In the Department of Mysteries, there are many silent people who study the secrets of the magical world, including some magical energies that are rarely known to the world.

These things are usually kept secret from anyone other than the higher-ups of the Ministry of Magic and the Reticents in charge of the research.

But Flamel is different. His alchemy technology has already been recognized by the entire magic world. Even the ancient and proud department of the Department of Mysteries has invited Flamel to study with them.

Flamel mentioned in the chat that there is an energy called "time" stored in the Department of Mysteries, and the silent people have always wanted to use it.

And the way they use it is to create an alchemical product that can freely store and use time energy.

In LeMay's conception, the name of this alchemy product is Time Converter.

"That's right. After all, more than 100 years have passed, and it's time to research some tricks."

Seeing the two Hermiones, one was hard at work preparing for tomorrow's homework in the library, and the other was hurriedly having dinner with Harry and Ron in the auditorium, Dracula chuckled lightly, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

A dark moon slowly appeared beside Dracula.

He reached for the Hogwarts title deed suspended in the air, walked into the dark moon, and arrived at the house of LeMay on Montmorency Street in Paris, France.

"Old man, are you home?"

Dracula walked through the living room familiarly and knocked on the

Knock on the old door of the studio.

With a "creak", the door of the studio opened, and the white-haired Lemay appeared at the door with a surprised expression, looking at Dracula in front of him with some suspicion in his eyes.

"Old man, why did you come here suddenly?" Flamel asked unceremoniously.

"Huh? You don't seem to welcome me?" Dracula walked into the studio without seeing anyone else, and sat straight on LeMay's workbench full of experimental equipment, with his arms folded, looking at him with a half-smile Flamel.

"Slow down, don't knock down my crystal ball!" Although Flamel reminded him this way, he didn't mean to stop Dracula's movements. Instead, he closed the door without any surprise, and then sat down on the chair.

It can be seen that he has long been used to Dracula's behavior.

"Don't you think about it yourself, why don't I welcome you here?" Le May said leisurely while tidying up the messy table.

"Why do I have to reflect?" Dracula asked with a chuckle, "As the owner of this house, shouldn't you reflect on why you don't welcome your rare guests?"

LeMay gave Dracula a sideways look, and pulled the corners of his wrinkled mouth, "I've never seen a guest like you, who just appeared in someone else's living room without saying a word."

Dracula smiled, not taking his words of unwelcome seriously.

If he really didn't welcome him, LeMay wouldn't have given him permission to enter the safe house with the Fidelity Curse.

As the only owner of the Philosopher's Stone, there are always some desperate dark wizards who want to get the chance of immortality from Flamel.Therefore, he is always in danger.

Every wizard who is allowed to enter Flamel's house is a confirmed, good-natured, upright and noble person... Of course, Dracula may have to be excluded.

Good friends of LeMay, such as Dumbledore and Newt, besides a Phoenix bronze mirror connected to the Phoenix book, they all have a gold card, and only those who hold the card can see Monmo. The house at 51 Rancy Street.

And Dracula doesn't need this card representing authority.

He is the only keeper of LeMay's safe house, other than the LeMay couple.

The unwelcome words are just a different way of joking between two lonely people with long lives.

"Tell me, what do you need my help with this time, or do you have any questions to ask me?"

Flame quickly tidied up the workbench and looked up at Dracula.

"Can't I just come to visit you?" Dracula smiled at him.

"Come on, the two of us have known each other for hundreds of years, and I haven't seen a time when you came here just to connect with me!" LeMay said sarcastically, "Just talk about this time after you woke up, When did you come to me not to ask for my help?"

"First ask me about the world situation in the past 100 years; then contact me to chat with a few young wizards and talk about the Philosopher's Stone; come to me some time ago to help you determine the similarity between two dark energies..."

"Don't you feel guilty that I'm quite old, and you treat me as a tool?" Le May said, with some gnashing of teeth unconsciously mixed in his tone.

"Okay, okay, my fault." Dracula raised his hands in surrender, "I really have something to ask you this time."

Flamel turned his gaze back, and shook his head in a familiar manner.

"It's really bad luck for me to meet such an old man like you." He sighed, "Tell me, what question do you want to ask me this time?"

Dracula nodded, jumped off the workbench, and said to Flamel:

"I want to know all about the Time-Turner during the 100 years I've been asleep."

Hearing Dracula's question, Flamel turned to look at him in surprise.

"How would you know..." He was halfway through, when he remembered something again, "Oh, that's right, since you teach at Hogwarts, it's only a matter of time before you discover the time-turner... ..."

While speaking, Lemay's expression gradually faded.

gradually became serious.

"Brad, I hope you'd better not have the idea of ​​a time converter." He said solemnly, "If someone else got the experimental product of the current time converter, they might not be able to do anything, but that If you are the one who got the Time-Turner... I don't worry."

"Oh?" Dracula became interested, "So... the Time Converter can really change time completely?"

"It's not as exaggerated as the conversion time, but it can bring a person back in time." LeMay said softly.

"I know it can make people go back in time." Dracula nodded, "I saw two Hermione Grangers on the Hogwarts title deed, that is, one of my students, she used the Time-Turner Go back in time and learn your lessons."

"So my question is not whether the Time-Turner can bring people back in time, but to what extent it can..."

"Being able to go back to the past means being able to change the history of the past, and even the direction of the future?" Dracula stared into Flamel's eyes and asked softly, "If the function of the time converter is so powerful, how can it be changed?" Will it be distributed to those little wizards, just for them to study?"

