However, it was too dark, and Harry's figure was too small. Hermione, who was only a little third-year wizard, was completely incapable of casting the spell on Harry accurately, and could only watch him fall rapidly. .

At this moment, an old and deep voice came from the highest stand——


This voice seemed to have a soothing power, and the flustered little wizards immediately quieted down, completely relieved.

They recognized that it was Dumbledore's voice.

The speed of Harry's fall immediately slowed down, and Cedric, who was so anxious, finally caught up with him, and he let go of his grip on the broom to support Harry.

Fred and George finally reacted, and hurriedly flew to Harry's side, supported him with Cedric, and landed on the still muddy ground.

"Cedric, what just happened?" Fred asked impatiently. "How did Harry suddenly fall from the sky? Where's his broom?"

"Just now we encountered dementors... Countless dementors, they were wandering in the air, densely packed." Cedric said thoughtfully, "Then Harry passed out and fell off the broom down."

"How did the dementors enter the range of the Quidditch pitch?" George said angrily, shaking his fist angrily, "They almost killed Harry!"

At this time, Wood also flew over with three chasers and landed on the ground.

"How's Harry?" Wood asked.

"He's fine, Captain Wood... It's just that today's game may not go on." Cedric sighed and said softly.

Wood looked at Harry worriedly, and was going to carry him on his back and take him to the school infirmary.

Immediately, Wood sharply saw a ray of golden light shining in Cedric's hand holding Harry's back.

"That's..." He froze for a moment, and suddenly his hole shrank, "Digory, you caught the Snitch?!"

"What?" Wes came to the twins, both startled, and looked at Cedric's clenched right hand in shock.

Seeing that he couldn't hide it, Cedric had to spread his palms.

In his palm lay a metal ball as big as a walnut, and on the bright golden ball was a pair of shiny little wings that kept flapping.

"Actually, if it wasn't for the dementors, Harry would have a great chance of getting the Snitch." Cedric said, "I won't win this match by force. I suggest a rematch. Let's find a better weather to win." Seriously, it's really better than a game."

"No need," Wood said.His voice seemed to be squeezed out of his throat, "A real Quidditch player will not make excuses because of external factors, what should be yours is your victory, and there is no need for a rematch."

After saying this, Wood gasped heavily, as if he had exhausted all his strength after saying this.


Cedric still wanted to refute, but the referee, Ms. Hooch, had already brought another witch who was older than her to the Quidditch pitch and interposed between them.

"Ms. Hooch, Cedric has caught the Snitch, the game is over!" Wood shouted suddenly.

Ms. Hooch gave Wood a surprised look, took the Snitch from Cedric, and approved the result of the competition.


She blew her whistle, announcing the Hufflepuff team victorious.

At this time, Professor McGonagall also trotted to the field in a hurry, with an extremely anxious look on her face, not paying any attention to the muddy lawn splashing a lot of mud on the hem of her decent wizard robe.

"Madame Pomfrey, is there something wrong with Potter's body?" She hurriedly asked the witch who followed Ms. Hooch here.

"It's nothing serious." Madam Pomfrey, the head nurse in a white wizard robe, quickly checked Harry's body, then turned her head and said to Professor McGonagall, "It should be just a convulsion under the influence of a dementor, but the details are now There is no way to judge, I will now take him back to the school infirmary for a careful examination."

She waved her wand, manipulated a stretcher, took Harry from the hands of Cedric and the others, and floated towards the direction of Hogwarts Castle.

"That's good," Professor McGonagall heaved a sigh of relief, and then glanced at the sky with an uneasy face, "It's really embarrassing, why did the dementor appear here? This is definitely a kind of arrogance and offense!"

"When I passed by that stand just now, I seemed to see that Dumbledore was very angry." Ms. Hooch held on to her broom and sighed softly. "How will he deal with this matter?"

"It's true that I haven't seen Albus so angry for a long time." Professor McGonagall nodded, and then said with some hesitation, "But this time, it seems that someone took care of it for him first..."

As if to confirm Professor McGonagall's words, a dazzling silver light suddenly occupied the entire sky in the gloomy upper sky, like a silver moon lit up in the heavy clouds!

The sky that seemed to be still had a sudden change, and the thick clouds slowly rotated around the silver moon.

As time passed, the speed of rotation became faster and faster, and the height of the center of the cloud layer became lower and lower, gradually forming an hourglass-like shape, as if a tornado suddenly blew up above the cumulus clouds !

All the little wizards present opened their mouths wide, looking at this scene in the sky in shock.

Not only the little wizards, but even the well-informed professors did not give in. They all opened their eyes like ignorant children, staring blankly at the violently spinning cloud pillar.

They have much better eyesight than the little wizards, and they can see not only the swirling cloud pillars and the silver moon in the sky, but also countless decayed and dark creatures struggling around the cloud pillars, trying to escape the hurricane.

Those dark creatures were all wearing rotten cloaks, and they were blown by the violent wind, as if they were about to be torn apart completely... Who would have thought that they were the ones who were arrogant and arrogant just a few minutes ago Dementors?

The cloud pillar was spinning faster and faster, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger. Silver bats seemed to be born out of thin air in the silver light, dancing around the wind one after another.

Whenever a bat came into contact with the dementor's body, the dementor that was about to leave the range of the tornado seemed to lose all its strength, and was instantly deprived of its mobility, no longer able to struggle.

In this way, all the dementors in the sky were sucked into the violent tornado.

Then, all the swirling cumulus clouds converged with the flow of the wind, and all disappeared into the silver moon.

