At this moment, another Hermione stood in a remote corner of the entrance courtyard.

This Hermione had finished practicing the day's spells on the deserted lawn, and went to the auditorium to accompany Harry and Ron for lunch, then came to this remote corner and took out a necklace from her arms.

The former Hermione carefully hid behind the stone pillars in the entrance courtyard, watching helplessly as the second Hermione moved her necklace, and then it turned into mottled light spots and disappeared in place.

She breathed a sigh of relief and walked out from behind the stone pillar.

"Hermione, you had a good meal just now, what are you doing all of a sudden?" A little wizard's voice suddenly sounded from the entrance courtyard, which startled Hermione.

I saw Harry and Ron slipping over from the direction of the auditorium. Ron was still holding a chicken leg in his hand, and was gnawing on the chicken bone while walking.

Hermione hurried out from the corner, looking at her two friends with an unnatural expression.

"Oh, I got tired of eating just now, and I want to come out to have a shower." She said without confidence.

"Blowing?" Harry was stunned for a moment, "Does the blowing need to run so far to get to the cliff?"

"Harry, you don't understand!" Hermione gradually regained her composure after a short period of sluggishness, and immediately retorted, "The cliff on the Hogwarts side is close to the Black Lake, and the wind on the lake will blow against the cliff. Come here, it will be cooler than the wind in other places."

"Is that so?" Harry nodded half-understanding.

"Since we have come here, we can just go down from here, and we should be able to find it by the Black Lake.

No one's lawn. "Ron finally finished eating the chicken legs, rubbed his oily hands on his clothes, and was about to lead Harry and Hermione up the next steps.

This step is the only way for first-year freshmen to come to Hogwarts Castle for the first time, connecting the boathouse by the Black Lake and the oak gate of the entrance courtyard.

Hagrid took the freshmen up the steps every year and handed them over to Professor McGonagall.

"Wait, Ron, why are we looking for a lawn?" Hermione asked with some doubts as she watched Ron's movements.

"Huh?" Ron stopped in his tracks, turned his head to look at Hermione suspiciously, "Didn't you bring it up just now? You just said 5 minutes ago that you would take the two of us to find an empty lawn after dinner." Practice the spell."

"Is...really?" Hermione smiled awkwardly, and immediately changed her words, "Oh yes, there is such a thing, I almost forgot..."


Dracula watched the communication between the three little wizards, thoughtfully chewed the bloody lollipop in his mouth, and threw the candy stick aside.

He then apparated onto the stone steps that connected the boathouse to the entrance courtyard, walking nonchalantly up the steps.

After a while, Dracula came face to face with the three little wizards.

"Ah, what a coincidence, Professor Dracula." Seeing the silver-haired figure walking on the stone steps, Harry thought of the fear of being dominated by the Dueling Club last semester, his face turned pale, and he hurriedly talked to Dracula. greet.

"It's really a coincidence," Dracula said with a meaningful smile on his face, "I just happened to go to the houseboat."

"It's strange, why did Professor Dracula go out in this weather." Ron looked up at the sunny sky and muttered in confusion.

With Dracula's hearing ability, it was easy to hear what Ron was muttering, and his face froze for a moment.

Don't let him be exposed by Ron before he achieves his goal...

"Ahem..." Dracula changed the subject indistinctly, "What are you doing outside the castle if you don't rest in the common room at noon on the three weekends?"

Of course he knew what the three little wizards were going to do, but in order to pretend to meet by chance, Dracula still asked this question that he already knew the answer to.

Hearing Dracula's question, Ron no longer wondered about Professor Dracula's going out in this weather, and he raised his head proudly.

"We're going to find a lawn by the Black Lake to practice spells," Ron said loudly.

When he was finally willing to study seriously with Hermione, of course he had to try his best to show off in front of the professors and leave the professors with the impression that he was a good student.

"You guys are really hardworking." Dracula nodded with a chuckle, and turned to Hermione, who looked a little tired, "It just so happens that I have something to ask Miss Granger, so I don't need to ask other people to convey it to me now." .”

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"Come on, Potter and Wes, you two go to practice the spell first. Miss Granger comes to my office." He said.


Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office.

Dracula sat behind the desk, staring at Hermione who was standing in front of the desk in a panic.

"Miss Granger, there seems to be something wrong with your state of listening to class recently." He gently shook a goblet, and said lightly, "Missing your mind in class... This kind of thing shouldn't have happened to you. "

"I'm sorry, Professor Dracula." Hermione grabbed the corner of her clothes guiltily, and confessed to Dracula with an aggrieved expression, "I will definitely not make such a mistake again in the future."

"This kind of mistake is not something you can easily avoid if you don't want to." Dracula shook his head and chuckled, "Usually you don't even sleep well, so how can you ensure that you won't get sleepy during class?"

Hermione bowed her head and said nothing.

But Dracula didn't let her go, and asked persistently.

"I heard that you have signed up for all five elective courses?" he asked, "plus the seven normal compulsory courses, you will have to complete a total of twelve courses this semester."

studies, right? "

Hermione nodded and said, "Professor, I think I have the ability to complete twelve subjects!"

