Finally, it swayed violently and turned into a very regular sphere, with a picture inside the sphere——

A figure very similar to Dracula was sitting on a chair in contemplation, with nothing around, and the expression on that figure's face was lifeless and extremely boring.

Dracula: "..."

"What an unpleasant species..."

In order for the class to continue, he forcibly suppressed the desire to destroy the Boggart in his heart, and then stuffed it into the box again.

"Line up and come one by one. I'll see who hasn't learned how to deal with Boggarts. I'll take good care of him!"

The little wizards in the audience lined up happily, and stood in front of the podium one by one, looking at Dracula eagerly.

Professor Lupine's class has already been explained very clearly. They are all very confident and feel that they can easily deal with Boggarts. Only Neville is crying——

Neville had turned into the professor Snape he most feared when confronted by the Boggart alone in last week's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Under Professor Lupine's persuasive guidance, he managed to magically turn Snape into a laughable image. He walked around the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom in women's clothes wearing Grandma Neville's clothes.

The little wizards of Gryffindor didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and quickly spread the matter.

After Snape learned of this, he took even harsher revenge on Neville in Potions class.Neville doesn't know if

Pay a Boggart once, what will Professor Snape do to him...

Besides Neville who was crying, Harry also raised his hands in bewilderment.

"Professor, I didn't come to class last week and don't know the spell against Boggarts," he said.

"It's okay, you can be the last one." Dracula smiled indifferently, "Look at what the classmates in front of you are doing, or ask Miss Granger to give you a tutorial, and when you practice, I hope you can successfully cast the corresponding magic."

When Hermione heard this, she nodded confidently at Dracula, pulled Harry aside and whispered to him about the Boggart's characteristics and defensive spells.

The other little wizards began to step forward to deal with the poor Boggart one by one——

Parvati Patil sees a mummy, and she deftly undoes the mummy's bandages with the corresponding spells, revealing its comically dried skin inside; Seamus Finnigan sees He saw a female ghost with a green face, and he used magic to turn the ugly female ghost into a beautiful female ghost; Ron saw a big spider, and he put skates on the spider; Professor Ge took a report card and told her that she had failed all the exams, and she used magic to change the "P" on the report card into an "O"...

Resisting the boggart's spell was not difficult, and everyone did a good job.

However, when it came to Neville, he stood at the back of the line somewhat at a loss, and he was hesitant to stand in front of the podium.

"Besides Potter, you are the only one missing, Mr. Longbottom." Dracula urged, "Come here quickly, I'm still waiting to see Professor Snape's appearance in women's clothing!"

There were bursts of knowing laughter in the classroom.

Neville blushed. After all, he still didn't want all his classmates to wait for him alone, so he took two steps forward.

With a "snap", the Boggart turned into Snape's appearance——

Thin figure, straight and greasy hair, sallow skin, indifferent and unfathomable eyes, big aquiline nose... However, it can be seen from Neville's performance that this time Snape seems to be better than last time. Even more terrifying.

Holding the Potions textbook in his hand, he walked towards Neville step by step, with the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, showing a sneer, as if to say, "Did you have a good time in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Longbottom?"

Neville was trembling with fright, tremblingly pinching his wand for a long time, but he didn't have the courage to lift it up.

"Didn't you finish well in Professor Lupine's class, Mr. Longbottom?" Dracula's voice appeared in Neville's ear, "Imagine something interesting, you just need to force it to become what you think is ridiculous image of."

"Don't Professor Snape's dresses make you happy?"

"But...but, if Professor Snape hears about this class, he will never let me go." Neville stammered.

"Don't worry, if he troubles you because of this matter, then I will definitely trouble him for you." Dracula chuckled, "Don't doubt, I will do what I say."

Neville looked up at Dracula's eyes that seemed to calm people's minds, gradually summoned up a little courage in his heart, and slowly raised his wand.

[The problem of slow update of the new chapter, if you can

"Riddikulus!" he exclaimed, thinking of the clothes his grandmother used to wear.

The image of Snape, transformed from a Boggart, changed immediately. The black robe on his body became a long, lace-embroidered dress, and he wore a tall hat with a An old moth-eaten specimen, dangling a huge red handbag.

"Snape" seemed to be frightened, he staggered back two steps, and retreated to Dracula's side.

Dracula looked at the female "Snape" in front of him with great interest, and gave a "tsk".

"I heard that Professor Lupine suggested that you change the image of Boggart by thinking of your grandma's dress style?" He asked happily.

"Well... if it wasn't for Professor Lupine, I wouldn't have thought of this method myself." Neville said weakly.


His words were still a bit lacklustre, but at least he wasn't as scared as before... Snape in an old lady's attire really couldn't be scary.

"Tsk, it seems that Professor Lupine is not as serious as he appears on the surface." Dracula smiled softly, "It seems that Snape, Lupine and Sirius Black are very familiar, How about asking Snape what he thinks of the fugitive from Azkaban?"

"Professor, professor! Is it my turn?"

Harry's voice interrupted Dracula's thoughts.

Dracula turned his head and saw Harry getting ready to walk up to the Boggart next to the podium.

"Oh? It seems that you have learned to resist the Boggart's spell." He nodded, "Then come here, let me see what level you will use this spell for the first time."

