The captains of both sides came forward to shake hands with each other, Digory smiled at Wood, and Wood nodded to him.

The thunder was so loud that the team members on both sides could not hear Mrs. Hooch's voice clearly.

Fortunately, the contestants present were quite experienced, and they knew how to look at her mouth shape, and waited until she seemed to shout "get on the broomstick" before getting on the broomstick together.

Harry pulled his right foot out of the mud on the court and stepped onto the Nimbus 2000.


Mrs. Hooch put the whistle to her mouth and blew hard, making a shrill whistle that barely cut through the thunder and howling wind—

The game is on!

Harry was riding fast, but his Nimbus 2000 wobbled a little in the wind.He gripped the broom handle as tight as he could, turned and rushed into the wind and rain.


Dracula held an umbrella and sat on the high platform of the auditorium, looking boredly at the sky above the stadium.

Of all the surrounding seats, only the one he was in was dry.

"By the way, you guys are so focused, can you really see the situation of the game in the sky?" Dracula casually grabbed a nearby little wizard who was watching the game intently, and asked.

This little wizard was obviously a fan of Quidditch. Even when it was raining heavily, he kept his eyes wide open and stared at the sky, for fear of missing any details of the game. Even if the rain hit his eyes, he didn't want to blink.

"Ah, Professor Dracula." The little wizard seemed to have just discovered that Dracula was sitting next to him, scratching his wet hair in embarrassment, "Actually, I can't see very clearly, I can only see a few small Black spot, I don't know if it's a bird or a player..."

"You're still so devoted to watching this?" Dracula looked at him speechlessly, "I didn't feel any joy from this game at all. Isn't this pure torture?"

"You can't say that!" The little wizard subconsciously retorted, "The Quidditch match in bad weather is the most test of players' willpower and skills. Winning in this kind of match is far better than winning in normal weather. Even more admirable..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Dracula's unhappy expression, and his tone became a little weak again, "I...I didn't mean to say it so loudly, I'm sorry, Professor Dracula..."

"Forget it, groups like fans are really unreasonable." Dracula shook his head with a smile, and snapped his fingers lightly.

All the little wizards in the auditorium were still trying to keep their eyes wide open, trying to avoid the rain from affecting their sight.However, suddenly, they found that the raindrops fell in a different position, as if deliberately avoiding their eyes.

Dracula watched the bewildered expressions of the little wizards gradually turn into excitement, and faintly evoked a smile.

Dumbledore, who was also watching the game not far away, glanced at the auditorium where Dracula was in surprise, and a funny smile appeared on his face.

"You can understand other people very well, so why pretend to be indifferent?" He smiled lightly and shook his head.


high in the air, harry still

Still trying to fly, I don't know how long the game has been going on.

He was drenched and frozen, and it was hard to see his teammates, let alone the little Snitch.

Galloping vertically and horizontally over the court, he passed by the red and yellow figures of the lake, completely unable to see the specific situation of the game.In the blustery conditions, he couldn't even hear the audience's comments.

Harry was nearly knocked off his broom twice by the Bludger.The heavy rain blurred his vision, and he couldn't see them coming from the opposite side.

Slowly, his arms ached, and it seemed more and more difficult to keep the broomstick flying in a straight line.

The sky is getting darker, as if the night has decided to come early.

Harry nearly ran into another player a few times, and didn't know if it was his teammate or the opposing player.Now that everyone was drenched, and the rain was so dense, it was impossible for him to see the Snitch clearly...


Mrs. Hooch's whistle blew with the first lightning.

Harry could only see Wood's silhouette through the dense rain curtain, and Wood was beckoning to Harry to come down to the ground.

Then the whole team, splashed with rainwater, descended into the muddy ground.

"I called a timeout!" Wood yelled at the team amidst the sound of wind, rain and thunder, "Come on, get down there—"

They huddled under a large umbrella on the edge of the field.Harry took off his glasses and wiped them hastily on his drenched robes, which looked even dirtier.

"What's the score?" he asked hastily.

"We lead by [-] points," Wood said, "but the score can't be widened too much, it still depends on the seeker."

"I can't see the road with my glasses on, let alone catch the Snitch." Harry said ruefully, waving his glasses.

At this moment, Hermione didn't know where she ran over with her cloak on, squeezed under the big umbrella by the side of the court, and she still had a smile on her face.

"I've got an idea, Harry!" she said excitedly. "Give me your glasses, quick!"

Although puzzled, Harry handed her the glasses out of trust.

With the whole team watching in amazement, Hermione tapped her wand on Harry's glasses and read:

"Waterproof and moisture-proof (Ieruious)!"

"Okay!" she said, handing the glasses back to Harry. "This is the water and fire charm, and the rain won't interfere with your glasses now!"

