Seeing Dumbledore's suddenly depressed mood, Dracula shrugged helplessly, raised his hand and threw a trash can into his arms.

"Here, that's all, take it to pay back your favor." He gave Dumbledore a disgusted look and said to him.

Dumbledore was stunned for a moment, and then realized that his emotions were not right, he quickly put his sentimentality into his heart, and smiled at Dracula.

"I'm sorry, Professor Dracula, I lost my composure just now." He smiled and apologized to Dracula.

Afterwards, Dumbledore looked inside the trash bin that had been cast with the Untraceable Stretching Charm.

He saw a group of ugly, rotting dementors connected together by a silver thread, kneaded into a big autumn, crowded together one by one, and their bodies were squeezed and deformed.

"Is the quantity enough?" Dumbledore asked subconsciously, looking at the dementors in the bucket.

"Ahem... probably." Dracula said with a guilty conscience.

Dumbledore looked up and gave him a suspicious look.

"If Fudge asks, just say that you resisted too fiercely and accidentally killed a few." Dracula immediately adjusted his tone, "Anyway, these dementors must be enough for you to pay back the favor."

Dumbledore smiled noncommittally, reached out and nodded to the trash can, turning it into a small tube the size of a pen holder and putting it away.


As time went by, the little wizards came to the auditorium one after another.

A sea of ​​pointed black hats gradually formed in the brightly lit auditorium.Every long table was filled with students, their faces glowing in the light of thousands of candles.

Before the sorting ceremony, Professor McGonagall took Harry and Hermione to the vice-principal's office, not knowing what to do.

Dracula guessed that she was concerned about Harry being intimidated by a dementor and fainted on the road, oh yes, Madam Pomfrey was not on the faculty seat either, Professor McGonagall should have called the head nurse Help check Harry's body.

As the Vice-Chancellor was not present, the Sorting Ceremony for this academic year was officiated by Professor Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick, a little wizard, entered the Great Hall with a brand new Sorting Hat and a three-legged stool.

His height was not much higher than the stool, and he looked a little funny. Most of the little wizards who participated in the sorting ceremony held back their laughter.

"Romilda Vene!"


"Astoria Greengrass!



When Professor McGonagall brought Harry and Hermione out of the vice-principal's office, the sorting ceremony, which was still going on in an orderly manner, was over.

"Oh," Hermione said to Harry regretfully on the way, "it's a pity we missed the sorting ceremony."

"Don't be silly, Hermione." Harry said rationally, "Do you still want to hear the Sorting Hat sing its annual Sorting Hat song with its ugly voice?"

"...Forget it then."

Professor McGonagall walked slowly towards her empty seat at the professor's bench, while Harry and Hermione walked as quietly as possible in the opposite direction, to the Gryffindor table.

People turned their heads to look at them as they walked along the back of the hall, a few pointing at Harry.

It seemed that word of Harry's passing out in front of the dementor had spread in a fraction of the time.Harry guessed it was Draco Malfoy, not far from their box, the bastard who loved to spin bad things about him.

He and Hermione finally reached the long Gryffindor table and sat on either side of Ron.Ron reserved a seat for them.

"What did Professor McGonagall ask you to go?" He asked Harry in a low voice. "It's the first time I saw the sorting ceremony hosted by Professor Flitwick."

Harry began to explain to him in a low voice what McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey had done to check his body, but he didn't know what Professor McGonagall meant by calling Hermione into the office alone.

Ron wanted to ask, but he didn't have the courage to ask after being glared at by Hermione.

At this time, the headmaster stood up and began to speak, which just resolved the embarrassment of Ron and Harry.

Professor Dumbledore's beard seems to be longer, and he is older, but still gives the impression of being energetic.

As the greatest wizard of our time and the pillar of the wizarding world, Harry couldn't help but feel relieved, and completely left his trust in Professor Dumbledore.For the first time since the dementor entered the train car, he was truly composed.

"Welcome!" said Professor Dumbledore, his beard glistening in the light of the candles.

"Welcome to Hogwarts for the new school year! I have a few words for all of you, one of which is very serious, and I thought it best to put this one before you get lost in this delicious meal." Make things clear..."

Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued. "After the dementors searched the Hogwarts Express, you must have known. At present, our school is receiving a number of dementors from Azkaban. They are here to perform the official duties of the Ministry of Magic."

He paused for a moment, and it could be seen that even though Dumbledore wanted to return the favor, he was still very unhappy about the dementor guarding the school.

"They are stationed at all entrances to the school grounds," continued Dumbledore. "During their stay here, I must make it clear that no one is allowed to leave the school without permission!"

"Besides, dementors, by virtue of their unique characteristics, will never be deceived by some tricks or camouflage - not even the invisibility cloak." He added this sentence with a deadpan expression.

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Harry and Ron glanced at each other, knowing that Mr. Headmaster was probably talking about Harry's Invisibility Cloak.

"Dementors don't understand pleas or excuses by nature. So I warn each and every one of you: don't give them any excuses to hurt you. I hope the prefects, and our new Head Boys and Girls Chairman, you must ensure that no student will conflict with a dementor."

Percy was sitting just a few seats away from Harry when he puffed out his chest again and looked around impressively.

He was so proud that he had been elected Hogwarts Boys this year.

Dumbledore paused again and glanced around the hall with a rather serious expression. No one moved or made a sound.

"It's more pleasing," he suddenly revealed

With a smile, he continued, "This year, I am delighted to welcome a new teacher to our team!"