"Actually, I also want to believe that you have this ability." Dracula waved his hand, and continued, "But your current mental state is obviously not like being able to complete all the subjects. You put too much pressure on yourself."

"But I..."

"Don't be in a hurry to refute." Dracula raised his hand to interrupt Hermione, and then showed an intriguing smile, and said softly, "The Time Turner has exhausted you, Miss Granger."

Hermione's eyes widened suddenly.

"Professor, how did you know that I have a time-turner?" She was taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "Professor McGonagall told me before that only she and Principal Dumbledore would know about it, and they wouldn't even tell Ordinary professors..."

"But I'm not an ordinary professor," Dracula said with a chuckle, "I naturally have my own unique sources of information."

"Of course, the point now is not how I know you have a time-turner, but to solve your mental state!"

Dracula's face gradually became serious, and he said to Hermione: "You don't even know how to rest on weekends, and you have to use the time-turner to study homework and practice spells at the same time. Under such high pressure, how can your spirit be fine? ?”

"But the more I study, the more I feel that I'm still a lot worse, and I usually don't have time to do homework at all..." Hermione said sadly, "Then I can save a few more hours with the Time Converter, What else can I do?"

"You've learned enough, Miss Granger." Dracula said comfortingly, "What you need now is a complete relaxation and rest, to fully recharge your energy, so that you can learn new knowledge better .”

"If I don't stop you, are you going to continue studying with the time-turner this afternoon and tomorrow?"

Hermione pursed her lips, hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded.

"For your mental state, Miss Granger, you must listen to the professor this time." Dracula said persuasively, "In order to prevent you from continuing to use the time-turner, I decided to confiscate it."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to Hermione, "Hand it over, Granger, I'll keep it for you for two days. Go back and have a good rest in these two days, don't strain your mind too much. Too much is too late, too much is easy." You should be able to understand the principle of folding, right?"

"But... Professor McGonagall won't let me give the Time-Turner to anyone else," Hermione hesitated.

"Why, do I count as someone else?" Dracula lowered his face and said with a bad expression.

"Yeah, but..." Hermione was still hesitating.

"Don't worry, it's all for the sake of your mental state." Dracula continued to fool, "Think about it this way, if I didn't keep the time converter for you, would you be able to control yourself not to use it?"

Hermione lowered her head and thought carefully, and finally shook her head after a long while.

As a young sorcerer who loves to learn, of course she will not be satisfied with the basic content taught at school, and wants to learn something new whenever she has the opportunity.

However, the twelve major courses of this semester completely filled up all of Hermione's time. After completing the twelve homeworks, they could basically fill up the rare weekend time. She didn't have the slightest chance to read what she liked. other books.

Therefore, the time-turner is a huge temptation for Hermione, she can't let the treasure by her side and not use it, no matter how sleepy and weak she is!

"It seems that you also know your own self-control?" Dracula smiled, "In that case, hand over the Time Converter."

Hermione's face showed struggle and hesitation, and after a long time, she finally let out a long breath and nodded to Dracula.

Afterwards, she untied the rope hanging around her neck, and handed the golden necklace to Dracula.

"Professor, you must keep it well." Hermione said nervously, biting her lip.

The time-turner she had worn for a long time suddenly left her side, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, I'll be on your Monday

Return it to you before class. said Dracula.

Immediately afterwards, all his attention was focused on the necklace in front of him.


After driving Hermione to rest, Dracula began to look over and over again at the items in his hand.

"Is this the Time-Turner?"

He looked at the whole light gold, which looked like a delicate hourglass hanging on a golden necklace, with a happy expression.

In vain, he tried his best to enlighten Hermione, and cheated her... No, he kept the Time Converter in her hand for her. This little thing really looks quite interesting.

There was a faint ray of light in Dracula's eyes, and his eyes were fixed on the ancient rune characters and the operation status of the magic power engraved on the surface of the Time Converter.

"A maximum of five hours back in time?" He stroked the complex pattern on the Time Converter and laughed happily.

Five hours ago, it was almost the same time I saw the Hooded Man by the Black Lake this morning!

That being the case, then go back to the past and fight with yourself again!

Today's sunrise is too early, and he is far from enjoying himself!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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According to Nicole Flamel, even after 100 years, the Time-Turner released by the Department of Mysteries is still not a complete version.

The energy of time is too mysterious to be fully grasped by wizards from ancient times to the present.

If time energy is misused without fully understanding it, the most likely thing that will happen is to completely collapse the timeline and die, like the silent man in the late nineteenth century, Heloise Mintubole In the river of time.

For this reason, the Ministry of Magic had to impose various restrictions on the application of the time converter, so as to ensure that the timeline would not have as big an accident as it did back then.

But the Department of Mysteries is not willing to just abandon the huge treasure of time energy, and wants to continue to advance the research on time energy.

Therefore, they need more time travel samples for deduction.

It is precisely because of this need that the Reticent Man of the Department of Mysteries thought of a way to increase the research sample through the little wizard.

Those young wizards with good character and learning have been guaranteed by Hogwarts professors and principals, and they are determined to be three-good students who are willing to abide by the rules and obey the school's arrangements, and can ensure that they use the time-turner within the strict regulations to the greatest extent.

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