Dracula looked at Harry expectantly, wondering what Dumbledore's chosen savior might be afraid of.

Would Boggart directly conjure Voldemort's big bald head?That would be a lot of fun.

Harry took a deep breath and walked up to "Snape" in women's attire.

"Snape" hesitated after seeing Harry, his body suddenly swelled up...

Under Dracula's interested gaze, the Boggart suddenly conjured up a tattered black cloak.

Just when he thought Voldemort's big bald head was next to be on top of the black cloak, a rotting, glowing hand waddled and slid under the cloak.Then, a long, trembling breath from an invisible mouth...

The thing Harry is most afraid of is not even Voldemort, but dementors!

The dementor transformed into a Boggart slid silently towards Harry, taking a deep breath, so penetrating that it seemed to submerge Harry in icy water...

"Fu...funny, funny..." Harry lost his mind, and spit out the spell of the curse indistinctly.

Obviously, this method of chanting mantras has no effect at all.

All the defense methods conceived in his mind before were useless. Only when he really faced the dementor, did he know how much the most feared thing in his heart could have a huge impact on him.

In Harry's eyes, the entire Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and the Dementor seemed to be melting...

He fell down again in the dense white mist, the woman's voice was louder than ever, and the voice echoed in his mind——

"Don't touch Harry! Don't touch Harry! Please...I promise anything..."

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way, woman in the way!"



Harry came back to reality and found himself lying on his back on the floor.The scene in the classroom returned to normal, Hermione and Ron surrounded him, looking at him worriedly.

"Sorry, professor..." He murmured weakly, sat up from the ground, felt cold sweat dripping down behind his glasses, "Sorry, I didn't complete your task."

"Your situation seems to be a little special." Dracula looked at Harry, who was covered in cold sweat, and said thoughtfully, "Dementors obviously arouse the deepest fear in your heart more than Boggarts, so Boggarts Gert opportunistically turned into a dementor."

He had already grabbed the Boggart and put it back in the original box, with some curiosity in his eyes.

"Can you tell me what kind of scene you saw before you fell into a coma?" Dracula asked.

Harry opened his mouth, his lips trembling, unable to force himself to describe in words what he had seen before.

"It's okay if you can't say it, just get used to it slowly." Dracula waved his hand, "It seems that I'm going to teach you to resist two kinds of dark creatures at the same time, otherwise you won't even pass the Boggart exam."

"Two kinds of creatures..." Harry was stunned for a moment, and then a look of joy appeared on his face.

He suddenly realized that Professor Dracula was not only going to teach him how to fend off Boggarts, but also how to fend off Dementors!

"Okay, review time is over." Dracula casually threw the box containing the Boggart under the desk

In the cabinet next to him, and then walked up to the podium, "Next, let's start our content today——"

"How to Fend off Dementors!"

He thought of the annoying dementors arranged by the Ministry of Magic around Hogwarts, and the dislike and rejection of those dementors by the little wizards, and an extremely interesting picture emerged in his mind——

A group of young wizards raised their wands, and each summoned a Patronus, who confronted the dementors with silver light and drove them far from the castle.

This picture must be spectacular, but also very refreshing.

It's just that the difficulty of achieving it is a bit high.

"Professor, as far as I know, the Patronus Charm is not a magic that we can learn in this grade." Hermione raised her hand high and retorted, "I heard that even adult wizards are rarely able to master it." Use this spell."

"Of course, Miss Granger, there is nothing wrong with your conclusion." Dracula chuckled, "But this kind of thinking...isn't it just for breaking?"

Chapter 210 The Patronus Charm and the Waste Utilization of Dementors

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The little wizards sat under the stage, looking forward to the next new lesson, watching Dracula take out a... trash can?

"Professor, aren't we going to have a class?" One of the little wizards in the audience asked, "You took out a trash can for class?"

Looking at this trash can, the little wizards all felt a little bad.

They always felt that, according to Professor Dracula's previous style, no matter what they took out in the classroom, it would most likely be the teaching equipment for this class.

If they were asked to use the trash can to practice how to resist the dementors... Could it be that we should fight poison with fire, using the rotten smell of garbage in the trash can to fight the rotten breath of the dementors?

The little wizards who had made up their minds shuddered, feeling that this Defense Against the Dark Arts class that they were looking forward to had turned into despair...

"What are you thinking about?" Dracula put the trash can on the desk, and looked at the aggrieved faces of the little wizards with some amusement, "This trash can is just a container. I took it and it was clean, so I didn’t bother to change it.”

He pointed to the trash can on the desk, and lifted the lid, "The things inside are the teaching materials for this class."

As he spoke, Dracula raised the corners of his mouth and snapped his fingers lightly.

The tables and chairs under the stage, together with the little wizards sitting in their respective seats, were pushed to the surroundings of the classroom by an invisible force, forming a circle.

Afterwards, Dracula reached into the trash can with the Untraceable Stretching Curse, pulled out a dementor, placed it in the middle of the classroom, and tied it with a rope emitting silver light. Tie it up to prevent it from running around and affecting students.

As soon as the dementor came out, he felt the joy in the hearts of so many young and lively little wizards around him, and subconsciously let go of the hollow mouth under his hood, ready to suck their happiness away.

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