they Said you strung together dementors ... and threw them in the trash?"

"Which little wizard is so sloppy that he leaked this matter so quickly?" Dracula narrowed his eyes.

He didn't really expect this matter to be hidden from the "omniscient" Dumbledore, but he didn't expect it to be exposed so soon, and the time interval in between might not even be half an hour!

"Is it so easy for you to comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Magic, Dumbledore? Even such an unreasonable decision?" Dracula asked, "Isn't it too boring to live like this?"

"It's not that serious. It's just that I owe Fudge two favors this year." Dumbledore shook his head lightly. "So he still needs to think more about his request."

"Oh?" Dracula raised his eyes, "Do you still need his help?"

"You may not know that some time ago Harry used magic illegally outside of school, and then ran away from home." Dumbledore explained, "Fudge responded quickly, and immediately arranged for Auror to pick him up

safe place. "

"Did he protect Potter just to secure his position?" Dracula squinted at Dumbledore, "If the so-called "savior" of the wizarding world was really killed by Sirius Black, then the public opinion Excited, Fudge's Minister of Magic is sitting down."

"In theory, it is true, but judging from the results, we still have to accept his favor." Dumbledore sighed.

"What about the other thing?" Dracula pouted, then asked.

He didn't quite understand Dumbledore's concept of human affection.It can only be said that people with such a noble quality have set their own code of conduct in their hearts, which is difficult for others to do.

"The other thing is not so important. It's just that Hogwarts has applied for a magic item for a little witch." Dumbledore said, "Although it is common sense that there is a high probability that it will pass, but the process must also Signed by Fudge."

"So these two favors of yours are clearly Fudge's business, right?" Dracula's mouth twitched, "I really don't understand why you remember these things so clearly..."

"After all, you still have to set a standard for yourself, especially for someone like me who can't stand temptation." Dumbledore shook his head with a smile, with a look of reminiscence in his eyes, and a faint sadness lingering around him temperament.

He always remembers the mistakes he made when he was young, and thus understands that he is not a person who can withstand the temptation of power and desire.

Dumbledore took this as his warning throughout his life. Whenever he was about to be overwhelmed by his powerful power, stalwart image, lofty prestige, and power at his fingertips, he would awaken himself with the most painful memory in his life, so that All desires go away...

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