Since Hogwarts resumed classes, in the first few days, the little wizards were still a little nervous, worried that Sirius Black would make a comeback and threaten their safety.

However, since that day, no sign of Sirius has been found in the castle.

If it weren't for the portrait of Sir Cadogan who still replaced the Fat Lady on the door of the Gryffindor common room, the young and forgetful little wizards would probably have completely forgotten about the notorious wanted man.

The visiting professor Remus Lupine is very dedicated. After coming to Hogwarts, he patrols around the castle every day, looking for traces of Sirius.

Not only that, he also pointed out many secret passages connecting the castle with the outside world.

These passages were discovered when he was at school with the quartet of James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pedillo.Some of them hadn't even been heard of by Filch.

The professors agreed that Sirius had slipped into the castle through secret passages Filch didn't know about.

Thanks to this credit, Lupine quickly made good friends with other professors, except for one-

Head of Slytherin, Severus Snape.

"I don't think it's a wise decision for you to recruit a new visiting professor, Mr. Headmaster." One night, not long after Lupine came here, Snape stopped Dumbledore and said to him.

"But I don't think so, Severus, I guess you still have some prejudice against Remus." Dumbledore said flatly.

Snape frowned, and there seemed to be obvious depression on his sallow face.

"You remember their previous relationship, Headmaster?" Snape said.When he spoke, his lips were barely parted, and he clenched his teeth tightly, as if he had some deep hatred with Lupin, "You should also remember his true identity..."

"Remember, Severus," said Dumbledore, with something resembling a warning in his voice, "the identity of Remus has nothing to do with having him come to the castle to help, we talked about that, didn't we? "

"However, I can see that he is likely to tip off to Black." Snape said in a low voice, "He will show up in the most conspicuous places in the castle during his daily inspections. We can see it, and so can Black outside the castle."

"It's entirely possible that he is using this behavior to send a message to Black, telling him that we are under strict inspection and cannot come..."

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"As I said, I don't believe that Remus will help Black enter the castle." Dumbledore said, "He wants to catch Sirius Black more than we do, and wants to know the truth of the year."

"You just need to do your job well and prepare the potion I gave you. I know the rest."

The tone of his voice made it clear that this was the end of the matter, so Snape made no reply.

"I have to deal with the dementors outside the castle," said Dumbledore. "If I don't deal with them, I'm afraid these things will think we are hiding criminals."

"Are they going to help, Headmaster?" Snape said softly, frowning in disgust.

"Oh, yes, I don't know whether they want to search for criminals or want to suck the joy of children..." Dumbledore said coldly, "But I'm afraid as long as I am the headmaster, I will never allow them to step over The threshold of the school."


Compared with the always vigilant and always nervous professors, the little wizards are obviously much more relaxed.

They had almost forgotten that an escaped criminal like Sirius Black had visited Hogwarts Castle, and that they were still in danger.

All they knew was that the first Quidditch match was drawing near.

I don't know if it's the influence of the dementors outside the castle, but the weather is getting worse these days.

But in this weather, the Gryffindor Quidditch team trained harder.

Originally for the sake of Harry's safety, Professor McGonagall did not want him to be exposed on the empty Quidditch pitch to prevent Sirius Black from taking advantage of him.

But because of Harry's firm request, and because Professor McGonagall also hoped that the Gryffindor Quidditch team would get a good result, she agreed to the team's request to continue training.

Of course, just to be on the safe side, she asked Ms. Hooch, who taught flying lessons, to accompany the Gryffindor team for training.

"Listen, our opponent this time is not easy." In the last training session before the game, team captain Wood said loudly while standing on the court, "Our opponent this time is Hufflepuff, the defending champion from last school year. .”

It was very windy and stormy all day, and as Wood spoke, the team members heard thunder rumbling in the distance.

Hearing the name of the college, Harry subconsciously clenched the broom in his hand.

He remembered that the reason his game had been so bad last year was because of Cho Chang and Hufflepuff Seeker Cedric Diggory.

Harry didn't know how many times he was angry about the relationship between Cedric and Cho Chang. He felt that Cedric was just a little boy with no advantages other than good looks, and he didn't know how many times he was distracted in class because of this incident. The game went awry.

But now when I think back to Qiu Zhang's face, it seems like a lifetime ago, even in my memory, it seems that I can't see it clearly.

Harry found that what he liked was just the false Cho Chang in his heart.

In fact, he didn't even know her in detail before that, except for the meeting when Professor Dracula gave awards to No.1 of the three grades, and the meeting when he cheekily went to the Ravenclaw tower to strike up a conversation.

Whether it is her character, family, character or preferences, they are all his own speculations. When this obsessive love fades away, what is left in his heart is the real Qiu Zhang whom he does not understand. Of course the memory faded away.

And his assessment of Cedric as a jerk was nothing more than a prejudice born of jealousy.

In fact, Cedric is polite and friendly. He has always carried forward the principle of fair and friendly competition on the Quidditch pitch. His flying ability and ball skills are also quite good. It is not surprising that girls like him.

In the last game before the Quidditch final last school year, when Gryffindor played against Slytherin, Harry made a reconciliation with Cedric in his heart, and he gave a Hufflepuff who had won against Slytherin himself. The chance to come to Tring allowed them to win the final championship.

Now, for the first Quidditch match of the school year, Gryffindor just happened to meet Hufflepuff, which gave Harry a sense of destiny.

"Are you listening carefully, Harry?"

Wood's voice interrupted Harry's thoughts.He raised his head quickly and smiled at Wood.

"Are you really okay?" Wood looked at Harry suspiciously, and hesitated, "You won't be out of shape like last school year, right?"

