A dementor who has spent most of his life on a desperate island like Azkaban has never seen such an affluent environment. Taking a casual breath here is equivalent to completely sifting through the emotions of all the prisoners in Azkaban.

However, just when it was about to absorb emotions, a silver hand suddenly appeared on its head, and it slapped it. The powerful patron saint power covered by the hand almost knocked the dementor's head apart. .

"Be honest, it's not time for you to eat yet." Dracula reminded calmly.

The dementor immediately calmed down.

Even though it doesn't have much wisdom, the experience it has experienced in the trash can makes it worse than death...

From time to time, that scary man will use the dementors in the trash can to do an experiment, use his foul Patronus spell to test the reaction of the dementors when they face the Patronus, and analyze the dementors when they are surrounded by the Patronus. Feel the environment, experiment with the effect of multiple dementors fighting against the patron saint...

In order to test specific data, Dracula sometimes amplifies the energy of the Patronus Charm to a very powerful level, and thus accidentally wiped out many dementors.

That's one of the reasons why he expressed his comfort about getting a lot of dementors again.These are all his experimental materials!

The opposite is the dementors.

This group of "prisoners of war" has become completely honest since seeing the first companion was eliminated, and stayed in the small space of the trash can with fear every day, for fear that one day they would choose themselves for experiments, and then disappear...

The Dementor who was picked out today to cooperate with the little wizards in learning the Patronus Charm was originally desperate, but instead of being directly used for experiments after it came out, it came to a place full of joy.

At this time, under Dracula's punishment, the lucky dementor stayed where he was, restrained his mouthparts, and tried not to let out any dark aura that would make his heart chill.

"Let's start teaching." Seeing that the dementor had quieted down, Dracula nodded in satisfaction, and turned his gaze to the little wizards in the classroom.

"Everyone looked at the middle of the classroom. This ugly monster is what I'm going to talk about today. I believe everyone has seen this strange thing once on the train on the way to Hogwarts before school starts."

"Dementors are one of the darkest and most evil creatures in the entire wizarding world. They tend to haunt the darkest and dirtiest places in groups, living in corrupt and hopeless environments, turning the air around them Peace, hope, and joy sucked dry."

"In order to save costs, the Ministry of Magic hired this creature as a guard in Azkaban Prison, believing that no prisoner could escape from the siege of dementors."

Having said that, Dracula sneered.

"Speaking of which, the record that no one escaped from Azkaban was broken not long ago. It seems that the dementors are not as omnipotent as the wizards imagined."

The little wizards subconsciously glanced at Harry.

They more or less knew that the reason why one of the most evil Death Eaters in the legend had escaped was to kill the Boy Who Lived for You-Know-Who.

"Although the Ministry of Magic regards this kind of thing as its own employees, and even the current Minister is willing to come to Hogwarts to beg for these free labors." Dracula smiled mockingly, "But, I don't Don't think they're really as harmless as regular Ministry employees."

"Presumably most of the students here have already experienced that dementors can suck the happiness of human beings, affect people's minds, and more seriously cause symptoms such as fainting and even mental disorders..."

"In fact, what you experience is at best a side effect of facing the dementors, and it can't reach the impact of the dementors' attacks at all."

[The problem of slow update of the new chapter, if you can

"Under the attack of a dementor, a wizard will often feel that the surrounding light is being absorbed, and he will gradually fall into darkness. Courage and hope will then fade, and nothingness will gradually occupy his heart. If he cannot be rescued in time, his soul will eventually be absorbed—"

"The way dementors absorb souls is called: "Dementor's Kiss". For its power and effect, you can refer to the Death Curse I explained to you at the Dueling Club last semester."

While explaining the content about the dementor, Dracula walked to the side of the dementor that was obediently staying in the center of the classroom.

"This is a rare opportunity. I can show you how the Dementors perform the "Dementor Kiss"... The old rule, first find an experimental subject who is brave enough to contribute to our teaching career."

He snapped his fingers, summoned a mouse from the depths of the castle dungeon, and held the mouse's tail in front of the dementor's hood.