Dracula felt unreasonable.

The power of time is hard to say how powerful it is, but if it can really bring people back from the dead and change the way things operate, then it must be a very foul energy...

And if the time converter can be mass-produced, the possibility of falling into the hands of dark wizards with ulterior motives will become very high. Wouldn't it make the entire magic world mess up?

"Actually, the time converter is not as incomprehensible as you think." Flame took a deep look at Dracula and explained to him, "Time conversion also has its corresponding rules. A person can go back in time, But it cannot change the course of history."

"Even if someone uses a time converter to travel in time, the history he changes is only the established history that has already happened. Everything this person achieves forms a closed loop, and our world is the final one that has been changed. ending."

"How?" Dracula asked, "Is there a clearer way to say it?"

"In other words, there is only one timeline in this world!" LeMay emphasized the word "timeline".

"I don't really understand." Dracula shook his head, but an expression of interest suddenly appeared in his eyes, "But I have an idea, listen to it and see if it makes sense—"

"Since I can change the past, I can make an assumption: If I get the Time Converter and go back to the past and kill myself, since I am dead, then I will not get the Time Converter, and then I will not I'll go back to the past... In this way, to the end, who killed me?"

Dracula's question actually has the same meaning as the grandfather paradox widely circulated in the Muggle world——

If a person goes back in time and kills his young grandfather, since the grandfather is dead, the father of the time traveler will not be born, and without the father, there will be no time traveler...In this case, who killed it? What about grandfather?

In the same timeline, this paradox is of course impossible to realize.It wasn't until the emergence of the theory of parallel universes that everything that happened in this paradox had a slight possibility of realization.

But according to LeMay's explanation, there is such an item as a time converter in this world, but there is only one timeline.

This doesn't seem reasonable.

Hearing Dracula's question, Flamel couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

Who on earth would want to go back in time and kill himself... Oh, if this person is Dracula, that's pretty normal.

"A very profound question." Flame forcibly controlled his expression, and nodded in a contemplative manner, "Actually, the kind of thing you mentioned has happened before."

"The Department of Mysteries had a Resistor at the end of the last century. She used a time-turner to return to the past in an experiment, but she died because she stayed in the past for too long. In the experiment of returning to the past, Heloise was trapped Up to five days in 1402."

"Her travels have changed the life trajectories of all the people she met in the past, and at least 25 descendants have disappeared from modern times and become

An existence that was never born! Flamel said in a deep voice. "That's why the Ministry of Magic has established hundreds of laws regarding the use of Time-Turners." "

"But doesn't this matter conflict with the time conversion rules you said before?" Dracula asked.

"That's right, these two points did create a great conflict." LeMay sighed, and said to Dracula, "So this involves the self-healing ability of the time conversion rules."

"If the behavior that occurs during the time conversion process does not have a great impact, then the rules of time can repair it, pull the world line back to the final ending that has been changed, and make the logic of time conversion self-consistent."

"However, if a person causes too much impact in the process of time travel, then part of the time rules will completely collapse, unable to pull time back to the main line, resulting in disastrous consequences!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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After bidding farewell to Nicole Flamel, Dracula couldn't wait to return to Hogwarts Castle.

Ever since he came up with the idea of ​​going back to the past and killing himself, the idea of ​​wanting to get a time-turner in person and try to see if it can really succeed has been circling in Dracula's mind for a long time.

So, he turned his idea to the little wizard holding the time converter.


After thinking for a while, Dracula decided how to trick... no, outsmart the Time-Turner.

He first returned to his office, took out a pack of blood-scented lollipops from Dumbledore from the drawer, took out one and stuffed it into his mouth, and immediately put the parchment of the Hogwarts title deed On the desk, staring at the picture displayed on the title deed.

At this time, there were still two Hermione figures appearing on the title deed screen at the same time.

One Hermione was still studying her homework in the library, and the other quietly came to practice spells on the lawn outside the castle.

"Is this the little wizard who is willing to study hard? You really work hard."

Looking at Hermione's hard work on the title deed, Dracula couldn't help sighing, "It's just that the way of hard work is not right, and making yourself depressed will have the opposite effect on your learning state."

Dracula first found two Hermiones on the land deed at around nine o'clock in the morning. At that time, he had just finished fighting and was about to use the land deed to find traces of the hooded man, but thus discovered the secret of the Time Converter.

Thinking about it now, the man in the hood should be himself who used the time-turner to return to the past.

Thinking of this, Dracula's thinking jumped to other places.

"If I refrain myself from going back in time to fight my past self, will I never meet the hooded man before and discover the secret of the time-turner?" he thought with interest.

If we do this, is it also a kind of alternative way to change the past?

While thinking about whether to go back to the past, Dracula stared at the picture displayed on the land deed.

In the middle of this, Dumbledore also sent a message through the patron saint, asking him to go to the principal's office to discuss matters, but Dracula decisively refused.

Not long after, Hermione in the title deed screen suddenly had some other actions.

Hermione, who was studying homework in the library, looked up at the hanging clock hanging on the wall. She was taken aback for a moment, then jumped up from her seat, hurriedly packed the books in her hand, and returned them to the librarian. Mrs Pince.

Then Hermione hurried out of the library, came to the entrance courtyard in front of the auditorium, and found a remote corner near the cliff.

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