"Don't worry, Oliver, that won't happen again!" Harry laughed confidently, "I'm already another Harry!"

"This is the best way," Wood nodded, and continued, "Our opponent in this game is the Hufflepuff team, but we don't know their style at all this school year. Because they have a new captain, Se Derek Diggory—"

The three Chasers, Angelina, Alia, and Katie suddenly giggled.

"What's the matter?" Wood frowned and looked at them, not satisfied with this carefree behavior.

"Cedric Diggory is the tall, handsome boy, isn't he?" said Angelina.

"The one who's strong and soft-spoken," Katie added.

As they spoke, they started giggling again.

Harry sighed, feeling that it wasn't surprising that Cho Chang had taken a fancy to Cedric.

"He speaks softly because he's not macho enough! What the Quidditch game needs is a real macho like us!" Fred, who grew up with Cedric in the same village, immediately joked.

"There is no need to worry too much, Oliver, Cedric is only the captain for the first time,

Absolutely not as capable as a "tyrant" like you! "George also said.

"How many times have I said, don't underestimate the enemy! What's more, you are facing the defending champion of last school year!" Wood shouted to the smiling twins, his eyes protruding slightly. "Diggory has organized a strong team, no worse than the previous captain's team!"

"Other than that, he's an excellent Seeker! I don't know what Harry's state is like now, but I know that even if he's back to his best form, he may not be able to suppress Diggory! So we have to work hard. Do our best, we must win!"

"Oliver, don't get angry," Seeing Wood's serious performance, Fred and George hurriedly patted their chests and promised, "We will do our best to deal with the Hufflepuff team, we promise!"


The morning before the game, it was windy and rainy.

The weather was worse than the day before training.The corridors and classrooms were pitch black, so Filch had to light more torches and lamps.

The Gryffindor common room was louder than the sound outside because of the high tower, with the storm beating against the window panes.

Harry woke up early to the sound of a thunderstorm and looked out the rain-soaked window.

He knew he couldn't count on cancellations - wizarding Quidditch matches were never canceled for something as trivial as a thunderstorm.

Even though he knew this for a long time, Harry still felt a little scared, as if there was an ominous premonition lingering in his heart.

He got out of bed and sat in front of the fireplace, thinking wildly.

He thought that a Quidditch Seeker is usually a lithe, quick-moving kind. Digory was taller and larger than the usual Seeker, but his weight was an advantage in this weather. Because he won't be blown to pieces by the wind.

But Harry didn't have time to think about it all the time, because Hermione's half-breed cat, Crookshanks, was always obsessed with Ron's mouse, Spotted, and often sneaked up the stairs of the boys' dormitory.

He had to get up every now and again during his wild thoughts, and put his arms around Crookshanks' soft belly and put it back in the common room.

Finally, when it was almost time for breakfast, he walked alone to the doorway guarded by the portrait.

"Stop, let's go to war, you poor dog!" Sir Cadogan yelled as always to every little wizard passing by.

"Oh, shut up," Harry responded with a yawn.

He was already used to this knight who speaks outrageously. The knight's cursing words actually only expressed contempt for the duel opponent, and there was no malice.

After finishing a large bowl of porridge, Harry refreshed a bit, and by the time he started eating toast, the rest of the team had arrived.

"This game is going to be intense," Wood said.He was so nervous that he couldn't eat anything.

"Don't worry, Oliver," Angelina reassured him, "We don't care about a little rain, we often train in the rain."

But it wasn't just a little rain, they had never trained in such a heavy rain.

However, even with such a ghostly weather, all the teachers and students of the school came out as usual to watch the first Quidditch match of this semester.This is enough to prove that Quidditch is indeed extremely popular in the wizarding world where entertainment is expensive and scarce.

Teachers and students trotted across the lawn to the Quidditch pitch, their heads bowed against the wind—because their umbrellas would have been blown from their hands on the way.

However, there was a pure black umbrella without any signs of damage, and it was quietly propped open in the howling wind and rain.

Dracula walked in the rainstorm with an umbrella, and all the raindrops that were blown tilted by the wind would automatically turn around when they were about to hit his robe, and instead fell on the ground.

Therefore, there was no place on his clothes that was wet by the rain, and he looked out of place with the little wizards in distress.

"Sure enough, as long as the sun is out, Professor Dracula is still willing to come to the Quidditch pitch to join in the fun." Harry looked enviously at Dracula's unstained robes, thinking so in his heart.

Finally, they walked into the dressing room of the Gryffindor team under the wind and rain. The team members couldn't wait to change out of their wet clothes and put on the college's bright red Quidditch uniforms, feeling better immediately.

... Although it won't be a few minutes, their clothes should still be wet after the game starts.

After changing the team uniforms, the players lined up neatly, waiting for Wood's usual pre-match pep talk as the captain.

But no one expected that Wood wanted to open his mouth to speak several times, but he only made a strange breathless sound, unable to say any grandiose ambitions.

Finally, he shook his head resignedly and beckoned everyone to follow him into the field.

He has already led Gryffindor to win a Quidditch Cup. In the last year of Hogwarts, there is no need to be demanding. As long as you try your best, the result is not a big deal...

The wind was so strong that the players staggered as they walked onto the field.

In the rumbling thunder, even if there were spectators cheering for them, they couldn't hear them at all.

The rain was pounding heavily on Harry's glasses, and he was already worried about how he was going to see the Snitch in the middle of the storm.

When the Gryffindor team reached the middle of the field, the Hufflepuff team, also wearing canary yellow uniforms, came towards them from the opposite side of the field.

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