Then, Dracula took off the hood on the dementor's head.

It was an ugly, hideous face, where where there should have been eyes there was only a thin crust of gray skin covering the empty eye sockets monotonously.

A vortex that seems to be composed of gas and liquid is located on the lower half of the face. The vortex is like a big mouth that wants to choose someone to eat, and there is a kind of heart-shattering power faintly.

"Come on, I have prepared a food for you, let's show everyone your "Dementor's Kiss"!"

Dracula dangled the mouse by the "mouth" of the dementor, and said enthusiastically.

Dementor: "?"

He feeds on happy emotions, what happiness can a mouse have?ugly refusal!

"Oh? It seems that you are not hungry yet, and you are still picky eaters." Dracula smiled gently, and said softly, "That's fine, I won't force you."

His "mild" smile seemed to have no warmth, which caused the little wizards in the classroom to shudder.

"This dementor is useless, let's replace it with one that is willing to cooperate." Dracula said gently, "Anyway, there are still more stocks in the trash can!"

The silver rope wrapped around the dementor's body to restrict its movement suddenly changed its shape, as if turning into a burning silver flame, burning from the position close to the dementor's skin.

The dementor suddenly felt a pain from the depths of his soul, and the old and dirty cloak on his body gradually faded to ashes, revealing thin, scabbed gray skin.

Soon, the skin also turned into powder, and there was nothing inside it!

The dementor struggled violently, making "creak creak" noises like a throat cry before death.

Strange sound, constantly conveying the emotion of repentance to Dracula.

However, Dracula didn't intend to ignore it, but waved his hand, speeding up the death process of the dementor, completely annihilating its body in the middle of the classroom.

"Tsk, I really couldn't hold back." Dracula looked at the middle of the empty classroom and shrugged helplessly, "Well... Occasionally kill one or two dementors, and Andros should not Too big of a problem, right?"

Then, he fished another Dementor out of the trash can.

This dementor had already sensed the horrors of its kind before its death, and almost hurriedly restrained its intimidating aura, and consciously flew to the center of the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, lifted its hood and approached the dementor. In front of the mouse held by Dracula.

It was the same as the previous one, with no eyes, only a layer of gray skin covering the empty eye sockets, and a large shapeless hole in its mouth, sucking the air in front of it with a creepy "creaking" sound.

The mouse had no room to resist at all, and kicked its four legs feebly. The new dementor sucked out a gray spot of light from its mouth, and sucked it into the shapeless hole.

Then, the mouse's eyes lost their expression, and the whole body drooped.

Although the expression on the dementor's face cannot be distinguished by the little wizards, it can also be seen from its actions that the mouse's soul is obviously not delicious.

It covered its mouth with its dry palm, and let out a panting sound, as if a Muggle gourmet connoisseur tasted a big mouthful of nine-turn large intestine...

"It was a wonderful demonstration, did you see it clearly?" Dracula smiled with satisfaction, and said to the little wizards.

"Dementors are fully capable of killing wizards. Don't think that dementors are no threat to you just because you don't have any painful experiences and won't have violent reactions like Potter!"

Looking at the Shushu who was thrown on the ground by Dracula, with no signs of life all over his body, the confident little wizards all nodded eagerly, and hurriedly wrote this down in their notebooks .

"Professor, how do we deal with dementors?" Harry raised his hand and asked impatiently.

As a young wizard deeply influenced by dementors, he was very worried that dementors would suddenly appear in the next Quidditch match.

If they can learn to deal with dementors, then the Gryffindor team might still have a chance to win this year's Quidditch Cup!

"Well, I'll talk about this next." Dracula nodded lightly, "Miss Granger mentioned in the previous question that a spell is needed to resist dementors—the Patronus Charm!"

"There is a saying in the wizarding world that dementors cannot be killed or harmed by any magic, and only the Patronus spell can expel them."

"But... Professor, didn't you just exterminate a dementor?" A little wizard asked curiously.