After the timeout ended, the players on both sides flew back into the dense rain.

Hermione's spell had worked.Although the numb hands and feet of the cold and the drenching of the body were still unresolved, Harry could see.

Pulling himself together, determined, he urged his Nimbus 2000 through the turbulent air, looking for the Snitch in every direction.

Thunder sounded one after another, followed by lightning of different shapes.The situation in the sky became more and more dangerous, and Harry knew that he must catch the golden snitch as soon as possible.

So he turned around suddenly, trying to get back to the center of the court.

But at that moment, another thick bolt of lightning illuminated the stands—

Harry saw what completely distracted him: the silhouette of a huge, shaggy black dog, clearly reflected in the sky, in the row of empty seats on the top tier of the stands.

He thought of what Sybill Trelawney, the professor of the divination course he took this semester, said—

"Ominous, my dear child, ominous!" cried Professor Trelawney, shocked when he saw his divination in class, "that big ghostly dog ​​that roams the graveyard! My dear My child, this is an omen...the worst omen...a portent of death!"

He thought again of the huge black dog he had seen before he met Tonks when he ran away from home.

Today, why did this black dog appear with a lingering spirit? !

Harry's numb hands slipped on the broomstick, and his Nimbus 2000 dropped a few feet.

He brushed the drenched drifting sea away from his eyes, couldn't help being distracted, and squinted at the stand, only to find

The black dog disappeared at some point.

"Harry!" Wood's distressed shout came from the Gryffindor goal, "Harry, be serious, look behind you!"

Harry turned his head in panic and saw Cedric speeding continuously over the pitch, a small golden blob flickering between them in the rainy air...

It's the Golden Snitch!

Panicked, Harry threw himself on the broomstick and spun towards the golden flash.

"Come on!" He roared at his Nimbus 2000, letting the raindrops slap his cheeks, "Quick! Faster!"

However, strange things happened suddenly.

In the scene where the wind was blowing, the rain was crackling, and the thunder was thundering, it suddenly fell into silence.

The wind, though still as strong as ever, forgot to roar, like an old TV set that someone had turned off abruptly; or like Harry had gone deaf all of a sudden...

He had a premonition that something bad was about to happen!

The next moment, a strange and familiar terrifying cold current hit him, rushing into his body, and at this moment he just realized that there was something moving in the sky above the stadium...

Before Harry could think, he took his eyes away from the Snitch and looked to the side.

There were at least a hundred dementors suspended in the air, their hooded faces turned towards him.It was as if frozen water rose from his chest, cutting through his guts.

Then he heard the sound he had heard on the train again—someone moaning, moaning inside his was a woman...the woman's voice was very familiar...

"Don't touch Harry. Don't touch Harry...please don't touch Harry!"

"Go away, you stupid woman...go away, now..."

"Don't touch Harry, please, unless you kill me first... kill me..."

Harry's brain seemed to be numb, and he was trapped in a white mist...

He subconsciously wanted to help that woman, she was going to die...she was going to be murdered...

Meanwhile, Harry was still falling, falling through the icy mist.

"Don't touch Harry! Please don't move... have mercy... have mercy..."

A shrill voice was laughing, the woman was screaming, and Harry knew nothing.

Before he completely fell into a coma, he saw a dazzling silver light occupying the entire Quidditch field, and a suppressed angry voice resounded through the sky, as if the rain and thunder stopped because of the anger of that voice.

"You disgusting things, who the hell allowed you to enter Hogwarts?!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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The sky was still frighteningly dark, but the originally pouring rain suddenly froze in mid-air.

The howling wind also stopped, and the roaring thunder also disappeared. The whole world was suppressed, and uncontrollable anger rose up.

Harry's thin body was unconscious, and he fell quickly from the sky. Above him, there seemed to be another figure on a broom trying to catch up, but he couldn't keep up with the speed of his fall.

But under this gloomy sky, Harry was not discovered by the little wizards in the auditorium until he was about to fall to the ground.

"Look at the sky! That's... Harry Potter!" someone exclaimed.

"Cedric following Potter? Which of them caught the Snitch?"

"Their speed is too fast, isn't that something wrong?"


Everyone still couldn't see clearly what happened, and they were discussing in their respective positions.

"Why didn't you see any movement from Harry...Wait, where's his broom?" Ron heard the surrounding discussions, frowned and looked up into the sky, then widened his eyes in horror.

"Harry didn't slow down at all!" Hermione shouted anxiously, "Haven't you felt this kind of cold breath all over your body, it must be the dementors coming again, Harry was dizzy after seeing the dementors last time over!"

She stood up and pointed her wand at the sky.

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