"Actually, the professor we appointed may be familiar to everyone," Dumbledore smiled, and said to the young wizards, "Before introducing this professor, I would like to announce one thing—"

"I regret to inform you that our Conservation of Fantastic Creatures Professor, Professor Kettleburn, officially retired at the end of last year in order to spend more time with his remaining Fantastic Creatures, Rascal."

"Let me now introduce you to the new professor of Care of Magical Creatures. It is none other than Rubeus Hagrid to fill his vacancy. Hagrid has agreed to be a professor in addition to being a gamekeeper."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione stared at each other, transfixed, and then joined in the applause, especially loudly from the long Gryffindor table.

Hagrid was flushed and staring at his big hands, and his proud, nervous, reserved, coy smile was hidden in his shaggy black beard.

Chapter 190 Seven

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On the first day of school, something big happened at Hogwarts.

That afternoon, during the protection of magical animals class for the little wizards of the third grade, which was also the first class Hagrid gave to the little wizards as a professor, an accident happened...

The rain stopped long ago last night, and at one o'clock in the afternoon, the sky was very clear.

The grass under their feet was soft and damp, and the little wizards stepped on the grass chatteringly, walking towards the northeast of the castle, preparing for their first class on protecting magical creatures.

Harry, Ron and Hermione were all looking forward to this class, because they were all friends of Hagrid, and they were sincerely happy that Hagrid could become a professor at Hogwarts.

However, walking on the road, they soon saw three very familiar figures walking in front of them, the thin one in the middle and the sturdy ones on both sides, they were Malfoy and his two followers.

It was only then that the three of them realized that this lesson on the Protection of Fantastic Beasts was taught by students from Gryffindor and Slytherin College, and their psychology couldn't help but add a bit of haze.

At this moment, Malfoy was talking to Crabbe and Goyle with a wry smile on his face, and the two were giggling and looking silly.

Harry didn't have to think about what they were laughing at.

Ever since he learned of Harry's "record" of being scared and fainted by a dementor last night, Malfoy has been entangled in this matter, telling Crabbe and Goyle every few minutes, and imitating it from time to time. A ridiculous look about to pass out.

As for how he himself was trembling with fright when he saw the dementor yesterday, he had already instinctively forgotten...

Not far from the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid was standing by the door of his hut, waiting for his students.

He was wearing a moleskin coat, stomping his feet now and then, holding a textbook in his hand, and Fang the Hound wagged his tail at his feet.

"Come on, little ones, hurry up!" he shouted in a loud voice when the students were getting closer, "I have something good for you today! We will have a wonderful lesson soon! Is everyone here? Okay, follow me!"

This was Hagrid's first class as a professor. He was very eager to express himself and prove his ability in front of the students. At the same time, he could verify Dumbledore's vision and reduce the complaints of individual parents.

In fact, Hagrid's qualifications were not enough to be a professor of protection of magical animals.

He had been expelled from Hogwarts as early as his third year for a crime that was not originally his and had dropped out of school ever since.This is exactly what the young Voldemort, Tom Riddle, framed for Hagrid.

Suspects charged with crimes cannot serve as professors at Hogwarts.

More than 50 years ago, Riddle was leading the basilisk to stir up trouble in Hogwarts. He misunderstood Salazar Slytherin's wish and wanted to teach those bitch wizards some lessons.

He himself did not expect that the basilisk really accidentally killed a little witch named Myrtle.

In order to prevent the castle from being closed because the real culprit could not be caught, Riddle, who did not want to go back to the orphanage, blamed the incident on Hagrid, who secretly raised an acromantula.

At that time, Principal Dippet fired Hagrid. If it weren't for the strong protection of Dumbledore, who was still the vice-principal at the time, Hagrid might have spent the rest of his life in Azkaban.

Hagrid has been a loyal fan of Dumbledore ever since.

In fact, even if there was no death incident, the fact that Hagrid kept him in Hogwarts Castle privately was enough to get him fired, just like Newt back then.

However, after the basilisk was captured by Dracula, the mystery of the secret room was solved.

Dumbledore teamed up with Newt, the best magizoologist in the world, and bribed the victim Myrtle in ghost form with a handsome portrait of Dracula secretly made, and the three of them jointly came forward to vouch for Hagrid , so that Hagrid can completely get rid of the crimes of the year.

After being cleared of the charges, Dumbledore formally hired Hagrid as the professor of the protection of magical animals at Hogwarts on the grounds that Hagrid had dealt with magical animals for many years and had enough knowledge of magical animals.

Since then, Hagrid has completely turned around. As long as there are no major problems in his next teaching, it will not be a big problem to keep the status of this professor!


Hagrid led the third-year wizards along the edge of the woods. Five minutes later, they were outside a paddock, and the wizards looked around curiously.

"Come to this fence, everybody!" he cried suddenly. "Yes, just stand there .

"How?" said Thorny Draco Malfoy in his cold, drawn-out tone.

"Huh?" Hagrid froze for a moment.

"How do we open the book?" Malfoy repeated dryly.

He took out his Care of Fantastic Beasts textbook, The Monster Book of Monsters.

At this point, the book has been tied with a rope.Others brought out their books, some bound theirs with string like Malfoy, others put the book in a strong bag or held it in a big clip.

Since Hagrid was the professor of the Protection of Magical Creatures class this year, he also wanted to change the textbooks of this class to give the students some special experiences.

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