"That's right, that's why I said that's just a saying in the magic world." Dracula nodded with a smile, "But for ordinary wizards, being able to use the Patronus Charm itself is a very difficult thing, not to mention Not to mention changing the form of the Patronus Charm to add extra lethality to this spell."

"So, in a sense, that statement can't be wrong either."

"Then how does this magic work?" Harry asked nervously, sitting in his seat.

"When the Patronus Charm is used correctly, it summons a Patronus," Dracula said. "A Patronus is something that protects against Dementors—a sort of guardian, between you and the Dementors." Acts as a shield."

"The patron saint is a positive force, and what it advocates is the food of the dementors - hope, happiness, the desire to live, and it cannot feel despair like a real person, so the dementors cannot harm it."

"Miss Granger is right, this spell may be too advanced for you young people. After all, many senior wizards find it difficult to use this spell."

"But my method of using the Patronus Charm is a little different from others, and it may help you learn the method faster." Dracula continued, "Of course, whether you can learn it or not depends on your understanding. I don't know how to use it." Let those guys who don't study hard slow down the progress!"

"What does the patron saint look like?" A little wizard asked, "Will you summon a god to help us drive away the dementors? If I had to choose, I must summon the beautiful Aphrodite."

As he said that, red hearts began to appear in the eyes of the little wizard.

"You'd better really want to use the Patronus to drive away the dementors..." Dracula gave him a disgusted look, "Actually, each Patronus looks different, and it has something to do with the wizard who summoned it— —”

"But! A human-shaped patron saint will not be summoned. Everyone's patron saint is an animal! So, if you have any bad ideas, don't daydream there."

"Oh..." It could be seen that many little wizards were not so excited.

"Okay, don't think about what's there, we're still in class." Dracula shook his head with a smile, "When using the Patronus Charm, you must concentrate and try your best to recall a certain happy event , is likely to work.”

"For example, when you saw Professor Snape in women's clothing just now, didn't everyone laugh happily? Some students who really can't think of any happy times can summon Professor Snape in women's clothing while thinking of Patronus."

"The spell goes like this—" Dracula raised his wand.

"Call God to protect (Expe)."

Chapter 210 Harry Who Missed Hogsmeade

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Dracula finds himself overestimating the magical talents of the little wizards.

Weeks passed, and no one was able to learn the Patronus Charm, and most of the better students could only puff out some silvery gas from their wands.

Only Cedric and a few outstanding sixth and seventh graders learned a little fur and could summon the phantom of the silver patron saint, but they still couldn't tell what kind of animal form their patron saint was.

Not only that, but most of the students who can superficially cast the silver gas of the Patronus can only do so when they are fully concentrated.

When Dracula ordered the dementor to let go of the dark and cold aura on his body, it was difficult for the students to concentrate completely, unable to concentrate on recalling the happy memories of the past, replaced by sad and sad negative emotions constantly hitting them mind.

Therefore, when facing dementors, students who can use the Patronus Charm superficially should at least make half of it.


"Professor, I would like to ask you to point out my Patronus Charm again!"

As Halloween approached, Harry seemed dissatisfied with his progress in learning the Patronus Charm, so he came to Dracula's office alone.

Dracula was shaking the wine glass in his hand, and through the reflection of the bright red wine in the glass, he could see the tangled and hesitant expression on Harry's face.

"Your study progress is pretty good among the third graders. What's not to like?" He took a sip of red wine and asked calmly.

"I can only use this magic when there is no pressure from the dementors..." Harry lowered his head in frustration, "Whenever the dementors let go of their breath, I will immediately become the bottom of the whole grade s student."

In fact, Harry is also one of those little wizards who can cast the silver gas of the Patronus Charm.

For little wizards in the third grade, their magic power has not yet fully developed, and many advanced magics are difficult to use successfully, so there are very few little wizards in the whole grade who can cast silver gas.

The Patronus Charm taught by Dracula was an early version learned from the invincible Andros. After Dracula's own improvement, these junior wizards have greater possibilities to cast it.

Even so, when the dementor didn't let go of his breath, Harry's progress was somewhat beyond Dracula's expectations.

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