The moon also gradually shrank, and finally was gently grasped by a slender palm, and it was contained in the palm.

The moonlight passed away, the dark clouds dissipated, the sky turned into a long-lost blue, and the ground was filled with warm sunshine.

The figure suspended in the sky frowned, and took a virtual step forward.

step, and disappeared in place in an instant.

The wizards present stared blankly at the golden light in the sky, feeling a temperature they hadn't felt for many days.

If the lawn was not still muddy, they might have thought it was just a dream.


The next day, people from the Ministry of Magic rushed to the Hogwarts vice-principal's office through the Floo network.

Professor McGonagall received them in her office, and of course she didn't give any kindness to the people responsible for Harry's nearly falling to his death and her house's failure to win the Quidditch match.

Dumbledore and Dracula were sitting in the principal's office on the eighth floor, chatting casually, waiting for the Ministry of Magic officials to arrive.

"How is Potter?" Dracula habitually picked up the sorting hat and asked casually while turning the hat.

"Thanks to you, Harry woke up not long after being sent to the school infirmary by Bobby." Dumbledore smiled, "His friends all went to the school infirmary to visit him."

"There's nothing wrong with Harry's health, it's just that Bobby insists that he stay there until the weekend, so I'm going to help him ask Professor Dracula for a leave of absence," he said.

"One week off? I know." Dracula thought for a moment, then nodded, "But I heard that he was not in a good mood, because he lost the game? It was quite nice when their captain refused to replay the match. Free and easy."

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"There are reasons for this, but not all of them." Dumbledore shook his head and said, "Harry's broomstick hit the Whomping Willow, and was torn to pieces by the angry willow tree. It may not be possible to repair it."

"Professor Dracula, you know, broomsticks are to Quidditch players what wands are to wizards, their best friends. So Harry losing his broomstick is like losing a good friend, of course Sad for a while..."

"I don't quite understand." Dracula chuckled and threw the Sorting Hat back on its stool, and took out his wand casually, "If you didn't insist on me preparing this wand, I wouldn't bother to use it."

"Of course you are special, Professor Dracula, as long as you can roughly understand what I mean." Dumbledore said with some helplessness, "In short, there is nothing serious about Harry. We should actually consider how to deal with the Ministry of Magic now." I'm in trouble."

"Oh?" Dracula looked at Dumbledore, slightly raised the corners of his mouth, "Why should we deal with their troubles instead of us?"

There was a look of surprise in his eyes first, and then there was a teasing look that seemed to be absent.

"Could it be're not going to ask me to hand over those dementors this time?"

"They entered the territory of Hogwarts without my consent, of course they have to pay some price." Dumbledore's voice cooled down, "Although Hogwarts is just a school of magic, it does not represent us. It will be kneaded by others."

Just then, there was a knock on the door of the principal's office.

Dumbledore and Dracula looked at each other and nodded.

"Please come in."

Dumbledore raised his hand, and the door opened automatically.

Professor McGonagall walked in with several wizards in formal attire.

"Albus, here they are." Professor McGonagall said.

"Thank you, Minerva." Dumbledore's expression turned gentle again, "I'll trouble you to tell Remus to let him take the place of Professor Dracula for two classes. There is no way to solve it for a while."

Professor McGonagall nodded, then glanced indifferently at several officials of the Ministry of Magic, turned and left the principal's office, and closed the door behind him.

After Professor McGonagall left, the principal's office fell into silence for a short time.

Dracula looked with interest at Dumbledore, who was drinking tea leisurely, and several officials of the Ministry of Magic who seemed a little awkward in their movements, feeling very interesting.

No matter what status people are, no matter how pretentious those people are, when they really face Dumbledore, the great wizard who is like the ceiling of the wizarding world, they will involuntarily show a little bit of timidity.

"Hey, Headmaster Dumbledore

, we are here mainly to solve the problem of employees of the Ministry of Magic being randomly captured by your school.It's against the rules..."

The leading Ministry of Magic official in a pinstriped suit couldn't bear it anymore, and broke the quiet atmosphere in the office.

"So you think so, Minister Fudge?" Dumbledore put the teacup back on the table, glanced at him, and said calmly, "I have to say that our views on this matter are somewhat different from yours. "

"Please tell me." Fudge wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

Then he seemed to feel that his performance was a little undervalued, and he forced himself to straighten his waist again, his protruding belly almost broke the front buttons of his clothes.

"Okay, then let me tell you my opinion." Dumbledore said coldly.

"All I know is that a large number of dementors broke into the Quidditch pitch where the game was in progress yesterday, attacked a Quidditch player, and almost caused the player's life to be in danger!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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"This...we really don't want to see this kind of thing." Fudge knew he was in the wrong, so he could only bite the bullet and forcefully argue, "But there are reasons why dementors have to enter the Quidditch pitch..."

"Just yesterday morning, the dementors suddenly delivered a message to the staff of the Ministry of Magic - they found traces of Sirius Black during their patrol, near the Quidditch pitch at Hogwarts !"

As he spoke, Fudge's tone gradually became more confident, as if he had convinced himself that the invasion of the school by the dementors was justified.

"Oh?" Dumbledore looked over coldly, and said indifferently, "Mr. Minister, can I understand what you mean, the dementors found criminals around the professors including me?"

"Since this is the case, I would like to ask, Mr. Minister, do you want to say that the professors at Hogwarts are not competent enough to find Sirius Black who is close at hand, or do you want to say that the professors conspire with criminals and cover up criminals? Come to watch a Quidditch match?"

Dumbledore's sharp words made Fudge's face sweat again.

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